CAOS MC: The Series

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CAOS MC: The Series Page 38

by KB Winters

  He kissed me again, deeply and passionately and so filled with hunger I felt the first stirrings of arousal, quickly crushed by the sound of Jack gagging on the far side of the yard. “Good to know,” he told me, emerald eyes shimmering with desire before he smacked my ass. “Go sit, the food’s all done.”

  I glanced at the table, piled high with enough food to feed the whole club. “Are we having guests?” No one answered because they were too busy stacking their plates with food and eating. Like animals.

  “Teddy is coming over later, but first we have some things to talk about,” Jack said seriously. “I’d like to have dad’s last name.”

  “Oh.” I wasn’t all that surprised so I nodded, chewing my burger slowly and waiting for whatever they had planned next. Baz took my hand and pressed a kiss to the inside of my wrist.

  “Jack isn’t the only one I want to give my name to, Trina. I love you, Sweetness. I have loved you since you drank me under the table that night you kissed me.”

  I had to laugh at that. “Oh I kissed you? You totally kissed me.”

  He shook his head, fighting the grin as Jack pretended to gag beside us. “Either way, it was the first of many great kisses. And more. And I want to spend the rest of our lives seeing what kind of kisses we’ll share as we welcome more kids, get Jack his first motorcycle and of course, our honeymoon kisses.”

  “Ew, gross.”

  Baz laughed and reached over to ruffle our son’s hair. “Sorry buddy but it’s true. Your mom is a world class kisser.”

  Jack stood and stole a mini sausage from my plate. “I changed my mind about all this. If you guys are gonna kiss all the time, no thanks.”

  That drew a laugh from both of us as Baz turned his attention back to me and pulled out a small black velvet bag. He turned the bag upside down and dropped a ring in my hand. “Trina Mosley, I’ve never loved any other woman but you and ten years ago I fucked it all up. But this time, today, all I want is you and Jack. Be my wife Trina, let me make up for the past. Let us have the future we deserve.”

  My lower lip trembled as he plucked the ring from my palm and slid it over my ring finger. This was everything I wanted, ten years in the making. Now the chance was right in front of me, to have a life with the only man other than my son I ever truly loved and I nodded silently. “I can’t wait to marry you Baz. So yes, I want all of that.” Cupping his face, I kissed him, hard and fast. “But I don’t need or want you to make up anything to me. Let’s just enjoy now and make a great future for our family.”

  “Good because I have some ideas for future inspiration. Miss Chantilly.”

  I choked at his words. “How…oh my god! How did you find out?”

  He rolled his eyes. “Jack and Talon dropped some pretty big hints but I am a tech god, you know?”

  I laughed and wrapped my arms around him, feeling safe and content. Loved. For the first time in a very long time, I had that feeling of rightness, when everything in life just slides right into place. “Are you okay with this Jack?” I asked even though his beaming smile was answer enough.

  He nodded. “Dad asked already and I told him yes. I get to be the best man.”

  “Then I guess we should start planning a wedding!”


  Baz ~ One year Later

  If anyone had told me last Spring that I’d be a father and a husband, I would’ve told them to quit smoking crack and get their head examined. But six months ago, on New Year’s Day, I made Trina my wife and we now lived the perfect fucking suburban life. I drew the line at the white picket fence in front of our new home, but we had ten feet high wrought iron gates in case anyone thought they might want to go after my family.


  Jensen would not only serve out the rest of his sentence, but he’d been tried and convicted of kidnapping, assault and stalking so he would serve more time in California after his sentence was finished in Connecticut. Wagman had apparently left town and we’d never have to worry about him coming back since he’d been found dead of an overdose at some shitty rundown hotel in Hollywood. Thank fucking goodness.

  My family was whole. My club was whole. Life was fucking good right about now.

  “Hey what’s got that smug look on your face?” Trina pressed her sexy curves up against me, making my dick hard at the sight of her licking her lips.

  “You Sweetness. Jack. Our life.”

  “Mmm, good answer.” Puckering those soft lips and smashing them against mine, I wanted to take her right here on the deck of our new house, in front of all of our friends. And their kids. “Want something to eat?”

  I shook my head. “I’m good. What about you Sweetness, want some meat?” I wrapped both arms around her waist, squeezing her ass when she pressed in close and let her fingers run through my hair.

  “Don’t I always?”

  Yeah, my Sweetness was always ready to go. It was one of my favorite things about her, how hungry she always was for my cock. For me. Hell, as much as we went at it, I wouldn’t be surprised if we added another ankle biter to the growing number of babies and toddlers now under CAOS protection. Talon had given birth to another baby, a little boy they called MJ while Kyla and Torch had another one brewin’. Their little boy Jason laughed nonstop as he chased Jack’s new puppy, a blue-eyed Husky around the yard. Minx and Cash sat side by side, each holding a child with love shining in their eyes. “How about we slip back inside and I feed you a few inches?”

  “A few?” She cocked an eyebrow and wore that sultry come and get it smile. “I’ll take all nine thanks.”

  I groaned and kissed her behind her neck. “Let’s go then.” I pulled her inside and up the stairs to our new master bedroom and our big California king bed, perfect for all kinds of bedroom fun. “Damn I’ll never get sick of seeing you laid out, so wet and dripping for me.”

  “You never have to, husband.”

  I grinned. “I’ll never get sick of hearing you say that either.”

  On her knees, she crawled to the edge of the bed until we were face to face. “How about Daddy, do you like that one?”

  “Fuck yeah,” I told her, slowly undoing the buttons on her dress until her plump tits were exposed. Squeezing and kneading them, I savored the weight in my hand. “I love it.”

  “Do you think you’d want to hear it again?”

  Was she saying what I thought she was? “Fuck Trina, all I want now is to put another baby in you, watching your belly swell and your tits grow.”

  She moaned when I pinched her nipples. “Good, I’m glad to hear it. Because I’m seven weeks pregnant.”

  I froze as her words sank in, then a smile split my face. “We’re having another baby? For real?”

  “Yep. I confirmed with the doctor yesterday.”

  “Aw baby that’s the best damn news I’ve heard in a long time. I love you, Sweetness.”

  “I love you too, my outlaw husband. Forever.”

  “And then some.” She laughed as I lowered her to the bed, kissing my way down her body.

  “Better make it snappy so we can share our news while we have everyone here.”

  “Can’t hurry greatness, baby.”

  Trina laughed, pushing at my chest until our positions were reversed. “Then I’ll do it. Hang on Baz and prepare to have your world thoroughly fucking rocked.”

  I gripped her hips as she sank onto my cock, letting out that sexy little whimper that made me want to pound into her until my dick went numb. “You’ve already done that Sweetness. And then some.” I don’t know how in the hell I got so lucky but I made a promise to myself on our wedding day that I’d do everything I could to deserve this love. This happiness.

  “In that case babe, just enjoy the view.”

  Damn straight.

  * * * *

  ~ T H E ~ E N D ~

  Wow! I hope you loved this story as much as I loved writing it! Want more yummy goodness from KB? I’ve added Crossfire for you!! It’s updated and hotter than EVER! Enjoy! />

  An MC Bad Boy Romance

  By KB Winters

  Copyright © 2017 BookBoyfriends Publishing LLC

  Published By: BookBoyfriends Publishing LLC

  Copyright and Disclaimer

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2017 BookBoyfriends Publishing LLC

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of the trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Chapter One


  “Fuckin' jerk,” I muttered to myself as I slammed my foot down on the gas pedal.

  My BMW rocketed down the road and the engine screamed as it took me as fast as it would go. I tapped my well-manicured fingers against the steering wheel, impatient to get through this desolate stretch of land and find some semblance of civilization. This place was the fucking land that time forgot.

  I kept my foot on the gas, my speed nearing a hundred. I wanted to put as much distance between me and that animal as humanly—and as quickly—as possible. Checking the rearview mirror to make sure I was still alone on this lonely, seemingly never-ending, two lane highway, I caught a glimpse of the purple peeking out from underneath my concealer. I knew I was going to need to touch that up to avoid any unwanted notice—or questions when I stopped for gas.

  Tears welled in my eyes as I looked at the pitiful woman staring back at me. How could I have been so stupid as to fall for a man like Scott? Yes, he'd seemed so charming and kind at first, which was exactly why, against my better judgment, I'd moved all the way out to Palm Springs to be with him. A nice place, but after all was said and done, I’d been sold a lie.

  “I Hate Everything About You,” rang out in the car, barely recognizable as Three Days Grace.

  My anger surged over the drumbeat. “No way, fuckwad,” I snarled to the ringtone as if my ex could somehow hear me through the phone. No way was I answering his call.

  The song ended and immediately started up again. He was obviously going to keep trying until I answered. Yeah, right. I gave the phone the finger before grabbing it and stabbing the End Call button to silence that stupid song. There was no way in hell I was going to talk to him. Not now—not ever. Asshole.

  And then the song blasted in my ears again. And to make matters worse—as if they could get any worse—Scott's smiling face popped up on the screen. You know, just in case I didn’t recognize him by that stupid ass ringtone –I had to see his stupid ass face as well. As soon as I saw that stupid ass grin on that stupid ass face, I grunted in disgust and tossed the phone onto the seat next to me.

  Or at least, that's what I’d intended to do.

  Instead of my iPhone landing on the seat, it went sailing – right out the open passenger side window. I gaped at it for a minute and then barked a sad laugh. Well, there was no way Scott was going to get through to me now.

  Apparently, no one was.

  “Shit!” I cried out to the blistering sun. Fuck my life and my shitty luck.

  I hit the brakes, pulled over and stepped out of my car, my head pounding and my rage rolling over me in waves.

  I walked back to where I'd tossed the phone, just in case some small miracle had salvaged it—not that I was holding my breath. That wasn't how my luck ran lately. I started down the quiet highway in the middle of nowhere, in the high desert of California, praying for that miracle. I needed my phone.

  The sun beat down on the asphalt, and I literally felt like I was melting. Even with the windows down, it had been brutally hot in the car. Standing out in the direct sunlight was even worse. It reminded me that I’d hated everything about living out here. Maybe if Scott and I had set up housekeeping near LA or San Diego, things would have been better. Cooler air, cooler tempers. That’s what I’d been expecting when I pulled up roots and followed him out west.

  But Palm Springs turned out to be about as far away from the beautiful California coast he’d promised me as one could get. I might as well have been living back in Missouri. You’d think I would’ve looked up Palm Springs on a map. But that’s how love struck I was.

  I'd moved out here to start a new life, with a man even my parents eventually believed was the one for me. That’s how good of a salesman Scotty was. We all bought into his charm. Well, until he made a visit and the gorgeous cut abs and chiseled bone structure that killed me on line showed up on my doorstep. He’d brought roses and a bottle of champagne for me, imported chocolates for my mom, and a Cuban cigar for my dad.

  I wasn’t exactly a hick when I left home. I came from a small town but daddy owned half of it. He did a background check – he wasn’t going to hand over his little girl to just anybody – and his people told him Scott was so squeaky clean he would have gotten a clearance from the FBI. So much for going to the right schools and owning your own “software company.”

  Scott whisked me away with suitcases full of designer labels and promises to pamper me like a princess, a lie that lasted until we crossed over the Nevada line into the California desert. Thereafter, I lived under the boot of a man who believed a woman was born to do his bidding. Or else.

  Well, maybe I was stupid and naive when I moved out here, believing in fairy tales about romance, sunshine, and ocean front homes. But I’d learned my lesson. Never again.

  Now If could just find my phone.

  And here it was, a few yards down the road from my car, lying in the middle of the road looking like a fresh piece of road kill. The screen was shattered and the front and back were about a foot apart.

  But hell, at least that jerk’s face was gone. There was that.

  I considered trying to patch it together, but then realized that the phone was like my doomed relationship. Shattered. Why bother?

  I walked back to my car, carefully picking my way in my Jimmy Choo strappy crystal sandals. I tried not to catch the stiletto heels in any potholes, or get them stuck in asphalt that was almost melting in the 115-degree heat.

  I had no idea where I was or where I was going, for that matter. I'd left our to-die-for house on the outskirts of Palm Springs and just drove, putting as much pavement as I could between my old life and what I’d hoped would be a new one.

  With no destination in mind and no phone to guide me, I climbed back into my BMW—windows up this time and the air conditioning blasting on high. I prayed the next town I came to would have a bed and breakfast—or somewhere I could sleep—assuming I actually came to a town at some point. After all, it had been a long ass time since I'd seen a town of any sort, and that made me nervous. I squinted into the mirages melting on the long stretch of road ahead of me. Nothing but dry, brown earth as far as the eye could see.


  Five miles from where I'd tossed my phone steam began to pour from under the hood of my car and the needle on one of the gauges on the dashboard started spinning in circles. I squinted, hoping my eyes were playing tricks on me. Then something stunk inside the car. Before I knew it, my entire car had filled with smoke. It was coming in through all the vents, from underneath the hood—anywhere it could sneak into the car. The smoke was so thick, I couldn't see a damn thing. I started coughing and choking on the noxious fumes until I could hardly breathe. I hit the brakes and pulled over, hoping I didn't hit anything. Not that I needed to worry too much about it since there was nothing but desert on this desolate road.

  As soon as I managed to stop, I jumped out of the car and tried to catch my breath as I rubbed my raw, stinging eyes. Eventually, I could see—and breathe—again, and I surveyed the damage.

  There was no fire, thankfully. But something wasn't right. The engine was ticking, and every now and then a small puff of smoke would escape from under the hood. It didn't look good, but I tried to remain hopeful. Mostly because I was absolutely screwed if the problem was as serious as it appeared to be.

  I waited for the smoke to clear before climbing back into the car and trying to start it back up. I turned the key and—nothing. Not even a sputter. I fell forward, my forehead banging on the steering wheel. This was it. This was how I was going to die. Out here in this dried-up miserable highway to hell.

  Years from now—which was about how long it would probably take for somebody, maybe an old prospector, to come along this god forbidden stretch of road—they were going to find me in the driver's seat, dried out and shriveled up with nothing left but dust, bones, and my Jimmy Choo’s.

  Oh, the locals would have a field day about this, I was sure.

  I had a half-empty bottle of water—that was it in terms of provisions. Yep, I was going to die.

  “Why me?” I said, wiping the tears—and sweat—from my eyes.

  I also managed to wipe away the concealer that was hiding that ugly purple bruise. Thank God there was no one around. No one around for miles and miles. Nobody to see what that asshole had done to me.

  On the road up ahead, there was a sign—but I couldn't read it from where I sat in my very expensive oven. Once I'd managed to stop the pity party going on in my head and pull my shit together, I straightened myself up, climbed out of the car and walked toward it.

  It was hard walking that chewed up road in heels and a pencil skirt. I had to keep pulling my skirt down to keep from showing my ass, not that there was anybody around to see it. Maybe I strutted down the road like I was on a fashion runway, but it felt more like a perp walk. My crime – Stupidity in the First Degree, for leaving the security of my safe but boring life in Missouri.


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