The Beast Within: Mended Souls #2

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The Beast Within: Mended Souls #2 Page 15

by Jacquie Biggar

  Just not today. Her eyes opened and she scanned the clearing through the gathering fog. Her kids needed her for a few more years—and there was Connor.

  Infused with a burst of hope, she left Ron’s side and started her run across the distance to the looming outline of the pick-up. If she could just reach her phone…

  A shape burst out of the gloom and slammed into her from the right, sending her flying into the scrub. She shrieked, getting a glimpse of Rudy. Rage turned the average-looking face into a mask filled with hatred. It was impossible to reconcile this monster with the man who brought toys for her kids and fixed her plumbing when it went wonky.

  He lunged after her. She let out another screech and rolled away, the brush catching in her hair and scratching exposed skin. Her fingers scrambled for purchase over the mud and rocks, desperate to gain enough leeway that she could regain her footing.

  He slipped and fell, his grunt audible even through the pounding pulse in her ears. She grabbed her chance and stumbled to her feet, swaying under shock from the attack. He was already up, heading her way, when she gathered enough wits to turn and run.

  Corporal Tate stood a few yards away, feet spread, and a nasty looking gun pointed right at her.

  Julie screamed.

  Then immediately choked it off, because of course the gun was pointed her way, just not at her.

  And sure enough, Corporal Tate raised the gun enough to show she meant business and warned Rudy to freeze. “You move one inch and I’ll blow a hole in you the size of the Bermuda Triangle,” she growled. “You okay, Mrs. Crenshaw?”

  Julie nodded, relieved. The familiar touch of her husband’s hand on her shoulder caused her to sag to her knees. A breath of cool air against her cheek and his whispered warning, “Stay down,” came seconds before the deafening report of a gunshot. Screeching, she ducked, covering her head. When she looked up, she expected to see the Corporal’s gun smoking. Instead, she saw a shocked look of pain on the woman’s face as bright red color ballooned on her neck and she toppled backward without a sound.

  Oh, my God. She’s dead. He has a gun. He’s going to kill me.

  The panicked thoughts roared through her head like a freight train. She’d never seen anyone murdered before. It was worse than television. Way worse.

  No, he’s not.

  Julie couldn’t tell if the voice in her head was her or Mike, but it gave her the courage to fight. If she was going to die anyway, at least she could make it hard for him. She heard Rudy behind her and gasped. Expecting a bullet in the back at any moment, she scrambled to her feet, and almost made it away before he grasped her hair and yanked, dragging her backward against his body.

  She shuddered.

  “Hello, sweetheart.” His voice in her ear so soon after Mike’s was like a rape to her senses. The horror didn’t set in until she saw the knife he held when his arm snaked around her chest.

  She whimpered. “Please, Rudy, just let me go.”

  He rubbed his chin against her cheek, the bristles abrading her skin. “Now where’s the fun in that?”

  She caught movement from the corner of her eye, and it took every ounce of self-control she could muster, not to scream for help. It was only a matter of time before Rudy figured out an RCMP officer wouldn’t be up here on her own. Somehow, Julie needed to keep him busy until whoever it was—she prayed for Connor, at the same time hoping he stayed away—could get into a position to help her.

  “Does Sam know what you are?” God she hoped not.

  His arm tightened. “Leave Sam out of this. Your kind don’t deserve to be in the same room with her.” The butt of the knife dug into her belly, robbing her of air.

  He gave a push with his groin and she gagged.

  He laughed.

  “What’s the matter? Think I’m not good enough for you?” The push became a shove, knocking her off her balance, to land on the ground at his feet. “You’re all the same,” he growled. “Unless we’re physically perfect, you don’t give us a second goddamn glance.”

  His gait was uneven as he moved to stand over her, and she gaped. Why hadn’t she ever seen this before? He’d hidden it well, but now the pieces were falling into place.

  “What happened, Rudy? How did you lose your foot?” Any sympathy she might have felt was superseded by the fact that he had become a killer due to his defect.

  He stared down at her, but she could see his thoughts were on some horrid accident from the past.

  His brows scrunched as though in pain, and his lips peeled back in a snarl. “My dear mother thought it was fitting punishment when I disobeyed a direct command.”

  Julie gasped, horrified.

  Rudy refocused, and just for a moment it was her old friend standing before her again. She reached out in empathy. He recoiled. The light in his eyes died, and the monster returned.

  He smiled, the knife glittering dully at his side. “Don’t worry, honey. I learned from my lesson. Women like you, ones who think they’re too good for the rest of us, they need taught, just like I was.”

  “Stop. Drop your weapon.” Connor’s voice rang out from the shadows. “This is the police. You are under arrest.”

  Rudy froze.

  Julie waited, her heart in her throat. He stared at her for a long moment, then a look of peace turned his face almost serene. Thank God. He was going to turn himself in.

  The thought no more than crossed her mind when he turned, raised the knife over his head, and screamed while rushing in Connor’s direction.

  “Connor,” Julie cried, even as the blast from a rifle split the air.

  Rudy stumbled, took a few uneven steps, and collapsed.

  Connor rose from his position behind a giant cedar, and met her gaze across the distance.

  It was over.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Connor was a trained professional with more than twelve years on the force, but all of that flew out the window the moment he cleared a knoll and came upon a scene straight out of his worst nightmares.

  Julie lay on the ground, her cameraman, Rudy, standing with a bloody knife over her prone body. His skin went icy with a fear unlike any he’d ever known. It took every ounce of control he could grasp not to go racing out there like a madman. But that would only endanger the woman he loved more than life itself. He needed to keep calm. Think.

  He took some deep, cleansing breaths, lowered himself behind a blind, and set up the rifle over a fallen log. He centered the sight on Julie’s frightened face and his heart pinched. He’d shifted the scope until he had a clear shot and did his job. It was between him and God whether he shot Ford out of necessity or desire.

  When it was over, the suspect lay dead. Julie ran to his side, sobs shaking her slender form. He wrapped his arms around her and just held on, grateful to whoever was listening that she was alive. He made a silent promise to devote his life to making her and the boys happy. He never wanted to go through something like this again.

  “Shh, honey, don’t cry.” He ran a tender hand under her wet hair and rubbed her back. “I’ve got you, you’re safe now. You’re safe.”

  Then he remembered the blood on the knife and his heart stopped. He pushed her away so he could check her over. “Are you hurt?” he demanded, and cursed when she flinched at his harsh tone. He lowered his voice and asked again, gently this time. “Julie, honey, you need to tell me where you’re hurt so I can help you.”

  She stared at him, her eyes blank with shock. “What?” She looked down at her mud-caked clothes and dirty, scratched toes in a silly pair of light-weight sandals. A full-body shudder rattled her teeth. Her beautiful green-gold eyes were liquid with despair. “It was Rudy. He ki… killed Ron and Officer Tate.”

  Her misery broke his heart. He kissed her brow. “I’m so sorry, honey. I know he was your friend.” The betrayal and loss would haunt her for a long time, but he planned on being there when she needed him. If she would let him.

  “I have to go check on the others, ar
e you sure you’re all right?” He waited until she nodded, then helped her over to a four-by-four sitting nearby. When he opened the passenger door he saw her purse on the floor and sighed. No wonder she hadn’t answered his calls.

  “Sit here, where it’s dry. I won’t be long, okay?” He made sure she was settled, then closed the door and made his way over to Ford. His shot had been true. He’d known by the man’s jagged gait that he was dying, but needed to be sure. He did a quick visual, careful not to touch anything, and was about to move on when he noticed the awkward angle of the man’s left ankle. A closer inspection proved him to be an amputee. Connor figured the story behind the loss of his foot was probably at the root of his psychological break. In his experience, it was generally a childhood drama that twisted something in the minds of psychopaths and sent them down the road of murder and mayhem.

  Satisfied this one was done with his spree, Connor moved on and searched for Maddie. He found her a short distance away, flat on her back, eyes gazing sightlessly at the crying skies.


  He leaned over and brushed her lids closed. She’d been in his department for just over two years, young, smart, and a damn fine officer. He was going to miss her.

  Reluctantly, he turned away and began the final search for the reporter Julie had traveled with. Matt broke cover when he was halfway through the first quadrant.

  “Where the hell have you been?” Connor growled.

  Matt reared back. “What’s your problem, man? Maddie and I split up to cover more area. I heard shots and came as quick as I could.” He glanced around. “You get him?”

  Connor lifted his chin toward the fallen man. “Yeah.”

  Matt relaxed and grinned. “Way to go. Another scumbag bites the dust. Where’s your girlfriend? Maddie take her home?”

  Oh shit.

  Connor slowly shook his head. “She didn’t make it, Matt. Maddie’s gone.”

  Matt’s smile flat-lined. “What do you mean, gone?” He stared at Connor. “You’re one sick fuck, you know that right? That’s not funny, man. Where is she?”

  Connor nodded to where he’d left Maddie. He sighed, his chest heavy as his friend stumbled across the distance and fell to his knees by her side. His shoulders shook as he reached out to touch her, his head bowed.

  Connor turned away to give him some privacy. If not for the grace of God that could be him kneeling in the mud with his love fading away forever.

  He shuddered.

  A low moan off to his left jerked his attention to a dark mound all but hidden in a clump of ferns. Henderson.

  He hurried over, relieved Ron was still alive.

  “Hang on, help is on the way,” Connor said, though he didn’t think the man heard him. The entire right side of his shirt was soaked in blood, his skin was pasty, the pulse weak and thready. He needed immediate attention.

  “Matt,” he called. “Hurry, I need help.” While he had basic medical training, Matt was much more proficient and would be better suited to keeping Henderson alive until emergency services could arrive.

  Matt glared over his shoulder, but got to his feet and made his way over, swiping his eyes with the sleeve of his jacket. “What do you have?”

  Connor kept his professional mask on, aware his friend wouldn’t appreciate his sympathy at the moment. “White male. Thirty to thirty-five years of age. Stab victim. Looks to be through the right side. I can’t tell without moving him if it went through or not.”

  Matt nodded and bent for a better look. “Yeah, it’s bad. I can do compression, but he needs help like yesterday.”

  Connor pulled out his satellite phone and called it in. “Do what you can. I’m going to check on Julie. You good here?”

  Matt kept working, his head down. “Yeah, see to your lady.” He glanced up. “Give her a hug for me, will ya?”

  Connor swallowed hard. “Sure, buddy. I’ll do that.” This job sucked sometimes. There was no telling when your ticket might get pulled. A simple traffic stop turned to road rage, or a murderous killer with nothing to lose. It was all a crapshoot.

  Maybe it was time he moved on. He wanted to spend his life with Julie, watch the kids grow up, maybe even have one or two of his own. Funny, he never saw himself as anything other than a cop, wasn’t even sure he could be happy at another occupation. But then she came into view, her gorgeous eyes filled with relief—and dare he hope, love?—and he knew it didn’t really matter what he did for work, as long as he had her to come home to at night, his life would be full.

  Mike watched the scene being played out between his wife and the cop with a bittersweet mix of emotions churning in his gut. He was happy she’d found someone new, a guy who was willing to put her and the boys first in his life. Yes, he’d read the man’s mind, who could blame him? At the same time, he couldn’t help but wonder what his place in their lives would become. Would they forget him?

  “You know that’s not going to happen,” Lucas said, landing next to him. “Your family will always be your family. Love is magical that way. It stretches until it can encompass everyone in its embrace.” He clasped Mike’s shoulder and nodded toward the cop. “He’ll take good care of them for you.”

  Yeah, he would.

  Lucas moved off to dispatch the spirit of the killer to the lower levels under Transition House. He had a long way to go before the Lord would grant him passage to a higher plane.

  Mike waited for the young corporal’s soul to leave her body. Sometimes, like in Lucas’ case, the spirit became confused with the change. It was his job to smooth the way, make their shift easier. Help them to understand their new roles. He thought back to the connection he’d made with Madison Tate. Maybe, on some level she’d known her days were limited and it had allowed her to see him when others could not.

  He liked her. She had spunk. It would be interesting showing her his world. And maybe, not so lonely.

  He took one more look at Julie, then followed Maddie’s spirit up to Heaven.

  To my readers:

  I hope you enjoyed The Beast Within. I love second chance romances, don’t you?

  If you’d like to leave a review and share your thoughts with other readers, click here.

  I’m including an excerpt from Tidal Falls, book #1 in the Wounded Hearts series.

  If you’d like to know when I have a new book out, contest news, and more sign up for my newsletter here!

  Happy reading,

  Jacquie Biggar


  Reviews are the lifeblood of any successful author. Without you, we can’t be heard.

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  Thank you,

  Jacquie Biggar

  About the Author

  JACQUIE BIGGAR is a USA Today bestselling author of Romantic Suspense who loves to write about tough, alpha males who know what they want, that is until they're gob-smacked by heroines who are strong, contemporary women willing to show them what they really need is love. She is the author of the popular Wounded Hearts series and has just started a new series in paranormal suspense, Mended Souls.

  She has been blessed with a long, happy marriage and enjoys writing romance novels that end with happily-ever-afters.

  Jacquie lives in paradise along the west coast of Canada with her family and loves reading, writing, and flower gardening. She swears she can't function without coffee, preferably at the beach with her sweetheart. :)

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  Also by Jacquie Biggar

  Wounded Hearts Series

  Tidal Falls

  The Rebel’s Redemption


  The Sheriff Meets His Match

  Summer Lovin’

  Wounded Hearts Box Set

  Mended Souls Series

  The Guardian

  The Beast Within


  Silver Bells- Coming Soon

  Preview Tidal Falls

  by Jacquie Biggar


  Sara Sheridan tapped her toes with nervous anticipation, and when her husband turned away to network with the senator and his wife, she made her move. Excusing herself from her half-hearted discussion on the state of the economy with old Judge Perkins, she edged out of the dining room and hurried down the dimly lit hallway, ignoring the condescending stares from Tom’s ancestors lining the walls in their expensive frames.

  Knees quaking now she’d in fact committed to her plan, Sara slid the key borrowed from his nightstand into the lock, entered his office and pulled the heavy oak door closed. She Flipped on the lights and froze as his mahogany desk loomed out of the darkness. The pungent scent of his tobacco violated her nostrils, but she forced her stiff limbs to move across the room. She wanted nothing more than to run, fast and far. But couldn’t, not yet. Rolling his heavy leather chair out of the way, she slid her fingers across the keypad to wake his computer. Password protected, she’d expected that. Pulling a list from her pocket, she started at the top, working her way down.

  Nothing. Please, please, plea…

  The screen changed, signaling success.


  Her eyes slid shut in a brief moment of gratitude. Then, knowing she had to hurry, Sara grasped the thumb drive Fiona had smuggled to her and plugged it in. A quick search brought no results.


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