Between Brothers

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Between Brothers Page 23

by Lauren Gallagher

  “Marisa? Jesus, babe, you’re a million miles away today. Are you okay?”

  I nodded. Set my coffee down. Rubbed my eyes. “Look, I was going to wait until Eric got here…” I trailed off, chewing the inside of my cheek as I chanced a look at him.

  He looked confused. Inquisitive. “Okay…”

  I took a deep breath. “I just wanted to clear the air with both of you.”

  His eyebrows scrunched with confusion. “About?”

  Out with it, Marisa. Just get it out. Swallowing hard, I looked him in the eye, refusing to drop my gaze. “About the fact that he and I have been sleeping together.”

  Darren’s lips parted. His eyes widened. “You…what?”

  I looked into my coffee cup. “We’ve been…for a while…”

  He sat back in his chair, exhaling.

  “I’m sorry I kept it from you,” I said. “We thought about telling you in the beginning, but…”

  He tapped his thumb against the side of his coffee cup. His expression was distant, unreadable. He pursed his lips for a second, furrowed his brow for another. The silence lingered for an uncomfortably long time.


  Wetting his lips, he looked at me, opening his mouth to speak, but a knock at the door turned both of our heads.

  “That would be Eric,” I said, my mouth dry. Towards the door, I called out, “It’s open.”

  Eric came in and as soon as he saw his brother, he stiffened. I’m sure, in their silent way of communicating, that Darren let Eric know, loud and clear, that he knew. He closed the door behind him and came into the kitchen. A tense look passed between the brothers before Eric took a seat beside Darren.

  Darren looked at me, folding his hands in front of him on the counter. “Well, I can’t say I had any clue.”

  Eric tapped his fingers on the counter. “We just didn’t want you to find out, you know, get blindsided by it.”

  Darren nodded. “What can I say? It’s not like I own either of you.” I couldn’t tell if his voice was tinged with anger or just surprise. He was usually so easy to read, but not tonight.

  “So,” I said, trying to feel him out. “Are you…okay with this?”

  He was silent again for a long time, looking into his coffee cup. I exchanged a brief look with Eric, who looked about as unnerved as I felt.

  The silence went on.

  Then Darren tensed, his spine stiffening as if someone had shocked him. His head snapped up and he looked at me. “He’s Casanova, isn’t he?”

  My jaw fell open. “How…how did you know?”

  “Casanova?” Eric said, eyeing me.

  My cheeks burned. “I never told him the names of any of the guys I was with. Since you were a, um, recurring feature, you ended up with a nickname.” The penny dropped. That’s how Darren knew, I said I’d been sleeping with Eric. That it had happened more than once. He made the connection that “Casanova” was the only one who ever made more than one appearance.

  The taut silence was almost unbearable as I waited for Darren to do something. Say something. Respond, damn it!

  A laugh tugged at the corner of Darren’s mouth, cracking the tension in the room. He looked at Eric. “You. It was you.”

  Eric looked at him, then at me, then back at Darren. “I hope I was getting positive reviews.”

  Darren laughed, which instantly relieved the nervous tension in my shoulders. He shook his head and clapped his brother on the arm. “I think you were one of the only ones that did get positive reviews.” When he looked back at me, his expression was serious, but not angry. “I’ll admit, I was not expecting this. Not at all. But, I’m glad you told me.”

  I exhaled. “I didn’t think you’d be upset, but I felt weird lying to you about it.”

  “Fair enough,” Darren paused. “Okay, I just have to ask, how the hell did things get started with you two, and I didn’t even know about it?”

  Eric cleared his throat. “Well, um…” He looked at me and we both laughed. “One of those nights when she stayed over…”

  “After you’d gone to work,” I added.

  Darren stared at both of us incredulously, then rolled his eyes and laughed. “I knew I never should have left the two of you unsupervised.”

  “What can I say, bro?” Eric said with a shrug. “You have good taste in women.”

  “Likewise,” Darren said. They bumped fists and


  I rolled my eyes. “So, we’re all cool with this, then?”

  “I’ve been cool with it since day one,” Eric said.

  Darren sipped his coffee. “Yeah, I’m fine with it. Caught me a bit off guard, but, it’s cool.”

  I cleared my throat. “Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, there’s one more thing. Which is why I asked you both to come tonight.”

  They both watched me silently. Eric’s eyebrows lifted. Darren chewed his thumbnail.

  I took a breath. “Darren, we started this whole thing because you wanted to get me out of my shell, to help me learn to ask for what I wanted. Right?”

  He nodded. “Right.”

  “And what I want,” I swallowed hard, forcing myself to ignore the way my heart pounded. Was I really going there? Was I really doing this? “Is both of you.”

  “You’ve had both of us,” Eric said. He glanced at Darren, then back at me, and shrugged. “I don’t have any objection to keeping that going.”

  “Neither do I,” Darren said.

  “No, I mean I want both of you.” I wetted my lips nervously. “At the same time.”

  They both stiffened, their eyebrows lifting in surprise.

  “You—” Darren blinked. “A threesome?”

  I nodded. The old Marisa wanted to apologize for bringing it up, to assure them both that it was just a question, that if they weren’t into it, I’d understand, but I bit my tongue. If they didn’t agree to it, then that was that, but I wouldn’t apologize for wanting it.

  It was out. I wasn’t taking it back.

  From here, it was up to them.

  Forty Six

  For a long moment, they were silent, not looking at each other or at me. Finally, Darren swallowed hard and chanced a look at Eric. A second later, Eric looked at him. A subtle shrug from Darren. A half-nod from Eric.

  Then they both turned to me.

  “I’m game,” Eric said.

  “So am I,” Darren said.

  I grinned at both of them, hoping neither could tell how badly my knees were shaking. As much as I wanted this, it scared the hell out of me. Swallowing my doubts and fear, I said, “I’ve got plenty of condoms in the bedroom.”

  Eric rose. “Then what are we waiting for?”

  “After you,” Darren said to me, gesturing towards the bedroom.

  I winked at Darren. “You won’t mind wearing—”

  “No gimp mask.”

  Eric laughed. “She made you wear a gimp mask?”

  “Fuck no. And I’m not going to start tonight. Why, did she make you wear one?”

  Eric snorted. “Yeah right.”

  “All right, all right, no gimp masks.” I nodded down the hall.

  Behind me as we headed out of the kitchen, Eric said to Darren, “Twenty bucks says I get her off more times than you.”

  Darren laughed. “Twenty? Pussy.”

  “Cocky bastard. Make it a hundred.”

  “You’re on.”

  As I pushed the bedroom door open, I turned around and said, “You boys aren’t turning this into a competition, are you?”

  Darren grabbed my hips and pulled me to him. “Everything’s a competition, babe,” he said. “And I think you’ll be the winner in the end of this one.” With that, he kissed me, his tongue gently parting my lips.

  Eric stepped behind me and pulled my hair aside. He kissed the back of my neck, raising gooseflesh all over my body.

  Darren’s hands slid under my shirt, and both brothers broke contact with me just long enough to get my shirt
over my head and out of the way. Then Darren kissed one side of my neck while Eric kissed the other. My knees turned to water as Darren’s lips lingered at the base of my neck and Eric planted a sizzling kiss just behind my ear. I couldn’t think of anything in the world that could possibly be more arousing then two men kissing my neck at the same time.

  I reached for the front of Darren’s jeans, and my other hand snaked around my back to Eric’s. They were both hard and ready to go, and I couldn’t help but wet my lips at the thought of having both of their cocks. It was one thing to fuck Eric or Darren, it was another thing entirely to have both of the most incredible fucks I’d ever experienced at the same time. Even with both of them kissing my neck and both of their rock hard cocks in my hands, I couldn’t believe this was real.

  Eric’s fingers trailed up the bare skin of my back and stopped at my bra. With a quick motion of his hand, my bra went slack around my shoulders, and Darren slid the straps down my arms. My bra fell forgotten to the floor and Darren’s hands closed over my breasts while Eric’s lips brushed across the back of my neck.

  I stroked both of their cocks through their jeans, loving the simultaneous releases of breath against either side of my neck.

  Darren held my waist as he bent to take my nipple into his mouth. Eric put his hands on my shoulders and pulled me towards him, kissing just behind my ear and pressing his cock against my ass. I couldn’t tell who was turning me on more, who I wanted to fuck first, and I didn’t care. All I knew was that I was more aroused than I’d ever been in my life.

  “I think,” Eric said, his lips brushing my ear. “That there is way too much clothing in this room right now.”

  “And there’s a bed that needs a naked, horny woman on it,” Darren said.

  “Seems like an easy situation to fix,” Eric said. He released me and a second later, his belt jingled behind me. Darren pulled his shirt off. We all stripped off the last of our clothing before they led me to the bed.

  Darren lay beside me and closed his lips around one nipple while Eric did the same on the other side. They both worked their magic in different ways. Darren gently circled my erect nipple with his tongue while Eric rolled the other between his teeth.

  My breath caught in my throat as one of them touched my clit. I couldn’t tell whose hand it was, even as he slid his fingers inside me. It was a surreal feeling, something I’d never before experienced, not knowing exactly who was touching my pussy, and being completely turned on by it.

  He pressed his palm against my clit and his fingertip against my G-spot. A second later, he crossed his fingers inside me, and I knew then that it was Eric, but it didn’t matter. All I really cared about was the incredible sensations he brought out of me with his fingers and the things both brothers were doing to my breasts with their mouths. It occurred to me that we were just getting started, that this was likely the tip of the iceberg of what they were going to do to me. At this rate, they were going to need a fire extinguisher before long.

  All at once, Eric’s hand left my pussy and both brothers released my nipples. I gasped as warm lips closed around my clit, and a second later, a smoke-flavored tongue parted my lips in a ravenous kiss. I moaned into Eric’s mouth as Darren’s tongue circled my clit and his fingers slid into my pussy. Grasping Eric’s shoulders for dear life, I couldn’t believe that it was possible to feel anything this fucking amazing and live to tell about it.

  A shudder rippled through my body. Darren devoured my clit even faster and Eric’s mouth muffled a moan as another shudder, then another, shook me from head to toe.

  Eric broke the kiss and whispered, “Come on, baby, scream.”

  I took in a gasp of breath and cried out, but I didn’t hear myself. I didn’t know what I said, and I didn’t care. All I knew was the lightning bolts coursing through me as I came. I screamed and moaned and dug my fingers into Eric’s shoulders as my back arched off the bed.

  Eric kissed me again, long and deep, as my orgasm subsided and the room slowly stopped spinning. After a moment, he turned to Darren and said, “That one doesn’t count.”

  “The hell it doesn’t,” Darren laughed, kissing my inner thigh gently and withdrawing his fingers.

  “It doesn’t,” Eric said. “I got her started.”

  “And I licked her for the win, so fuck off, it counts.”

  “Maybe we should ask Marisa.” Eric looked down at me, grinning. “Did it count?”

  “If I say no,” I said breathlessly. “Will you guys do it again?”

  They both laughed and Eric sat up. “I think it’s time to dig into the nightstand stash.” I bit my lip and shivered as the nightstand drawer opened, then closed.

  Darren came up and kissed me, letting me taste my pussy in his mouth. Then he looked at Eric and held up his hand. “Share the wealth, bro.”

  Eric tossed him a condom. “I hope you don’t think you’re fucking her first.”

  “I’d like to see you try to stop me,” Darren said, laughing.

  “Boys, boys, no fighting,” I said. “There’s plenty of me to go around.”

  “No need to fight,” Eric said, nudging my legs apart with his knee. “I got the condom on first.” And before Darren could retort or I could think, Eric was inside me. He pulled my thighs up onto his hips and sat upright as he pounded me.

  Darren set his own condom aside and I wrapped my fingers around his cock, stroking it slowly. I tried to keep some sort of steady rhythm, but every deep, powerful thrust of Eric’s cock distracted me. Darren moved closer to me and I guided him towards my mouth, closing my lips around him and circling the head of his cock with my tongue. He came

  closer, giving me more access to his cock, and I took it.

  As Eric fucked me harder, I fucked Darren faster with my mouth, stroking and sucking his rock hard cock as Eric drove his own deep inside me. In no time at all, I was close to coming again. I rocked my hips back, pulling Eric even deeper, and I moaned around Darren’s cock. He gasped. One of them groaned. Someone whispered “Jesus Christ”.

  And I was over the edge again.

  “God I want to fuck her,” Darren said as I came down from my orgasm. I opened my eyes in time to see a glance pass between the brothers.

  Eric pulled out as Darren picked up the unopened condom. I was breathless from my dizzying orgasm and the anticipation of more as the brothers switched places on the bed.

  Darren sat up just like Eric had, but he teased my pussy with the head of his cock, sliding in just a little, then pulling back, then going in just a little farther. I pushed my hips towards him, desperate to have him buried all the way inside me. He laughed softly and kept teasing me.

  “Fuck me,” I pleaded.

  “I don’t know,” he said, running his hands down my thighs and giving me just a little bit more of his cock. “Wouldn’t want to overdo your poor pussy just yet.”

  “Fuck me now,” I said.

  “You’d better fuck her before she hurts you,” Eric said with a laugh.

  Darren chuckled. “Oh, I will, but she’s so much fun to tease.” He pulled out again.

  Aggravated and aroused and just fucking impatient, I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him into me. He gave a grunt of surprise and lost his balance, falling forward before catching himself with his hands on either side of me.

  “I said, ‘fuck me,’” I growled, laughing at the startled look on his face.

  He quickly recovered from his surprise and smirked. “If that’s what you want,” he said, withdrawing as much as my legs would allow. “Then who am I to keep it from you?” And with that he slammed back inside me and fucked me.

  “Oh my God, yes,” I murmured.

  “Jesus, that’s fucking hot,” Eric said, his voice strained

  slightly. I looked at him, and he was watching us, watching me, stroking his cock slowly, his eyes fixed on me as his brother pounded my pussy. He licked his parted lips. Without thinking about it, I did the same, and his breath caught. The muscles in his
arm rippled as his hand moved faster.

  Darren sat up, digging his fingers into my hips as he drove himself into me. Eric moved closer to me and I eagerly sucked and stroked his cock.

  Darren continued to fuck me, harder and deeper, as I devoured Eric’s cock. I glanced up at Eric, watching his brow furrow and his eyes scrunch closed. He braced himself against the headboard with one hand. “Oh Jesus,” he groaned. He exhaled sharply. “Oh fuck, yes…”

  I sucked his cock with renewed fervor, stroking him rapidly just like he’d done himself moments before. His body tensed and he roared, his cock twitching a second before the hot rush of salty-sweet liquid shot across my tongue. His orgasm—the sight, the sound, the taste—pushed me closer to yet another climax of my own, and I begged Darren to fuck me harder, faster.

  Eric came down to me and kissed me, the saltiness in my mouth mingling with the vague hint of smoke on his tongue. My pussy tightened around Darren’s cock and I moaned softly, closing my eyes as he fucked me right into yet another incredible orgasm. I distantly heard him cry out, felt him shudder against me.

  Everything went dark and silent for—a second? A minute? An eternity? I couldn’t tell how long it was. As I came back to Earth, Darren’s voice sounded a thousand miles away. “That’s two for me, one for you.”

  “Bullshit. The first one didn’t count,” Eric said. “We’re tied at one.” His words slurred just a little and he sounded out of breath.

  I licked my lips and opened my eyes. “I don’t get how either of you can still count.”

  Darren scoffed. “Of course we can still count. Scores like this are serious business.”

  “Yeah, there’s a hundred bucks at stake here, woman,” Eric said, leaning down and kissing me gently.

  I closed my eyes, letting the room stop spinning. “Just keep doing what you’re doing and I’ll buy you both a beer.”

  “Sweet,” Eric said. “A hundred bucks and a beer.”

  “Enjoy the beer,” Darren said, my breath catching as he trailed his fingertips up my inner thigh. “You’ll be ponying up that hundred in fairly short order.”

  “You’re both going to have to let me catch my breath before the game starts up again,” I said. “Or there’s not going to be anything left of me but a smoldering pile of ashes.”


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