Infiltration (Katieran Prime Series Book 11)

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Infiltration (Katieran Prime Series Book 11) Page 14

by KD Jones

  “This is the Katieran transport Orion. Come in.”

  He couldn’t respond, but he moved some switches to let the transport know they had been heard. He felt the electromagnetic beam as the larger ship latched onto them. He turned to see that TaymAR was wrestling with the other male and the other male held the knife between them. Then somehow TaymAR ended up turning the knife and the knife plunged into the Purist’s own heart. TaymAR stood up on swaying feet and looked at his bloody hands. It must have been his first kill; the male looked devastated. He finally looked at StrykER and rushed to his side.

  “I didn’t see the male had a knife until it was too late.”

  “Not...your...fault. We’re being towed into the Katieran transport. Tell them that…” Everything began to fade. Goddess, I would love to live a simple life with my mate; peaceful and full of young ones running around.


  “Stay behind me, Miss Song!” TylOR growled with frustration.

  “It’s a Katieran transport, with Katierans. They are friends, not the enemy.” She was so tired of being treated like the damsel in distress. She wanted to see her mate.

  “Still, you are under my protection.”

  She rolled her eyes but kept behind him as they disembarked from the shuttle. Two tall men approached. The tallest one reached out and clasped TylOR’s forearm.

  “Commander TylOR, I wish we could have reunited under better circumstances.”

  “Commander LemAN, we owe you a great debt for coming to our aid. How is Specialist StrykER?”

  “He’s recovering well in the medic wing. Come, I’ll take you there.” He looked at Melody curiously.

  “Hi, I’m Melody Song Abrams. StrykER’s my—mate.”

  “You brought his mate here in the middle of this chaos?” LemAN asked in shock.

  “She was on my transport already and was worried about him.”

  LemAN shook his head. “Females should not be placed in danger for any reason.”

  She didn’t care whether the Katieran commander liked it or not. She followed them down the corridor, ignoring the looks she was getting from the passing warriors.

  Commander TylOR turned to Commander LemAN. “Why were you in this area?”

  “I was tasked with trying to hunt the missing Morin transport. We were using a special type of radar and frequency to pick them up. We got a hit in this area and assumed it was the Morins. Then I got your call, and I knew we had to help.”

  The doors to the medic wing opened. She let out a cry as soon as she saw her mate. “StrykER!” She shoved past the two commanders and rushed in.

  StrykER was sitting up in the bed with bandages around his upper torso. He looked surprised to see her. “Melody?”

  She threw her arms around his neck. “I had to come to see you. I was so worried. Are you okay?”


  Hearing his declaration of pain, she pulled back immediately. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry!”

  “It’s okay. Just be gentle with me.”

  “What happened?”

  “I was stabbed several times.”

  “Stabbed? Who the hell stabbed you?” She was furious.

  “One of the Purist warriors I took prisoner. I didn’t tie him up like I should have and while I was busy trying to get us off the planet, he pulled out a blade and stabbed me in my side and in my back.”

  “Where’s this guy at?” She was ready to do damage.

  He took her hands in his as though he was trying to hold her back. “He’s dead. TaymAR killed him.”

  “TaymAR? Young TaymAR?” She felt a sickness inside that someone so innocent had been tainted by all this ugliness.

  “He saved my life.”

  “Where is he?”

  “We are holding him until he goes to trial in front of the council,” Commander LemAN replied.

  “He’s just a boy! He didn’t want to be a part of OrIN’s craziness. He was forced into it by his parents.”

  “He’s grown enough to know right from wrong. He will stand trial like others.”

  TylOR interrupted her before she could continue to argue. “Commander, perhaps I could ask the warrior some questions.”

  “Yes, of course.”

  She waited for them to leave before turning back to StrykER. “Are you really going to be okay?”

  He grimaced as he slid over in the bed. Then he patted the space he had made for her, indicating he wanted her to lie down next to him.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I need to feel you in my arms.”

  She carefully sat on the bed, trying not to touch his side. She gasped when he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her right up against him. He leaned down and inhaled her scent.

  “Goddess, how I missed you.”

  “StrykER, I was so worried.”

  He nuzzled her neck. “Me, too. I prayed to the Goddess that I would be able to return to you.”

  She leaned up and kissed him. “What do we do now?”

  “How do you feel about having young?”

  She turned further to look at him in shock. “Really? Honestly, I have always wanted a family, but I’ve put my career first up until now. How do you feel about it?”

  “It was one of the things I regretted when I felt the blade strike me. I didn’t get to mate you officially. I want to do that and I want more than anything to one day give you my young. You will be a wonderful mother. I want you to continue your music, though. I know how important that is to you.”

  He kissed her again, this time with such reverence and love. She had tears in her eyes as she nodded her head. “I would love to start a family with you.”

  “Great, we’ll return to Kiljorn and we’ll plan our ceremony. Then work on our family.”

  “What about your job? Will you have to go on another mission soon?”

  “No, I’m done with my interrogation career, at least where it takes me away from home.”

  “Why? I thought you loved your job?”

  “OrIN put a death warrant on my head. It would be safer to remain on Kiljor for now until he is finally caught.”

  “Will you be okay with that? You love challenges.” She laid her head over his chest and listened to his heartbeat.

  “Starting a family with you will be the greatest adventure of my life. We’ll have plenty of challenges along the way.”

  She smiled. “Yes, we will. I can’t wait. I love you, StrykER.”

  “I love you too, my Melody.”


  Three days later on Kiljor

  Melody had never been so glad to finally step foot on the planet’s surface. Well, technically they were on a landing platform on the top of the Prime building. They had just arrived on Kiljor and she had to admit that it was beautiful. The city was modern-looking, with steel buildings that reflected the rays of the two suns. The water here was blue, similar Earth’s lakes and oceans. She stood at the railing, looking out. It simply took her breath away.

  “What do you think?” StrykER asked, coming behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist. He pulled her back against his front and she snuggled closer.

  “It’s amazing.”

  “Will you be happy living here?”

  “Honestly, I’d be happy living anywhere as long as you are with me.”

  She turned in his arms as the elevator doors opened and a short and very pregnant redhead came out. She practically threw herself in Commander TylOR’s arms.

  “That’s Lizzie, Commander TylOR’s mate. This was his last mission off world for a while.” She smiled as she watched the happy reunion.


  She turned at the sound of her name. Priestess HonORa was rushing toward her. She let go of StrykER and hugged the taller Katieran female.

  “Melody, I prayed to the Goddess for your safe return.”

  “Did everyone else make it okay? How was the pilot?”

  “He held on and the medics were able to save him. What y
ou did was so brave. You saved all of us.”

  StrykER gently pulled her back against him. “It was brave but foolish. She will never put herself in danger like that again.”

  Melody looked up and frowned. “I would do it again if it meant saving others, especially my friend. You would do the same.”

  He sighed and leaned down to kiss her forehead. “Promise me you’ll at least try to stay out of harm’s way?”

  “I promise.” She winked at HonORa.

  “I saw that.”

  She laughed. “Nothing gets past you, honey.”

  “No, it doesn’t. I’m just going to have to keep a close watch on the only thing that matters to me—you.”

  “I’ll make sure you don’t get bored.”

  “Oh, I have no doubt you’ll keep me busy. I love you, mate.” He kissed her lips softly. Neither of them heard HonORa as she moved away to give them privacy.

  Melody looked up into his dark eyes and knew she had found her home. “I love you, too.”


  Katieran Transport

  Commander LemAN was tired and ready for a shower and some rest. He opened the door to his quarters and walked into a dark room.

  “Lights on.” Nothing happened. “Lights!” Still nothing. He stumbled over a chair that was not where he had left it. What in Kitana?

  Then he heard giggling. He groaned with frustration. “Teagan, what have you done to my computer?”

  He heard giggling nearby. He followed the rapid breathing and small movement coming from in the corner. There—under his dining table. He lifted the table up and glared down in frustration at the tiny female crouched underneath.

  “What are you doing, Teagan?”

  “Testing your senses.”

  “You’re a communications expert, not a medic.” He leaned down to help her stand up. The moment their hands met, he felt sparks travel throughout his whole body. The female was driving him crazy.

  “I’m bored. There’s nothing to do on this bucket of metal.”

  “Bucket of—Goddess give me strength.” He closed his eyes and prayed, something he had begun to do a lot of since encountering the tiny human from Earth. If she wasn’t tearing apart equipment on his ship to see how it worked, she was teasing his warriors, making him have to place her in his own quarters to ensure her safety from unwanted attention. It was for her own good.

  “I need something to do. I have ADHD. I told you about that. I have all this energy and require something I can put my focus on to channel it in the right direction.”

  He immediately had images in his mind of ways she could channel her energy, all of which involved both of them naked. He shook his head to clear those thoughts.

  “I will find something for you to do.”

  She stepped toward him and licked her lips. He tracked the motion and his body responded.

  She smiled up at him mischievously. “I bet you could come up with activities that would leave us both drained and satisfied.”

  Her voice was husky and he inhaled her scent. Desire was coursing through her and he could almost taste it. He had to stay strong, keep her at a distance.

  She reached out and ran her hands up and down his chest. That was his breaking point. He couldn’t take it anymore. He growled, pulled her up his body, and kissed her like a conquering warrior would his prize. Goddess, help them both. He had to have her.

  About the Author

  Since 2012, KD Jones has published over 30 books in five different series. She has been a huge fan of both romance novels and science fiction novels since she was 16 years old. Her favorite television shows when she was growing up were Star Trek and Doctor Who. When not writing, she can usually be found curled up on the couch with a good book, working on her hobby of photography, or spending time with her family. As a single working mom, she wants to show her son that a person can follow their dreams no matter how old they are and where they are in life. Dreams can come true if you work hard and believe in yourself.

  KD Jones Book Series, Book List

  Katieran Prime Series

  Katieran Prime (Book1)

  Prime Commander (Book 2)

  Prime Medic (Book 3)

  Kiljorn Prime (Book 4)

  Prime Deliverance (Book 5)

  Prime Salvation (Book 6)

  Colonial Prime (Book 7)

  Katieran Prime Celebration (Book 7.5)

  Kiljorn Commander (Book 8)

  Katieran Prime Miracle (Book 9)

  Colonial Commander (Book 10)

  Infiltration (Book 11)

  Galactic Cage Fighter Series

  Rage (Book 1)

  Talon (Book 2)

  Taurus (Book 3)

  Zara (Book 4)

  Hammer (Book 5)

  Zen (Book 6)

  Torch (Book 7)

  Maxim (Book 8)

  Ronin (Book 9)

  Nigel (Book 10)

  Earth Evolution Series

  Desolation (Book 1)

  Resistance (Book 2)

  Atonement (Book 3)

  Strange Lake Falls Series

  Strange Lake Falls Vampire (Book 1)

  Strange Lake Falls Werewolf (Book 2)

  Strange Lake Falls Vampire Mistress (Book 3)

  Strange Lake Falls Panther (Book 4)

  Strange Lake Falls Gypsy Wolf (Book 5)

  Inter-Galactic Bounty Hunter Series

  Inter-Galactic Bounty Hunter (Book 1)

  Tempting Bounty (Book 2)

  Polar Bear Express Series

  Her Big Bad Polar Bear (Book 2)

  Leaving Triad Series

  Leaving Triad (LT Book 1)

  Patrolling The Stars (LT Book 2)

  7even Circles Series

  7even Circles – Moon Is Calling




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