Bride Wanted

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Bride Wanted Page 4

by Eva Luxe

  Wendy was now going to become my wife. And even though she was free to leave after wards, I knew I wasn’t going to let that happen…

  She was here now.

  And she was mine.

  Chapter 8


  This was the first time I had to get prepared like this. I dolled myself up in the little makeup I had and put on my best dress. And when I meant best, I meant, the dress I rarely wore because it was fancy and I didn’t wanna bring down the worth of what that dress was for.

  I stopped in the mirror and looked at myself.

  Yeah, I was seriously overthinking this. This was Sam Reign, my high school sweet heart.

  Yeah things didn’t turn out the way I had wanted them to. But this was like a fresh restart. In more way than one too.

  My phone buzzed on the counter and I picked it up to see what all the buzzing was about.

  It was a text from Sam.

  Sam: I’m here outside waiting in the car. Ready?

  My fingers were a bit shaky and I managed to text back saying that I’d be right out in a second.

  Grabbing my purse, I left out of my room and peaked in on my father. He was… reading a book.

  “Dad?” I asked.

  He looked up and his eyes brightened a little when he saw me all dolled up.

  “Going somewhere fancy?” he croaked out.

  “Just out to lunch with Sam. I’ll be back soon. I just wanted to check in on you,” I said. He wasn’t usually awake. And if he was, he wasn’t reading.

  “Be safe. You look lovely.”

  A weak smile crawled onto his face and I returned it with a smile of my own.

  “Call me if you need anything, Dad.”

  I closed his door and sauntered out to the parking lot where Sam was waiting.

  Before I opened the door I smoothed out my little black dress.

  “Okay, Wendy, here goes nothing.”

  I opened the door and the first thing my eyes fell on was a Gold Lamborghini Aventador.

  Holy shit.

  “Hey, come on. We’re gonna be late!” Sam called out, waiting ny his car with the doors open. He wore a brilliant smile on his face and his outfit was sexy. He donned a white dress shirt with tan slacks. His leather shoes were buffed nicely and he looked like a million bucks.

  According to our little agreement we hashed out, I was sure that he was worth more than a million bucks. After all, anyone who could afford all this…


  “Hey, nice wrap!” I said, my eyes dancing on the golden reflections on the car.

  “Thanks. Gold. Our favorite color.”

  It was awkward getting in the car since it was so low, but I managed. And Sam slid in as well, having less of a problem than I did.

  “So where are we going today?” I asked him. Sam wanted to keep this a secret. He mentioned that we needed to talk more about this deal.

  “A restaurant called Dovoir. It’s a nice place. Not too flashy, but they have good food.”

  I sighed. “Please, Dovoir is every bit as flashy as your car. How about Gonzo’s diner?”

  Sam stopped at the stop sign. That was an old diner we’d frequent when we were younger. Before all the shit hit the fan.

  “Sorry, Dovoir’s fine—”

  “No, no. I think you’re right. It’s been a long time since I had a good cheesesteak. Let’s go.”

  Sam turned his car around and in no time we hit the freeway. The speed of this car was amazing. Invisible hands pushed me back in the seat as the car gained speed as if it were sliding on butter.

  I glance over at his speedometer, we were barely pushing fifty. But the way the suspension and everything worked together in this car… it was truly like we thought it’d be when Sam and I would talk all day about these things…

  “How does fifty feel like a hundred?”

  “Italian sports cars for the win, huh?”

  That smile again. And I made the mistake about looking at his eyes. A lump lodged in my throat and a small tingle ran down to my core.

  The entire car smelled like him.

  Even though I knew this car was small, it was suffocating me now.


  We finally pulled up to Gonzo’s diner and got out. Many people had their eyes on the car and took their phones out to take pictures. The familiar scent of Gonzo diner’s philly cheesesteaks emanated out and gave me a smack of nostalgia.

  “Let’s sit over here,” Sam suggested, balancing on his cane to a booth to the far right in the corner that still had a nice window view to it.

  I scooted into the seat and Sam sat across from me.

  ‘Okay, Wendy, don’t stare into his eyes, don’t do it…’

  I did it. What an idiot I was.

  The waitress that came over to take our orders served as a mild distraction and I was greatful for it.

  Now that she was gone, that heavy feeling was creeping back in again.

  “So, you’re going to marry me.”

  “Huh?” I rubbed my forehead and sighed. “Oh, that. Sorry, I was in another world for a second.”

  “I can tell.”

  The waitress came back with our drinks.

  “So, in less than two weeks, an important man, John Gallock, will be coming to meet both of us. He needs to invest in my company and I need to show him that I’m a married man. For now.” Sam took a sip of his drink. Seeing him in business man mode was very sexy.

  Yeah sure he was Sam, but this Sam was more refined, mature and smart. My cheeks flushed with heat and I struggled to follow his words.

  “So, I guess we have to go to the court to get married,” I said, trying to get my mind off of Sam’s good looks.

  “Yes. Wedding and all.”

  I choked on my drink. “Wedding?”

  “Gotta make it real as possible. Plus, I want to have you move in—”

  “Absolutely not.” That’d be going way too far. I still remembered what happened between us. And even though we were young, that was the biggest betrayal of my life.

  I folded my arms and leaned back in my booth seat.

  “Wendy, I really need your cooperation.”

  Plus, I had my father to take care of. I couldn’t just leave him behind or flaunt Sam’s wealth in his face.

  Not after he lost so damn much.

  “Sam, I… it’s complicated. I can’t just leap like that.”

  “IBut it’s part of our agreement,” he said.

  The waitress came back with our food and set it down in front of us. Sam didn’t even glance down. He just stared at me.

  Eliza’s reminder swept through my mind. I couldn’t say no to Sam and risk one point two million dollars.

  “I just… my father. I don’t want to leave him alone. He’s had a rough time.”

  Sam finally broke his gaze and looked down at his food.

  “We’ll find a way. I want you with me.”

  Maybe I was misinterpreting the words that came out of his mouth, but that sounded more than ‘Oh, you need to fullfill your end of the agreement’.

  It sounded like, he wanted me… really wanted me to be with him.

  “Do you have a boyfriend, Wendy?” he asked, the seriousness in his voice dialed up a notch.

  “No!” I squeaked.


  He dug into his philly cheesesteak and ate it with a fork and knife. I giggled and caught his attention.

  “What? Eat this and ruin my shirt? I like eating like this.” We both laughed and ate our food.

  God, I remembered the times when Sam and I would huddle up in booths like these and have a good time.

  It was all coming back again.

  But still…

  If there ever were real feelings, then why did he have to take Alice to the prom?

  I almost got up the courage to ask him. But keep my mouth shut anyways.

  This was just a business arrangement. And I’d have to keep it that way, for my good and his.

; Chapter 9


  “So, how is your father?” I asked Wendy who kept her focus on her food. Everything about her was perfect. Down to her chewing, and soft curves of her cheeks and her hair.

  I’d been dreaming of her last night. And now she was here, to work with me. As my wife.

  Little did she know I had my intentions set to make her stay that way. Someone as attractive as her must have had a boyfriend or two in the past.

  I knew that. But that was in the past and the present was now. The present was her signing on to be my wife.

  “Well, my dad’s had it tough. Lost his job some time ago…” she trailed off.

  A soft scent of honeysuckle drifted my way. Even over the hearty smell of our food. It was subtle and feminine, very much her.

  It didn’t matter about who she chose in the past. Now she was going to chose me.

  I had to keep my mind in greener pastures so I didn’t bust a huge erection.

  “So in three days we’re going to get our certificate underway. Would you like to shop for a ring, or should it be a surprise?” I asked Wendy, noting her rose colored cheeks.

  “Um, you can chose. I’m not going to be picky. So, go ahead, surprise me.”

  “Very well then.” I smiled and took the last bites of my cheesesteak.

  “But you do know, I’ll need you living with me. And soon. Why I don’t want to take you away from your father. There is work that needs to be done.” I tried to say that the least asshole-ish way as possible.

  Wendy was a grown woman now. She couldn’t hide behind her father forever. Unless there was something she wasn’t telling me.

  She flickered her eyes up to me and nodded her head without saying a word.

  I happened to glance out the window where my car was parked, and I notice my Aventador had caused a small crowd. I didn’t mind.

  But what I didn’t mind was this…

  “Oh god. Why do people think they can sit on anything they want?” I sighed, drumming my fingers on the table.

  Wendy raised an eyebrow and looked over her shoulder to see what I was talking about.

  “Ugh. She’s just looking for a sugar daddy.” Wendy glanced back at me. “I don’t blame her though. Yet still, sitting on expensive cars is inappropriate.”

  Wendy got out of her seat and I put down a hundred dollar bill to cover the tab which left a nice tip for the waitress.

  “Wendy, wait!” I called after her. But her sights were set on stopping that woman from putting a dent in our dream car.

  Physcial therapy and the combination of seeing Wendy again must have been doing my legs some wonder, because I found myself picking up speed right behind her.

  “Hey,” Wendy barked. “Off my husband’s car right now!” she demanded. Her authoritative tone caused some of the people with their phones to back away, even though she wasn’t necessarily talking to them.

  “Your husband’s?” the woman on the front end of my car said, sliding off. She looked at me and at my silver cane I balanced on as I came through the diner’s doors.

  “Oh, that? He’s all yours sister,” she laughed, flipping her fake blond hair and turning around.

  “You know what, screw you. He’s more of a man than anything your stale ass could catch,” Wendy hissed.

  The woman kept on her way. Wendy’s words were fighting words.

  If I had strolled out here with my regular pair of legs sans the cane, that woman would’ve tried to bull doze over Wendy to flirt with me.

  And me?

  I would’ve turned her down in the harshest of ways.

  “Thanks, dear,” I said to Wendy, giving her a peck on the cheeks.

  The look of surprise brightened up her face and she played it off. “No problem… hubs. Gonna take me home now? I got to do some things around the house.”

  I took her by the waist. “Sure.”


  I pulled up into the parking lot by her apartment building. I was surprised they still lived here. The memories…

  “Sam? Something wrong?” Wendy asked.

  I shook myself out of my daze into memory lane shifted in my seat. Having Wendy by my side was tempting.

  I wonder if she knew that the moment I saw her that I forgave her?

  We were just teenagers. What happened shouldn’t have kept us apart for this long.

  “Remember, three days. We got to start making appearances and all that good stuff. I really do enjoy this though, Wendy.”

  I grasped her hand and gave it a kiss. Wendy’s eyes fluttered and her face blushed over with a dainty pink.

  “Goodness. You’re such a gentleman.”

  Wendy opened her door and manuevered her way out of the car. Looked like she had the hang of it now.

  “See you, Sam. Call me anytime, okay?” she said as if we were never going to live together.

  “Hopefully I won’t have to. You’ll be within arm’s reach. Or limping reach at least,” I teased.

  She giggled and shut the door.

  That walk. The way her hips swung side to side in that dress made my dick prick up a notch. At least that part of me still worked okay.

  I rolled down the window and shouted. “Wendy, when you move in with me, I have a surprise for you.”

  “It better be good!” she said back before disappearing behind a door.

  I started on my journey back home with a lot on my mind. My phone rang and my guess was that it was Benson.

  But after getting into that accident, I wasn’t going do anything but steer the wheel.

  People took their health and current well being for granted.

  One second.

  All it took was one second and one bad decision to turn your life upside down.

  Benson was gonna have to wait.

  Chapter 10


  I leaned on the wall before the steps. The gravity of this whole situation had begun to get to me, I was becoming Sam’s wife. I knew we had joked about this when we were about to graduate back in high school, but then Sam took Alice to the prom, ditched me, and we never spoke to each other again.

  How were things going to be between us if he decided to do that again?

  ‘Calm down Wendy, it’s not like you’re going to stay married with him. One point two million dollars, keep your eyes on the prize.’

  The door clicked and opened up behind me. I glanced and saw my ex-boyfriend slip inside.

  “Wendy,” he said, shuffling his feet towards me, “what’s up with the dude in that Gold lambo?”

  “Look, we’re not dating anymore. We haven’t been for a while. So would you just leave?” I began to raise my voice. I couldn’t afford to have him skunking around me with a deal like this on the table.

  “But baby—”

  “Baby my ass, you abusive ass hat!” I shouted.

  One of the neighbors was coming down the steps. It was Mr. Whitaker, he used to be a wrestler just for sport, and my ex knew that…

  “There a problem here?” he aske, giving my ex the stink eye.

  “Nah, not at all. I was just leaving.”

  Danny gave me a quick glare and stormed out the door.

  Mr. Whitaker came down the stairs shaking his head.

  “Nothing but a young punk,” he grunted. “You got to find yourself a real man, Wendy,” he said, stopping by me. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his sweats and relaxed his shoulders.

  “I know. And I have too. He’s a real gentleman.”

  “Good, you be careful now. A pretty young lady like you shouldn’t be rolling around alone.”

  Mr. Whitaker went on his way and waved good-bye. I jogged upstairs, careful not to roll on some of the rocks and grime that littered the steps. The hallway wasn’t that bad, save for a few cracks.

  When I got to my turn in the hallway, I noticed the manager, Ms. Holloway at my father’s door. That outfit she was wearing showed off how flat and sunk in her ass was. Gross.

  But then I not
iced she was putting a neon green piece of paper on my father’s door.

  “Ms. Holloway? Is there something wrong?” I asked while I approached her.

  She finished taping the notice to my father’s door and when I got up closer, I could see the words ‘Eviction’. Wow, what a way to preserve someone’s dignity.


  She turned around and smirked. There was nothing funny or good about this. “Yes, your father is about three month’s behind on rent—”

  “I just paid rent a few days ago!” I argued, shoving my hands on my hips.

  Ms. Holloway looked me up and down. Yes, I did look sexy. Sexier than her even on a bad hair day. Why didn’t she just admit that she was jealous.

  Giving my father this notice on his door where every one could see it was probably a personal stab at me.

  “Yeah, you paid a month’s worth of back rent. But he’s still behind, and this is company policy,” she said, holding her head high as if she were important.

  I snatched the notice down from my father’s door and crumpled it up. Ms. Holloway walked around me and scribbled something down on her clipboard.

  “Screw you. Good luck with getting laid, I know you’re not a virgin by choice,” I snarked.

  She stopped. That had to cut her good.

  I didn’t even wait for her to respond. I just unlocked the door, and went inside. She could throw her temper tantrum by herself.

  I leaned on the door when I closed and locked it. With my eyes closed I exhaled and tried to calm my mind. When could I catch a break?


  My eyes shot open. “Dad? You’re awake!”

  With sad eyes, he smiled and looked back down at the dining table where he was sitting at.

  “Is that the eviction notice?” he asked. Shit.


  “It’s okay, Wendy. I’ve been so terrible. I’ve done nothing to keep this family together…” My father lowered his face and shook his head solemnly. By his side was a cup of water instead of a glass full of whiskey.


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