Cop's Babysitter_An Older Man Younger Woman Romance

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Cop's Babysitter_An Older Man Younger Woman Romance Page 4

by Flora Ferrari

  I always knew I loved kids and wanted to have my own someday, but I never knew I loved kids this much, or at least how much I love Brooklyn. And an even bigger surprise is that I can’t believe how much being around her makes me want to have my own kids soon.

  And because I’m spending so much time with her bonding and having fun it’s putting my hormones into overdrive. I remember reading a few articles over the years about how that happens when a woman is around children. I guess I was too young or inexperienced to comprehend it. Now I’m finding out firsthand. I just had no idea how powerful it truly was, but now I’m definitely feeling it.

  But the question that’s really blowing my mind is do I want to wait to have my own kids one day when I have the perfect situation right here?

  I can’t even believe I’m thinking this, especially so quickly.

  I make myself a cup of tea and sit down on the couch. Considering a guy probably picked out this furniture it sure is nice. I always expect guys to have black leather couches. It’s like they get one in college, and by get that can mean inherit one from a roommate or even pull one off the street corner at the end of the year when everybody’s throwing things out, or they buy one as soon as they get out of college. Either way I thought it was some sort of thing that guys just did, no matter how predictable or ill fitting it was based on the rest of their living space.

  Not Carter. He’s got a sea green couch with thick but soft corduroy cushions that just invite you to fall right into them as they soak up all the stress from your life. I can’t even believe how nice it is.

  And across the room there is a flat screen TV with a bunch of movies underneath. And I thought guys only used TVs to watch sports and play video games.

  I like the life he lives…maybe a little too much. I’m not about to go into his room, even to take a peek, but I can bet that if his couch is this nice then his bed must be equally as nice if not better.

  And oh how I’d like to be in that bed one day soon.

  I’ve been saving myself for the right guy all this time. Little did I know I was actually saving myself for the right man. A man who I work for, I admire, and I’m completely smitten by.

  Oh, and lets not forget a man with the world’s cutest baby.

  I mean if Carter can adopt a baby without actually having one himself, why can’t I? At least when it comes to Brooklyn that is. I’m thinking way down the line here, but it’s better to at least run these scenarios though my head now than to allow something to develop between Carter and I and then try and figure out what I’ve gotten myself into.

  But it’s plain to see what I’ve found here. A loving, thoughtful man with a perfect child and a perfect home. All that’s missing is the perfect woman.

  A woman to massage his big strong shoulders when he gets home from work at night.

  A woman to support Brooklyn as she gets older and needs a female figure in her life.

  And a woman to keep him warm at night.

  And he’ll be home soon and after last night I have no idea what this night will have in store.



  “Anybody home?” I say as I set the keys on the table next to the door.

  Alyssa comes tiptoeing out of the back room. She brings a finger to her mouth.

  “She just fell asleep…again,” she whispers.

  “Second nap?” I ask. Damn, Alyssa’s looking f-i-n-e fine. She’s wearing a T-shirt and jeans but it couldn’t be more perfect. I know she needs to be able to move since she’s doing so much stuff with Brooklyn all day.

  Her T-shirt is stretched out a bit from holding her. I know that babies do better when they feel their skin making consistent contact with their mother’s or another adult’s. If Alyssa spends a good part of her day holding her I know Brooklyn will recognize her heartbeat as her mothers and the bonding will just get that much deeper. At some point she really will become her mom. It will just happen naturally.

  Calm down, Carter. Patience.

  “Yeah,” she says. “We’ve been doing so much today.”

  “Great. What kind of stuff?”

  “I read her a book. We played a bit out back, in the shade of course and I had some extra clothes on her. She had two meals and a couple bottles. Diaper changing of course. Just the normal baby stuff.”

  “Well it sounds more than just normal to me. It sounds like you two are really getting to know each other.”

  And how I’d like to get to know you a lot better too.

  “We are. And the more I get to know her the more adorable I find her.”

  “I know everybody says their baby is the cutest, but I think she really is.”

  “I agree.”

  “And I feel like I can say that since I’m not her biological father, so it’s not like I’m bragging or anything.”

  “Very true,” she says as she starts laughing a bit. “A very good point. It’s completely modest to brag in this case.”

  “But she’s not the only beautiful girl in the house these days.”

  I can’t control myself anymore and I don’t care. I’ve been thinking about Alyssa all day and I’m not going to try and pretend like I haven’t been.

  She blushes. “Thank you.”

  “Thank you,” I say taking a step closer to her. “For everything, and that isn’t just limited to what you’re doing for Brooklyn.”

  She bites her lower lip and takes a moment to reply. “But I’m not doing anything else.”

  “Oh, you are,” I say moving forward again until I’m directly in front of her. It’s just like the position we were in last night under that streetlight, but this time we’re in my house away from prying eyes. “You’re doing more than you probably know.”

  Her eyes drop from mine. I can see she’s shy and modest. It’s a trait I admire about her. She’s genuine and not someone to just put herself out there sexually or otherwise. She’s someone who thinks things through and waits to make decisions. She’s worth the wait, no matter how long she makes me wait. But that’s the irony in my thoughts. I can’t wait any longer.

  I need to feel her soft, subtle lips on mine.

  I need to feel her smooth skin under my fingertips.

  And I need to run my hands through her hair.

  To hold her chin in-between my finger and thumb.

  To brush the back of my hand against those high cheekbones.

  To wrap my arms around her.

  To grab her hard and pull her closer to me.

  And to be inside her.

  I need her.

  And I need her now.

  I bring my hand up to her face and run my fingers through the side of her light brown hair. It’s so soft, silky even, to the touch. I feel goose bumps form along her scalp, but that’s not the only place I feel them.

  I feel them on myself too. I’ve never felt that before when it comes to a woman. Never. I get it when I get a rush from saving someone’s life or something life changing, but not from my passion for another human being.

  Until now.

  This is right. So right. My body and my mind are telling me so, not that I need any help deciding.

  I’ve wanted her since I saw her. I tried to resist, but my resistance was futile…and pointless.

  Any moment not with her is a moment in this life I’ve wasted.

  And I don’t have time to waist. We need to make up for lost time. All those years I was by myself. I was perfectly content. Fine. No problems, at least that’s what I thought.

  But that’s before I knew what this feels like. What she feels like. And how she can make me feel just from looking at her.

  Just thinking about her.

  Just missing her.

  Like I was all day today at the station, but not anymore.

  “You’re beautiful,” I say softly.

  “You are too,” she says.

  “I’ve got hard edges and sharp corners. You’re soft and feminine and everything curves and rounds in the perfect way
. The way I can trace my fingers along your collarbone like this,” I say as I drop my hand down and run the back of my fingertips along her collarbone.

  “Or the way I can follow the path of your delicate arm up and down all day.” My fingertips continue out towards the end of her collarbone and then down her arm slowly. She. Is. So. Perfect.

  And I have to have her.

  “And I saved the softest, most subtle, sexy, beautiful part of you for last,” I say.

  My hand continues from her shoulder, back along her collarbone until slowly grazing along the side of her neck and then along her jawbone until it finds a resting spot on her chin.

  I lift her head up. Her gaze moves up to meet mine and I’m lost again in those brown eyes of hers. Brown like mine. It’s a perfect match in yet another way.

  I lean in slowly and watch as her eyes close. I stop just short feeling the anticipation knowing for both of us this will be our last, first kiss ever.

  My head draws closer bringing my lips even closer to hers. I can feel her warmth. Her breath. Her scent.

  And I can’t take it anymore.

  My lips meet hers and out kiss locks us in place now and forever.

  There’s absolutely no going back whether she knows it or not.

  But I know she won’t because I have two missions in life now.

  Raise my daughter.

  And show Alyssa just how much I care for, respect, and cherish her forever.

  I’ve never once in my life thought sappy thoughts until this moment.

  And I realize now I still haven’t. They’re not sappy. They’re real. They’re from the heart. They’re honest and come from a place of putting her first. And that’s what a relationship is all about.

  At least that’s how ours will be. My two girls are my number one priority for the rest of my days.

  And yes, I have two girls now.

  With one kiss she is now officially mine.



  My head floats through a cloud as I feel his lips on mine. They’re so much bigger and powerful, but somehow he’s places them against mine in the most tender of ways.

  The most perfect of ways.

  And that’s exactly how our first kiss feels to me. Perfect.

  I feel his hands reach around my back and he gently pulls my body into his.

  I feel a long, hard appendage pressing into my middle and it sends my thoughts from romance to lust.

  I don’t know much about penises, but I now this one is large…and thick. Thicker and longer than anything I’ve ever seen on the Internet.

  Two thoughts quickly enter my mind.

  I’ll never be able to take all of him, even though I’m going to do everything I can to try.

  Getting physical with me is going to be a disappointment for him because I don’t know what I’m doing, let alone what I’m going to do with everything he apparently has to offer.

  My hands and arms are straight down, against my legs. I move them out to his sides and around to his back, pulling myself in even closer.

  His body is so thick and muscular. I just know that whenever I’m around him I’ll always feel safe and protected…and tiny, light, and beautiful.

  Just his voice, his size, his mannerisms…they all make me feel so much more feminine and beautiful. He makes me feel better about myself. It’s another benefit I never could have expected.

  His hand comes back into my hair and our kiss grows deeper.

  “You taste so sweet,” he says in-between increasingly deeper kisses.

  “And you taste so…masculine,” I say. I don’t know how else to describe it.

  But apparently it works as his kisses which were tender at first then became deeper, now they’re growing more ravishing…and hungry.

  I can feel the passion in his lips, tongue, mouth and even his hands as his grip on me becomes tighter…more possessive.

  My grip does the same.

  I want him to be mine. To claim him as he’s claiming me. Not just here, but everywhere.

  “I can’t wait to see your amazing naked body laid out in front of me while I think about all the naughty things I want to do to you.” he says.

  “And I can’t wait to see all your muscles on display as you move and twist and turn and flex as you do all those things.”

  “Good, because I’m going to do all those things and more. And when my muscles grow big and firm from pleasureful exertion you’ll reach for them and feel the blood rushing through my veins before you feel something else rushing inside of you.”

  A moan escapes me at the thought of him coming inside me. Does he want another baby…but this time with me? Our baby. Our angel. A brother or sister for Brooklyn of our creation.

  I want to have his babies…his sexy sons and beautiful daughters. The ones I know he’ll give me from his perfect penis. He’s genetic perfection entering me and forming with what I have to become one.

  I want him so bad. I want him inside me now.

  “I’m ready for that. Ready now,” I say reaching for my shirt and beginning to pull it up over my head.

  “Ut-uh-uh,” he says. “That’s my job. I get to unwrap my present, not you. But you can unwrap yours.”

  My hands move to his waist and I pull his shirt from his pants putting this rock hard abs on display, not that I can see them, but I can feel them.

  I run my hands over each of his twelve muscles and then through the grooves that separate them. What an amazing body and it’s about to be all mine. And once I get his pants off my hands will go even deeper and when he comes inside me I’ll watch as those abdominal muscles flex as he unleashes his juices deeper and deeper.

  He allows me to take off his shirt as our kisses are absolute mayhem now as if our faces are making hot love mixed with sex. He pulls off my shirt and then steps back for a minute, taking my hands in his.

  “Look at this perfection that you are.”

  I feel modest and not as perfect as he describes.

  “And this is what I get to see all night long and into eternity.”

  Eternity? Oh my, his word choice is too much.

  “I’ve been saving it…for you.”

  “Yes you have,” he says. “And I can’t wait to take it and do exactly what I want to you for the first time.”

  “Our first time,” I say. “And my first time.”

  “Our first time,” he repeats.

  Suddenly his eyes move from my body to my eyes.

  “Your first time?” he asks.

  “My very first and it’s all for you.”

  “You mean to tell me you’re a…virgin?”

  I nod.

  It’s like the wind comes out of his sails.

  “What’s wrong?” I don’t like the way he looks now. Not at all.

  “Nothing’s wrong. Believe me. As a matter of fact everything’s right. Perfect. Too perfect.”

  “Too perfect? What do you mean by too perfect?’

  “We can’t do this now.”

  “Why? You were so ready just a second ago.”

  “Until your words. Things are different now. Things have changed.”

  “Why? This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for all my life.”

  “You think you have, but this isn’t it. Believe me. I’m going to give you exactly what you’ve been waiting for and as much as I wish it was right here and now, it’s not.”

  “But it is here and now.”

  He moves in closer again, hugging me.

  “There’s only one first time, and I’m going to make it one you never forget,” he whispers into my ear. “And neither will I.”



  We spend the rest of the evening on the couch kissing, watching movies, and just enjoying each other’s company.

  As much as I want to take it to the next level and as much as not doing so brings my balls great pain, I refrain.

  I just can’t.

  It’s not right.
  I need time to do this right. To make this special.

  In some ways I’m angry I almost I started what I couldn’t finish right here in my house.


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