The Terror of the Bigfoot Beast

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The Terror of the Bigfoot Beast Page 1

by Laurie S. Sutton



  SKILLS: Loyal; super snout

  BIO: This happy-go-lucky hound avoids

  scary situations at all costs, but he’ll do anything for a Scooby Snack!

  Shaggy Rogers

  SKILLS: Lucky; healthy appetite

  BIO: This laid-back dude would rather

  look for grub than search for clues,

  but he usually finds both!

  Fred Jones, Jr.

  SKILLS: Athletic; charming

  BIO: The leader and oldest member

  of the gang. He’s a good sport—and good

  at them, too!

  Daphne Blake

  SKILLS: Brains; beauty

  BIO: As a sixteen-year-old fashion queen, Daphne solves her mysteries in style.

  Velma Dinkley

  SKILLS: Clever; highly intelligent

  BIO: Although she’s the youngest member

  of Mystery Inc., Velma’s an old pro at

  catching crooks.

  Bigfoot is on the loose in a local forest! Only YOU can help Scooby-Doo and the Mystery Inc. gang solve this monstrous mystery.

  Follow the links at the bottom of each page. The choices YOU make will change the outcome of the story. After you read one path, go back and read the others for more Scooby-Doo adventures! Use your device’s back buttons or page navigation to jump back to your last choice. Then try a different link for a new adventure!

  YOU CHOOSE the path to solve...

  For the best You Choose experience,

  view in portrait (vertical) orientation.

  As the sun sets on a cool fall day, the Mystery Machine rumbles over an old wooden bridge deep in the forest. CREAK! GROAN! The joints sound dangerous.

  “Like, let me out of here. We’re not going to make it across this bridge!” Shaggy cries. Both he and Scooby-Doo try to jump out of the van.

  “Hold on, guys. It’s just a little rickety,” Velma assures them. She turns to the frightened hound. “Will you stay for a Scooby Snack?”

  “Rou ret!” Scooby barks as he settles back into his seat.

  Velma pulls out a big box of dog treats.

  Velma tosses one to Scooby. CHOMP! He catches the treat in his mouth and quickly gobbles it down.

  She throws a treat to Shaggy, and he does the same thing as Scooby-Doo. CHOMP! They lick their lips with slobbery tongues.

  Daphne looks at the map with a big red X marking their destination.

  “We’re almost at the cabin,” she says.

  “That’s good, because this road is getting rough,” Fred says. The Mystery Machine bounces as its tires hit a hole in the road.

  Velma bumps her head on the roof of the van. “Ow! Remind me, why are we going there?” she asks the gang.

  “We’re supposed to have a relaxing weekend in the woods,” Fred replies. The Mystery Machine thumps over another pothole. “So far I’m not feeling very relaxed.”

  “We’re here!” Daphne says, pointing to a cabin at the end of the road.

  “Let’s hurry up and get inside. It’s getting dark, and I think a storm is coming,” Fred says.

  The gang gets out and runs for the cabin. Wind rattles the tree branches like dry bones.

  “I don’t like the sound of that,” Shaggy says nervously.

  “Ri’m not afraid,” Scooby declares. A dead leaf tickles his tail and makes Scooby jump into Shaggy’s arms. “Rikes! A rhost!”

  The cabin is dark and dusty inside.

  “Hey, the lights don’t work,” Velma says as she flips the light switch several times. “We’d better look for a lantern or flashlights.”

  “Tell me this isn’t a setup for a scary movie,” Shaggy shudders.

  “Um, you’re not going to like this,” Daphne says. “There’s no food in the kitchen.”

  “Ahhh! Like, what else could go wrong?” Shaggy cries, throwing up his arms.


  Suddenly, something bangs against a window. Everyone jumps.

  “It’s just the wind, guys. No need to worry,” Fred says bravely.

  “Rit’s a monster!” Scooby shouts. He points at the window. A shadowy shape is visible for a second and then is gone.

  “Like, the wind doesn’t look like that,” Shaggy moans.

  “I’ll go outside and check it out,” Fred volunteers. Velma hands him a flashlight. “I’ll be right back.”

  “Those are the famous last words in every horror flick,” Shaggy says. “We’re doomed!”

  The gang waits several minutes for Fred to return. He doesn’t come back to the cabin.

  “Maybe Fred’s flashlight went out, and he’s lost in the woods,” Daphne suggests. “I’ll go look for him.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Velma offers.

  “Scoob and I will stay here and, um, make sure the cabin is here when you get back,” Shaggy says.

  Daphne and Velma leave the cabin and go out into the dark forest. It’s the last time Shaggy and Scooby see them.

  To follow Fred, press here.

  To follow Velma & Daphne, press here.

  To stay with Shaggy & Scooby, press here.

  Fred walks bravely into the woods. The flashlight beam barely lights five feet in front of him, but he is determined to find the source of the noise. Fred doesn’t see anything around the cabin. The tree branches are nowhere near the windows.

  “Maybe it was just the wind,” Fred concludes. THUD! Something bangs against the side of the Mystery Machine. Fred jumps. “What was that?!”

  Fred walks over to the van to investigate. The flashlight flickers as the batteries threaten to give out. Suddenly, he sees a large, shadowy shape moving at the edge of the trees.

  “Hey, you!” Fred shouts and starts to follow the person into the woods.

  Fred hopes it’s a neighbor who can help with the lights in the cabin, but why doesn’t the person answer? Is it even a person?

  “I could be following a bear, or Bigfoot, or worse,” Fred realizes. “This could be a dangerous situation.”

  Fred decides to turn around to go back to the cabin. Just then, the shadowy shape is right in front of him and tries to grab him!

  “Yaaa! It is Bigfoot!” Fred yells. He drops the flashlight and runs.

  The weak beam of the flashlight illuminates a huge, hairy creature chasing Fred deeper into the woods. Then the light goes out!

  If Fred hides from Bigfoot, press here.

  If Fred tries to outrun Bigfoot, press here.

  “Fred! Where are you?” Daphne and Velma call out. There is no answer.

  “How could he get lost so fast?” Daphne wonders. “He just left the cabin a minute ago.”

  “Look! Footprints!” Velma says as she points to marks in the soil. “The shoe print is obviously Fred’s. But what’s this other one?”

  “It sure is big,” Daphne observes. “And why is it barefoot?”

  “It looks like pictures I’ve seen of Bigfoot footprints,” Velma says. “It can’t be . . .”

  Daphne and Velma look at each other and shake their heads. “Naaah!”

  Curious, they follow the pair of prints to the edge of the woods. Suddenly, they hear someone coming through the underbrush and see a shadowy shape.

  “Fred?” Daphne asks.

  “Bigfoot!” Velma yells. “Run!”

  If Daphne & Velma head into the woods, press here.

  If Daphne & Velma follow a nearby path, press here.

  The door creaks shut behind
Daphne and Velma. Shaggy and Scooby-Doo are left alone in the dark cabin.

  “Well, here we are in an old, spooky cabin in the woods. It’s nothing we haven’t seen in every scary movie ever made,” Shaggy says, trying to laugh it off. Suddenly they hear a strange clacking sound. “What’s that?!”

  “Rikes!” Scooby shouts.

  Shaggy swings the flashlight beam around the room. The weak light reveals Scooby hanging from a light fixture on the ceiling. His teeth are chattering.

  “Scoob, the sound is you!” Shaggy says.

  “Heh heh heh,” Scooby chuckles sheepishly. “Ri knew rhat.”

  “C’mon, pal. The batteries in this flashlight aren’t going to last long. Let’s look for some candles,” Shaggy suggests.

  “Rand food!” Scooby replies.

  Shaggy and Scooby go into the kitchen.

  They look in all the cabinets for something to eat. There isn’t a can, a crumb, or a candle. The only things they find are cobwebs and spiders.

  “Our friend, Bruce, should have told us there wasn’t anything to eat in this place,” Shaggy moans. “Like, I would have brought a pepperoni pizza.”

  “Pizza! Rummy!” Scooby drools as visions of little pepperonis swirl around his head.

  “There’s only one place we haven’t looked yet, Scoob,” Shaggy says. “I don’t really want to go there, but I think we’re desperate.”

  They look at the basement door nervously.

  If Shaggy & Scooby open the door, press here.

  If Shaggy & Scooby decide to keep the door closed, press here.

  Daphne and Velma sprint deeper into the woods. Bigfoot chases them, but he’s too slow. The girls escape one danger, but now they face another one.

  They are lost!

  “Do you know where we are?” Daphne asks.

  “Let me calculate our current position with the compass built into my watch,” Velma replies. The needle spins and fixes on north. “I believe the cabin is north of here.”

  “Then let’s walk in that direction,” Daphne says.

  The girls walk through the forest for a long time. At last they come to a dirt road.

  “This should lead us to the main road,” Velma concludes.

  Before they reach the road, they see a building surrounded by armed guards!

  If Daphne & Velma investigate, press here.

  If Daphne & Velma search for the cabin, press here.

  Daphne and Velma decide to not take a chance on being spotted by the armed guards. Rather, they want to find their way back to the cabin. They start heading back down the dirt road, but they don’t get far. The bright headlights of a car are heading straight toward them!

  “It’s the Mystery Machine!” Daphne exclaims. She and Velma wave their arms to attract attention. The van stops.

  “Fred! We’re so glad to see—oh!” Daphne starts to say. Then she sees that Bigfoot is driving the vehicle.

  “Get in, girls, or your friends are doomed,” the creature threatens.

  “Daphne? Velma? Help . . .” Shaggy moans from inside the van.

  Daphne and Velma climb into the Mystery Machine. They see Shaggy and Scooby tied up in the back of the van. VROOOOM! Bigfoot accelerates down the road toward the building with the armed guards.

  “You meddling kids! I’m taking you to my boss,” Bigfoot commands.

  “Bigfoot can’t talk,” Velma declares. She grabs its fur and pulls off a mask. “You’re not a monster. You’re a man!”

  “Duh,” the man scoffs.

  “You creep!” Daphne exclaims. She takes a bottle of perfume from her purse and sprays him in the face. The man screams in pain and the van screeches to a stop. Daphne ties up the fake Bigfoot with her scarf while Velma frees Shaggy and Scooby.

  “Like, your purse is an arsenal, Daph,” Shaggy says.

  Press here.

  Shaggy and Scooby run up the basement stairs, slamming the door behind them. The door doesn’t stop the monster, who crashes through the old wood. It then lumbers through the cabin looking for Shaggy and Scooby, who are hiding in the shadows. They disguise themselves with lampshades and pretend to be floor lamps.

  It works! The monster goes outside to look for them. While it has its back turned, Shaggy and Scooby run into the basement.

  “It won’t think to look for us here twice. Right?” Shaggy whispers.

  “Rhat ris it?” Scooby shudders.

  “It kind of looked like Bigfoot,” Shaggy replies. “But Bigfoot isn’t real, right?”

  “Rit rooked real to me!” Scooby says.

  Press here.

  Fred decides to hide from the beast! He runs through the forest. The underbrush is so dense that it slows him down. He can hear Bigfoot smashing through the bushes behind him.

  “It’s so dark I can barely see my hand in front of my face,” Fred worries. “I hope that monster can’t see me, either. Wait! That gives me an idea!”

  Fred suddenly stops running. He smears dirt all over his face and grabs twigs and leaves. Then he crouches down and pretends to be a shrub.

  I hope my camouflage works, Fred thinks. Otherwise, I’m going to be a meal for that monster.

  The creature lumbers past Fred’s hiding spot. Then it stops and looks around. Fred stays very, very still.

  Think like a shrub. Be a shrub! Fred repeats silently, but he almost shouts in surprise at what he sees next. Bigfoot takes off its head! It’s a man, not a monster!

  “Bigfoot to Little Joe,” the fake monster says into a walkie-talkie.

  “Little Joe to Bigfoot. Report,” a voice responds.

  “That meddling kid got away. I’m going back for the others,” Bigfoot says.

  “Roger that. Bring them to headquarters. We’ll deal with them,” Little Joe replies.

  Fred doesn’t move a muscle until the fake Bigfoot disappears into the forest.

  Press here.

  Shaggy’s stomach growls. It sounds like a hungry monster.

  “Okay, it’s decided. We’re going in!” Shaggy declares. He grips the doorknob. The door opens into darkness. A weird smell comes up out of the gloom.

  “Rat’s rucky!” Scooby says as he waves away the stink with his paw.

  The friends start down the stairs. Shaggy’s hand shakes so hard that the flashlight beam bounces all over the place. Suddenly, it passes over something large and hairy.

  “Yaaa!” Shaggy yells. Then he sees that the shape is really a bunch of furry winter coats. Shaggy sighs with relief. When he reaches the bottom of the stairs, he trips over something in the dark. The flashlight beam reveals a horrible, grinning face.

  “Yaaa! It’s a dead body!” Shaggy shouts. Then he sees it’s a black plastic trash bag with an old Halloween mask poking out of it. Shaggy laughs at his fear.

  “Ha ha! That was pretty silly of me, huh, Scoob,” he says. “Uh, Scooby? Scooby-Doo, where are you?”

  “Rup rhere,” Scooby replies. He is in the rafters above Shaggy’s head.

  Suddenly, the trash bag lurches as if it’s alive! Shaggy shrieks and leaps up into the rafters next to Scooby. He drops the flashlight on the floor. The weak beam illuminates a large shadowy shape. Then the batteries die and the flashlight goes out.

  “We’re doomed!” Shaggy moans.

  Shaggy and Scooby wait in the dark. Nothing happens. The pals soon chuckle to themselves about being such scaredy-cats.

  They drop down from the rafters, and Shaggy feels around for the flashlight. His hands come across some strange shapes and questionable textures, but he’s not afraid anymore. At last, he finds the flashlight and gives it a whack to turn it back on. Standing in front of him is a huge hairy monster!

  “Ha ha, Scoob! You can’t scare me by putting on one of those furry coats!” Shaggy chuckles.

  “But, Ri’m over rhere, Raggy,” S
cooby says from near the stairs.

  Suddenly, the monster tries to grab Shaggy.

  “It’s alive! Run!” Shaggy shouts.

  Press here.

  A shaggy shape lurches toward the Mystery Machine. It’s covered in mud and twigs.

  “The real Bigfoot!” the fake Bigfoot screams. “Get me out of here!”

  The creature isn’t afraid of the bright lights and walks right up to the van. It bangs its fists on the hood.

  “Wow! Am I ever glad to see you guys!” the monster says in a familiar voice.

  “It’s Fred!” Daphne cries. “What happened to you?”

  “Oh, the usual mystery—chased by Bigfoot, fell down a ravine, almost drowned in sucking mud,” Fred replies.

  “Meet Bigfoot,” Velma says and points to the costumed captive. “He’s an imposter.”

  “We’ll compare notes later. Let’s get out of here!” Daphne declares. Fred gets in the van and they drive away.


  To follow another path, press here.

  “What’s happening?” Daphne asks as she and Velma run out of the cabin. Shaggy and Scooby tremble in the doorway.

  “Fred! You captured Bigfoot!” Velma exclaims.

  “Fake Bigfoot,” Fred corrects her and pulls off the man’s mask.

  “Okay, fake Bigfoot,” Velma agrees. “But what is he doing here?”

  “I was hired to scare campers away from this area,” the false monster says. “And it was working until you meddling kids showed up.”

  “We’ll go into town and turn him over to the police,” Fred says.


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