Echo (The Butterfly Series Book 3)

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Echo (The Butterfly Series Book 3) Page 12

by Isabella Redwood

  The next gift she opened was from me and I watched as once again the tears poured down her face opening the pearls that were our mothers.

  ‘Thank you, Lexi. They are beautiful.’ She tried to compose herself and continue with the rest of the gifts.

  ‘Thank you all so much. Lexi, everyone, you have made it the best wedding shower I ever could have wished for. I would like to make a toast to all my family and friends. May you all be as blessed as I am and to my darling husband to be and my beautiful baby girls, we are going to have a special addition coming soon.’ She rubbed her belly as gasps from the audience were audible, followed by cheers and congratulations.

  I hugged her along with everyone else who was lining up to congratulate her and walked into the house completely in a daze.


  I heard Nicholi calling my name, but it was muffled in between my head throbbing and my feet stumbling forwards.

  ‘Lexi, come here.’ Nicholi grabbed me as I crumpled onto my bedroom floor and was lifted into his arms as I wept.

  ‘I am the worst sister ever.’ I tried to compose myself and accepted the proffered tissue Nicholi handed me.

  ‘I highly doubt that,’ shaking his head as I rambled on incoherently.

  ‘Strangers, people she barely knows are on cloud nine with her and her own flesh and blood is torn apart with jealousy. Yes, I get the worst sister award, hands down.’ I curled up and hid my face in disgrace.

  Nicholi pulled me onto his lap and kissing my neck, skimming his fingers up my calves and across my underwear had me breathless within seconds.

  ‘I want to try,’ he whispered in a sensual and husky voice that had me completed enamoured until I processed those words.

  ‘What?’ I yelled, shell-shocked and my head was now pounding.

  ‘After speaking with the four doctors, I feel reassured that it is safe. I want to try.’ His eyes burrowing holes into my soul as I finally understood what he was saying.

  ‘Nicholi, really. Are you sure?’ blabbering incoherently as he lifted my chin and our lips touched once more.

  The knowledge that he was ready to take this next step with me, my whole being was on fire as he wrapped my legs around him and we made love so passionately and fervently. I was unable to even comprehend how much I loved him in that one moment.

  We re-joined the party and hoped no one had noticed we were missing, casting glances at each other and secretly I was wondering if we had just made a baby.

  Half of the group had already left and the last few were getting ready to board the plane. Nicholi was helping Cross with the twins as Sophia was waving her friends off and Jacob had an array of cupcakes and chocolate keys he had smuggled out of the kitchen on his knee as he grinned at me sheepishly.

  ‘I love this one, Momma,’ he announced taking a huge bite from the red velvet cake and covering his nose with chocolate frosting. We were both laughing hysterically on a different kind of sugar high.

  ‘Lexi, thank you so much for everything.’ Sophia hugged me tightly and I felt so giddy with happiness.

  ‘I am so excited for the wedding.’ Knowing that Sophia had entrusted me to make her wedding dress and I was dying to show her it.

  ‘I am exhausted, but I’ll take one of those.’ Sophia reached for one of Jacob’s cupcakes and I did the same, as we all laughed together and cherished these precious moments.

  I was just getting ready for bed and Nicholi was in the shower when his phone started ringing.

  ‘Hi, Nicholi Veneto’s phone.’ Picking up and walking into the bathroom to hand it off to him if necessary.

  ‘I understand, yes, thanks for letting us know.’ I hung up and lay the phone on the granite counter.

  ‘Who was it?’ he asked reaching for his towel and wrapping it around him. I watched the light reflected onto the granite making the tiny diamond-like flecks sparkle all around the room. ‘Lexi, what?’ he repeated and I rose my eyes to meet his.

  ‘The lawyer said that Larissa’s condition has deteriorated and they have taken her to the hospital. They don’t think it will be long.’ I slouched against the counter and felt so sorry for Cross. This news right before their wedding.

  ‘I think he has prepared himself.’ Nicholi dried off and sat on the bed as I scooted beside him.

  ‘But, it is still his mother. Do you think he will go see her?’ Nicholi turned abruptly.

  ‘Would you see your father?’ he asked and without words, he got his answer. ‘Larissa has done far worse and hurt too many people for her to ever deserve our thoughts.’ I lay down next to him.

  ‘I hope he will be okay,’ I sighed and feeling Nicholi’s eyes penetrating mine I reached and locked my hands around his neck as once again we were undone together.


  It was a few days before Sophia and Cross’s wedding and Cross had flown over with all the supplies we would need to take care of the twins while they were on honeymoon.

  ‘Holy crap, Cross, did you leave anything at Babies R Us,’ Nicholi joked, and Cross rose his eyes in agreement.

  ‘Sophia wants them to have everything they own here. She is feeling guilty about leaving them and this helps,’ he explained, carrying the baby paraphernalia inside and I could not help smile with excitement. My period was late and Sophia had packed me some pregnancy tests that I was now clutching in my hands as though I had dynamite in-between my fingers.

  ‘Are those what I think they are?’ Nicholi asked, watching my face closely as a grin slowly spread across his face.

  ‘Wait, we haven’t tested yet. Don’t get too excited, not yet,’ I pleaded as he starting spinning me around the room.

  ‘I can’t say I have ever seen someone so happy by a jumper, but it suits you,’ Cross grinned as I helped carry the bouncer inside and stashed the pregnancy tests in the sideboard.

  After offering Cross dinner and him refusing, anxious to get back to Sophia and the girls the tests were burning a hole in the drawer. All through dinner, I was completely distracted and after getting JC bathed and into bed, there were no more excuses.

  ‘Here, let’s do it,’ Nicholi grinned as I ran up the stairs into the bathroom.

  ‘Okay, three minutes to wait,’ I confirmed, as Nicholi held me in his arms and we watched the timer eagerly.

  The words, Not Pregnant, filled the screen and we both audibly sighed.

  ‘It is the first month of trying. I think we are getting a little ahead of ourselves.’ Nicholi tried to console me as I threw the test into the trash and the remaining tests into the cupboard. The gut wrenching feeling too much for constant reminders.

  ‘I was so sure.’ I sank into the covers and buried my face away.

  ‘Practice makes perfect,’ Nicholi grinned, finding me amongst the Egyptian cotton as I managed to smile and snuggled up with him.

  ‘Marshmallows,’ I yelled, making Nicholi jump and look utterly confused. ‘I have been craving marshmallows all day. Let’s go toast some,’ I suggested, tugging on Nicholi’s hand who looked slightly disappointed I was leaving the bedroom.

  ‘Make sure you use the Belgian chocolate,’ he huffed, sulking as I placed a marshmallow in his mouth and mine.

  ‘It will happen, Lexi. We just need to be patient.’

  I nodded in agreement.

  ‘Besides, I have a few plans that I would like to put in place before we have a new bundle of joy to take care of.’

  I screwed up my eyes with curiosity.

  ‘Phase two?’ Remembering the first night we had spent together and his reference to it.

  ‘Phase two,’ he confirmed, popping a marshmallow into my mouth and licking the chocolate that had smeared on my lips away.

  ‘Bedtime.’ I stood quickly and ran as he chased me upstairs and threw me onto the bed completely absorbed in each other.

  Flying back to the mainland was bittersweet, we had the wedding to look forward to, but I did not want to leave the Island. Its peace and tranquillity a part of my soul now, like
a piece of patchwork quilt that felt like it was fraying whenever we were away too long.

  I triple checked we had everything we needed, the responsibility for bringing Sophia’s wedding dress always at the forefront of my mind and as we boarded our next flight, I was anxious to see it again. The thought of it getting lost and being sent to another city or country, terrifying.

  Picking up our bags and seeing the dress on the luggage cart was such a relief I felt a wave of nausea flow over me.

  ‘You okay?’ Nicholi asked, stroking my cheek as the colour drained out of me.

  ‘I think the seafood on the plane was a bad idea.’ I felt like I really needed to sit down and stay down as we drove to the mansion house.

  Earl was waiting for us as we arrived and helped Nicholi with the bags. Jacob had gone to his room to unpack and I flopped onto the bed, the world suddenly spinning.

  ‘Can I get you anything?’ Nicholi asked as his brow furrowed looking extremely concerned and nervous.

  ‘I think I just need to take a nap,’ I yawned as Nicholi pulled the covers around me and stayed with me working on his laptop.

  ‘What time is it?’ I asked, aware it was now dark and I could not see my watch.

  ‘Around seven. I have made JC dinner and he is playing his video games. Do you feel like something to eat?’

  ‘Some soup, maybe,’ I requested and decided to come down to the kitchen and eat there.

  ‘Better?’ Nicholi asked as the colour was returning to my cheeks with the warm soup settling my stomach.

  ‘Yes. Remind me never to eat crab on a flight again.’ The thought alone making me crinkle my nose in disgust.

  ‘Sophia called while you were asleep. She wants to come over in the morning for a fitting.’

  I suddenly felt excited.

  ‘I cannot wait to see her in the dress. She will look stunning.’ I watched him closely, confused by his expression.

  ‘What is it?’ I asked, reaching over the table to take his hands in mine.

  ‘I just don’t like to see you sick,’ he whispered and I climbed onto his knee reassuring him I was feeling much better.

  I could hear Nicholi’s voice, distant, as though he was whispering, but I could not make out anything he was saying. Pulling back the covers, I opened the bedroom door and could see the light from the office flowing into the dark foyer.

  Checking in on JC, I proceeded downstairs and watched as he had an animated conversation with someone on the other end of the phone.

  ‘Yes, no that is not good enough. I have been waiting months and you are telling me this now? This is completely ridiculous. No, I will not calm down. You too. Argh,’ he yelled throwing the phone across the desk.

  ‘Hey, everything okay?’ I asked, padding over to sit on one of the space age chairs, my eyes unconsciously roaming over the security surveillance screens.

  ‘Remind me never to do business with complete imbeciles and quite frankly I could happily wring their necks right now,’ laughing maniacally.

  I was utterly confused.

  ‘What were they meant to be doing for you?’ I asked, assuming it must be work related as he had never mentioned this before.

  ‘Only the most important thing I needed and now they are saying another month’s delay.’ He ran his hands through his hair and looked dreamier than ever.

  ‘I’m sure the client will understand. Everyone knows how meticulous you are and that you will have done everything in your power to keep on schedule.’ Hoping to make him feel a little better, but it was not helping.

  ‘I don’t want to wait any longer.’ He stood and pulled me from the chair and led me outside into the grounds.

  ‘Where are we going?’ I asked as he pulled me closer to the forest edge.

  ‘This is the first time we saw each other, and I had everything all planned out. But you said the client would understand, so here is your first clue.’ He presented me with a gold sealed envelope and I eyed it curiously. Opening it up, and reading it under the moonlight, I realised it was the first clue to a treasure hunt.

  ‘Seek and you shall find, the treasure of my mind. The tools will guide you to clue two.’ I read, jumping up and down the excitement bubbling over. ‘This is so cool. Thank you so much,’ I gushed and he laughed kissing me on the forehead.

  ‘You are very welcome,’ he teased, kissing my hand and leading me back to the house. ‘Can we continue in the morning? I have other plans for tonight now you’re feeling better.’ He opened the fridge and bringing out a plate of chocolate covered strawberries led me to our room.

  I was the first awake, desperate to start the treasure hunt again and knowing I had it worked out I was eager to go.

  ‘Nic,’ I whispered, kissing his neck as he slowly stirred.

  ‘Anxious to start?’ He pulled me on top of him and made me forget I had anything planned.

  After making breakfast for us all and finding out JC was part of the treasure hunt, I was eager to find my next clue.

  ‘Momma, you are getting warm,’ JC giggled as I was searching around Nicholi’s design studio, not seeing the next clue as easily as I thought I would.

  ‘Ah, got it,’ I announced opening the envelope gleefully as both my boys looked on brimming with happiness as much as I was.

  ‘To find clue three, you must go shopping. To the place we went and you bought stockings.’ Nicholi grinned mischievously and I ran to go get dressed.

  Arriving at the mall, I headed straight to the lingerie store and sitting next to the black pantyhose’s was my golden envelope.

  ‘To find clue four you must deliver, that precious gift you slaved over. If it fits you will see, how perfect everything will truly be.’ Musing for a moment as Nicholi and JC waited patiently for me to figure it out.

  ‘Sophia’s dress?’ I yelled, apologising to the lady who was busy buying underwear on a Saturday morning.

  ‘I’m thinking I made this a little too easy for you.’ Looking at his watch as though we were ahead of schedule. ‘Let’s go.’ He took both our hands as we made our way back to the car.

  Sophia was grinning from ear to ear as she opened the door and nodded at Nicholi conspiratorially.

  ‘You are in on it too?’ I asked and both her and Cross looked at each other before shrugging simultaneously. ‘Here is your dress.’ She eagerly took it away and up to her room bringing back clue number four. I opened it carefully and paused. ‘Any adjustments just let me know.’

  Everyone waited for me to read the next clue.

  ‘For clue number five, you will not have to wait. Treats run on time, all else you may be late.’ I read, completely stumped on this one as everyone else grinned knowingly.

  ‘Oh, the ice cream parlour,’ I shouted, as Jacob jumped up and down with me.

  ‘Let’s go.’ Nicholi took my hand as Cross patted him on the back. ‘You are very good at this.’ He kissed my hand and looked so proud as I slipped into the car too excited to sit still.

  Stuck on the door was clue number five and I opened it quickly, almost tearing it in my haste.

  ‘Your treasure awaits, but you must be patient. Your destination is set, but you must guide the way. Hmm, not sure about this one.’ I bit my lip and desperately tried to rack my brains.

  ‘Are we going somewhere?’ I asked, noting the luggage in the trunk I had not noticed before.

  ‘That we are,’ Nicholi confirmed as he took my hand and led us both to the car.

  ‘The Sat Nav,’ I screeched, opening the final clue and pulling out three tickets for a flight to Venice.

  ‘Holy crap. We are going to Italy?’ Nicholi grinned applying his sunglasses and pulled out for our final destination, the airport.

  Grabbing some snacks and drinks, I returned to JC who was watching the planes landing and taking off.

  ‘Excited?’ Nicholi asked, wrapping his arms around my waist as I marvelled at his ingenuity.

  ‘Very, I can’t believe you did all this for me.’ The tears were fl
owing as he kissed them away.

  ‘This is nothing. You have given me everything I ever wished for and so much more. If I can give one tenth of that back to you in my lifetime, I will never give up trying.’ He kissed me passionately as our plane was called.

  Landing at the airport I could see the stream of gondolas waiting as Nicholi handed our luggage over and we took our seats.

  ‘I can’t believe we are really here. Pinch me JC,’ I urged, smiling at my angel boy and snuggling next to my family as we were taken down Canal Street to our hotel.

  ‘I love you so much.’ Kissing Nicholi and JC in turn, as the water lapped against the boat and the sun shined down upon us. My world a golden halo of emotions that were rainbows and I was about to find the pot of gold.



  As the Gondola docked and Nicholi paid the driver, I looked at the hotel we were staying at, completely astounded by its originality. The three-story hotel had balconies all around each floor and had been built so that every room had a view of the Venetian cathedral opposite. It was exquisitely designed with natural resources found in Venice and the archways leading up to the hotel were draped in summer flowers.

  ‘This place is truly breathtaking,’ I gasped, taking JC by the hand and leading him up the passageway that was gently bobbing around with the waters current. The moon was reflecting off the water sending our silhouettes soaring across.

  Nicholi had joined us, taking my hand and carried in our luggage as we proceeded to check in.

  The rooms were modest but extremely comfortable.

  Settling JC down who was completely exhausted after our adventurous day, Nicholi ordered us room service, and I retraced every last minute of the day.

  ‘I can’t believe you did all this, for me,’ shaking my head in astonishment at everything he had managed to pull off.

  ‘This is nothing. We have a lifetime of adventures to take together.’ He kissed me and made me forget my stomach rumbling, longing for him instead.


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