Between Brothers

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Between Brothers Page 19

by Lauren Gallagher

  Thirty Seven

  The last few hours of the day crawled by. Of all days to have to stay for an extra hour, it had to be the day I was going out with Max. But I had a few things to finish up and I’d promised my boss I’d stay until six. Fortunately, most of my tasks that night were little more than mundane, tedious reconciliations that I could do in my sleep. I went through the motions while my mind went through the motions of what could happen with Max that night.

  By five thirty, the office was deserted except for me. By five forty-five, I was watching the clock more than I was actually working. Fifteen more minutes and I could get the hell out of here, hurry home, and change into something a bit less professional before Max showed up at eight.

  The ringing phone startled me, and my heart sank as Max’s cell phone came up on the caller ID. Don’t you dare cancel on me, Max, don’t you dare.

  “Accounting, this is Marisa,” I said, just in case anyone else remained in the office.

  “You sound so professional.” The grin in his voice made my knees weak.

  “I usually behave that way at work,” I said with a laugh.

  “What would it take to persuade you to behave unprofessionally at work?”

  I twirled the phone cord between my fingers and smirked. “It would take someone very, very persuasive.” I paused. “So what’s up? You’re not calling to cancel on me, are you?”

  He laughed. “Not on your life, gorgeous.”

  My heart skipped. “So why are you calling?”

  “Do you want me to hang up?”

  “You’d better not.”

  “That’s what I thought,” he said. “I just had something I wanted to ask you.” His voice sounded unsteady, as if he was moving while he was talking. There was an odd echo, too.

  I leaned back in my chair. So much for getting anything else done. “Okay, shoot.”

  “I was just wondering what else you were wearing with that garter.”

  “Is that so?”

  The line suddenly went dead and something snapped behind me. I spun around in my chair and gasped.

  Max leaned against the cubicle wall, his cell phone in his hand. “Yes, it is so.” He came towards me, put his hands on the armrests of my chair, and leaned over me. Cologne. Smoke. Mint. Fuck. “So, what are you wearing under it?”

  I swallowed my surprise and held his gaze, meeting his grin with my own. I uncrossed my legs, then crossed them again, smiling as he drew in a breath through his nose at the exact same speed that the toe of my shoe ran up the inside of his leg. “You couldn’t wait until eight to find out?”

  He laughed. “I was afraid you’d be wearing something else by then, and I’d never know.”

  “I probably wouldn’t have been wearing this, you’re right.”

  “So what would you have been wearing?”

  “I thought you wanted to know what I’m wearing now.”

  He released an armrest and put his hand on my thigh, sliding it under my skirt. “I do.” He fingered the garter strap. “But I’m curious what you would have been wearing had I waited to come pick you up.”

  “Pick me up?” I laughed. “You make it sound like you expected us to go anywhere.” That surprised look again. I smirked. “What’s wrong, Max? Cat got your tongue?”

  “Sassy woman,” he growled. Then, he kissed me. His tongue parted my lips and brought the tastes of mint and smoke into my mouth. I moaned softly and put my arms around his neck.

  He stood up, pulling me to my feet without ever breaking the long, intoxicating kiss. I pushed his jacket off of his shoulders. He gave a subtle shrug and let it fall to the floor, then put his hands on my hips and pulled me to him, pressing his erection against me.

  I pulled away gently and looked into his eyes. “You really want to know what I’m wearing with the garter?” My voice was unsteady, but I didn’t care.

  He exhaled sharply. “Fuck yes.” His voice was little more than a hoarse whisper. I grinned and he raised an eyebrow in an unspoken question. I nodded. He pulled me into another kiss and lifted me onto my desk. “Whatever you’re wearing,” he growled as he pushed my skirt up my thighs. “You won’t be wearing it long.”

  And with that he dropped to his knees and pulled me to the edge of the desk. He kissed the inside of my knee as his fingers ran up my inner thigh, and we both gasped as he found the answer to his question.

  “Oh fuck,” he whispered, easily sliding his fingers into my unclothed pussy. “I knew it. I fucking knew it.” He exhaled, the throaty sigh bordering on a deep groan. “Sweet Jesus, you’re wet.” He looked up at me, a devilish grin on his face. “Someone’s been thinking dirty thoughts.”

  “And I doubt I’m the only one who—” I gasped as his thumb brushed over my clit. He laughed. Then he kissed my inner thigh. Again, a little higher. I gripped the edge of my desk as his tongue teased the entrance to my pussy. His tongue slid inside me and he growled softly, the vibration of his voice taking my breath away. I let out a whimper.

  He held my hips and devoured not just my clit, but all of my pussy. I swore he was fucking me with his tongue, sliding far enough inside me that I was almost certain he was going to find my G-spot with it. I closed my eyes and let my head fall back. Oral fixation or not, the man knew what he was doing with his tongue.

  Suddenly, his mouth broke contact with my pussy and he stood, pulling me into a deep kiss. He gripped my hair, holding me to him as he breathed me, tasted me, let me taste myself on his tongue.

  “Jesus,” he whispered, breaking the kiss. “I can’t wait.” I didn’t have to ask, especially not as he reached for his jacket. He cursed as he rooted around in one of the pockets, then pulled a condom free. “I want you now,” he said. He held the wrapped condom between his teeth and fumbled with his belt, his hands shaking. I took a breath as he shoved his jeans and boxers out of the way and revealed his cock. Just hours ago, I was certain he was out of my league, but there he was, in my cubicle, struggling to get a condom on with trembling hands so he could fuck me.

  As soon as the condom was on, he was against me again, kissing me hungrily. He pulled my legs around his waist and held onto my hips with unsteady hands. When he thrust into me, I whimpered and grabbed his shoulders, his shirt bunching in my hands as he fucked me.

  An office door opened.

  We both froze, staring at each other. I held my breath. So did he. He tilted his head, and I guessed he was listening just as I was.

  Footsteps came down the hall towards us. My cubicle was second from the end where the hall intersected with another. If they turned at the intersection, we’d be safe. If they kept going straight, we were busted. If we moved, if we made a sound, we’d draw attention to our presence, and there was no time to even think about fixing our clothes and pretending nothing was happening.

  Whoever it was had come out of an office and, judging by the sharp clicking on the floor, those were dress shoes, which meant it wasn’t the janitor. It was a manager. One of the brass. Someone with the power to get both of us into some serious trouble.

  My heart pounded. Max swallowed.

  The footsteps came closer. Paused. Papers shuffled.

  In spite of the possible consequences of getting caught, the thrill was intoxicating. I couldn’t help the grin that spread across my face. Max stared at me, puzzled, and I slowly hooked my leg around him, pulling him deeper. He closed his eyes and tightened his lips, obviously trying not to make a sound.

  The footsteps were almost to us. I squeezed Max’s cock and he buried his face against my shoulder, barely muffling a faint groan.

  The intruder entered the cubicle next to mine. I

  couldn’t quite hear them moving, but I sensed their presence, sensed movement. Papers shuffled. A drawer just beyond the dividing wall opened, closed, the vibration rattling through my desk.

  Max withdrew slightly, pushed in again. I bit my lip, choking back a moan. His fingers dug into my hips. Mine dug into his shoulders. His body rubbed against my
clit and I struggled to breathe without crying out, without making a sound at all.

  Shuffling papers. The crunch of a stapler.

  Max exhaled against my shoulder; I couldn’t hear it, but his breath warmed my neck. He pulled out slowly, then back in, then again, taking the longest, slowest, quietest strokes in the history of fucking. The earliest hints of an orgasm trembled within me.

  Footsteps again. Exiting the cubicle. Pausing. Turn left, for the love of God, turn left, I silently begged. Max’s lips pressed against my neck, very nearly making me whimper. I wanted to come. I needed to come. I was so very, very fucking close to just letting go.

  I held my breath.

  The footsteps abruptly changed direction, turning down the intersecting hallway and fading into the distance. The farther away they went, the faster Max moved inside me, and the closer I came to losing control.

  A door in the distance opened, closed, and the entire office fell silent except for Max’s breath against my shoulder. He lifted his head and looked me in the eye. “Now that it’s just us,” he growled through his teeth. I expected another witty comment, but instead, he grasped my hips tighter and fucked me.

  “Oh my God,” I moaned, the creaking of my desk almost completely muffling my voice. “Oh fuck, yes.” I hooked my ankles against the small of his back and tilted my hips as much as I could in such an odd position, but it was enough to let him ram the hell out of my G-spot. In moments, I came, clawing at his shirt and begging him not to stop and squeezing his cock with my pussy until he drove himself all the way inside me and groaned against my neck.

  For a long moment, we just sat there, trembling, holding each other up as our bodies shook. The room spun around me, and as it came to a halt, I could barely comprehend what we’d done and where we were. My heart still raced from my orgasm and the thrill of nearly getting caught.

  Max stepped back, gently releasing me and easing me to my feet. My knees were unsteady, but I noticed with some satisfaction that his were too. Out of my league, indeed.

  He picked his jacket up off the floor and looked at me. “You know, if I’d known about this side of you, I’d have asked you out a long time ago.”

  I laughed and straightened my skirt. “I guess we’re both full of surprises. I didn’t think you noticed me.”

  He put his hands on my hips and pulled me in for a long, gentle kiss. “Trust me,” he said. “I noticed you. But even after I heard about your separation, I didn’t want to push it.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “With as conservative as you—” He looked down at my half-buttoned shirt, at our rumpled clothing, then back at me. “With as conservative as I thought you were, I figured you were a sexual harassment case waiting to happen.” He cupped my breast through my blouse. “But I see now that I was sorely, sorely mistaken.”

  “Looks can be deceiving,” I said.

  “Indeed.” He kissed me again, the taste of smoke and mint and me on his tongue making me weak. Then he whispered, “So, do I still get to pick you up at eight?”

  “No,” I said simply. He looked surprised and disappointed, but then I added, “But you’re more than welcome to come back with me now.”

  The disappointment evaporated, but the surprise lingered. He swallowed. “Lead the way.”

  Thirty Eight

  Max followed me back to my apartment. We didn’t dare leave either of our cars at work overnight. I shuddered to think of what the Millers would have done with that information had we arrived at work together with one of our cars in the same place it was the night before.

  The drive was less than twenty minutes, but every second was agony. I gripped the steering wheel and chewed my lip, cursing the miles that just refused to go by any faster.

  My commute was so familiar that I rarely noticed any of the scenery, but that night I saw it all in a very different light. A parking lot looked like it had more than enough shadows and distractions to obscure a car with steamed-up windows. The cheap motel with the burned-out neon sign suddenly seemed worth the forty dollars to have a bed and some privacy. The park. An alley. At one stoplight, I seriously considered just pulling over and letting him fuck me in the car, right there in the middle of town.

  “No,” I told myself through clenched teeth. “Just a little farther.” But that didn’t stop me from continuing to see the familiar scenery through lust-colored glasses. Every shadow was a potential hiding place, every building had a back wall that couldn’t be seen from the road, and every cluster of trees would have done in a pinch.

  Glancing in the rearview at the last stoplight, I met Max’s eyes. He wetted his lips and smiled at me, chewing his gum and drumming his thumbs on the steering wheel. I couldn’t tell if he was keeping time with the music on the radio, or if he was just impatient like I was.

  Chewing my lip, I tried to ignore the way my pussy ached. Something told me that before the night was over, I was going to have some torn clothing and broken furniture, assuming we didn’t just burn the damned place to the ground.

  I shivered and turned on my signal, pulling into my apartment’s parking lot. Even there, just a few yards from the stairs leading up to my own apartment, I caught myself scanning the area for a place to hide from prying eyes, tear Max’s clothes off, and get his cock into me.

  Jesus, Marisa, calm down. But I was too turned on for rational thought.

  Max pulled into one of the visitor parking spots near my car. As he came towards me, his jacket was draped over his arm in front of him, and I had a feeling that placement was anything but accidental. Neither of us spoke as we started up the stairs to my apartment. We didn’t touch, we didn’t talk. I think he knew as well as I did that as soon as we made contact, we’d both lose control. The distance and the silence were aggravating, but necessary.

  As I opened the door, he gestured for me to go in first. We barely made it over the threshold before he grabbed me by the hips and spun me around, pulling me into a deep kiss. He stepped backwards, bringing me with him, pushing the door closed with his back.

  I wanted nothing more than to get him out of his clothes, to finally see if the naked Max was as mouthwatering as the naked Max of my fantasies, but I couldn’t will my hands to work. For a moment, I wasn’t even aware of the way his cock pressed against me or of that tingling ache in my pussy that had driven me insane since we’d fucked in the office. Every bit of my consciousness was focused on one thing and one thing only: Max’s mouth.

  As soon as he kissed me, time stopped. In spite of the primal hunger igniting the air between us, the palpable need to tear each other’s clothes off and fuck right now, his kiss was gentle.



  For the longest time, it was just his lips against mine, drawing out a long, sensual kiss. He backed off for a heartbeat, came back for more, did it again. He ran his tongue across my lower lip, and when my lips parted with a whisper of a moan, his tongue slipped past. The tip of his tongue met the underside of mine and drew it into his mouth. It was only when his fingers went from the back of my neck and into my hair, raising goosebumps all over my skin, that I became aware that a world still existed beyond Max’s kiss.

  He pulled back gently and looked at me, running his tongue across his lower lip. “I’ve been wanting to do that for a long, long time.”

  I swallowed hard. “That makes two of us.” The electricity in the air between us raised the hairs on the back of my neck.

  “I thought fucking you in the office would take the edge off,” he said, pulling my hips against his. “But all it did was make me want you more.”

  I tugged at his shirt and stepped back. “Then let’s not waste time here in the hallway.” He nodded and followed me into the bedroom.

  He kissed me beside the bed, then shifted his weight, knocking me off balance and sending us tumbling onto the bed. He rested his weight on his elbow and pushed my skirt up to my hip. “Fuck, I don’t want to wait. I want to be inside you again.” He reached int
o his pocket and pulled a condom out.

  I shivered. As much as I wanted to take my time and explore every inch of him, to see what else his mouth could do, his sentiments echoed my own; forget foreplay, fuck me now.

  He gasped as I reached for his belt. My fingers refused to cooperate, but with his help, we managed to get his belt unbuckled and his jeans far enough out of the way to free his cock.

  My heart pounded as he tore the packet open with his teeth and took care of putting the condom on. He grinned at me. “I’m going to get you naked yet,” he said. “But for now, I just can’t wait.”

  I opened my mouth to respond, but he silenced me with a deep kiss, working his magic on my mouth just as he had by the front door. He kissed me as he shifted positions, and I moaned at the warmth of his hips against my inner thighs.

  He thrust into me and we both broke our lingering kiss with a simultaneous gasp. No longer constrained by the awkward position on my desk, he was all the way inside me, his cock pushing the limits of what my pussy could comfortably handle. I moaned as he withdrew slowly, whimpered as he slid back in.

  “Marisa, oh my God,” he whispered, his arms shaking beneath him. “Oh fuck…” He trailed off, exhaling against my neck. He slid his arms under my back and hooked his hands over my shoulders, the fabric of my blouse bunching between his fingers. “God, you feel incredible.” He moved slowly, pulling almost all the way out each time before letting me have him again inch by agonizing inch.

  “Fuck me,” I said, swallowing hard and trying to convince my tongue to work. “Hard.”

  He didn’t need any convincing. He pulled out, then slammed into me, and I cried out, overwhelmed by him as he hit places only two other men had ever found before.

  He exhaled against my neck. “Is this how you like it? Do you like that, Marisa?”

  I didn’t bother trying to form any coherent words. Instead, I rocked my hips back and wrapped my legs around him, hooking my ankles against the small of his back, driving him even deeper.

  “Oh, fuck,” he groaned. I wanted it harder, faster, deeper, but I couldn’t even remember what language I spoke, couldn’t form the—


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