Burning Desire

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Burning Desire Page 33

by Ami Snow

  “Yes baby, yes baby, yes!”Dylan grunted increasing his thrusts.

  Intense sensation swept through her like a volcano and she soon lost all sense of place and time as her entire being became one shuddering mass of sensation.

  She came violently, bucking beneath him as every nerve in her body pulsed with pleasure and Dylan muffled her cries with his mouth, swallowing her moans as he drove into her again and again.

  When her tremors had subsided, Dylan’s eyes locked with hers and he quickened the tempo of his thrusts until he poured his shuddering warmth at the mouth of her womb.

  They both drifted slowly back to earth, dripping with sweat and interlocked with each other.

  Dylan looked around wanly and said, “One of these days, we’re going to manage to get to a bed.”

  Arianna snorted, and then burst into a full-bellied laughing, wrapping her arms around this wonderful man as he laughed with her. She had never thought she would find love but here she was, in love with the most gorgeous man she had ever met; and he loved her back!

  Bad Boy Tease

  Stepbrother Romance

  By: Amanda Bolton

  Bad Boy Tease

  Chapter 1

  Casey stared out the window, as she anticipated the arrival of her soon to be step dad. Henry had seemed nice when she heard her mom talk about him, but she never had the actual chance to meet him until today. Granted she secretly admitted that she had had no interest in the beginning to meet the man of her mom’s dreams. Her dad had been the only one who had understood her, so she was not trying to replace him as quickly as her mom was.

  “Casey! Henry will be here soon,” her mom called from downstairs as she refrained from rolling her eyes. Of course she knew this, that’s all she had been hearing for the past few hours.

  “I know mom, I’ll be down in a second!” she called out and continued gazing out the window while painting the rest of her toes with the yellow polish.

  A grey SUV pulled up a few moments later as she was applying the second coat and stood up to peer closer through the window. Was that him?

  A tall man stepped out in a pinstripe suit with slicked back chestnut hair. He wasn’t bad looking, maybe a little older than what Casey had imagined but she figured he must have been someone of importance for the way he carried himself.

  Sighing, she stood up and rushed downstairs before her mom could call her name again. The last thing she wanted today was a lecture.

  “You look nice mom,” Casey reassured her mom as she adjusted her top and opened the door with a smile.

  “Hello Henry,” she kissed his cheek as he kissed hers back and smiled down at her. The man had to be at least six three!

  “You must be Casey yes?” Henry stooped down some to look her in the eye.

  “Yes,” she replied and shook his hand as he smiled. So far so good.

  “And you must be Paul,” my mother said as Henry stepped away and revealed a younger man who looked to be a few years older than me. My mom hadn’t mentioned Henry already having a son…

  “Yes, ma’am,” he shook her hand while regarding me with a smile.

  “Casey,” he shook my hand as I tried to contain the blush that was trying to cover my cheeks. This man was one of the most handsome I had ever laid eyes on. He was about six foot with sandy blonde hair and dark blue eyes a strong jaw and cheekbones that radiated with his smile.

  “Hi,” I smiled back and turned quietly as my mom led them into the house and the three began talking about something.

  The only thing I could think of was why my mom hadn’t mentioned that this man had a son already or why he was so damn attractive!

  Chapter 2

  “Mom,” Casey began as she was able to get her mother in the kitchen alone for a moment.

  “Yes sweetie?” she was mixing up the salad for dinner.

  “Why didn’t you tell me he had a son?”

  “I thought I had,” she frowned, “Paul just finished his sophomore year at Cal Poly, so this is the first time for me to meet him as well.”

  Well when she put it like that it made a bit more sense Casey thought… he was a junior! Jeez, she was just about to begin her freshman year at Michigan State in the fall.

  “Oh, well he seems nice,” she trailed, unsure of what else to say.

  “Yes, he is a gentleman like his dad,” she giggled and went out to put the food on the table.

  Casey grabbed a glass of water and drank it slowly while Paul walked in and stopped when he saw his soon to be step-sister. Did she know that their parents wanted to get married? Probably so, if not she would find out tonight when they made the announcement at dinner.

  “So what college are you attending in the fall Casey?” Paul asked to get some kind of conversation going with the young girl.

  She flipped her hazelnut hair back, “Michigan State, I want to do engineering.”

  She must be really smart then; he mused and grabbed some napkins off the counter before going back to help set the table.

  Casey followed Paul into the dining room as she saw her mom and Henry were already sitting down.

  “Shall we eat?” her mother asked as they began to dig into the chicken and pasta.

  It didn’t take long before Henry cleared his throat after a lighthearted conversation and said, “I don’t know if everyone knows why we decided to have dinner tonight.”

  Casey looked at her mom, unaware of what was going on as her mom smiled back at Henry with pure love.

  “Angela and I,” he brimmed with pride when taking her hand, “are going to get married.”

  Casey’s jaw dropped slightly before she pulled it back up and held back her words. She should be happy for her mom, but how could she just move on from her father’s death like that so quickly?

  “Congratulations,” Paul spoke gleefully while casting a glance at Casey. She seemed to be radiating a bunch of emotions at the moment and had no idea how to react.

  “Thank you Paul,” Angela acknowledged him before looking at her daughter as well. “Casey?”

  She said nothing before standing up and leaving the table abruptly. Angela sighed, she knew her daughter wasn’t going to take the news very well, but she didn’t know how else to prepare her. It had been four years since her husband had died and she was ready to move on with her life. Everything with Henry had just fallen into place when she met him.

  “I’ll be right back,” she apologized and went up the stairs to go check on Casey.

  “Honey,” she knocked on the door as Casey just sat on her bed, letting the tears fall.

  “How could you mom!” she cried into the pillow as her mom sat down on the edge of her bed and rubbed her shoulder.

  “Casey…” she started but wasn’t sure how to console her daughter. This whole process hadn’t been easy for her.

  “Why are you replacing him?” she whispered.

  “I’m not replacing him,” Angela gasped and made Casey look at her. “I will never love another man like your father… but I don’t want to grow old alone once you go off to college.”

  “You could always move in with grandma,” Casey started softly.

  “I could,” her mom acknowledged, “but you and I both know I can only stand my mom as much as you can stand me. Think of this marriage as… a lifetime commitment with a best friend?”

  “That you love,” she huffed and tried to dry her eyes.

  “Yes,” her mother said nothing else as she retreated downstairs and waited for Casey to follow. She just had to come around, for everyone’s sakes.

  “Sorry,” she spoke to the men as they looked up and gave sympathetic looks.

  “Would it be alright if I talked to her?” Paul spoke up, “I know she has only heard of me since today… but I probably understand her situation a little bit better.”

  Angela nodded and watched as Paul retreated upstairs to check in on Casey.

  Casey heard a knock on her door and said nothing as it opened and Paul stuck
his head in.

  “What do you want?” she asked without looking up at him.

  “Just to talk?” he said innocently and walked in with his hands up slightly.

  Casey scooted over for him to sit down on her bed as he took in her upset expression. He knew what it was like to lose a parent, and he knew that this was probably coming as a shock to her more than anything else.

  “My mom died when I was about seven,” he sighed as Casey stared at him in disbelief. She wasn’t expecting him to say something like that.

  “I thought you were going to yell at me,” she mumbled. “It’s not that I don’t like Henry… or even mind having a brother or anything,”

  “You just don’t want your dad replaced,” Paul finished.

  She nodded as he took her hand gently and pulled her into him as she stiffened for a moment.

  “My dad remarried a few years after… but my stepmom died when I went to college. So it took a pretty bad toll on the both of us, until he met your mom.”

  Casey murmured a small “I’m sorry,” as she waited for him to speak some more. This poor guy had it worse than she yet here she was pouting about nothing it almost seemed.

  “You want to know how I get rid of my sadness when it comes to remembering them?” Paul spoke softly as he stroked her hair gently. She smelled of honey and cinnamon, a weird combination, but yet he was comforted by it.

  “What?” she asked, enjoying the feeling of him playing with her hair. Her dad had done that so many times before in the past, it made her smile slightly.

  “I get drunk off my ass,” he joked as she giggled slightly.

  “It’s more fun than you think, and when its karaoke night at the bar… oh man does it get loud.”

  “I wish I could go,” Casey sighed, “I’m not old enough yet.”

  “We could do it here?” Paul teased, though slightly serious. He wanted her to think of him as an older brother who would protect her. He had been waiting for years to have a little sister to take care of and watch over, now he was getting his chance.

  “How about your place? My mom doesn’t really keep alcohol around anymore.”

  “Sure, we can go back to my dad’s while they continue talking and whatnot.”

  Casey nodded and got up with Paul as they mumbled a quick goodbye and left in the SUV.

  Chapter 3

  It didn’t take long Paul noticed before Casey was spilling everything about her mom and her to him. Granted she was slightly drunk, and the karaoke was absolutely hilarious, but Paul made sure that he was only slightly buzzed.

  “Thanks for this,” Casey took a sip of the vodka again, letting the strong taste burn her throat. “I needed to tell someone, even if they wouldn’t remember or whatever.”

  Paul didn’t mention that he would indeed remember this moment, but didn’t want to embarrass her further for her sake. “Anytime sis.”

  “Casey,” she told him gently. “I’m not sis until after the wedding.”

  “Deal,” he ruffled her hair gently and got up to get himself a glass of water.

  “Casey have you ever been drunk before?” he called from the kitchen as he heard her softly singing a Kesha song.

  “Nope!” she said a little too loudly as he chuckled and brought her back a water too.

  “Drink some of this so you don’t get too sick.”

  “Are you preparing me for college Paul?” she teased him and felt the butterflies take over her stomach when she saw he was looking at her again like he had been all evening.

  “If you want to think of it like that then yes, but I’m pretty sure I will party more than you.”

  “Why’s that?” she pouted as he chuckled.

  “I’m not offending you,” he took a sip of water, “but since you’re going to school for engineering and being in Michigan… I would just think that California parties more.”

  “Oh,” Casey said as she was assuming he was going to say something along the lines of her not being pretty enough to party or even popular.

  “What?” Paul looked at her again as he noticed her eyes had fallen to the floor and she wasn’t looking at him directly.

  “Nothing,” she brushed it off before she could spill her guts to him again.

  He pulled her closer and made her look at him, “you know you can tell me anything right?”

  She nodded and felt oddly comfortable with how easy it was to confide in him. Maybe he was just good at being an older brother?

  Paul smiled and brushed the hair out of her eyes as she closed them for a moment, enjoying the feeling of a guy touching her so gently. She had never felt the urge to date before, high school had been overrated and none of the guys seemed worth her time.

  Mentally kicking herself she realized it must be the alcohol that was making her so loopy, to imagine her kissing her… well Paul.

  Well he’s technically not your brother yet, so you could like him for now, her mind thought as she gasped when Paul looked at her weird.

  “Come again?” he asked her, unsure of what she had just said.

  “Nothing,” she blushed as she tried to hide her face into the couch.

  “Casey,” Paul couldn’t help but smile at her dilemma. He didn’t realize she had found him attractive. Sure he had been gazing at her too, but he knew it was only because he was a guy and that she did have a nice body.

  “Go away,” she tried to push him away as he pulled her to him again and kissed the top of her head, making her stay still.

  Paul wrapped his arms around her and wished she was asleep so he could just hold her… he had always wanted to do that with a younger sister before.

  “Have you had your first kiss yet?” Paul asked gently.

  “Are you making fun of me now?” she whispered in fright. Oh God, he was never going to let this up as soon as they began to live in the same house.

  “No, I was just curious. I didn’t kiss a girl until I was twenty,” he confessed as Casey turned her head around to gaze at him. He had to be joking! With as hot as he was… there was no way.

  “Why so late?” she asked, feeling a warm sensation run through her body when he gazed at her again.

  “Just never felt like the right time,” he leaned in closer as he cupped her face gently.

  “I’ve never been kissed,” Casey breathed gently as Paul rubbed his finger along her lip, making her want to moan.

  “It could be our little secret?” Paul winked at her as she felt her core tighten. He was going to kiss her!

  Casey leaned up and brushed her lips against Paul’s as she tried to remind herself that there was nothing wrong with this. He wasn’t her brother just yet.

  Chapter 4

  It was about nine months later when the wedding took place and now a month later since Casey and her mom had moved into Henry’s house. It was slightly bigger and closer to both of their parent’s work so it had been more convenient.

  Casey didn’t mind though, all her thoughts had been towards Paul and when he had kissed her that one night so long ago. They had never spoken of it since but the longing inside her to do it again was nearly animalistic. He brought forth so many emotions within Casey it confused her. There were times where she would wake up and remind herself that she had just simply dreamed about kissing Paul again… there wouldn’t be another chance of that happening anymore.

  College was supposed to have distracted her, but her studies only took up so much of her time. She hadn’t even tried to look for boys since there was only one on her mind.

  Walking out of the shower at her home, she wrapped the towel tighter around her while walking down the hall to her room. Both her and Paul were home for winter break and had just gotten home again a couple of days ago. They had already gotten back into the swing of things by teasing the other and whatnot for what they sucked at or who did the dishes worse.

  “Casey?” Paul stepped out from his room as she jumped and the towel slipped from her hands.

  “Shit!” she cursed
as Paul stared at his step-sister’s body in awe. Her breasts were slightly bigger and swayed as she bent down to grab the towel, with her ass facing him.

  “Sorry,” he pretended to have his eyes covered so he could give her some sort of decency.

  “Give me like two minutes?” she rushed into her room as she threw on her clothes with her face heating up. She never expected him to see her like that! He probably thought she was fat and just flat out ugly or something. God she hoped she hadn’t scarred him for life or anything.

  Paul was pacing up and down the hall as he waited for her to come back out. Would she even come back out? He didn’t think she would’ve scared that easily and he was realizing that he was sporting a hard on while trying to get the image out of his head of her. He could only imagine what she looked like down there…

  “Casey?” Paul asked in a husky voice as he tried to conceal it while knocking.

  “What?” she asked while opening the door.

  Paul resisted the urge to check out her cleavage that was being displayed in the tank top. “Sorry… I was just going to ask if you wanted to catch that movie later on you kept mentioning.”

  “Oh… uh sure Paul,” she smiled as he stood there awkwardly. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed a slight bulge in his pants and felt her cheeks flush. Was that because of her!

  “Great, and I’m sorry again for earlier… it’s not like I haven’t seen anything before you know” his eyes lingered on her body for a brief second before he rushed back to his room and closed the door quietly.

  Casey felt her body heat up while locking her door before going over to her drawer and pulling out a vibrator. This was an emergency that needed to be taken care of immediately.

  Lying on her bed, she stripped down to her bra and thong while teasing the vibrating egg around her puffy lips.

  “Mmm,” she moaned quietly while imagining Paul sliding his cock against her swollen entrance. If only he wasn’t “related” to her.


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