Burning Desire

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Burning Desire Page 10

by Ami Snow

  Often during the night I lay awake and wonder how I would cope without Harry in my life. He had become such a huge part of my own existence. Losing him would be like losing one of my own limbs.

  During these moments I would watch Harry silently as he slept. Smiling at his slight twitches and moans through his dreams. I loved him so deeply I could never imagine my life without him.

  Chapter Nine

  Although none of us wanted to think about it, the day of Harry’s operation soon dawned. At his instruction I was the only one allowed to accompany him to the hospital. I looked at his family apologetically as I kissed them goodbye. Promising to take care of him for them. They simply nodded, tears streaming down their cheeks as they hugged us both tightly.

  We travelled in silence, gripping each other’s hands. I saw Frank glance back at us occasionally. His own face filled with worry as we neared the hospital. Orderlies were ready to greet us when we arrived. Trying to insist that Harry ride to his room in a wheelchair. He waved them aside angrily.

  I had to quicken my pace to keep up with him as Harry strode down the corridor of the hospital. It was important that he was calm for his procedure, this was the last thing that he needed. Desperately I tried to soothe his mood. Pointing out that the orderlies were only doing as they were asked. That the hospital just wanted him to be looked after him while he was there.

  Harry’s expression finally relaxed into a smile. Shaking his head at his own reaction. Pulling me close he kissed the top of my head with a slight laugh.

  “What would I do without you Clarissa?”

  “You would be a very angry, lonely old man,” I chuckled.

  Once Harry was settled in his hospital suite a doctor came to tell us of the procedure. I noticed Harry’s face pale and squeezed his hand tightly. Although I was scared myself I knew that I needed to be strong for him.

  An anaesthetist came to give Harry an injection and he was soon looking at me drowsily. I stroked his cheeks as his heavy lids began to close. Wanting him to know that I was at his side.

  I sat down heavily into a chair as he was wheeled down to the operating room. Silently praying that he would return to me safely. I tried to prevent my tears from falling but was unable to stem my emotions. Burying my face in my hands and allowing the sobs to wrack my body.

  As I felt hands upon my shoulders I jumped in alarm. I hadn’t heard anyone enter the room and so was surprised to see Frank towering over me. Gently he took my hand and pulled me toward him. I wept openly as he held me tightly against him. All of my pent up emotions finally let loose as I worried about Harry’s condition.

  Eventually my tears began to subside and Frank guided me back into my seat. Without a word he poured us both a mug of coffee from the pot that was bubbling away on the side. I welcomed the warmth of the brew as I took it in my hands. I blew at the steaming drink before taking a cautious sip.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “You shouldn’t be alone at a time like this Miss Clarissa,” Frank said matter-of-factly.

  I couldn’t hide my smile as I looked at Frank’s solemn face. He had worked for Harry for so long now I knew that he was just as worried as we all were. Though he was a stubborn man and would never admit his emotions. Taking his hand I kissed his fingers lightly.

  “You are a very kind and wonderful man Frank,” I told him sincerely.

  Frank lowered his eyes from mine shyly. Yet he didn’t remove his hand from my grasp as we waited for news. Silence filling the room as we both tried not to think of the worst.

  Chapter Ten

  I woke to Frank nudging my arm. Rubbing at my tired eyes as I tried to focus on the doctor who was stood before us. My whole body felt stiff as I stretched, eager to hear news of Harry.

  “I can tell you that the operation has been a success. Although Mr Forester will need time to recuperate and some physiotherapy I am confident that he will be back on his feet in no time,” the doctor informed us.

  Filled with glee I instinctively jumped from my seat. Planting kisses on both the doctor’s and Frank’s faces. I inhaled deeply to try and calm myself. Yet my mind was racing with thoughts. Desperate to see Harry, aware that I needed to call his family with the good news. Still trying to absorb the doctor’s words myself as I smiled broadly.

  Before I had chance to speak the door to the room swung open. An orderly pushed Harry in his bed. Resting him at one side of the room and positioning the drips that he were connected to his arm.

  Immediately I rushed to the side of the bed. Noting his pale face as I stroked his brow. Leaning down to place a soft kiss upon his lips. He groaned lightly, his eyelids fluttering as he struggled to wake.

  “Settle my darling. You need to rest,” I whispered.

  Harry smiled weakly as his head rested upon the pillow. Exhaustion overcoming him despite his attempts to fight against it. I picked up the telephone on the bedside table and dialled his parent’s number. Speaking in a hushed voice so as not to disturb Harry.

  I turned as I felt Frank’s hand upon my arm. There was a content look on his face as he nodded at me.

  “I shall leave you now Miss Clarissa. Now that I know Mr Forester is alright I can rest easy. I know you will care for him. I shall return to the limo and take you back home when you are ready.”

  “No Frank. You will go home to your family and take the rest of the week off,” I said with determination.

  As he began to shake his head to protest, I raised my hand. Wagging a finger I laughed as I spoke.

  “No arguments. You are to do as instructed. So go and spend some time with you wife and children.” I demanded jovially.

  After thanking me, Frank left the hospital. Clearly excited by the idea of being with his family. Considering all he had done, I was sure that Harry would approve of my decision. I could easily take a cab home if I needed to.

  Yet for now, all I wanted was to be close to Harry. Gently moving aside the tubes that protruded from his arm, I lay on the bed beside him. Resting my head upon his chest and relaxing against him.

  Neither of us knew what the future held. But I was happy to spend every moment of that time with the man I loved.


  Her Alpha Companion


  By: Jennifer Mckenzie

  Her Alpha Companion

  One –

  The sharp ringing of the bell reverberated throughout the hallways amidst the juvenile chatter as the students scattered into their classrooms. Natasia took a final swig of her caramel latte, hastily wiping the foam off her lips. She tossed the paper cup into the bin as she walked towards her new classroom, her heels clicking lightly against the linoleum floor. She glanced at her reflection off the window, setting aside the loose, flyaway strands of her chocolate highlights. She smoothened the sleeves of her blazer and adjusted the width of her skirt. The zipper grazed the flesh of her stomach, prompting a soft cursing under her breath. She took a deep breath, bracing herself, as her clammy hands twisted the brass doorknob.

  Natasia was greeted by a horde of young, excited faces. Their voluntarily unkempt uniforms – rumpled navy blue jackets, loosened red ties, the knobby knees of the girls with the dangerously short skirts – complemented their adamant expressions of teen apathy. There was a sudden hush in the room as the students exchanged looks with the fresh-faced young woman before them. A few seconds passed before they once again turned to their peers, their casual prattling filling the room.

  “Alright guys, settle down,” said Natasia as she picked up a marker and scrawled across the board, “This is my first day at Cedar Creek Academy. I'll be your new Creative Writing teacher.” The students looked back at her in silence. “My name is Natasia Gardner, but you guys can call me Ms. Gardner. Or Ms. G.” Natasia detected several eyebrow raises from the crowd.

  “Okay – well why don't we – I'll start with attendance,” said Natasia, her voice quivering. “Then, I'd like you to each tell me a little something about yo

  “Clay Andrews.”

  “Here.” A boy with dark rimmed glasses raised his hand meekly.

  “Jenna Aziri.”

  “Here, Miss.” The girl tossed her curls behind her back, sheepishly stowing away a tube of lipgloss and a compact mirror. She flashed Natasia a sleek, pink smile.

  “Alright – Jamie -”

  “We're all here, Ms. G. And please, self intros – what are we, eleven?”

  Natasia scanned the room, her eyes landing upon a girl in the third row. Really, thought Natasia. On my first day?

  The girl had flaming red hair with magenta tips, which was pulled back in a messy ponytail. There was a silver glint of metal on her left cheek, and her pursed lips were painted a dark shade of purple. Her electric blue eyes were narrowed and challenging. Natasia looked down at her clipboard.

  “And...your name is?”

  “Aurora. Langley.”

  “Great. Ms. Langley, you will raise your hand and you will speak when you're called upon. You're completely right – how old are you – sixteen, seventeen? This shouldn't be your first time in the classroom. Another outburst like that and you're getting detention. And yes – I will give you detention on my first day.”

  The silence dispersed into audible whispers and snickering, followed by playful oohs and general pointing in Aurora's direction. Aurora waved dismissively, smirking as she crossed her arms. Natasia turned her attention to a girl in the front row. The girl was bent over her desk, her face concealed by a tangle of scraggly blonde hair, giggling as she furiously smashed the screen of her tablet.

  “Hey, you – in the front row – put that away.” The girl, clearly unaware, remained tapping away. Natasia walked over to the girl and snatched the tablet from her hands.

  “What the hell – what'd you do that for?” said the girl, scowling, “I was so close to a triple-stack bonus!”

  “I don't – whatever that means – no video games in the classroom.”

  Natasia blinked as a flash went off in the corner of her eye. She turned towards the culprit, her eyes wide with disbelief. “What did I just say?”

  A girl with a pixie cut looked back at her innocently. “I'm sorry. Just taking a new selfie for my followers,” she said, shrugging.

  Natasia shook her head. “I do not, and I repeat, I do not allow phones, tablets, or any other form of technology in the –”

  Aurora stood up, arms still locked against her chest, as she pushed her desk aside, the legs dragging against the floor. “Christ, woman – you've got a lot of rules for someone who looks like they just received their diploma five minutes ago.”

  “Sit down, Ms. Langley.”

  “Social media, gaming, it's all a form of creativity, isn't it? You teach Creative Writing – all these stupid ass rules – you're stifling our creativity!” said Aurora, her voice amplifying as she ranted on.

  “That's fine, Ms. Langley. I'll see you this afternoon in detention.”

  Two –

  Natasia glanced at her watch, exhaling in relief. She had been mentally attempting to move the long hand to strike six for what felt like ages now, to no avail. She cleared her throat, “Alright, guys, detention's over for the day. I'll see your lovely faces again tomorrow.”

  Aurora rolled her eyes theatrically, careful not to make eye contact with Natasia as she made her way towards the door. Natasia gathered her things absentmindedly, internally evaluating her first day fiasco. She slipped the strap of her bag over her shoulders quickly, but quickly stopped dead in her tracks. The hushed whispers of a heated argument could be heard from outside the door, which was slightly ajar.

  “Detention again, honey? Really –”

  “Get out of my way, dad.”

  “If you'll just talk to me, Aurora, sweetheart – please. This is getting out of hand.”

  “Sure, dad – I'd love to talk, maybe later tonight? Oh, no – you probably have another late night meeting – fucking late night meetings, really, Dad –”

  “You watch your language, Aurora. I'm still your –”

  Natasia winced as a clutter of stationery crashed onto the floor. The door swung open. Natasia found herself staring, mortified, at Aurora, whose nostrils were fuming in annoyance, and a man dressed in a black pinstriped suit. Aurora rolled her eyes again before stalking away angrily.

  “I'm sorry you had to see that,” said the man, extending a hand.

  “That's alright, sir,” replied Natasia.

  The man was tall and slender, his gentle eyes the same piercing blue as Aurora's. His slicked back hair was specked with subtle shades of gray. He was clean-shaven, but Natasia couldn't help but notice the prominent rings under his eyes. “Ah, that's right – you're the new teacher, Ms. Gardner? I'm sorry I haven't had the chance to meet you officially. My name is Vicente Harland. I'm the principal of this academy.”

  “Pleasure to meet you, sir,” said Natasia nervously, “Aurora's in my class.”

  “Right. I'm sorry she gave you trouble on your first day. She can be quite a handful, but she's a good girl.”

  “That's no problem, sir. I'm sure I can handle it.”

  “Please – it's after school hours – you can call me Vicente,” he smiled, “The teacher's lounge is down the hall, to the left. There are a few teachers who like to stay back after hours to finish up on some grading. Feel free to take the empty desk by the coffee machine – I'm going to have to excuse myself, I've got a few matters to attend to.” Vicente nodded quickly before he hurried off.

  The teacher's lounge was dimly lit, the rays of the late afternoon sun streaming in through the large glass windows. A pudgy man with orange-framed glasses and a matching tie stared thoughtfully at a stack of papers, red pen in hand. A young, dark haired woman, sitting on the couch by the vending machine, grinned as she beckoned for Natasia to sit next to her. Natasia smiled back at the first friendly face she'd seen all day.

  “Hi! You must be Natasia, the new writing teacher. My name is Trudy – the kids know me as Ms. Abbott – I teach Chemistry.”

  “Yup, that's me. Great to meet you, Trudy.”

  “So – tell me – how'd your first day go? Are you adjusting to everything around here?”

  “Not well. I had to give a student detention for disrupting the class,” said Natasia, nibbling on a fingernail, “And it was the principal's kid. Eek.”

  “Aurora? Yes, I have her in one of my classes. She's got a mouth on her, that one – yet she's by far one of the smartest kids I've ever come across,” said Trudy, taking a sip from her mug, “Her business with her father Harland – quite the scandal, as you can imagine – is all over the school.”

  “Ah, well, that's alright,” said Natasia coolly, “I don't like to intervene with my student's personal affairs.” Trudy clucked in reply.

  A man entered the room, walking towards the vending machine, stopping just a few inches from the pair. The chirping sound of Trudy's voice trailed off to incoherency as Natasia watched him furtively. The man had long, coal black hair that was held back in a bun. He had a strong chin, the sides of his face lined with a neatly trimmed beard and goatee. He wore a tight-fitting sports tee that stretched over his broad shoulders. The silver whistle around his neck swayed with every movement he made.

  “ –and Winky, that's my beautiful Persian, she's the baby of the family.”

  Natasia's eyebrows rose as she turned back to Trudy. “I'm sorry, you have a Persian baby?”

  “No, silly, my Persian kitten. They're all precious little kitties,” sniffed Trudy, “Ah – I see what you're looking at.”


  “That's De Wei. I know – isn't he gorgeous? He's the gym teacher, obviously,” she continued, “He doesn't speak much, mostly keeps to himself.”

  Natasia watched as Wei rummaged through his belongings, his shirt raising slightly as he hunched over his backpack. She squinted, her eyes focusing on a large, S-shaped scar that ran down the side of his spine. It was a raw shade of
pink and seemed to be whitened with age. Wei swung his backpack over his shoulder, turning to the door.

  “Bye, guys.”

  “I think I'll head home as well. Again, it was good meeting you, Trudy.” Natasia stood up.

  Natasia pulled her blazer close as she ambled along the sidewalk. She had decided to take a walk around the park to unwind after a long day before heading to the bus stop. She walked past the bushes and warning signage, her thoughts wandering freely, the breeze blowing against the blush of her cheeks.

  She knew it was cliché, but she loved parks. She loved the giddy sounds of laughter from the children running carefree on the playground. She loved seeing old couples, hand in hand, as they strolled down memory lane. She even enjoyed seeing the occasional demented soul in deep conversation with their own hand – even they seemed perfectly content with their lives. She walked around aimlessly, humming under her breath.

  That's when she heard it – a disembodied, jagged panting. Natasia froze, the hairs on her arms standing. Hesitating, she walked towards the noise, the soft crinkling of leaves crushing under her footsteps.

  “Oh my god.”

  Natasia's mouth hung open, her throat dry. She whimpered as she scrambled backwards, falling. There stood the arched, looming figure of a creature with dark, ashen fur in the shadows of a large tree. It had sharp, pointed ears and an oddly shaped snout – one that looked almost human. Natasia watched in horror as the creature's mouth contracted, revealing a set of spiked, yellowish teeth. She whimpered in sudden realization as she spotted a familiar silver whistle, dangling on the creature's neck. Natasia gulped, her breath caught in her throat. The creature was looking straight into her eyes.


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