Stellar Transformations Book 7

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Stellar Transformations Book 7 Page 16

by I Eat Tomatoes

  Li’er murmurs softly to herself.

  Hearing her voice, Qin Yu no longer cares about how Reverend Yan Xu executes that secret method. He immediately turns around and walks towards her, saying: “Li’er, what did you just murmur?”

  “Nothing.” She says with a shake of her head.

  Qin Yu leads her walking into a pavilion. The 2 of them then sit down. He is simply not worried that Reverend Yan Xu will dare to do something dishonest. After all, when so many experts like Azure Dragon are watching, why should he be worried that Reverend Yan Xu will dare to pull some trick?

  “What is that Xiuxianist doing, Qin Yu?” Li’er points at Reverend Yan Xu, who is floating in midair.

  Qin Yu turns his head around to take a look. At the moment, Reverend Yan Xu is being surrounded by the 8 swords, which are shooting out 8 beams of light. They are totally connected to Reverend Yan Xu’s body by these beams of light. Reverend Yan Xu is making various mystical hand signs unceasingly.

  “He is finding the location of the 9th jade sword.” Qin Yu does not hide this from her.

  “The 9th jade sword?” Li’er slightly frowns.

  Qin Yu says smilingly: “There was once an extremely formidable immortal, not a loose immortal, but a real immortal descending to the mortal world from the immortal one. Judging from this, you can tell that this immortal was so powerful.”

  “If this immortal could descend to the mortal world from the immortal world on their own, they should have been an extremely formidable figure in the immortal world.” Li’er says with a nod.

  Qin Yu says in agreement: “This immortal left behind a Nine Swords Immortal Mansion. The keys are 9 jade swords. Now we’ve obtained 8 swords and only the last one is still missing. Today this Reverend Yan Xu is using a secret method to sense the location of the 9th sword through these 8 swords.”

  Li’er says with brightening eyes: “This seems interesting. Qin Yu, when you go search for the 9th sword, can I go with you to have a look?”

  Qin Yu says frowningly: “You can, but when we go find it, those jade swords will fly very fast. You’re only at the Jindan stage so your flying speed …” He has never seen Miss Li’er real flying speed.

  “Don’t worry. I’ve got a special magic power and it’s related to speed.” There is a hint of proud on Li’er’s face.

  “All right, then I want to see how fast a little girl at the Jindan stage like you can be.” Qin Yu says jokingly.

  Li’er says very confidently: “Fine, you’ll see my speed at that time.”

  When Qin Yu and Li’er are chatting to each other, large beads of sweat have appeared all over Reverend Yan Xu’s head. Finally, his secret method has been successfully executed. 8 streams of sword energy shoot into the sky. At the same time, Reverend Yan Xu says loudly: “Everybody, my secret method has succeeded. These 8 swords will immediately fly towards the 9th sword. All you have to do is follow them.”

  “Let’s go, Qin Yu.” Li’er stands up right away.

  Qin Yu follows her going towards Hou Fei and the crowd.

  Indeed, after a while, those 8 swords unexpectedly begin fly up. Everybody flies after them on their flying sword without delay.

  “No need to worry, everyone, I can control the flying speed of these swords. But if you’re too weak and too slow then you should just quit because I’m going to make them fly at the speed of a middle Dongxu stage Xiuxianist.” Reverend Yan Xu says in a loud and clear voice.

  The speed of a middle Dongxu stage Xiuxianist is not a problem to the 6 major powers. “Zhuang Zhong, you take care everything in the Stellar Tower well, I and 2nd and 3rd masters are going on a trip now.” Qin Yu gives Zhuang Zhong on one side an order.

  “Yes, tower master.”

  Zhuang Zhong, however, is secretly happy. When the 3 tower masters have left, he will be the one with the most authority in the Stellar Tower. But he will not dare to revolt either because word has spread that Qin Yu and Hou Fei are so powerful that they have even killed several majesties of the Nine Demons Hall. Moreover, Qin Yu is even supported by that unfathomable Uncle Lan.

  4 members of the Stellar Tower set out this time, including Qin Yu, Miss Li’er, fun-loving Hou Fei and Hei Yu, who just wants to go with Qin Yu.

  The Azure Dragon Palace, Blue Water Mansion, Penglai Immortal Region, Nine Demons Hall and Purple Flame Devilish Dungeon all set out with 4 - 5 members each. All of them fly after the 8 swords extremely fast. After getting out of the Stellar Tower, the 8 swords unexpectedly fly north directly.

  “I never thought it was to the north of the Stellar Tower. This is really a shock.” Azure Dragon laughs out loud.

  At the moment, the 8 swords are flying side by side, followed by several tens individuals. Except for Li’er, all of them have at least reached the middle Dongxu stage.

  Qin Yu is flying on his sword. Li’er is flying on the air on one side of him. Even so, she is easily keeping up with the others’ flying speed.

  “Li’er, your speed …” Qin Yu is dumbfounded.

  Flying on air is much slower than flying on a sword. However, Jindan stage Li’er is unexpectedly going as fast as Qin Yu and the others with ease flying on the air. No wonder she is so confident.

  “Didn’t I say earlier that I was very confident in my speed?” Li’er gives a brilliant smile.

  Hou Fei, who is sitting on his thick black stick on one side, swings his tail and blinks a couple of times, muttering: “Monster, sis Li’er is really a monster. How can you be so fast at the Jindan stage?”

  Qin Yu cannot help smiling.

  Everybody keeps flying in a relaxed manner northwards. After a long time, the huge Qian Long continent appears in the distance. Qin Yu’s entire mind becomes slightly excited: “Impossible! It can’t be on the Qian Long continent!”

  At this very moment, various images flash through his mind.

  They include the images of him watching the stars at the top of Mount Donglan late at night as a kid, the images of him training hard while being scolded by Master Zhao Yunxing, the images of him practicing external techniques alone, the images of him killing for the first time as assassin Liu Xing, the images of him risking his life against Wu Xing next to a 4-in-9 Heavenly Tribulation, the images of him fighting Xiang Yang to the death …

  “It’s time I returned and saw father.”

  When Qin Yu sees this familiar continent, those feelings hidden at the bottom of his hearts begin to surge.

  The several tens top experts of the overseas Xiuzhen world thus have arrived in the Qian Long continent …


  *** C ***

  - Cun: 寸 -- unit of length in the story, ~ 3.33 cm.

  *** D ***

  - Da: 大 -- big -- friendly way to call someone older and close to you. For example: Da Shan

  - Dacheng stage: 大成期 -- basically means the stage of completeness. The final stage, it’s after the Dujie stage.

  - Dongxu stage: 洞虚期 -- basically means the stage of hollowness. It’s between the Yuanying stage and the Kongming stage.

  - Dantian: 丹田 -- the energy center of a person.

  - Dujie stage: 渡劫期 -- basically means the stage of overcoming tribulation. It’s between the Kongming stage and the Dacheng stage.

  *** H ***

  - Houtian: 后天 -- Post-Heaven, i.e. something that is Acquired.

  *** J ***

  - Jin: 斤 -- unit of mass in the story, ~ 0.6 kg.

  - Jindan: 金丹 -- solidified internal energy in the form of a compact golden ball, representing a high level of martial arts, vital to the practitioner. This is a Taoist term, literally meaning Golden Ball.

  - Jindan-stage: the stage at which a practitioner’s entire internal energy is condensed and solidified into a jindan.

  *** K ***

  - Kongming stage: 空冥期 -- basically means the stage of void and darkness. It’s between the Dongxu stage and the Dujie stage.

  *** L ***

  - Li: 里 -- unit of length in the story, ~ 0.6 km.

  - Liang: 两 -- unit of mass in the story, perhaps ~ 50 g.

  - Liu Xing -- 流星 -- Qin Yu's fake name, which literally means Meteor.

  - Loose Immortal: 散仙 -- basically means a wandering, free immortal. In this story it means a person who keeps practicing using their yuanying without their physical body after the body has been destroyed by a tribulation.

  *** N ***

  - Neidan: 内丹 -- literally means an internal ball. This is a variant of the jindan, formed by animals which practice the Xiuyao way. The term 'jindan' is often used to refer to the 'neidan' in the story.

  *** Q ***

  - Qian Long continent: 潜龙大陆 -- literally means the Hidden Dragon continent.

  - Qi Men Dun Jia: 奇门遁甲 -- roughly means The Mysterious Gates Escaping Technique -- an ancient Chinese metaphysical art. (You only need to know that much. But if someone feels interested in it then here's the wiki link:

  - Qin Yu: 秦羽 -- Qin as in Qin Shi Huang; Yu as in Guan Yu -- main protagonist; also called endearingly Yu'er or Xiao Yu.

  *** S ***

  - Samadhi flame: 三昧真火 -- a term half borrowed from Buddhism; literally means the true flame of meditative concentration.

  - Shangxian: 上仙 -- literally means a superior immortal being.

  - Small Round: 小周天 -- xiaozhoutian -- an important path for energy circulation in Qigong.

  *** T ***

  - Tribulations: tests/punishments that a practitioner has to undergo upon reaching certain levels of power.

  4-in-9 Heavenly Tribulation: 4 thunderbolts, aka the Minor Heavenly Tribulation. (Xiantian --> Jindan)

  6-in-9 Heavenly Tribulation: 6 thunderbolts. (Yuanying --> Dongxu)

  9-from-9th Heaven Tribulation: 9 thunderbolts, aka the Major Heavenly Tribulation. (Dujie)

  *** X ***

  - Xian: 仙 -- immortal beings, or related to them, or supposed to be related to them.

  - Xiantian: 先天 -- Pre-Heaven, i.e. something that is Innate.

  - Xiao Hei: 小黑 -- literally means Little Black, Qin Yu's black eagle and a secondary protagonist.

  - Xiumo: 修魔 -- basically means practice to become a devil -- the supposedly evil way of Xiuzhen, kind of similar to the Dark Side of the Force.

  - Xiuxianist: 修仙者 -- people who practice martial arts to become immortal beings. They are mostly based on Taoists. You can think that they are Taoists on steroids.

  - Xiuyao: 修妖 -- basically means practice to become a demon -- the animal way of Xiuzhen, used exclusively by self-aware animals.

  - Xiuzhen: 修真 -- roughly means pursuing universal truths through practicing martial arts.

  - Xiuzhenist: 修真者 -- roughly means a person who pursues universal truths through practicing martial arts. It is a much broader term than Xiuxianist but oftentimes they are used interchangeably.

  *** Y ***

  - Yuanying: 元婴 -- literally means the child of essence; a vital, solid body of internal energy in the dantian which looks exactly like a miniature version of the practitioner; when a jindan’s energy reaches a certain level in both quality and quantity, it will transform into a yuanying.

  - Yuanying-stage: the stage at which a practitioner’s entire internal energy forms a yuanying.

  *** Z ***

  - Zhang: 丈 -- unit of length in the story, ~ 3.33 m.

  *** Stages in practice (in ascending order of power) ***

  Xian (immortals) + Mo (devils) + Yao (demons):

  Houtian --> Xiantian --> Jindan --> Yuanying --> Dongxu --> Kongming --> Dujie --> Dacheng --> ...

  Stellar Transformations:

  Houtian --> Xiantian --> Nebula --> Meteor --> Core --> Planet --> Dujie --> Star --> ...

  *** Weapon levels (in ascending order of quality) ***

  Mundane (incl. normal iron -> black iron -> black gold) --> Xian grade (incl. low -> middle -> high) --> holy class (incl. low -> middle -> high -> top) --> ...

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