Burning Desire

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Burning Desire Page 4

by Ami Snow

  “How was your day?” He asked in his melodious voice making the mundane question more interesting than usual. Not wanting to bore him with details of her job just yet, she gave a simple but honest answer just as the cocktail waitress walked over to take their order. They went through a couple drinks slowly focusing mostly on each other, making easy conversation and ignoring the noise from the people around them. Chelle had never met a man with whom she could spend an evening so freely and enjoyably right off the bat. There was definitely something different about Lance and whatever it was highly intrigued her.

  As the night went on, Lance became more forward with his hints at wanting to take her back to his place. She could not deny she wanted to go back with him and see where that led them. She had a pretty good idea what would end up happening and she was not opposed to it but there was always a voice in her head making her doubt any impulsive decisions she made. And this was definitely impulsive. Everything with Lance was often impulsive, quite frankly. Eventually he was sitting so close to her their sides were pressed together and his arm was draped over her shoulder, lips grazing her ear every time he leaned in to whisper something. And soon almost everything he had to say was a playful innuendo until they were finally kissing each other and the heat between their bodies increased. He pulled back and looked right into her eyes with those piercing green eyes of his, those eyes that shocked and intrigued her at the same time. “So, what do you say?”

  She looked into his eyes and decided to follow this drive she felt to just live in the moment with Lance and act on what she wanted. She leaned in for a kiss before nodding. “Let’s go,” she said against his lips. He wasted no time in taking her by the hand and guiding her out toward his car. It was a sleek, black sedan that was very obviously an expensive import but she had never seen another vehicle like it. As he made to unlock the door he paused and turned to look at her. “Maybe you should take you car rather than leave it here.” She nodded and as she started walking away he grabbed her wrist gently to hold her back. “I want to take you somewhere. My place is on the way. Would you be okay with parking your car at my place and then we can go together?”

  Already Chelle was faced with another decision. She debated between playing it safe or just living in the moment and experimenting while hoping for the best. So far that method had not failed her where Lance was concerned. “Sounds like a plan,” she responded before pulling her wrist out of his grasp and walking to her car. She followed him to a residential area near the outskirts of town until he pulled into the driveway of an upscale high-rise apartment building. He directed her to the guest parking, taking the time she used to gather her things to turn his car around and pull up behind her. She slipped into his car and marveled at how plush the seat was, how cool the interior felt, and how sleekly designed the entire interior was. She had never been inside a high-end car such as this one and she had the feeling his was top of the line even within that category.

  “It’s a bit out of the way,” he informed her as he pulled back out onto the road. “Let me know if you change your mind.” He was completely sincere and that made her feel much more at ease. It allowed her the freedom to enjoy an exciting adventure on something new with a man she was completely charmed by. She had never been someone to live so spontaneously but was quickly realizing why her closest friends were often telling her to try being a bit freer from time to time. It felt amazing to truly enjoy everything and now know everything that would happen in advance. As long as she felt comfortable she did not see a problem with it.

  Nearly an hour later she looked out the window to see thick trees obscuring the view and said, “You weren’t kidding when you said it was out of the way.” She turned to him with a smile and he chuckled. “We’re almost there,” he told her. A few minutes later he turned onto what may or may not have been a dirt road. She was unsure if it was meant to be there or if he had made it by traveling along the same path time and time again. As they drove in deeper into the woods something large resembling an aircraft came into view. It shined under the light of the moon and as she leaned forward in her seat squinting for a better view, everything suddenly went black.

  Chelle woke up to find she was lying on a bed in the middle of a cabin of what appeared to be an aircraft. The image of it from the outside came back to mind and she sat up quickly in a slight state of panic, causing her head to spin. Once she felt steady she turned to see Lance sitting on a couch off to the side, quietly observing her. “You passed out almost an hour ago,” he said in an eerily calm tone. For the first time since they had met she felt uneasy around him and worried she had made a terrible mistake.

  “Chelle,” he said softly and for the first time she saw a gentle look in his eyes. “I’m sorry if you’re a bit shaken up. You just passed out and I thought the best thing would be for you to lie down. I can take you back home now.” She could not be sure if she was imagining it or not but she detected a trace of guilt in his voice. She could tell he would be disappointed if the evening were ruined but he also felt sorry for putting her in this position. And with that her panic began to disappear.

  “It’s okay,” she told him quietly. He looked up at her and smiled. “What is this place?”

  His smile quickly disappeared to be replaced by a very serious facial expression. She wondered why her question had triggered such a drastic change in him. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and straightened up, looking at him while waiting for an answer. She studied his face and noticed how tense it was along with the rest of his body.

  “I need to tell you something. I thought this was a good idea but now…” he trailed off and looked down and twisted his hands in his lap. “I realize how it might seem. I don’t want you to get scared and think I’ve lured you into a trap.”

  Chelle tensed up and looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. Starting a conversation that way was not really a good sign. It was far from reassuring. She felt the fear from earlier begin to slowly creep up her back. She gulped and stared at him, unable to speak a single word.

  “There is really no way to say this that would make you believe it to be true or react any differently.” He stood up and walked to the furthest end of the cabin to put as much space between them as possible. “I’m an alien,” he confessed. He did not break eye contact with her and she felt the gaze from his brilliant green eyes piercing right through her.


  “I’m an alien. Do- do you believe we exist?” She nodded slowly. She had never doubted their existence but could have never imagined she would knowingly encounter one, much less be attracted to and date one. He motioned for her to step forward to a window and she peered out into the dark forest. Suddenly, she felt the aircraft give a jolt and they were ascending. It was not long before they were above the trees of the forest and began gliding slowly and silently over it. A storm had been brewing earlier in the evening and now that they were in the air, she could hear it clearly. She gasped and turned back to look at him.

  “It’s okay,” he reassured her. He stood in the same spot as before and looked at her, waiting until she had processed everything.

  “But you look just like any other person,” she said flatly. After everything, that was all she could manage to think of saying.

  Her belief and lack of extreme fear seemed to give him back his confidence. Lance smirked and replied, “Some aliens certainly do look closer to what humans imagine though some of your portrayals are, quite frankly, far off and even a bit insulting. But I look like this, just like an average human, for the most part.”

  Chelle stared at him before slowly repeating, “For the most part.”

  Lance took a step back from her and looked straight up so that a dim light she had not noticed before illuminated him. She noticed something running over his skin until every inch of that skin was completely pearlescent. It was beautiful and entrancing though not at all human. He moved his head down and stared right into her eyes. It was not a menacing look but it was
stern so she took a step back in sudden alarm. It was not until she gathered herself that she noticed those same piercing green eyes that had captivated her earlier when they first met were now a luminous green with pupils that had stretched into vertical slits. She could not help but find him beautiful in this state and that immediately made her feel as if she had gone completely mad.

  “I feel like I should be afraid,” she said hollowly as she took a step toward him, “But I don’t think I’ve often reacted to situations the way most people would. I’ve never been spontaneous but I’ve also never been what most people assume I should be.” She took a few more steps until she was mere inches from him. She continued to be pushed forward by her desire to live in the moment putting aside the fact she would not have reacted like most people would in her situation. She also knew this would not be her usual reaction either. But she did not want to give any of this up and he did not seem threatening. She reached out and ran her index finger gingerly over his forearm, feeling the difference in the texture of his skin. “Maybe I have some alien in me,” she whispered half in jest and half in awe.

  He took a step forward and wrapped his arm around her waist to pull their bodies together. “If you don’t know, I’m hoping you will soon.” There was a devious glimmer in his eyes before he moved forward and pressed his lips against hers. She made an mmm sound and sunk right into the kiss, opening her mouth right away so he could slide his tongue into it and they could taste each other as the kiss deepened. He began walking slowly, leading her backward until her back was pressed up against the cold wall of the aircraft still speeding over the land, completely undetected under the coverage of the storm clouds. She broke the kiss with a gasp when she felt his hands slide under her shirt, his skin burning hot against her own. It was not the normal body heat of another person or the burning trail one felt due to excitement, it was a piercing and sudden burn directly from his skin. It did not hurt but it was shocking. His hands stopped moving until she leaned back in to continue kissing him, his hands then continuing to move slowly up her sides and dragging her shirt up as they went. She instinctively stretched her hands up straight above her head and he pulled back from the kiss momentarily to yank her shirt off over her head before tossing it clear across the cabin.

  He placed his hands flat against her stomach and upper chest, pushing her back so the warm skin of her back pressed against the cold wall, sending chills running over her entire upper body. He kissed her cheek, along her jawline, and down her neck until he began running the tip of his tongue along the line of her collarbone. Suddenly she felt something icy on her skin and it was Lance slowly breathing out onto it after sucking gently at the base of her neck. She shivered at the sensation. He ran his hands all over her torso continuing to leave a burning trail, as his mouth was busy licking over the skin of her neck and jawline with his warm tongue before covering it with his chilly breath. Her body felt overloaded on the different temperatures and their sensations, never having experienced anything like it until now. He wrapped his arms around her so he could unclasp her bra and he slid it down and off her arms, letting it drop to the floor without wasting time in taking one of her hardened nipples into his mouth.

  He sucked intently on it before opening his mouth over it and letting out one of his chilly breaths, causing bumps to erupt all over her skin and a whimper to escape her mouth. She let her head fall back against the wall as he repeated the actions on her other nipple, the tips of his fingers lightly and slowly caressing up and down her sides. He pulled back to appreciate the view of her large, heaving breasts before kneeling down in front of her and licking along her torso leaving a warm, wet trail with a flat tongue pressed against her skin followed by a long, icy cold breath. She shivered once again, enjoying the new and extreme combination of sensations. She had never known temperature play could feel so amazing but was also aware it had a lot to do with the fact Lance had abilities humans lacked.

  He ran his tongue along the dip between her hip and her waist, enjoying licking along her voluptuous curves and leaving another trail of his icy breath before nipping slightly right over her hipbone. She let out a small yelp at the sudden feeling of it but was soon distracted by Lance unbuttoning and unzipping her pants. He pulled them down in one quick motion, dragging her panties along. He stood up and kissed her deeply, pressing his body against hers until she could feel his hard bulge. She pushed her hips out to rub against it and they both moaned. The feeling of it pushed her over the edge and she no longer wanted to wait. As much as she had enjoyed everything Lance had done so far she wanted more. She ached to go all the way. He clearly felt the same way as he suddenly tore at his shirt to remove it and fumbled with his pants to undo them and take them off. He quickly undressed and stood in front of her, completely naked and shining with his pearlescent skin.

  When she looked over his naked body she finally realized just how big he was and her eyes shot wide open. She looked up to meet his gaze and he looked back at her somewhat apologetically. “That’s something I forgot to mention,” he told her. He was not monstrously big but she was sure she had never been with a man as well endowed as Lance. She gulped and felt herself feel both anxious and excited at the same time. She reached out tentatively and wrapped her hand around the shaft of his hard cock as best she could but he was too thick for her to touch her fingers together. She moved her hand up and down his shaft slowly, causing him to groan quietly.

  Quite suddenly, he picked her up and carried her over to the bed. He pushed her legs open and climbed over her, leaning down and pressing his lips to the lobe of her ear. “You’re so hot, I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you.” He let out an icy breath and flicked the lobe of her ear with his tongue before pulling back and looking straight into her eyes. They may have looked different than the eyes she first saw and he may not have been human, but the deep look of pure lust was unmistakable. She stretched her neck upward and kissed him, running one of her hands up along the side of his body. She felt the head of his cock rubbing along her wet slit as he continued to kiss her deeply and feverishly. She moved her legs slightly back and forth, feeling her skin rub against his and fighting to keep from thrusting her hips upward to feel him against her with more pressure.

  He ran his hand very slowly over along the side of her body, taking his time to savor the feel of her every curve. She knew he loved her voluptuous body and that was the main reason he had laid eyes on her to begin with. Though they did enjoy each other’s company, she could tell he was extremely turned on by her and had been waiting for this moment. He pulled back from the kiss and looked into her eyes again. She noticed most of the green had disappeared, as his pupils had not dilated so much his eyes were almost completely black. But it was a pitch black that shined, almost as if he had been wearing some kind of lens. “Ready,” he said breathlessly in with a very short inflection upward at the end suggesting he had meant to ask her if she was ready. She nodded and immediately her head fell back as a loud cry escaped her mouth upon feeling him thrust his entire, thick length into her in one quick movement.

  He slipped out of her entirely before taking hold of his shaft and rubbing the head of his cock up and down along her dripping wet slit. She whimpered and moved her hips upward, asking him to penetrate her again through her body language. He grabbed onto her wide hips with both hands and slid his entire length into her again but slowly this time. She let out a long, low moan with her head thrown back. “Fuck, that feels good,” she told him in a seductively breathy voice. He moved his hips back and forth, continuing to thrust with the long and slow motions. He began hooking his hips upward near the end of his thrust when he was deepest inside her, eventually hitting a sensitive spot and causing her to moan loudly.

  This urged him to pick up the pace of his thrusts at that angle setting off a chain of loud moans from her as she balled the sheets up under her fists and held on to them so hard her knuckles turned white. He dragged his hand downward and pressed his thumb firmly against he
r swollen clit causing her to moan even louder than she already was. “It’s a good thing nobody can hear you up here,” he said playfully between thrusts. She tried to laugh but it was lost between her heavy breathing and her moans as he continued to speed up his thrusting. She began to gyrate her hips in an upward motion with his rhythm, causing both of them to let out a choked groan dripping with pleasure. Lance started to massage her clit between his thumb and index finger as he thrust into her faster and harder, coming close to the edge but wanting to make sure she reached orgasm as well. As soon as she did, her body went rigid and her eyes shut tight as her face scrunched up with intense pleasure. He felt her pelvic muscles contracting tightly around his pulsing cock and right at that moment he felt his cum shoot out. He jerked his hips violently until he finished, immediately pulling out of her and rolling onto his back.

  They were both sweaty and panting, still feeling every single tantalizing sensation coursing through their bodies as they came down. It took some time for them to steady their breathing and their heartbeats to slow to a normal pace. When they finally recovered, Lance offered her the shower first. “There is a shower here?” She looked around trying to locate it or a bathroom but looked back at him blankly when she failed to do so.

  “I have everything here,” he clarified. “Think of it as a home for me,” he said as he stood up and stretched his hand out for her to take. She pulled herself up from the bed using him for balance and he wrapped his hand around hers to lead her to one of the doors. He opened it and she saw a short hallway with three more doors. He pressed his palm to a rectangle next one and it slid open to reveal a rather large bathroom. “You’ll find everything you need in there,” he told her.


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