Bride Wanted

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Bride Wanted Page 57

by Eva Luxe

  Jensen’s not in the service anymore. Instead he works for a private contractor, training recruits to do what we do. But he’ll always remain part of the unit in spirit.

  And Ramsey, our oldest brother, is the one who got all of us started down this exciting, yet sometimes insane, journey, by joining the Navy out of high school and inspiring Jensen and me to do the same. We were so excited after all three of us had survived the difficult training, passed the grueling tests and become SEALs together. We had a great run of it, but apparently all good things must come to a fucking end.

  My unit is about to deploy again, and I’m pissed that I don’t get to go with them. I’m still officially on medical leave, although my recovery was much faster than anyone in the Navy predicted.

  Dr. Davis certified me as physically and mentally fit to return to service, but he says that there’s some kind of hold-up with my official clearance. I’ve been wondering if it’s because he works for the Air Force and I’m in the Navy.

  But he assures me that has nothing to do with it, that the different branches of the military share resources and that he’s the best of them all so they send service members from all branches to him. He tells me not to worry; whatever the little glitch is, it will be cleared up soon. So, I have nothing to do now but twiddle my thumbs and wait for Dr. Davis to let me know when I can officially return to active duty status with my unit.

  Turning my eyes away from the front row, I look at the women in the audience: some of them are service members in uniform or fatigues while others are civilians in regular clothes, but all of them seem to be staring up at me in awe. I know I could take any one of them home tonight, if I want.

  I remember last night’s conquest, a busty redhead who giggled too much. Everything was “nice to meet you, tee hee,” “I like your bachelor pad, ha ha ha,” and even “your big cock feels so good inside me, hee hee.”

  It got to the point where I couldn’t stand how silly she sounded, but it didn’t matter. I never see a woman again after we fuck. And I make it my goal for us to fuck as soon as possible. Which, in all honestly, isn’t very difficult. Chicks line up to fuck me.

  As Dr. Davis was just explaining to everyone here, I’m an American hero, after all. And while I’ve never had any complaints in the looks department, thanks to the miracles of Dr. Davis’ work, now I’m even more attractive than I started out, which is one of the few good things that came from my disastrous injury— the other one being that I didn’t die. I only came close.

  I was never that interested in relationships anyway— I’ve only seen bad things come out of them. I just like to have a short and sweet rendezvous now and then. But I probably won’t be taking any of these chicks home tonight. It ruins it for me when they see me as a medical project, a pity-party-turned-miracle-boy.

  There is one woman in the audience who catches my eye. She’s sitting off to the side near the front, in a makeshift aisle. She’s dressed in civilian clothes and she looks like just my type. I can tell she’s nice and curvy even from her seated position, and she has olive skin, dark hair and dark eyes.

  “Let me show you an example of how far Harlow has come,” Dr. Davis says, snapping me out of my thoughts of the lovely mystery lady and back into reality.

  That’s right, I remind myself. I have more important things to do than think about banging this woman in the audience.

  It’s time to shine, to impress Dr. Davis and the military Powers That Be that judge my recovery performance, and complete my mission of re-joining my unit.

  Distractions from any mission can be deadly, and I know that fact all too well by now to let myself daydream over some chick, no matter how hot she is. I have more important things to do, which require all of my focus and energy.

  Chapter 5 – Harlow

  Here we are at the center of the dog and pony show. This is the part where I perform like a puppet on Dr. Davis’ string. He plays a video now on the projector screen, of the “before” Harlow, trying unsuccessfully to grip and use a pencil.

  “Not only was Harlow disfigured in the helicopter accident, but he was set back developmentally as well,” Dr. Davis explains, as my video plays on the big screen that everyone is watching.

  “He suffered brain trauma which resulted in physical deficits, which is part of the very reason I’m here today, talking to so many of you who are physical and occupational therapists. Because, as you can see, at first Harlow failed at such basic tasks as using a pencil. He couldn’t even write his name. But now, Harlow has progressed considerably, in every measurable area. Just look.”

  Dr. Davis motions me to his podium and hands me a blank sheet of paper. I already know the drill. He also hands me a pencil and I write my name on the sheet of paper.

  The crowd goes wild, as they are supposed to. The ladies are undoubtedly thinking, this hunk knows how to write his name again. He’s ready to get back to saving our country!

  I never thought I’d get so much attention for the simple task of being able to write my name. But compared to how far I’ve come— the Harlow of eight months ago who could barely even pick up a pencil— it really is quite the achievement. So, I try to bask in the applause, although I still have mixed feelings about it.

  “And now I will open up the floor for some questions,” Dr. Davis says.

  “What will you need those of us at Kirtland Air Force base’s physical and occupational therapies to do for you?” asks a man towards the back.

  “Great question,” Dr. Davis answers, “and a subject I was going to address next, so I’m glad you asked. Based on additional funding I’ve received—in large part due to the progress of Harlow and many others like him—I will be working with quite a few new wounded warriors. From every branch of the military.”

  His statement reassures me that the fact that I’m Navy and he’s working on an Air Force base isn’t the reason for the hang-up with my paperwork. Always the worrier, I can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief as he continues.

  “Many of the service members are airmen stationed here of course. But others come from all over. So, once these service members are out of their initial trauma recovery that takes place at Walter Reed Hospital, they will see me for facial reconstruction and then, depending on their status and treatment plan, some will see you for physical and occupational therapy. Harlow himself, in fact, will be receiving more physical therapy here, to help him progress even further.”

  That’s the first time I’ve heard of this, I think, trying not to let disappointment show on my face for everyone in the audience to see. The hope that had just welled up in me suddenly pops like an overfilled balloon. I should know by now not to get too excited about anything; the future is always as uncertain as my fate was that day when the helicopter went down.

  At this point, I’m trying to grapple with the reality of my continuing forced recovery period, which I honestly don’t think I need. I wonder how long my re-entry will be delayed based on this physical therapy I just found out I need.

  A few other people ask questions, and then I notice that Lovely Mystery Woman has her hand raised. We lock stares for a brief second before Dr. Davis calls on her. I have a feeling she has been hit with the same instant attraction that I’ve been feeling for her. Perhaps asking a question is her way of getting my attention.

  Despite knowing I should concentrate on the conference and not on fucking her silly, I can’t help but imagine bending her over and taking her from behind. I’d hold onto her voluptuous ass while my erect cock made its way, like a magnet, to the opening of her pussy. I’d tease her for a minute with the head of it just inside her pussy lips and then I’d spread her open and shove myself deep inside her…

  “How long until this type of treatment is available to every man and woman who suffered a traumatic brain injury while serving our country?” she asks Dr. Davis.

  Dr. Davis looks rather confused— or is it annoyed?— by the question. And I personally feel rather surprised that she’s asked such
a serious question. My own confusion probably stems from the fact that I had just been imagining her mouth open wide to moan out her orgasm as I fucked her— or perhaps to eagerly accept my cock— rather than challenge the doctor who is the guest of honor at this conference.

  “Of course, I’m only one doctor, but I’m doing my best to work with everyone who needs my services,” he says. “There is a lot of demand. A very long waiting list for the type of expert level skill I provide.”

  “Is there a specific reason that you chose Mr. Bradford to receive your services, out of everyone who needs them?” she continues, barely waiting for him to finish.

  What an odd question, I think, and one that I cannot help being annoyed at myself. Does she think I’m unworthy of this doctor’s help? She doesn’t even know me.

  “Mr. Bradford was in great need of my services,” Dr. Davis answers. “And he had impeccable timing. I had just finished perfecting and patenting my technology.”

  “I see,” the woman says, but it doesn’t look like she’s convinced. “And what is the success rate? How many other members of our armed forces have seen the level of success that Mr. Bradford has experienced?”

  Dr. Davis looks visibly exasperated now, and I can’t blame him. Just who does this woman think she is?

  And yet, I can’t help wondering about her question. Although I help Dr. Davis in his office—and I’m often asked to talk to patients preparing for surgery and treatment such as I myself have undergone—I rarely have continuing contact with them. And I’m the only one that Dr. Davis drags out for the dog and pony show.

  “That’s a very subjective question that’s difficult to answer,” Dr. Davis says. “My methods are still in their infancy and there are varying degrees of ‘successful treatment’ still in progress.”

  “And can we see more examples of Mr. Bradford’s progress?” she asks. “For instance, can he write a paragraph in addition to just his name?”

  I have to restrain myself from letting my mouth fall open. I have no idea why this woman is challenging Dr. Davis and now me. Of course I can write a fucking paragraph.

  The members of the audience look just as confused as I feel, as if some are wanting to see more demonstrations themselves just for the entertainment value, whereas others are wondering if the woman in the crowd is trying to challenge Dr. Davis’ statements.

  I want to say “challenge accepted” and write a paragraph about how civilians—which she obviously is, to be asking such questions of someone so respected by the military, and casting doubt on an injured war veteran as well—should keep their pretty little mouths shut if they don’t want to be fired from their cushy defense contractor jobs with benefits. But I see Dr. Davis give a subtle nod to the conference organizers. Then the same man who had earlier told me I was needed on stage rushes to the podium.

  “Those are enough questions from one audience member,” he says. “We need to move on to the next question.”

  He looks at his watch but I’m sure it’s just to emphasize the point he’s making, since these conferences are usually planned out in minute detail with military precision.

  “In fact,” he continues, after clearing his throat. “We are going over on our time limit as it is. We need to present Dr. Davis with his award now.”

  I breathe a silent sigh of relief, glad that my time in the spotlight is up. I walk down the stairs to sit next to my unit members in the front row, but I can’t help throwing an angry glance in the direction of the mystery woman.

  She’s looking back at me, but not with the same challenging look she used when she was addressing Dr. Davis. Now her look signals curiosity, or interest.

  Although I’m upset by her questions, I can’t help but admire her tenacity, in addition to her tits. I’ve never heard anyone ask Dr. Davis such thought- provoking questions before. And I’ve never seen a rack that looked so good.

  As I take my place, Jensen says “Good job, bro!” and Ramsey says, “Who’s was that fine-ass hottie asking all those weird questions?”

  “Good question,” I answer, but Dr. Davis shoots me a glare from the stage.

  He’s being presented with his award, and it’s my job to cheer him on. I smile and applaud where appropriate, just like I always do. As his acceptance of the award continues, I shut up and concentrate on the presentation, but not without lingering thoughts of the chick with the tenacity and tits.

  Who the hell is this woman and why am I letting her mess with my head?

  Chapter 6 – Whitney

  After the presentation finishes, some people leave the conference room while others mill about. I check my phone, telling myself not to be disappointed if I still haven’t heard from Tony. To my surprise, though, I’m greeted with a bunch of pestering texts, asking why I’m not home yet and demanding to know my whereabouts.

  I guess I should be careful what I wish for.

  “Girl, why were you givin’ that doctor the bidness like some NFL player who needs a flag thrown at him?” Lance says, laughing and then adding, “I don’t really know anything about football, which is probably obvious. I just read an article about it.”

  “I don’t know, he just bugged.”

  “Well, way to make an impression. You definitely stood out, although I’m not sure it’s in the most positive way…”

  I shrug, distracted.

  A circle of people have formed around Harlow, everyone wanting to talk to him. I look in that direction, because I’d like to ask him how he feels about being a monkey in what seems to be Dr. Davis’ Circus. Or maybe that’s just what I’m telling myself, when the real reason I’m looking at him is that he’s hot as hell.

  Suddenly I notice that he’s looking in my direction too. Our eyes lock, and my spine tingles. As do other body parts that are a little harder to ignore.

  He wants to talk to me, too. I just know it.

  But just then my phone rings. Tony’s name flashes on the screen, reminding me that I’m in a committed relationship, no matter how badly it seems to be going.


  I whisper into the phone, not wanting to be rude by disrupting any conversations that those gathering after the conference may be having.

  “Where are you? I’m hungry.”

  “I stayed late for a thing at work.”

  “You’re with that Lance guy, aren’t you?” Tony asks, accusatory in tone. “Your boss. Something’s up between you.”

  I would laugh if I weren’t so annoyed.

  I’ve told Tony multiple times that Lance is not only my boss— which means any relationship between us would be prohibited— but also that he’s gay. But Tony doesn’t listen to anything and insists he’s always right.

  “Tony, I’ll be home soon. There’s leftover pasta in the fridge though.”

  “Oh great, I’m about to eat some,” he says, and hangs up, just like that.


  I look at my phone in disgust.

  “Lemme guess. McMoochie’s accusing you of hooking up with me again?” Lance asks, and then laughs.

  “It’s not funny. It’s getting so old.”

  “He’s so insecure because he knows you’re too good for his lazy ass.”

  I shrug and look away. In the past, I would have defended Tony but I know deep down that Lance is right. I’m nearing my breaking point and it has nothing to do with that hot patient of Dr. Davis’ over there.

  I look back in Harlow’s direction and he catches my eye again. I can’t tell if his look is one of curiosity, disgust or interest. Maybe a mix of all of the above.

  I take a deep breath and get ready to suggest to Lance that we say hello to Mr. All-American Hero before we leave. But just then a group of Harlow’s military teammates swarm in around him, chanting something about how it’s time for beer. Harlow gives me an “oh well” shrug and allows them to nearly carry him off.

  It’s for the best, I tell myself, as I head home to face Tony.

  The last thing I need is someone c
omplicating my already-fizzling relationship right now. Not to mention my life.

  Chapter 7 – Whitey

  But when I get home, Tony’s asleep. I guess he’s taking a nap after what appears to have been a marathon X-Box session. He’s only wearing boxers, which I can’t wait to tell Lance about the next time I see him.

  I pick up the dirty plate of mostly-eaten pasta leftovers from the TV tray in the living room and wash it in the sink with some other dirty dishes.

  “Ugh,” says Tony, waking up from his nap. “Why do you have to be so loud?”

  I spin around, disgusted.

  “I went to school and worked all day and now I’m cleaning up your mess, so excuse me if I make a little noise while I do it,” I shoot back.

  “You’re the one who didn’t come home until late in the evening, after being with your boss.”

  Tony’s awake now, and sitting on the couch with his head on his fists like a spoiled child.

  “I called and texted you many times trying to see what our plans were,” I tell him. “And then I was invited to a conference that could help my career, and so I went. But even if none of that was the case, the fact is that I’ve been working all day while you’ve been doing nothing as usual.”

  “I’m sorry I missed your call,” Tony says, slumping into a resigned position. “I just lost track of time. How was the conference?”

  “It was good,” I tell him, amazed that he actually wants to hear about my day. “But there was this hotshot doctor yapping on about how much work he’s done for service members, and I just think he’s full of it. Something just seems off.”

  “How’s that?” Tony asks.

  I turn to the dry rack to have something to occupy my mind while I talk. Now that I’m letting it out, I realize how mad at this doctor I am, and how it doesn’t make a lot of sense. He’s a stranger to me, but…


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