The Terror of the Bigfoot Beast

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The Terror of the Bigfoot Beast Page 4

by Laurie S. Sutton

  Fred, Daphne, and Velma climb onto the back of the snowmobiles, and they drive down the mountain to safety.

  “Like, it looks like it’s all downhill from here!” Shaggy declares.


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  “Look! There’s a dry tunnel over there!” Shaggy shouts, pointing to a large opening in the rock wall. “Jump!”

  The pals leap for their lives. They make it to safety just as the cart plunges over the waterfall.

  “We might as well see where this goes,” Shaggy says.

  The pals head down the tunnel. As they walk through the dark, they hear a moaning sound. It gets louder and louder.

  “Zoinks! This mine is haunted!” Shaggy says.

  “Rhosts?!” Scooby whimpers.

  Suddenly, they see the source of the sound. Shaggy and Scooby come to a cave where dozens of men are working, digging light blue rocks. Their groans drift down the tunnel.

  “They’re mining turquoise,” Shaggy observes. “It’s really valuable.”

  “Rikes! Rook, Raggy!” Scooby gulps, pointing to large hairy monsters standing guard over the workers.

  “Wait, those aren’t Yetis. They’re just guys in furry snowsuits,” Shaggy realizes. “But how are we going to get past them and get out of here?”

  Scooby points to a group of workers pushing an ore cart out of the cave. Shaggy gets an idea. The pals disguise themselves as workers. They smear dirt on their faces and clothes and pick up some digging tools.

  “It’s working,” Shaggy whispers as they push a cart past the guards.

  “Hey, you!” a Yeti guard says to Scooby. “You’re not one of the regulars.”

  “Run!” Shaggy yells.

  “Stop!” the guard shouts and chases them.

  More guards chase Shaggy and Scooby. The workers see this as their chance to escape! They run after Shaggy and Scooby, too. Suddenly, a whole mob is after the two friends.

  “Zoinks! There’s no way out!” Shaggy gulps as they come to a large, locked door. “We’re trapped!”

  But instead of being captured, Shaggy and Scooby are cheered by the workers.

  “Hooray! You have freed us!” they shout. Shaggy and Scooby look confused. “These bad men forced us to dig for the blue stone. They would have gotten away with it if it had not been for you two strangers.”

  “Uh, we were just looking for our friends,” Shaggy says.

  “We will help you find them. Then we will all go home!” the workers declare.


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  The truck smashes through the door and zooms down the mountainside. The blizzard makes it hard for Fred to drive. He can’t see where he is going. The only direction he’s sure of is downhill.

  “Look out!” Daphne yells and points to where the road disappears!

  The vehicle sails through the air as the road vanishes. The truck lands in a deep snowdrift far below. Fred, Daphne, and Velma crawl out of the truck. Friendly hands and paws help them.

  “Shaggy! Scooby! It’s you!” Velma exclaims.

  “Like, where have you guys been? We were looking all over for you,” Shaggy says.

  “We’ll tell you later,” Fred replies. “Right now we’ve got to get out of here. But how? The truck is wrecked.”

  “I’ve got a plan!” Velma announces. “The truck has a cargo of tents. We can use them to make hang gliders!” Velma explains.

  “Genius! Let’s get started,” Daphne says.

  The kids use the metal tent poles as struts and braces for the gliders. Then they stretch the canvas over the structures to create wings. It does not take long to build five simple hang gliders.

  “These aren’t going to win any prizes for looks, but they’ll get the job done,” Velma says when they’ve finished.

  “Like, isn’t it dangerous to fly these in this storm?” Shaggy trembles.

  “Not as dangerous as getting caught by those guys!” Daphne says and points to a pack of Yeti guards coming at them.

  Press here.

  Shaggy and Scooby land on the conveyor belt and start running.

  “Like, why aren’t we going anywhere?” Shaggy wonders aloud. Scooby points down at the conveyor belt. They are running against its forward motion. “Oops!”

  Shaggy and Scooby turn around and run as fast as they can. Stuffed toys go flying into the air. So do the diamonds. The workers scramble to grab the gems. Shaggy and Scooby escape.

  “Quick! Hide in that crate!” Shaggy says. The pals jump into a big wooden box full of stuffed toys and shut the lid.

  Press here.

  “Zoinks! We’re moving!” Shaggy says as the crate gets lifted from the ground. Then it is loaded on a truck, which drives off. “We’re leaving!”

  Shaggy and Scooby peek out of the crate. They are outside on a mountain road.

  “Like, the blizzard stopped. Now we can look for Daphne, Velma, and Fred. Let’s go, Scoob!” Shaggy says. They jump out of the crate and off the truck.

  The vehicle drives away down the mountain. Shaggy and Scooby are left standing in the snow in the middle of nowhere.

  “Maybe we jumped too soon. It’s going to be a long walk back to the village,” Shaggy moans.


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  “I really didn’t think you kids would make it down the mountain alive,” the man says. “You are very resourceful. But that won’t help you now.”

  “Hey, I know you,” Fred realizes. “I saw you in the office talking to Bigfoot back in the States.”

  “Yes. I ran that operation until you kids interfered,” the man says. “We had to shut it down before the authorities arrived.”

  “So here you are in Tibet using Yetis to scare the locals instead of Bigfoot,” Velma states.

  “It’s Granddad’s idea,” the man reveals with a shrug. “You can ask him all the questions you want when you see him.”

  Press here.

  Scooby ignores Shaggy’s warning and leaps out of the cart. Shaggy quickly follows. The two watch the cart fall into the mine shaft behind them.

  “Way to go, Scooby!” Shaggy exclaims. “Like, for once, I’m glad you didn’t listen to me.”

  “Re roo!” Scooby replies, kissing the ground at his feet. MWAH! MWAH!

  “Now let’s find a way out of here,” Shaggy says, scanning the area.

  “Ris ray,” Scooby suggests and points to a tunnel.

  The two friends start walking. Soon, they see a light at the end of the tunnel.

  “A way out! We’re saved!” Shaggy exclaims.

  “Ruh-roh,” Scooby gulps.

  “It’s a dead end,” Shaggy says.

  The tunnel ends high up in a larger cave. The light is coming from big floodlights that illuminate an underground factory.

  “Aww, they’re making stuffed animals,” Shaggy observes. “Wait. They’re putting something inside the toys besides stuffing.”

  “Riamonds!” Scooby exclaims, spotting piles and piles of the sparkling jewels.

  “It’s a smuggling operation,” Shaggy realizes. “I’ll bet it’s connected to the Bigfoot scheme back home.”

  Just then, a big, hairy hand grips Shaggy on the shoulder. He turns and comes face to face with a Yeti!


  The giant beast lets out a terrifying wail with his hot breath.

  “Zoinks!” Shaggy shrieks.

  “Reah,” Scooby says, plugging his nose. “Try a reath rint.”

  “Come on, Scoobs!” shouts Shaggy. He and Scooby jump and fall into giant bin of toy stuffing. The Yeti follows them.

  When they emerge from the bottom, Shaggy and Scooby realize the Yeti’s head has fallen off!

  “Hey, that was just a mask
! You’re a man, not a monster,” Shaggy says.

  The fake Yeti tries to grab Scooby and Shaggy, but they scamper over him and out of the bin.

  Press here.

  Shaggy, Scooby, Fred, Daphne, and Velma are marched by the Yeti guards toward a helicopter. They climb inside. The interior is very luxurious, but they don’t feel very comfortable. The guards tie them up with rope.

  “Where are we going?” Daphne asks.

  “You’ll see when you get there,” the man replies. He settles into a seat and buckles the seat belt. “It will be the last thing you see.”

  Press here.

  The kids grab the hang gliders and launch into the air. They don’t have time to think about the possible dangers. Real danger is coming at them on snowmobiles. The Yeti guards shoot their stun rifles but miss.


  The wind catches the canvas wings of the gliders and tosses the frail contraptions like bits of confetti. Updrafts hurl them high in the air. Downdrafts plunge them toward the ground. The kids can barely control their creations.

  “Head down into the valley! The air will be calmer there,” Velma instructs. She just hopes it’s true.

  The gang circles over Chatang village. They’ve been knocked around by the fierce winds. Their hang gliders are coming apart, but they manage to land. Shaggy and Scooby scramble out of the tattered gliders and kiss the ground.

  “Safe at last!” Shaggy sighs.

  “Not quite, you meddling kids,” a voice declares. A tall man walks toward the gang. There are a dozen Yeti guards behind him.

  “Re’re roomed,” Scooby whimpers.

  Press here.

  The helicopter lands at a remote airport in the Himalaya Mountains. Yeti guards move Scooby-Doo and the gang to a private jet. The aircraft is even more luxurious than the helicopter.

  “Like, wherever we’re going, it’s first class all the way,” Shaggy comments.

  “More rike a rast meal,” Scooby gulps.

  “I’m hungry!” Shaggy says. “Can a guy get something to eat around here?”

  A pretty flight attendant puts a tray filled with food in front of Shaggy and his friends.

  “Thank you,” Daphne says politely to the woman. “You’re very kind, even if you do work for global smugglers.”

  The flight attendant does not reply. She smiles as the kids eat the food.


  Scooby and the gang are fast asleep.

  “The sleep aid in the food worked. It’s time to take off,” the attendant tells the pilot.

  Next, she speaks into a cell phone to a distant listener. “We’re on our way.”

  Many hours later, the kids wake up. They are in a fabulous house in tropical surroundings. Guards stand at the only door. They look like Bigfoot!

  “It looks like we’re back where we started,” Fred says.

  “No, you’re in the Everglades in Florida,” a voice corrects Fred. “We don’t use Bigfoot or Yetis here. This is Swamp Ape territory.”

  The kids turn to see a gaunt old man. He is as tall as Bigfoot and his hair and beard are as white as a Yeti!

  “You’re Granddad!” Velma realizes. She studies the old man’s resemblance to the legendary Bigfoot and Yeti. Then she understands. “You used Bigfoot and the Yeti to scare people because you resembled the creatures!”

  “Yes!” Granddad admits. “I grew up resenting those monsters, but now I use them to my advantage.”

  “So, everywhere there’s a legend of a big hairy monster, it’s you?” Shaggy asks.

  “It’s a cover for one of my smuggling operations, yes,” Granddad replies. “We use the Yowie in Australia, Sasquatch in Canada, and the Swamp Ape here in Florida.”

  “Jeepers, that’s a lot of monsters,” Daphne says.

  “It’s also a perfect confession,” Velma says. She talks into a microphone hidden in her clothing. “Did you get that Agent Dinkley?”

  “What?!” Granddad exclaims.

  “You’re wired?” he says. “Why didn’t anyone check these meddling kids for listening devices?”

  “I’m also equipped with a handy-dandy tracking device, thanks to my cousin in Interpol,” Velma reveals. “The task force should be here any minute.”

  They hear the sound of helicopters approaching. The guards run. Granddad is left standing alone.

  “My operation is ruined!” the old man laments.

  “And another mystery is solved!” Fred exclaims. “It’s time for a victory cheer.”

  “Scooby-Dooby-Doo!” they all shout!


  To follow another path, press here.


  Laurie S. Sutton has read comics since she was a kid. She grew up to become an editor for Marvel, DC Comics, Starblaze, and Tekno Comics. She has written Adam Strange for DC, Star Trek: Voyager for Marvel, plus Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Witch Hunter for Malibu Comics. There are long boxes of comics in her closet where there should be clothing and shoes. Laurie has lived all over the world. She currently resides in Florida.


  Scott Neely has been a professional illustrator and designer for many years. For the last eight years, he’s been an official Scooby-Doo and Cartoon Network artist, working on such licensed properties as Dexter’s Laboratory, Johnny Bravo, Courage The Cowardly Dog, Powerpuff Girls, and more. He has also worked on Pokemon, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, My Friends Tigger & Pooh, Handy Manny, Strawberry Shortcake, Bratz, and many other popular characters. He lives in a suburb of Philadelphia and has a scrappy Yorkshire Terrier, Alfie.


  dangerous (DAYN-jur-uhs) — likely to cause harm or injury

  diversion (di-VUR-zhuhn) — something that distracts

  frail (FRAYL) — weak

  illuminates (i-LOO-muh-nates) — brings to light

  impostor (im-PAH-stur) — someone who pretends to be someone that he or she is not

  intruder (in-TROOD-ur) ­— a person who goes into a place or gets involved in a situation where he or she is not wanted

  meddling (MED-ling) — getting involved in someone else’s personal business

  propellers (pruh-PEL-urs) — a set of rotating blades that provide force to move an object through air or water

  smugglers (SMUHG-lurs) — people who move goods into or out of a place illegally

  texture (TEKS-chur) — the structure, feel, or appearance of something

  vortex (VOR-teks) — the center of a mass of swirling fluid, toward which things are drawn

  What do you give Big Foot for dinner?

  a. Spag-yeti.

  b. Sasquatch-amole and chips.

  c. Plenty of room!

  What do you find under Big Foot’s feet?

  a. Lint from his big footie pajamas.

  b. Surprised campers.

  c. Why are you even getting that close? Gross!

  What does Big Foot have that no other monster has?

  a. Big toes.

  b. The world’s worst case of athlete’s foot.

  c. Little Bigfoots!

  Why did Scooby play Frisbee with the bear?

  a. He thought it was a cub scout.

  b. He wanted to see a cub and saucer.

  c. He likes playing catch bear-handed.

  What do you get if you cross Big Foot with a kangaroo?

  a. A furry coat with pockets!

  b. A furry coat that can bounce!

  c. Big shoes with lots of spring in their step!

  Why does a young Big Foot do when his feet are tired?

  a. Calls a toe truck.

  b. Says, “The shoe must go on!”

  c. Eats his vegetables so he can grow another foot!




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  You Choose Stories: Scooby-Doo

  is published by Stone Arch Books,

  A Capstone Imprint

  1710 Roe Crest Drive

  North Mankato, Minnesota 56003

  Copyright © 2014 Hanna-Barbera.

  SCOOBY-DOO and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © Hanna-Barbera.

  WB SHIELD: ™ & © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s14)


  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher.

  Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available on the Library of Congress website.

  ISBN: 978-1-4342-6405-3 [Library Hardcover]

  ISBN: 978-1-4342-7926-2 [Paperback]

  ISBN: 978-1-4342-9779-2 [ebook]

  Summary: Scooby-Doo and the gang need your help solving the secret of the Sasquatch in this You Choose mystery!




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