Burning Desire

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Burning Desire Page 58

by Ami Snow

  The phone went dead before Derrick could say anything else. Slamming the phone down Derrick nearly crushed it with the fury that fueled his rage. How and the hell had Cassandra found his parents? Getting in his truck he drove back out to the Parson’s and knocked on the door. Where else could he turn?


  Rachel slid the apple tart into the oven and smiled, wiping her hands on her apron. She heard the knock on the door and hollered. “I’ll get it.” Going to the front door Rachel saw Derrick standing there and smiled. “It’s not tomorrow at six-thirty is it?”

  “No, um, can we talk?”

  There was a note of desperation that tinged his voice. “Sure. Why don’t you sit on the porch swing, I’ll bring you a beer.”

  “Thanks.” Rachel was back in a minute and handed the beer to him, watching him take a long pull as if he’d die of thirst. “What’s up?”

  “How are the police in Crescent City?”

  “Like most small towns I suppose. They know the people who live here so it makes it easier somehow. You in trouble?”

  “Sort of,” Derrick said, his face taught, pensive. “I got dragged in with some bad people from my hometown. I thought I’d dealt with it all before I left. Unfortunately I was wrong. A woman who thinks I owe her money just called my cell phone and the only way she knew my number was to harass my parents. I have to meet her tomorrow in Winwood. The problem is that I don’t have her money. Even the money in my account won’t cover what she thinks I owe her. “

  “How much is that?”

  “Three million dollars,” Derrick said with disgust. “My former friends and I did some work for her. The last time I saw them, they were on point to rendezvous with her, drop off the money and get our share. I never saw them again. I’m assuming they have her money, but there’s no guarantee.”

  “I’m assuming she’ll be miffed when she finds out you don’t have it either?”

  “Yeah,” Derrick sighed. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come here and dragged you into my past.”

  “No, it’s okay,” Rachel said, touching his hand. The jolt that went through her must have hit Derrick too because his eyes grew hot and intense. “I’m glad you did.”

  “I need proof that I didn’t take her money, but I don’t know how to get it.”

  “Do you know the last location your friends were at before they met with this woman?”

  “I left them at Points Bluff. They were supposed to meet Cassandra outside a motel in Westchester. When they didn’t show up she called me accusing me of taking her money. No matter how many times I try to tell her I don’t have her funds, she keeps berating me.”

  “Do you mind if I ask how you ended up with three million dollars?”

  “We stole it,” Derrick said, his eyes showing the remorse he felt. “I can’t turn myself in because I don’t even have enough proof to prove we did it.”

  “Okay,” Rachel said in her best, no nonsense tone. “First, we need to find your friends, confirm that they took her money and get back whatever they haven’t spent.”

  “Alright,” Derrick smiled. “Any ideas how we do that?”

  “Let me talk to my parents. Maybe they can help.”

  Rachel grabbed Derrick’s hand and tugged until he stood. This close he was so tall. She imagined briefly what it’d feel like if he put his arms around her. Shaking the feeling she smiled and pulled him with her into her parent’s home.


  Derrick again recounted the vague details of the missing money and his part in securing it. He apologized for dragging them all into but that he didn’t know where else to turn in town. “You did the right thing son,” Mr. Parsons said extending his hand. “I’ve been in a scrape or two myself and it was some good people who helped me out. I’d like to think this is karma, giving me a chance to pay it back.”

  “Thank you sir,” Derrick exhaled. Derrick listened to the Parson’s ideas and plans before he said anything, thankful that they were even willing to stick their necks out for a stranger. He supposed it was Rachel’s doing. He’d owe her the world’s best dinner date when they figured everything out.

  “So the first thing we need to do is find out where your friends took Cassandra’s three million. Do you know how long it’s been since you last saw them?”

  “Nearly a year,” Derrick sighed. I’ve been trying desperately to track them down, but once I left them at Points Bluff, I never saw them again.”

  “I don’t mean to be crude or assume anything harsh, but have you checked obituaries for your two friends? If Cassandra’s as violent as you say, and she believed you the first time you told her about the money, would she find your friends and question them as well?”

  “Yes and no I haven’t checked the obits,” Derrick said, a sinking feeling in his gut. “Shaemus was originally from New York, but had moved to Colorado three years before we did the job. Zach was from Denver.”

  “Where do you hale from Derrick?” Rick Parsons asked.

  “I’m a transplant as well,” he smiled. “I was born in Texas and moved to Colorado to go to school. After that I traveled around, got into trouble, obviously. Then I moved here, hoping my past would stay behind me. Apparently that’s not the case, unfortunately.”

  “Rachel tells me you’re hoping to buy the old Mandle property?”

  “Um, yes. All I need is the down payment and closing costs. And I’ll be working with horses. Eventually I’ll buy more land, but I know plenty of people who are looking for good horse stock. I aim to provide it.”

  “That’s quite an undertaking,” Rick said. “Do you have any experience in breeding horses?”

  “I studied Equine Science at Colorado University. I got my Master’s degree last year, before all the trouble started.”

  “May I ask why you did the job for the three million?”

  “I was drowning in student loan debt. Even with my degree I couldn’t get a job that could take care of me and my loans, not fresh out of school. I was desperate to get out from under the stress and weight of the debt. Even making my monthly payments I felt like I couldn’t keep my head above the water.”

  “I see,” Rick said. “Alright. Well, we have a dinner party in about two hours and then we’ll see what we can do about getting everything taken care of okay?”

  “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that sir,” Derrick said, shaking the man’s hand.

  “Come to dinner tonight and help me fend off the women,” Rick smiled. “That’ll be payment enough.”

  Derrick smiled and looked at Rachel who was smiling as well. As if he’d turn down a chance to spend more time with her. “Will do sir,” he agreed. “Is it a black tie affair?”

  “Oh god no,” Rick sighed. “I can barely survive the party, let alone the monkey suit.” Derrick laughed and then said his farewells. He’d need to shower and shave if he was going to be ready to see them again in a couple hours.

  “I’ll walk you out,” Rachel offered. Derrick smiled and opened the front door for her. “My parents like you.”

  “I like them,” Derrick said. “I’ve never met anyone so genuine, it must run in the family,” Derrick said, grabbing her hand. “Rachel I need to tell you upfront that I like you, a lot.”

  “I like you too,” she blushed.

  “I’m an idiot when it comes to women. I stumble over my words and forget things and act like a jackass most of the time. Just so you know.”

  She chuckled. “Aren’t all men idiots where women are involved?”

  “Probably,” Derrick said, cupping her cheek. He ran his thumb along her jaw and over her bottom lip, enjoying the way her eyes darkened. “I don’t want to be an idiot where you’re concerned.”

  Chapter Three: Invitations

  “Then kiss me and be back here for dinner,” Rachel smiled. She felt his lips brush hers, back and forth, soft as butterfly wings. Then the pressure changed as his arm slid around her waist, pulling her closer. He’d gone from gentle caress
to hungry embrace and Rachel was thrilled. She linked her arms around his neck and opened to him, inviting him to deepen the kiss to a point that had her body singing with anticipation. When he pulled back, finally, Rachel was lightheaded and unsteady.

  “Easy,” he whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to her brow. The affection touched her like no other man ever had. Derrick was a lover, and she liked that, a lot. “I’ll see you in an hour or so.”

  “See that you do.”

  Rachel watched Derrick climb into his truck and head back toward town. Even as she headed back inside anticipation slid along her skin, heating her in places no one had touched in too long. At twenty-two she knew living at home was rubbing both herself and her parent’s to be at odds more often than they agreed, but where Derrick was concerned they were in total agreement. He was a nice, good-looking man who’d gotten himself into trouble trying to do the best thing. Hopefully they’d be able to get it all figured out, because Rachel was of a mind to turn their flirtation into a budding relationship.


  Derrick enjoyed dinner with the Parson’s and their friends. But after a couple of hours he was itching to breathe again and stepped out onto the porch. “Stuffy isn’t it?”

  He turned to find Rachel sitting on the porch swing. Her summer dress hugged every curve and Derrick found it impossible to look away. She stood and headed toward him, a mischievous smile on her face. “Ready to have some fun?”

  “What did you have in mind?” he asked, ready to go with her anywhere.

  “A horseback ride to my favorite spot,” she said.

  “You’re sure your parents won’t mind?”

  “They’ll be in party mode for another couple hours at least,” she smiled. “Not to mention I’m of age and old enough to decide for myself.”

  “Alright,” Derrick said. Holding his hand out for her, he led her down the steps. “Are you riding in that?”

  “Not hardly,” she laughed. “I always keep spare riding clothes in the tack room.”

  “Smart girl,” he smiled. He followed Rachel to the stables and saw Destiny, Rachel’s horse, and Merimack, Rachel’s other horse. “They’re beautiful,” he said approvingly. “You take good care of them.”

  “They cost enough to buy a house. Even if they hadn’t I don’t like neglecting my animals, no matter how big or small they are.”

  “Good,” Derrick said. “You go get dressed, I’ll saddle them for us.”

  “Alright,” she said. Saddling the horses would keep his mind off the fact that the woman he wanted was stripping out of her clothes ten feet away. By the time she finished and came back out Derrick had both horses saddled and ready to go. “You’re staring,” she smiled.

  “Sorry I just…I’ve never known anyone who is so effortlessly beautiful. Hair up or down, dresses or riding jeans you’re breathtaking.”

  “Thank you,” Rachel blushed. Leaving the horses Derrick went to her and in one swift motion brought her mouth halfway to his. His arm tightened around her waist as he lifted her off her feet. Hunger, the primal, take no prisoners kind of hunger filled him as his lips claimed hers. Somewhere in his mind he heard her moan as her arms came around his neck, but all Derrick knew was the flavor of her, the way her body molded to his so that he ached incessantly to touch her.

  “Sweet mother,” Derrick panted when he finally pulled back from her. She looked equally as stunned, her dark eyes on fire and a hot blush searing her cheeks. It was a testament to the way he felt about her that it took him nearly two minutes to realize that she was trembling. “I want you.”

  “I sort of figured that out when you were kissing me,” she smiled.

  “No, Rachel,” Derrick said, his voice rough, serious. “I mean I want you now.”

  “Oh,” she sighed. Need fisted inside her belly and tied it in knots of lust as she finally found her footing. “Well, seeing as I feel entirely the same way I suppose we should take that ride now.”

  “Alright,” Derrick said. He didn’t like needing her like this, that was as clear as day on his face. But it seemed neither of them would turn from this, so they’d meet it head on. Maybe a twilight swim would cool them off a little before they warmed each other up again. She led the way from the stables, trotting out through the gate and across the back yard. When they hit the open landscape, Rachel pushed her horse to a gallop and laughed when Derrick spurred his mount to keep pace. They rode for more than an hour, enjoying the landscape and the quiet dark that descended like a curtain. That dark was just falling when they made it to Rachel’s favorite watering hole. Derrick slid off his horse and brought them both down to the edge to drink. When they were satisfied, he tied the horses to the only tree within a mile and came back to find Rachel taking her jeans off. “What are you doing?”

  “Swimming,” she laughed. “It’s hot and a dip is exactly what I want. Care to join me?”

  “I may embarrass both of us,” he said, obviously reluctant. When she stepped closer it was all Derrick could do to not back up.

  “You don’t have anything I haven’t seen before,” she smiled. Her hands went to his jeans and Derrick felt himself quiver. “Besides, the way you kiss me makes me think you might just want to do more than that.”

  “I do,” he said. He wanted to throttle whoever had taught his mother that honesty was the best policy. She’d beat it into him as a child and now he said whatever the truth was, no matter how mortifying.

  “That makes two of us,” she chuckled. His jeans came off without provocation and Derrick knew she felt his erection. Maybe he’d be lucky and the water would be freezing. “Come on.” She grabbed his hand and led him down to the water. He stepped in and sighed. It felt magical, that liquid slide of cool, refreshing water. It wasn’t freezing, but sinking beneath the surface gave him a moment to breathe. He felt more than saw Rachel slide under the water as her hand reached out to touch him. “I’m thankful you know how to swim,” she smiled.

  “You are?”

  “It means I don’t have to babysit you,” she laughed. “I despise babysitting men who should be grown enough to learn to swim. Why don’t you kiss me again Derrick? I really like it when you do.”


  “Rachel,” Derrick breathed, already lost to her. His hands pulled her close, wrapping around her waist. “I want to do so much more than kiss you.”

  “Alright,” Rachel sighed as her mouth met his. She sank into him, the easy warmth of his body, the way his chest pressed hard against her. Heat shimmered through her as his mouth roamed over her jaw and the soft flesh of her neck. A chill slid down her spine, tightening her nipples so that they strained against the bra she wore. Then his mouth clamped over her flesh and sent her reeling. Her hands fisted in his hair as she rode that first hard wave of arousal. It whipped through her life a hurricane, washing out everything but the slow and steady burn of desire and need. His mouth came back to hers with a fierce mating of tongues that fueled their mutual lust.

  Her lips now trailed down his body. She flicked her tongue over his nipple and felt the small tip tighten as he moaned. She let her hands roam and found the hardness of his erection under the water. As she fondled him she worked her own panties off and tossed them on the shore. Feeling emboldened in a way she never had with any man, Rachel took Derrick’s hand and pressed it between her thighs. When he filled her, Rachel threw her head back as needy claws gripped her body.


  Derrick had never known a woman who was so bold in her need. Rachel had been leading him here since their first instance and now she’d show him exactly what they both wanted. He felt the hot warmth of her body as she arched against him. Then her hand slid over his shaft and stroked him so that his mind fogged over. He couldn’t think past the need to fill her. His fingers, which had been lazily seducing her, plunged hard into her wet pussy, driving her hard toward release. He molded her gorgeous and full breasts so that their peaks hardened for him. Then he teased them both when his wet tongue slid over t
hose hard peaks. He suckled her until she rocked against him, her hips meeting his fingers as he drove into her. Derrick felt one hard jerk before the warmth of her orgasm slid over him. Her body trembled as she rode every last wave and Derrick ached all the more for watching her. He scooped her up and brought her to the shore, only saying, “I can’t make love to you standing in the water.”

  “Oh,” she said, her eyes huge and dark. His mouth took hers again and Derrick pulled her down on top of him so that her naked body rested just above his throbbing cock. He reached up and palmed her beautifully ample breasts. He’d never had a woman who was so well endowed and carried it so well on her body. Rachel had generous curves that gave a man plenty to grab onto. Coupling that with her beautiful smile, stunning eyes and lustrous hair, she was exactly what a man wanted in a partner. The fact that Derrick also liked her personality and character was just another tick in all the right columns.

  He shifted their bodies and watched surprise float over Rachel’s face when the tip of his shaft touched her. “Let me have you darling,” he whispered as he brought her mouth down to his. When she moaned and opened for him, Derrick drove himself fully into the wet heat of Rachel’s body. Her tightness thrilled him and he took her again, bouncing her hips against his as he drove them faster toward that hard crest. Her breasts bounced heavily as Derrick sat up. He kissed Rachel again, feeling her body work around the fullness of his hard cock. He reached down with his right hand and found her wet clit. He played with her small nub until she was left breathless by need. Back and forth he touched her, matching the rhythm of their joining. She came hard around him, crying his name as her orgasm simply undid her. Derrick gripped her hips and drove himself ruthlessly into her hot, throbbing pussy. He came hard on the heels of her climax and spent himself deep in her core. Thoroughly wrecked, Derrick fell back on the sand and pulled Rachel with him. She came willingly and he pressed a kiss to her long hair when she settled against him.

  “I feel amazing,” she whispered a moment before she kissed his chest. Her fingers toyed with the dark chest hair that grew over his muscles and Derrick felt his chest ache.


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