Breaking Her

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Breaking Her Page 6

by Natalie Graham


  I can’t describe the noise that awoke me during the night, it was so unlike anything that I’d ever heard before in my life. It was a cry of utter terror, the stuff of nightmares– real nightmares.

  “Robbie, no!” Olivia screamed. “Stop it! Let me go! I don’t like it! Get off me! Get off me!”

  Grabbing my gun from the bedside table I ran for her room. I didn’t even think about kicking her door through, if someone was in there it would surprise them enough to make them stop whatever they were doing.

  Olivia bolted upright in bed as I scanned the room, my arms out with my finger on the trigger.

  “Olivia?” What the…?

  “Riley?” She gasped. “What the fuck are you doing? Shit! Can you stop pointing that thing at me?” I looked at my gun, around the room then back to her. She sniffed a couple of times, wiping her eyes before looking back up at me. She was having a nightmare. About Robbie… Robert Mason– her uncle. Fuck! Lowering my gun and flicking the safety on, I started walking towards her. My heart was racing and it wasn’t because I thought I was just about to kill someone. My heart-rate stayed relatively normal during a fight as I’d learned to centre myself. It was because of her.

  I grabbed one of her pillows and placed it against the headboard; I sat myself beside her on top of the duvet.

  “What are you doing?” Olivia asked, panicked.

  “You scared the shit out of me! I thought someone was in here.” She snapped before telling me that she sometimes has nightmares, breaking into tears again. I wished that I could take those away from her. Having nightmares was one thing, but reliving something traumatic every time you closed your eyes was another. It could be soul destroying if you let it.

  I grabbed her a couple of tissues from the bathroom then climbed into bed beside her rather than on top of it. “Riley?”

  “Shut up a minute.” I pulled her towards me under my arm as she continued to cry. I stroked my hand down her hair as I held her, the soft waves slipping against the silk of the sorry excuse for pyjamas that she wore. I could feel the tension running through her body as she tried to control the sobs. “It’s ok you know. I know how you feel.”

  “You do?” She asked looking up at me.

  “I don’t understand fully, your nightmares are different to mine, but I still have them.” Why did I tell her that? Sharing the fact that I had nightmares was never something I’d done– ever. Not even as a child.

  “Oh? What about?” I let out a long breath as I thought over what I could tell her without giving away too much. “Sorry, that was way too personal, you don’t have to say.” I found that I wanted to though, I wanted to share everything about me with her.

  I started telling her all about how when I was just a wee boy that we’d moved to England so that my dad could be closer to a case that he was working on. It was a stupid move though, he was too close. I could only hope that Cameron wouldn’t make the same mistakes as him in his quest to be exactly like him. I told Olivia about how one Saturday, dad had promised Cam and I a boy’s day where we’d spend it at the football then go for burgers and apple pie afterwards at our favourite café. We were cornered by five men carrying knives and guns; he didn’t have a hope in hell. One held onto Cameron as another held me. Both of us were gripped across our chests with the guys to our backs holding our faces towards the brutality that was inflicted on our father.

  Cameron screamed and shouted for anyone to help, but no one came. The louder he yelled, the more agitated the guys attacking, became. The one holding me pulled a knife from his pocket and held it over my face. He threatened to cut me to pieces if he never got a hold on himself. The knife pressed into my skin, I remembered the pain of it like it was just yesterday, but I didn’t cry. Not even a single tear. No one was coming to help us. Crying was useless. All I could do was wish that Cam would shut up too.

  “Oh Riley, I’m so sorry.” Taking me by surprise she turned into me, wrapping an arm over my stomach. I froze, relaxing only when she spoke again. “Is that why you do this job? To protect people?” Ha! What a big fucking joke that was! It was the reason why I loved what I did. Now I wasn’t so sure. She pressed her cheek to my shoulder, burrowing under my chin. I hoped that she couldn’t hear my heart pounding through my chest or notice the erection that was now straining against my boxers. Why was I only in boxers? Oh, nightmare– right. What did she say? My job…

  “I guess… Can’t say I wish I picked another career right now.” I tightened my hold on her as I laughed. Right now I couldn’t imagine doing any other job that meant I couldn’t be close to her.

  “Your hair is so soft and beautiful.” I told her as I began stroking down her hair some more. I could feel her relaxing against me, her breathing evened out. “It makes me think of chocolate waterfalls.” The disorderly waves seemed to call out to me, begging to be wrapped around my fingers. Olivia’s arm slipped from my stomach the tiniest bit then crashed right down onto my hard-on.

  “Ow! Fuck!” I felt like I was going to be sick. Oh God, I can’t be sick! My eyes felt like they were rolling in the back of my head as I tried to suck in a deep breath. I reached down, readjusting myself to a position where it wouldn’t hurt so badly if it happened again. Olivia relaxed into my side again. “You better not be falling asleep on me!” I teased her.

  “I’m sorry.” I thought she’d finally fallen asleep when she began talking again. “I can’t help it! You’re too comfy and nice and cool.” Ha, cold of skin, cold of heart. Her breathing eased onto my neck again as she snuggled in once more.

  I closed my eyes and rested my head back against the headboard. I should have slipped out of the bed and gone back to my own room but I couldn’t. I didn’t want to leave her there all on her own. I wanted her safe in my arms. I knew Austin wasn’t coming home any time soon and she had nowhere to be in the morning… It was perfect.


  A light tickling sensation on my side pulled me from being almost blissfully asleep. I whipped my head up to see Olivia still tucked into my side, her fingers lightly tracing circles on my waist.

  “Liv, stop it.” I tried not to squirm. “Olivia?”

  “Hmm?” I could see her trying to hide the smile on her lips, but it wasn’t working.

  “Stop it. It tickles. I don’t like being tickled.”

  “Huh?” She yawned and wriggled against me, getting comfy again. When I thought she’d finally fell back to sleep I felt her ticklish touch on my skin again causing me to groan deep in my throat. I pushed my nose to the top of her head and held onto her tightly.

  “You have five seconds to stop that.” I thought she was never going to stop as I counted down from five for her. She let me get as far as two before stopping. “Good girl.” I breathed my relief into her hair, but I didn’t doubt for a minute that she wasn’t asleep. I knew she was waiting to do it again and I was ready for payback. There it was.

  Springing free from under her I pulled her down the bed be her legs and pinned her wrists with one of mine like I had shortly after we’d arrived here. “I warned you!” With my free hand I found her ribs and began tickling her. She writhed and screamed, begging for me to stop but I couldn’t. She bucked against me, pleading again and again.

  Her back arched from the bed, still trying to get away from me. “Oh Riley, please!” Her words sounded so far away from what she was actually begging for; they made me still, instantly, my eyes locking with hers. Rapid breathes pushed her breasts into my chest, her nipples hard and waiting for me beneath the silk fabric of her flimsy top. My dick pulsed beneath my boxers.

  I let go of the hold I had of her legs, slipping between them to get closer to her core. Hard and ready, I pushed against her warmth. Her thighs slowly parted further as her feet made their way up my calves and the backs of my thighs to my arse. I rocked against her again as she pulled me in with her feet. Soft moans escaped her as I rocked against her again while her hands travelled up the length of my arms up to my neck. S
he began pulling me down to her as I rocked against her one more time.

  Olivia moistened her lips slightly with a little flick of her tongue, ready to receive the press of mine. I was ready for her too… so ready, but this was wrong. All wrong. I shouldn’t have been doing that, I shouldn’t have gotten so close to her again. How many times would I ask myself the question of ‘what the fuck was I doing?’ around her?

  I pulled back and jumped from the bed. “Riley?”

  “Fuck! I- We can’t, Olivia… I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry!”

  “Riley, wait!” Grabbing my gun from the bedside table I all but ran from the room slamming her door, then mine, behind me. The soft thuds of her pounding on the other side infuriated me. She was so small, she needed taking care of, not to be used like a sex toy by someone like me or a personal cash cow for Frank and Julie. “Connor, open the door. Please. I need to talk to you.” She said softly through the wooden panel of the door.

  “Go to sleep, Miss Stevens!”

  “Connor.” I winced and ignored her as I started to pace up and down the floor. I was doing a lot of that lately. “Connor Riley! You are the most fucking infuriating man I’ve ever met!” She screamed. Another soft thud hit my door followed by her yelling and screaming again but this time it sounded like she was in pain.

  I swallowed my rage and followed the sound of her curses to the sofa in the lounge. “Are you ok?” She filled a cloth with ice and held it to her battered toes. Kneeling down in front of her, I tried to take the ice away to get a look at it. “Come on, let me see if it’s broken.” She was glaring at me as if her injuring herself was all of my fault. It probably was.

  She winced as she removed the ice, revealing two very red toes. Taking her foot gently in my hand I began pressing the different bones lightly in her foot. If I was going to touch the ones that could be broken, I had to be fast but gentle. She yelled, balling her fists up like she was ready to punch something– probably me. I couldn’t feel anything that was out of place, so I grabbed the first aid kit from the kitchen and taped her toes together.

  “You made me chip my nail polish!” I looked down to see the tiny spec of dark red missing from the edge of her toe-nail and laughed, earning myself a kick from her other foot.

  “Hey! I never made you kick my door in.”

  “No, I never kicked your door in; you are the expert at that! I can’t close my door because of you. Have you never heard of a handle?” I raised a brow at her in annoyance.

  “Well excuse me for not thinking of the poor, wee handle when I thought someone was in there trying to attack you!” She looked at me with shock. My words seeped through my thick skull. “I’m sorry; I promise I’ll have someone to look at it in the morning. You should probably keep your weight off that for the day if you can.” I ran my fingers up the length of her foot to her ankle and pulled away wishing that I hadn’t touched her again. “You’re all done.”


  After putting the first aid box back in the kitchen, I couldn’t get out of there fast enough. Changing into a pair of jogging bottoms the only place that I could go to escape from her was in the gym.

  Midway through a punch the sound of a guitar being strummed gently broke through my sex-deprived and rage filled haze. Of course I had to walk towards it to listen clearly.

  Olivia was singing the Ed Sheeran song, Kiss Me and I would have been a moron if I couldn’t figure out why she’d picked that song.

  I couldn’t kiss her though; no matter how much my body protested I knew that it was all kinds of wrong, on so many levels that it was unreal.

  She sat with her eyes closed as she sang, immersed in the music; her head tipped slightly to the left with her hair behind her shoulders revealing her slender neck. My lips tingled with the need to plant those kisses that she was begging for up the soft exposed skin beneath her ear.

  Her eyes opened slowly, noticing me only when I shifted my weight from one foot to the other. She froze, her fingers hovering over the strings as she chewed nervously on her bottom lip, embarrassed at being caught singing that song. Knowing that it was for me made my dick hard again. Well, it would have if it had ever actually gone away in the first place.

  “Don’t stop, you’re good.” I smiled at her. A blush crept over her cheeks as she lowered her head; her fingers gently traced the edge of the body of the guitar.

  “Sorry, did I keep you awake?” She asked in a whisper.

  “No, I was in the gym ... I didn’t know you played.”

  “Austin taught me a few years ago. Sorry for disturbing your workout.” I should have apologised to her for disrupting her playing, not the other way around. Taking a hold of the neck, she went to move the guitar away but I couldn’t stand for her to put it down just yet. She looked so beautiful- peaceful when she played.

  “Don’t be, play something else.” I smiled at her.

  She kept her eyes open and on me for only a few chords before closing them and lowering her head, I didn’t understand. Maybe she only liked to play and sing for Austin.

  “I’m going for a shower.” She declared once she’d finished her rendition of Titanium.

  Standing awkwardly on her foot she winced, quickly collecting herself to mask the pain shooting through her toes.

  “Here, let me help.” I offered, scooping her up into my arms. I laughed as she screamed at my unexpected swoop. With her arms clinging on to my neck for dear life, I didn’t want to put her down.

  Reaching her room, my arms wouldn’t let go, I could not put her down. I had to walk her right into the shower hoping that my body would work enough to set her down and walk away again. Walk away, Riley. I told myself.

  “Thanks, Riley” she whispered into my ear, my head whipped around to face her.

  Rose petal soft lips crashed into mine and any thoughts of putting Olivia down and walking away left me. All thoughts left me. I was completely blind to anything but the feel of her lips on mine.

  She pulled away quickly and I could feel the pout about to register on my lips at being deprived of hers. She attempted an apology but I quickly cut her off by sealing her lips with mine again. Something in the back of my mind tried to make me stop and realise that what I was doing was wrong but all logic had left the building. All that my brain could register was the fact that I was kissing Olivia and I wasn’t stopping for anything.

  I don’t know how she ended up pressed against the wall with her legs locked in a death grip around my waist, but I was thankful to have my hands free to roam over her body.

  She moaned into my mouth as our tongues danced furiously. Slow the fuck down, you idiot! Gasping, I kissed my way down the column of her throat then up to beneath her ear. Her body undulated against mine on a sigh.

  “So wrong... So wrong.”

  The hold that her legs had on my waist slipped as they spread wider, accommodating me between them. Olivia rocked herself against my thigh, her hips doing all of the work as she pinned her head and shoulders to the cool tile of the shower.

  “It’s not... It’s not! Don’t stop... Please Connor, don’t stop!”

  I had to. “Cant... We shouldn’t” I mumbled into her neck as I settled her back down on her feet but my body was in the middle of a physical act of rebellion. Pulling back I found her eyes pleading with me to carry on; her fingers lingered on my neck. Lifting her hands above her head, I pinned them to the wall before removing her top. Fuck-ing-hell. My hands started shaking. Nervously I reached forward placing my hands on the flat of her stomach; my thumbs brushing the underside of the most perfect pair of tits that I’d ever laid eyes on. I needed them in my hands, in my mouth, anywhere as long as I was touching them. I needed her lips back on mine like I needed air to breathe, I felt like I was suffocating without them.

  Fuck this.

  Gripping her silk covered rear, I picked her up and tried to carry her into the bedroom but all I wanted to do was to drop to the floor and have her right there. So I did.

  I set
tled between her thighs again and resumed kissing my way over her neck. Olivia’s soft hands roamed over my body, shivers breaking free as she dragged her nails over my back, down to the waistband of my pants. Pushing her hands beneath the material of my boxers, both were pushed down together, cold air hitting my arse mixed with her grip sent me surging forwards, my erection hitting her in what I hoped was a thoroughly wet pussy. Fuck. I needed to see all of her.

  I savoured every second that I got to stare at Olivia, but I knew I’d marvelled for too long when her hips rose, making it easy for me to slide her barely there shorts down her legs.

  If I had the mind to, I probably could have cried at the sight of her laid open for me; the slit at the apex of her thighs glistening, for me. Oh. My. God.

  “What?” She asked quietly. Shit, did I say that out loud?

  My hands were still shaking. I couldn’t undo the fucking knot that I’d tied in the string of my pants. No, not now! Not now! -Finally! I whipped my pants and boxers down to be met with a ‘holy shit’.

  “Is that thing real?” She slapped both of her hands over her mouth, with her eyes wide. I grinned down at her as I positioned myself between her legs.

  “Every inch.” I was ready to just slip my length inside of her, but I needed more of her on my tongue first starting with the two hardened buds waiting for me on her chest.

  I was so hard - painfully so. When I finally got to drag my tongue over her wetness and dip two fingers inside of her, watching her writhe against me, I almost came right there.

  “Kiss me.” She pleaded and I was more than happy to oblige. No woman ever tasted like honey or fucking peaches unless they’d rolled in them, but she was so God damned sweet it was unreal.

  I wasn’t a Dom by any stretch of the word, but those guys knew a few handy tricks - orgasm denial being one of them. Olivia tightened and bucked underneath me repeatedly until she was screaming for me to let her come. It was payback for the death grip that she had on my hair; her other hand tightened against my own as she started to fall.


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