Breaking Her

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Breaking Her Page 8

by Natalie Graham

  With her legs parted before me and her panties pulled to her mid-thigh, I positioned myself at her hip. My left hand working on her clit as two fingers from my right hand easily slipped inside of her from behind. Her head fell backwards on a moan giving me access to her neck and ear. “Do you like that? You’re so wet.” I whispered into her ear. “You drive me crazy, Olivia. I want you. I want to be buried so deep inside of you, that I touch your soul.” She gripped the edge of the countertop, her knees giving way slightly. “Stay with me, Baby Doll. Stay right with me.”

  “I want- you, Riley.” She gasped.

  “I want you too, baby.” I pushed my hard-on into her hip. “I’m so hard.” Her pussy clenched around my fingers as I continued to push them deep inside of her. “You make me so hard, I can’t think straight.”

  “Oh, God… Riley…”

  “Come for me, Liv. Come on, come for me.”

  She tried to hide the smile on her face as I licked her juices from my fingers. “Mmm… Dessert is ready.”

  “You are disgusting.” She laughed, shaking her hair forward to hide from me. “And dessert is for after dinner.”

  The ring of the doorbell managed to kill the hard-on in my trousers, and the smile on both of our faces when Olivia’s mother dragged Jamie into the apartment. Oh fucking hell.

  Olivia finished preparing dinner, although I’m not sure how as she spent most of the time glaring across the room. If looks could kill, Jamie would be dead and buried already. I decided to stay close to her while she was surrounded by so many sharp objects that could be turned into projectiles in a matter of seconds.

  With only Jamie facing us I decided to have a little fun, knowing that he was watching her. Being in the kitchen provided the perfect cover for being able to run my hands over her whenever I wanted. Leaning down I pulled her hair back over her shoulder freeing her ear and neck for me.

  “This is killing me. Hurry up and finish cooking so that we can get rid of everyone and I can carry you back to bed.”

  “Shhh!” Olivia looked up from the tomato that she was dicing. “My parents are here.” She smiled.

  “What? No one can hear me. I sure as hell want to hear you again though.” She laughed, her head dipping down to hide the blush covering her cheeks. Jamie looked up at her from his seat on the sofa, just as I planted a kiss on the back of her head. “I want to feel how wet you are right now. With my fingers, then my tongue… I want to feel how wet you are as I slide my cock inside of you.” Olivia tried to suppress a moan as she pressed her thighs together. “I want to hear you whispering my name as you come.”

  “Stop it.” She breathed.

  “I can’t. You have no idea how much I want to fuck you right now.”

  “Oh, I think I do.” Olivia dropped the knife that she was holding and reached behind her, landing her hand right on my dick and squeezed. Jamie cleared his throat, bringing Liv’s attention back to him. She immediately dropped her playful attitude, resuming making dinner. Eating said dinner was awkward as fuck.

  Austin had arrived home and could smell the tension in the air as soon as he’d opened the door. Logan had been called in, just in case the shit hit the fan.

  Olivia sat herself at the far end of the table ignoring everything and everyone around her; she scraped her fork back and forth over her plate not eating a single thing. Suzie and John, Olivia’s parents, spoke happily away with Jamie, while Logan and I shifted our gaze around the table waiting for the bomb to drop. The doorbell ringing, was that bomb.

  Logan walked to the dining table balancing a giant bouquet of red roses stating that they were a delivery for Olivia. Jesus fucking Christ! Over compensating for something, Matthews?

  Suzie was the first to speak, the cogs turning behind her eyes as she connected the dots between Jamie and Olivia. “Is there something we should know?”

  “Not any more, no.” Olivia said quietly.

  “Olivia.” Jamie called her, his voice full of warning which sent her over the edge with rage. She spilled every detail and every feeling she had in front of everyone.

  “You hurt me, Jamie and I’m sick of trying to pretend that I don’t care because I do … You broke your promise to me. You broke me and I’m sick of pretending like I’m not hurting because it hurts like fucking crazy and I hate you for it.” She was… pretending? She’d been happy when we were alone. Was that real? Was any of it real?

  The sound of her chair falling backwards and hitting the floor brought my attention back to the table while Olivia ran down the hall crying.

  “Olivia, wait!” Jamie shouted after her, rising from the table.

  “You stay where you are.” John’s death grip on his knife made me shudder. “You… and her… this whole time?”

  “You don’t understand, I–”

  “Oh I understand perfectly. You’ve been sneaking around with my daughter behind my back. I ate breakfast with you after you’d spent the night with her. She lied to me.” John looked towards his brother. “You! You knew about this didn’t you? She tells you everything!”

  “John, I only just found–”

  “And you didn’t tell me?”

  “I was going–”

  “Save it! You should have told me. She’s my daughter! You should have–” The sound of heavy metal hammered its way through Olivia’s bedroom door interrupting John’s rant at Austin. Everyone turned towards the sound at the same time.

  “Exactly! She’s your daughter! Ask yourself why she comes to me with everything.”

  Jamie stood again. “Didn’t I tell you to stay where the fuck you are?” John launched himself at Jamie. “You fuck my daughter behind my back and then you go behind her back and break her fucking heart?” His fist connected with Jamie’s jaw with a punch that even I wouldn’t have seen coming. I wanted to watch Jamie get his arse handed to him but I couldn’t sit back when Logan jumped up from his chair to pull John back.

  “John, no!” Suzie ran to attend to Jamie checking over this face, pulling him towards the kitchen for ice while Logan and I held John back.

  “Let. me. go.” John seethed.

  “You need to walk it off big guy.” Logan told him.


  When the dust had finally settled, Jamie had gone home and John, Suzie and Austin were quietly talking on the sofa, I decided to check in on Olivia. In This Moment blared through the door so it was pointless knocking.

  Pushing Olivia’s door open I was met with chaos. Her room was unrecognisable – completely destroyed. The only thing still standing was the dresser with her iPhone docked which I switched off. The sound of running water from the bathroom caught my attention, the door was open with steam billowing outwards.

  “Liv?” I called out as I walked towards the doorway. “Olivia?” Again I was met with chaos as I entered the bathroom. Bottles and towels were scattered on the floor with a million pieces of shattered mirror. And blood. A fuck load of blood.

  Olivia was slumped down in the corner of the shower, a hand loosely pressed to a towel on her arm. Her eyes were an open, empty stare looking straight at me but not seeing me at all. “Olivia!” I rushed towards her. She had a pulse, but only just.

  “John! JOHN!” I shouted. “Oh God, Liv! Baby, wake up! Please, wake up. Someone call an ambulance! John!” John and Austin rushed through the bathroom door at the same time.

  “What– Oh God! Olivia!” John cried as he fell to his knees beside us. “Is she breathing?”

  “I– I don’t know? She has a pulse, it’s weak.” John examined her, checking her pulse for himself then her breathing. He turned her arms over inspecting the numerous cuts.

  “There’s too much glass, I can’t see! Call an ambulance! Austin! Call a fucking ambulance!”

  Austin collapsed down to the floor, his face white with tears falling down his cheeks. “Not again. Not again. Liv?”

  Suzie stood in the doorway, her phone pinned to her ear as she told John that the ambulance was on its way, five minu
tes was too far away.

  “She doesn’t have five minutes, Suzie!”

  “You’re a doctor! Do something!” I yelled.

  “I– I– Fuck!” He started looking around the bathroom for something. “Turn that fucking shower off!” He grabbed towels and began shredding them into small pieces, pulling the smaller pieces of glass from her arm, padding the wound and tying it on by wrapping thin strips around it. The deeper looking ones he tried to apply pressure to. “I can’t get these out, they are too close to the artery and her pressure is low enough without making her bleed out further!”

  “Come on, Liv, wake up! Wake up!” I urged her as I stroked her soaking hair, my fingers coming away bloodied from the side of her head where a lump had formed. “I think she’s hit her head!” John pushed my hand away, inspecting the bump while Suzie was dealing with her legs.

  “John! Her feet too!”

  “What were you thinking? You stupid girl!” Suzie cried.

  “Austin! Go open the door for the paramedics! Call down to the desk to get them up quickly!” No response – he was still collapsed into a heap on the floor, muttering to himself. “AUSTIN! Get the fuck up to the doors!” He rose to his feet slowly. Another sob wracked his chest and he stumbled backwards. It felt like two hours later when the paramedics finally came through the door.

  John and the medics started talking medical garbage that I couldn’t decipher.

  “She needs blood now, we need to move her… On three… One… Two… Three.”

  John and Suzie went in the ambulance with her, I called Logan to take Austin then once I had changed I raced to my car and to the hospital.

  None of this was supposed to happen! This job was supposed to be easy! I wasn’t supposed to fall for her. How can you fall for someone so quickly? It doesn’t make sense. Uncle Frank warned me she’d be a pretty girl and would get under my skin, but no one gets under my skin, never! I fuck girls and that’s it.

  “I’ll be fine! She’s just a kid.” I’d told him. Why did he have to be right?


  I got to the emergency department and tried to find out where Olivia was. As I wasn’t her family it took forever to find someone who could tell me anything. Eventually I found a nurse who had personally worked on her, although she couldn’t tell me anything she directed me to the emergency surgery suite where her parents and Austin were pacing outside.

  “Any news?”

  “Nothing, not a damn thing! What’s taking so long?” John said punching a poster on the wall then going back to pacing.

  “John, calm down!”

  “Why won’t they let me in? I’m in that room every fucking day and they won’t let me in!”

  “Honey, you know why. Please, just sit.” Suzie tried to calm him.

  “Can I bring anyone a coffee or anything?” I offered.

  A collective ‘no thanks’ was given. I sat down leaning my elbows on my knees as I watched them walk back and forth in front of me. Forty-five minutes later a nurse came out to us, Suzie ran over to her.

  “Oh, Victoria! How is she? Please say she’s ok, please say she’s ok.”

  “She’s doing as well as expected. We had to replace her entire blood volume and then some, but Colin managed to stop the bleeding quickly, her blood pressure has stabilised.” Everyone sighed in relief. “We found that nasty bump on her head so we’ll keep her sedated to do some scans and check for any swelling. They are just cleaning her up now and she should be heading to be scanned shortly. I’ll come and find you myself when we know any more.”

  “Thanks, Victoria, for looking after my baby girl.” John hugged her.

  “It’s what I’m here for, now get off so I can get back to her.” John nodded as she retreated back into the OR.

  “Do you think she did it on purpose?” Austin asked warily, keeping his gaze on the floor.

  “I hope not, but we won’t know until she wakes up.” John looked at him through narrowed eyes. “It’s all his fault. I’ll kill him when I get my hands on him. I’ll wring his fucking neck.” John said as he stretched out his fingers before cracking his knuckles.

  “Not if I get to him first.” Austin said.

  We sat for another thirty minutes in silence, pacing, knee jerking, nail biting, huffing and sighing. The nurse, Victoria came back out to inform us that Olivia would be coming out in a few minutes but she was unconscious, we’d be able to see her for two minutes and then they would take her for a head CT to check for swelling.

  Nurses wheeled her out and stopped for her family; she looked so tiny laying there so still. Her arms laid flat by her side bandaged up, her beautiful, curly hair twisted into a bun with a bandage wrapped around her head. There were tubes everywhere. She had been intubated to help her breathe, IV’s giving her fluids, antibiotics and medication for the pain that she must be in. I wanted to run over and pick her up, hold her close to me and tell her that everything was ok. I wanted to shake her and ask her why she did this. I wanted her to come back to me.

  All I could do was stand aside and watch her family cry and will her to be ok.

  “We need to take her up for a CT now. We’ll be taking her to ICU when we are done until we know where we stand.”

  “How long will it take?” Austin asked.

  “We’ll be as quick as we can, maybe 30-45 minutes. Results are on priority, the radiographers there have been told who they are for so they are ready and waiting, we had better go.”

  John thanked his friend Colin and his team for looking after Olivia, before pulling Suzie under his arm to comfort her as she cried. “Hey, you saw her, her vitals look good.”

  I followed behind the three of them to the next waiting room feeling like a spare part. I didn’t know what to say to any of them as we waited for the CT results. I stared at my watch as the seconds ticked by. Every minute seemed to pass slower than the last one. A hand patting my back startled me.

  “Riley, you don’t have to stay you know.” Austin said to me.

  “I’d like to though, if that’s ok?”

  “Sure thing.” He looked like he wanted to say something else to me but didn’t.

  Precisely two thousand, one hundred and sixty seconds, or thirty-six minutes later, they brought her through.

  “Just give us a few minutes to set her up then you can come in.” Victoria said.

  Standing at the window I watched them arrange her bed for her. They had changed her gown for a new one and tucked her into the blankets, she looked just like she was sleeping – so peaceful, beautiful. Well, it would be if it wasn’t for the push and pull of the machine breathing for her, the beep, beep, beep of her heart monitor and the drip of the fluids being pushed into her. Colin brushed his hand lightly over her head, leaned down and planted a kiss on her bandage, as did Victoria.

  “Colin, how’s she doing?” John asked as he picked up her charts and flicked through them with Suzie peering over his shoulder.

  “We’ve had to induce her into a coma; she hit her head a lot harder than we originally thought. There is a linear fracture to the side of her head and some swelling to the underlying tissue.” Colin explained to John and Suzie.

  “Wait… Is she going to be ok?” I asked.

  “She should be fine, we’ll keep her under for about forty-eight hours, rescan her to check the swelling and then hopefully reduce her medication to wake her up.”


  “Don’t judge. I stress cook.” Looking around the mess of the kitchen it was hard to believe that only 12 hours earlier I had my fingers digging into Olivia’s waist, pressing her up against the counter that Logan was working furiously away at.

  “I thought maybe you could take some of this to Mr Stevens and Olivia’s parents, no doubt they’ll forget to eat.”

  “Oh yeah… erm… good idea.” I felt dazed and numb, probably shock setting in. “I’ll… go clean up I guess.” I turned to go to Olivia’s room when Logan stopped me.

  “Oh no you don’t… I’
ve already taken care of it. Sit. Eat”

  I sat down at the table staring blankly at the plate of food, Logan sat across from me to eat his dinner. “She is all right you know.”

  “She’s in a fucking coma! How is that all right?”

  “That is just to give her brain time to heal. And she’ll be glad to sleep through the pain right now. You look like you could use another sleep. You obviously got none the night before” I couldn’t help the smile that pulled up the corners of my mouth. “No wonder she couldn’t resist you with that smile, I don’t think she stood a chance.” I looked at him in shock for a moment. “What? I’m gay not deaf.” Raising a brow at him he laughed. “Don’t flatter yourself, sunshine. You’re a little too young for me; my eyes are fixed firmly somewhere else.”

  I sat quietly thinking over his words. “I don’t think I stood a chance either.”

  “She’s a pretty little thing, but seems very troubled… in her eyes I mean. Did she do that on purpose?”

  “She’s been through a lot, but I’m not sure. I guess we’ll only know when she wakes.”


  Suzie was asleep resting her head on the bed next to Olivia’s legs when I entered. Austin was sat on her other side, playing with her bracelet as John paced the floor. I wondered if he’d sat down at all during the night. “How’s she doing?”

  “No change, which is good.” John whispered.

  “Logan made some breakfast for you guys.” I told him as I handed over the paper bag.

  Austin’s head snapped up at the mention of food. “Logan cooked?”

  “Here you go, Tintin. His pancakes – your favourite.” I couldn’t help but snort at John’s nickname for Austin, which woke Suzie.

  “Shit, sorry.”

  “Food? God I’m starving! Did you bring that?” She asked and I smiled in response.


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