Clinched_A Single Dad Romance

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Clinched_A Single Dad Romance Page 20

by Nikki Ash

  “I’m so sorry,” I choke out, tears stinging my eyes. But I refuse to let them fall. I don’t deserve to cry. I stand up, unsure of where to go or what to do. I don’t want to leave Lexi’s side but I shouldn’t be here. I don’t deserve to be here. Tristan steps away from the side of the bed and is in front of me before I can make it out of the room.

  “No…no…don’t you dare do this.” He grabs my chin and looks me dead in the eyes. “This is not your fault and don’t you dare try to blame yourself.” I shake my head needing him to stop trying to comfort me when he should be comforting his daughter.

  “He’s right, Charlie,” Mason says. “If anyone is to blame it’s me. Lexi was jumping off the couch and I was catching her. I didn’t think she’d try to jump off the couch when I left the room.”

  “I was supposed to be watching her,” I point out, shaking my head, and suddenly the nurse is by my side.

  “Hey, kids get hurt. I’ve been working in this hospital for the last six years and I’ve seen a million accidents.”

  “Wait a second.” Tristan stares at the nurse. “Don’t I know you? What’s your name?” He looks down at her badge. “I do know you! You probably don’t even remember me, but my daughter—”

  Mila cuts him off. “Yes, I remember you. And I’m assuming the little girl with the broken wrist is your daughter, the one you named after me.” What the heck?

  Mason cackles. “Of course she remembers us! It’s me we’re talking about here.” Mila rolls her eyes and Tristan groans.

  “I’m going to go let Dr. Matthews know I’m requesting an x-ray so we can see if the bone is broken, but my guess is, it is.” She opens the door to walk away, but before she leaves, she says, “And I told you, you were safe naming your daughter after me.”

  Mason laughs, nodding his head in amusement. “Oh, nurse Mila…game on!”

  Lexi’s wrist is in fact broken. While waiting to be brought back for x-rays, Mila came back in to give Lexi some pain medication. It helped her to relax and soon she was in and out of sleep. I was back at her side along with Tristan and Mason. After they wheeled her in to get x-rays—and confirmed the break—the doctor came in, and set her wrist. Thanks to the pain meds, Lexi wasn’t in too much pain. She picked out a blue cast, and Mila came back in to plaster it on.

  “Did you know I was one of the first people to hold you?” Mila says to Lexi while wrapping her arm.

  “You were?” Lexi asks, intrigued.

  “I was. You’re even named after me.” Mila gazes over at Mason who rolls his eyes. “My middle name is Alexandria.”

  “Does your daddy call you Lexi, too?” Lexi asks, and Mila laughs.

  “No, since it’s my middle name, it stays as Alexandria.”

  “I don’t think I have a middle name,” Lexi says, confused.

  “Nope, you sure don’t. Your daddy said Alexandria was long enough to count as both. He had a hard enough time picking out your first name. He wanted it to be perfect.” She laughs and looks over at Tristan who smiles warmly.

  “Charlie, do you have a middle name?” Lexi asks.

  “Nope, I don’t,” I admit. “I guess my parents thought my name was long enough for both as well.” I give Lexi a wink.

  Tristan glances my way. “Charlie isn’t that long. Is it short for another name?”

  “Umm…yeah,” I say, not able to lie to him. Up until this point I’ve left details out but I haven’t blatantly lied, and for some reason I can’t do it now, even if it means he knows my real name. “It’s Charlotte,” I say softly.

  I see his mouth open to respond but before he can, Mila says, “Okay! There you go. Make sure you make an appointment with your doctor for a follow up. You should be able to get the cast removed in about six weeks as long as it heals properly. No getting it wet, and make sure you have everyone sign it.” She smiles at Lexi and hands her a lollipop. She has been so sweet to Lexi the entire time we’ve been here.

  “I know this is totally random,” I say, pulling a card to the art studio out of my purse. “I have this art studio opening up soon and I would love to offer you a free session. You’ve been so kind to Lexi, and I just want to say thank you.”

  “Oh! I love to paint, even if I stink at it.” Mila giggles. “Is this one of those bring your own wine places?”

  “Yep! It sure is! I’m also going to offer kids classes as well as birthday parties. My cell phone number is on the card since I don’t have a phone in the studio yet.”

  “Cool! Do you live around here? Maybe we can meet up some time for coffee.” Other than Bianca who I have only hung out with a few times, and the occasional conversation with Veronica, I haven’t made any girlfriends since I moved here. When I hesitate, she adds, “I’m sorry. That was really forward. I’ve been divorced for a few years now, and well…most of my friends were from my ex-husband’s friends, and while him and I are still friends…” She trails off looking embarrassed at her rambling.

  “Divorced?” Mason chokes out.

  “I totally get it,” I say to Mila, both of us ignoring him. “I’ve only been living here a short time and I don’t really have any friends, either.”

  “Hey!” Mason shouts. “What are we? Chopped liver?” he jokes and I roll my eyes.

  “Anyway, I would love to meet for coffee,” I tell her. “When you get a chance, text me your number.”

  “Sounds good!” she says.

  “And since we’re all exchanging numbers, why don’t I give you mine as well?” Mason joins in, and now it’s Mila’s turn to roll her eyes.

  “In your dreams, playboy.”



  “Lexi! Guess what? I have some awesome news!” I shout down the hall, and when Lexi doesn’t answer, I head to her room. There’s only one reason why Lexi is quiet—she’s up to no good. When I get to her room, she’s sitting in her bed, reading a book. Okay…at least she isn’t drawing all over her walls. Then I look over and see a huge fireplace drawn across her wall complete with stockings hung—one for each of us including Charlie.

  I sit down on her bed next to her and notice she’s reading one of her Christmas stories. “Lex,” I groan, and she glances up from her book.

  “Yes, Daddy?”

  “We’ve talked about this.” I point to the wall as Charlie comes strolling into the room. Her hair is wet from the shower and she’s dressed in a pair of ripped jeans and an off the shoulder sweater that reads ‘Let’s get lit’ with an image of a Christmas tree in the background.

  “Oh my goodness! Lexi! Did you draw this yourself?” Really? Like she doesn’t already know she drew it? Who the hell else would have drawn it? She’s just as bad as Mason!

  Of course, Lexi’s face lights up. “I did! I read in this book, Santa needs a chimney to come down, so since we don’t have one, I drew one!”

  “It’s beautiful and that’s so smart! You ready to go get the Christmas tree?”

  “Yes!” Lexi cheers, fist pumping with her one good hand. Of course, her broken one is the left, so she’s perfectly capable of drawing…all over her wall.

  “Wait! Before we go.” I remember why I came in here looking for her. “You won third place in the painting contest. Your drawing will be displayed in the art gallery for the entire month of January.”

  “Wow! I got third place! Yay!”

  “I think this calls for a special present,” Charlie says.

  “Like what?” Lexi replies loudly, excitement pouring out of her.

  “It’s going to be a surprise!” Lexi squeals and jumps out of bed. “Go get your shoes on so we can go!” Charlie calls after her.

  “Surprise?” I raise my eyebrows.

  “Yep! You and Mason are going to paint this wall.” She points to the wall currently holding Lexi’s fake Christmas display.

  “So she can color over it?” I point to the Christmas display.

  “It’s special paint. You’ll see. We can pick it up on our way to get the Christmas
tree.” Charlie leans in and gives me a quick kiss, leaving me wanting more…so much more.

  We went by the home improvement store and picked up the paint Charlie insisted on buying then we went to the tree lot and picked out a tree. Lexi wanted a small tree for her room and of course Charlie offered to buy it. Afterward, we stopped by another store to get some ornaments and now we’re heading home.

  “Tonight was supposed to be my last night working at Plush,” Charlie says once we’re back in the truck, “But Bianca just texted me and said they’re slow and I don’t need to come in. So, I was thinking…” She gives me a shy look, which is so ridiculous because I would give this woman anything she asked for. “There’s a tree lighting ceremony happening tonight. Mila texted me an invite and I was wondering if we could bring Lexi. It turns out Mila has an eight-year-old son, and is bringing him as well.”

  I choke out a laugh at that, and Charlie frowns. “I’m sorry,” I say through my laughter. “Yes, we can go. Lexi will love it. I’m laughing at Mila having a kid. Mason has a strict rule against hooking up with moms.”

  “He’s prejudice against moms?”

  “He won’t go anywhere near them. Wait until he finds out Mila is a mom! We need to invite him tonight. It’s going to be great!”

  After getting the tree set up and Charlie insisting we need to wait until tomorrow to decorate it so the branches can come down or some shit, we get dressed for the tree lighting.

  “Can we stop by my place?” Charlie asks as Lexi pulls on her cute new boots Charlie bought her the other day. “My fluffy boots are there.”

  “Like mine?” Lexi asks.

  “Yep! Like yours,” Charlie confirms. I grab her by her waist, and brushing her hair to the side, I give her a soft kiss on her neck, on her cheek, and lastly on her lips. I want so badly to tell her to move in with us. Then she wouldn’t have to go anywhere to get her stuff, but I don’t. Standing by the front door isn’t the place to bring it up.

  “Sure, Mason is meeting us at the tree lighting.” Charlie shakes her head at how excited I am to see Mason’s reaction. I can’t help it, though. “The guy has been talking nonstop about Mila since we ran into her at the hospital. When he finds out she’s got a kid, it’s going to be the equivalent of blowing a big wad of gum into the biggest bubble only to have it pop all over your face!” Lexi laughs at my analogy and Charlie groans.

  “I don’t think it’s going to stop him.”

  “Ha! We’ll see.”

  The parking garage is jam packed, but after circling around a few times, I snag a parking spot. As soon as we hop out of the truck, Lexi and Charlie join hands and we head toward the event. The temperature tonight is in the sixties, which makes it the perfect evening for an event outside. Lexi is snuggled up in her cute Christmas sweater and ripped jeans which are identical to Charlie’s. I never imagined what it would be like for Lexi to have a woman in her life. It was always just us, but watching them walk ahead of me, I know without a shadow of a doubt, Charlie was meant to be in our lives permanently. Now I just need for her to agree.

  We stop at a coffee shop and order a couple of coffees and hot chocolates while we wait for everyone else to arrive. The huge Christmas tree is dark, waiting to be lit. The performers are dancing on the stage to Christmas music and fake snow is flying out of snow blowers. Charlie and Lexi talk nonstop about how Christmasy it all feels, and I think about how hilarious it’s going to be when Mason finds out Mila has a kid.

  “There you guys are!” Mason plops down on a chair at our table. “So, when does this lighting take place?”

  “Uncle Mason!” Lexi squeals and jumps into Mason’s lap. “The big tree over there is going to light up with lots and lots of lights! And guess what?” She doesn’t wait for him to answer. “Daddy and Charlie and I got a big Christmas tree today! And I got a small one for my room.”

  “That’s awesome, Lexi girl!” Mason takes a sip of her hot chocolate, which judging by his face is no longer hot. “I’m going to go grab something warm.” He lifts Lexi up and places her back in her seat before heading into the coffee shop.

  “Hey!” Mila comes walking up and Charlie gets up to greet her, giving her a quick hug. “I’m so glad you guys could make it. Unfortunately, Alec ended up staying with his dad tonight so it’s just me.” She shrugs.

  “Oh no! Is everything okay?” Charlie asks, concern evident in her voice.

  “Oh, yeah! Gavin’s grandparents are in town for a few days, so Alec wanted to spend time with them. Just means some adult time for myself.” Mila winks. “I’m going to run in and grab a coffee. Anyone want anything?” We all shake our heads no and watch her go in.

  A few minutes later, Mila comes out, her coffee in her hand with Mason following her. “I’m the one who invited them,” she says. “So that means you’re following me, not the other way around.”

  Mason sits down in the only seat left and Mila stays standing. “Wow! Such a gentleman.”

  “You’re more than welcome to sit on my lap.” Mason’s brows lift up and down and Mila makes a noise of disgust.

  When she doesn’t sit on his lap but instead stays standing, sipping her coffee, Mason stands. “Here you go, Madam.” He bows dramatically, which earns him a giggle from Lexi and a glare from Mila.

  “Thank you.” She sits down and her and Charlie begin talking about the studio opening up in the next month or so.

  “Hey,” Mason says to me. “Kenny needs me to confirm the hotel reservations for the fight in Vegas. I had originally put us down for two rooms. Is that still okay?”

  “What fight?” Charlie chimes in.

  “I have a fight in Vegas next week. We’re going to drive there and visit with the family. Some of the guys from Cooper’s gym will be there as well.”

  “I don’t wanna go,” Lexi pouts and Charlie giggles. Then it hits me I’m going to be away from Charlie for at least four days. Jesus, when did I get so dependent on this woman?

  “The UFC fight at the MGM Grand?” Mila questions.

  “Yeah, and you’re looking at the main card event.” Mason smiles cockily and Mila’s eyes light up.

  “Oh my God! You’re a UFC fighter! I knew it! I knew I recognized you.”

  “I sure am.”

  “I tried to get tickets for Alec and me but they were so expensive! He absolutely loves you. We’ll definitely be watching the fight on pay-per-view.”

  At the mention of Alec, Mason’s ego deflates slightly, but too quickly he’s back at his typical Mason flirting. “How about you drop this Alec guy and I’ll make sure you’re front and center?”

  Mila snorts, quickly realizing what Charlie and I already know. Mason has no clue Alec is her son. “I couldn’t possibly go without him. That would be cruel.” She glares at Mason but it quickly turns into a frown. “Do you think maybe you could sign something for him? He’s a huge fan of yours. He was supposed to come today but couldn’t make it.” Charlie and I make eye contact both silently laughing over the fact that Mila is purposely not telling Mason who Alec is.

  “Yeah, sure, whatever,” Mason says, then leans into Mila. “But if you ever ditch that guy and want the real deal, I’m right here.”

  “Sorry, but Alec is the most important guy in my life, and he’s not going anywhere.”

  “I have some tickets,” I say to Mila. My mom was a single parent at one time and she would’ve given anything to get me to one of those fights when I was growing up. Fortunately for her, she had Kaden. But not everyone has a Kaden. “You and Alec are more than welcome to come. As you can see, my darling daughter won’t be attending.” Then I say to Mason, “Book one additional room for Mila and Alec.”

  He rolls his eyes but agrees.

  “Are you serious?” Mila asks. “I don’t think I can let you do that! Maybe I can pay for some of it…or maybe I can—”

  “No way,” I cut her off. “The tickets don’t cost me anything and the room is discounted for fighters.”

  “Thank you
, Tristan! You have no idea how much this is going to mean to Alec.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  For a brief moment, the Christmas music goes silent while someone comes over the PA system to announce there are five minutes remaining until the tree lighting. Lexi jumps out of her seat ready to go and Charlie and Mila follow. After throwing away all their garbage, Mason and I join them.

  The two women and Lexi are dancing to Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree. I come up behind Charlie, and taking her in my arms, I give her exposed shoulder a soft kiss. She continues to dance but her moves become slower, slightly more seductive as her jean-clad ass rubs up against me. I could hold this woman in my arms for the rest of my life. Screw being away from her for four days.

  “Come to Vegas with us,” I murmur into her ear. “I don’t want to be without you for that long.” My lips brush her earlobe and then I place my lips on the soft spot behind her ear, eliciting a chill from her.

  Tilting her head slightly, she says, “I would love to go…as long as I can stay back with Lexi.”

  “That’s perfect, babe. We can visit my parents and I can show you around Vegas. Have you ever been?”

  She shakes her head no. “That sounds like a good time.” She turns around, and wrapping her arms around my neck, she kisses me as the announcer gives a one minute warning.

  Charlie turns back around and pulls Lexi into her front. Encircling my arms around Charlie, my chin rests on her shoulder. The countdown gets down to ten seconds and everyone shouts each number until one. The snow comes falling down and the tree lights up the entire area.

  “Charlie! Daddy!” Lexi shrieks in excitement, pointing at the tree. “It’s so pretty!”

  “I see! It’s so beautiful!” Charlie purrs.

  The music starts back up as the snow continues to fall. I weave Charlie’s fingers in mine but when I go to weave the other hand, I notice her hand is already taken by Lexi.

  “You guys!” Mila yells over the music, “Say ‘Merry Christmas!’” The three of us repeat her words as she snaps a picture of us. If I could freeze any moment in time it would be right here and now. I know firsthand life isn’t always perfect, but right now in this moment, it’s pretty damn close.


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