Playing for Keeps (Honky Tonk Angels Book 5)

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Playing for Keeps (Honky Tonk Angels Book 5) Page 6

by Ciana Stone

  She turned to look at Cade and when their gazes met all the air in the room seemed to have been sucked out. Locked in the desire in his eyes, she could only stare.

  “Looks like I’m not the only one going down today, sugar.”

  It took all the control she could muster to tear away from the look. It wasn’t going to take much more for her to fall victim to him and she couldn’t allow that to happen.

  She had to play it cool.

  “God almighty, you’re cocky. But I’m curious. Do you always go to such lengths to win?”

  “I go after what I want.”

  “Yeah, that’s obvious.” She added a little snort for effect, hoping she appeared completely unaffected by his nearness. “But the question was, are you always so determined?”

  “Only when the situation calls for it.”

  She shook her head. “Okay and I’m supposed to translate that…how? That you feel a hankering for a new diversion and I look like a likely candidate?”

  The frown that appeared on his face surprised her. He reached out to take her hand and tugged on it so that she angled to face him.

  “Listen up, Roxie. I’m only going to say this once. I don’t meet many women who intrigue me. But you do. So while I do have a hankering for you, it’s not just a conquest. It’s more a discovery. Discovering what’s beneath the surface. And sugar, I’m just as interested in pleasuring you as myself.”

  Nothing could have surprised her more. Had she gotten him completely wrong, assuming he was just another guy looking for a quick slap-and-tickle who would immediately move on to the next woman he met?


  “Because you’re all mystery and fire. You’re bold but wary and you bluff like a champion. You don’t trust easy and you keep a tight rein on what’s inside. You’re smart, strong and…”


  A slight flush rose on his face along with a grin. “And thinking of you keeps me awake at night.”

  “Well…well, I’m flattered. But don’t confuse me with the fantasies, Beckett. Reality rarely lives up to fantasy.”

  He pulled her closer, reaching up to run one hand through her long hair. “I know the difference between fantasy and reality, honey. Just like I know there’s one hell of a fire burning beneath that cool exterior. And yeah, I play to win. Now that I have, I sure as hell hope you’re not gonna welsh on the debt, ’cause you can bank on it that if you let me, I’ll take you where you’ve never been before.”

  “Promises, promises.” She tried to tease but was largely unsuccessful. At the moment, she felt completely overwhelmed.

  He shook his head. “Iron-clad guarantee.”

  For a few moments they just sat there. She searched his eyes and contrary to her nature, took the bait. Hook, line, and sinker.

  Cade watched her eyes, waiting for her response. Was he about to get shot down? He hoped not. Something inside him said that she just might be the woman who could match him. Not just in verbal sparring, brains and talent, but in passion and emotion.

  That concerned him a bit. When had it become about more than just sex?

  Then she gave him a sexy smile and his mind went blank to everything but his hunger for her. “Well, hell, Beckett. When you put it like that…”

  Before he knew it, she’d grabbed his shirt in both hands and ripped it open. Buttons popped free, flying this way and that as she bared his chest. He had time to do little more than smile before her mouth was on his skin and her fingers were working on the button of his jeans.

  Eagerly, he pulled her to him, claiming her in a kiss. Her hands unfastening his belt to snake up around his neck and tighten to fists in his hair. She returned the kiss with unbridled lust

  Passion hot as a five-alarm fire slammed into him. And the blaze had burned south of the belt way too quick for comfort.

  He wasn’t accustomed to instant heat, the kind that made you lose your mind and revert into a primitive man with only a single thought. Get in and stroke hard. But that was where he was and it unnerved him knowing that he’d stick to the terms of the deal and not push for that.

  Still locked in the kiss, he pressed her back onto the sofa, his hands tugging at the rolled waist of her skirt. She raised her hips, allowing him to slide the skirt down her legs.

  He ran his hands down her sides, traveling over the curves, feeling the reaction when her thighs tightened. Damn, she felt good. Firm muscle beneath the soft skin. The return journey was every bit as good, moving up her sides to take hold of her tank top and pull it up over her head.

  Roxie’s fingers tightened in his hair when he flicked his tongue across the taut nub of one nipple then sucked it into his mouth. Oh hell. Now wasn’t the time to give into the delectable sensations he was providing. She had to stay strong.

  She pushed back from him. “I have an idea.”


  “Um hmm. What about a nice hot shower?”

  Cade was on his feet in two seconds, pulling her up. “Sounds good to me.”

  He tugged her to follow him down the hall and into the bathroom. Once inside, he quickly started undressing her. Roxie allowed him to get her naked but stopped him from touching her. Instead, she turned on the water in the shower and set about taking off his clothes.

  “Do you have a condom?” she asked as she pulled down his pants.

  “In the drawer.”

  She opened the drawer, took out a condom, lay it on the vanity, then finished the task of getting him naked. Once he was, she smiled up at him, ran her right hand over his hip to his stomach, and then lower. When she took him in her hand, he reached out one hand to the vanity. She recognized the signal and knew her touch had gotten to him.

  “Ready for that shower?” She rose up on her tiptoes to nip his chin.

  “Yeah.” His response was spoken in a much deeper tone than normal.

  She didn’t release him, but put her free hand on his hip and stepped backward into the walk-in shower, pulling him with her.

  Hot water cascaded over them, rivulets running across her shoulders and down over her breasts. She smiled up at him and released him to pick up a bottle of shampoo. “You’re seriously going to give me a shampoo?” Cade asked.

  “You have a problem with that?”

  “Aside from the fact that I’ve already had a shower and haven’t needed help washing myself since I was four? No problem at all.”

  “Smart ass. Kneel down.” She watched him as she poured shampoo into her hand.

  His expression told her that while he wasn’t much on being bossed around, he did get a kick out of her being a bit dominatrix. He complied and she smiled. The position put him eye-level with her navel. All he had to do was look down and there it was, the holy grail—at least to men.

  His gaze moved down and a moment later he placed his hands on her ass, squeezing firmly. She wiggled against his hands but continued to wash his hair.

  “Okay, stand up,” she directed and guided him face-first into the spray to rinse.

  Now it was time to crank up the heat.

  Cade nearly jumped when he felt her hands, slick with soap, work around his body to his penis. She stroked him for a minute then turned her attention to his back. She started at the top of his shoulders and worked down. Her touch was not that of someone at a task. She took her time, feeling every inch of his skin.

  When she reached his ass, she leaned forward, pressing her breasts against his back as she ran her hand around to his erection. Her fingers moved between the cleft of his ass, over his anus and to his balls. Cade reached out, bracing himself with both hands against the shower wall in front of him.

  After a minute of pleasure that was close to overwhelming, she squatted down behind him and washed his legs. When she rose and turned his back to the spray, she smiled up at him and began to soap the front of his body.

  She gave extra attention to his genitals, all the while keeping her gaze locked with his. It was electric and nearly overwhelming. He was g
oing to come at any moment. “You need to stop.” He put one hand on hers to stay her motion.

  “Not yet,” she argued and turned him toward the water. When he was rinsed, she turned him to face her.

  “Sorry about this, but I’m a stickler for safety.” She reached out, plucked the condom from the vanity and made quick work of putting it on him. Then she knelt in front of him.

  Cade had to reach for the side walls when she took him in her mouth. She worked her tongue against the head of his erection, sucking him deep inside her mouth then pulling back. Over and again, one sublime stroke after another.

  When her left hand came up and her fingers stroked over the bottom of his balls, he had to bite back a groan. He could feel an orgasm coming, like a big train barreling down the tracks ready to sweep him away.

  Roxie felt his body tense and knew he was close.

  “Best slow down, sugar or…” His voice trailed off.

  No way was she going to slow down. The ripple of tension that washed down his body and the way his hands tightened on her shoulders let her know she was about to shove him over the edge. And she wanted to do that.

  “Roxie.” His voice was part warning and part plea.

  She knew this was a poor substitute for what he really wanted. Just as she knew that he’d take this, for now, because the need was too great to ignore. And yet she felt something else. Something that had a part of her that had been locked down for a long time, trying to break free.

  If only she could break down those walls. Cade made her long for things that went beyond physical gratification. But she knew that was not something meant for her, no matter how much she wanted it. What she could have was this. And it would have to do.

  So she carried him over the edge. For a few minutes, there was only the sound of the water cascading down on them. Roxie reached up to turn off the water, and stepped out of the shower to snatch a towel from the rack. She wrapped it around herself and plucked another towel for Cade.

  As she turned to hand it to him, she caught sight of her reflection in the mirror. What she saw had her freezing. The eyes that looked back at her were her own, but there was something different in them. Something that made her heart race with fear.

  Cade Beckett had gotten to her. Somehow, he’d opened a crack in that wall she so carefully maintained and crept in.

  She had to get out of there. Now.

  “Here.” She handed him the towel, quickly dried off and dressed. She ran to the den for her shoes. Just as she was grabbing her keys, Cade walked in, naked as the day he was born.

  “Is there a problem?”

  “I have to go.”


  “Just do.” She headed for the door.

  “Roxie, hold on!” Cade moved in behind her, putting a hand to the door as she tried to open it.

  She whirled, pressing back to keep as much distance between them as possible.

  “What just happened?” he asked, concern and confusion clear in his eyes.

  “Just let me go, Beckett.”

  “You reneging on our deal?”

  God, he fought dirty. She’d never gone back on a bet in her life. But she couldn’t stay here. Couldn’t let him touch her again.

  “No, but I need to leave now.”

  “Can you tell me why?”

  “No, I can’t.”

  He searched her eyes for a long moment, then moved back. “Okay.”

  “Thank you.” Relief flooded through her, along with gratitude. She turned and ran, not stopping until she was in the truck. Then she paused and looked toward the house. Cade stood in the door.

  Every fiber of her screamed for her to get out of the truck and go back to him.

  Every fear she’d ever experienced shouted of the danger of such action.

  Fear won. With a sob, she started the truck and pulled away.

  Dear god, what had she gotten herself into?

  Chapter Five

  Cody spotted one of Riley’s ranch hands coming out of the barn as she got out of her truck. “Hey Charlie.”

  “Hey there Miss Cody. What brings you out this way?”

  “Came to see Riley. Can you point me in the right direction?”

  “He’s in the barn.”

  “Thanks, Charlie. You have a good one.”

  “You too, Miss Cody.”

  Cody went into the bar to find Riley in a stall with a pregnant mare. “She looks ready to pop,” Cody commented.

  “That she is.” He turned to look at her, but continued rubbing the mare’s neck “What you doing out this way, Half Pint?”

  “Needed to talk to you.” She’d spent her day off getting things done at the ranch and mentally chewing on a decision she’d made. She’d tried to talk to Hannah about it and had met with such close-minded opposition that she’d given up.

  She needed a friend. Someone who’d be honest without being judgmental. Only one person filled those shoes, so here she was.

  “About?” Riley asked.

  “Jaxon Riggs.”

  “Jaxon Riggs? The fella Bronson and Wes hired?”


  “What about him?”

  “I’m thinking he’s the one.”

  “The one?” He looked at her with a confused expression that transformed into one of surprise. “You mean… Well damn, really? Him?”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “Just that.” Riley abandoned the mare and walked over to the stall door. “Isn’t he kind of old?”

  “Not as old as you.”

  “Which would be way too old.”

  “Not if you were single and I hadn’t known you my whole life.”

  Riley snorted. “Yeah right.”

  “Yeah right,” she echoed. “Look, you know me. I don’t give a hoot in hell about these young bucks all full of piss and vinegar. They might have something to prove but I’m not interested in all that. I like a man who knows who he is and is comfortable with himself.”

  “Well, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, Cody, but you probably could find someone who fits that bill and is closer to your own age.”

  “Why is age such a damn issue with everyone? I tried to talk to Hannah about this and she got all caught up on the age difference. I mean, what the hell, Riley? It’s not like a man stops being a person after forty-five. He doesn’t automatically drop all his hair and teeth and brain cells. His dick doesn’t suddenly stop working or his ability to feed himself. I mean, what the hell is the big deal?”

  Riley blew out his breath. “I’ll tell you what the big deal is. Remember when Bobby first came to work for me and he was following you around like a puppy?”

  “Yeah, so?”

  “So you didn’t have any interest in him even though he was sure that the age difference didn’t matter.”

  “It wasn’t just the age and you know it. He was a kid when he showed up. This was his first time on his own and he didn’t have much life experience at all. He—”

  “That’s just it,” Riley interrupted. “Being older, you had more life experience and so he was inexperienced in comparison. Now, look at you and Riggs. He’s what, mid-forties or better?”

  “Probably, I guess.”

  “And you’re not yet thirty. He’s dang near old enough to be your father, and those are made up of a lot of years of life experience. He knows what it’s like to be in his prime, which are what your twenties through thirties are. And he knows what it’s like to hit his mid-forties and have things become not quite as easy as they were during the younger years. He has experience based on age that you don’t have and you won’t for a few years.”

  Cody snorted out her breath in frustration. “So you think the age difference matters that much?”

  “I’m saying it could. But let me ask you. What makes you think he’s the one anyway? Have you spent much time with him?”



  “I just know.”

�You just know.”


  “Cody that’s—”


  “Your word not mine.”

  “Really? Well what happened when you first saw Annie?”

  “She fainted.”

  “You know what I mean. You saw her and…”

  “And was attracted to her.”

  “And wondered if she might not be the one.”

  “Well yeah, but that was different. We’d been communicating for better than a year so it’s not like we were complete strangers.”

  “True, but…” She looked down, trying to formulate her thoughts in order to express herself. After a few seconds she looked up. “Look, you can think I’m nuts, but the minute we looked at each other, I knew. He’s the one, Riley.”

  Riley’s gaze locked with hers and for a long moment, they just stood there. Finally, he smiled. “If you’re so sure, then why are you here, honey?”

  “Because you’re my best friend and I know you’ll be honest with me and…and I don’t want you to think less of me.”

  “Why would I?”

  “Because I don’t chase men and I don’t sleep around, but I’m about to do both.”

  Riley smiled and reached over to take her hand. “I’d never think less of you, Cody. You’re more than a friend to me and you know that. You’re family and I love you. I want you to be happy and you deserve to have someone to love and someone to love you back. So, to hell with what I or anyone else thinks. If he turns out to be the one, then you’ll find the happiness you deserve. And if not, well then he wasn’t Mr. Right. But nothing’s stopping you from finding out.”

  “I love you, Riley. Annie’s one lucky woman.”

  “Indeed she is.” He released her hand at the sudden neigh behind him. “Well, it looks like we’re about to meet someone new. Wanna stick around and help me name the baby?”

  “You know it.” Cody opened the door and eased into the stall. She was glad she’d come to see Riley. Not only had he helped her be comfortable with her decision, but he’d reminded her how lucky she was to have him for a friend.


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