Saving Elizabeth Bennet

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Saving Elizabeth Bennet Page 11

by Melanie Schertz

  “You certainly look like your father. Was he as tall as you?” Elizabeth asked, turning her eyes to look at his expression.

  “We may look alike, but that is all we have in common. Fortunately, Georgiana and I are nothing like either of our parents. We were blessed to have our housekeeper at Pemberley, Mrs Reynolds, and Mrs Jarvis, here at Darcy House. They were good to Georgiana and me, and gave us proper morals. My cousin, Richard, spent a great deal of time with us as well. Between the three of us, we decided what was right and wrong.”

  “You were not close to your parents?” Elizabeth glanced back towards the portraits of Gerald and Anne Darcy.

  “My mother was the life of the party. She did not approve of my father, as her father arranged the marriage, as a way to improve the coffers of Matlock. I am surprised they ever had children, as they were rarely ever in the same county as the other, let alone in the same house or rooms. Mother despised me, for my appearance being so close to my father’s. It was rare for her to speak to me, and the older I became, the less she would even look at me.”

  “Forgive me, Mr Darcy, for bringing up such a painful subject.” Elizabeth placed a hand gently on his arm.

  Clasping a hand over top of hers, Darcy smiled. “It is not for you to apologize. You did nothing wrong. In our circle of society, it is not uncommon for marriages to be a business deal rather than for love. My father was fond of women, and he spent much of his time with his many mistresses. Georgiana and I have two sisters and a brother, all natural children of my father. You know one of them.”

  Elizabeth gasped. “Mr Wickham?” Darcy looked up at his father’s portrait and nodded his head. “The girls were discarded, as my father did not care for daughters. But George Wickham, there he found his soul mate. Wickham was just as deprived as our father. Even after I gave him his inheritance, he wished for more. Though he is three years my junior, Wickham felt he should have inherited Pemberley rather than me. He even made an attempt to steal Georgiana’s dowry, when she was only four and ten. Knowing he is my brother is difficult, for he is evil. Due to his actions, I have been forced to cover his debts, many times, and even found homes for those children he has fathered.”

  “Mr Darcy, I must beg your forgiveness, for believing his lies. I accepted his words against you. Now I can see how foolish I was.” Elizabeth attempted to pull her hand free.

  “Miss Elizabeth, please, do not fret. His easy ways have taken in many people, making them believe him. Because of his ways, merchants do not hesitate to grant his credit, only to discover later that he has left them on the hook for the funds. It is the reason he has been able to convince many a young maiden to forfeit her virtue to him.”

  “I am glad I have been able to learn the truth about you, Mr Darcy. You are truly the best of men.” ~~~~~~~ ** ~~~~~~~

  Chapter 10 The days of thinking of Elizabeth being far from appropriate to marry were long gone. In a heartbeat, Darcy went from knowing he could never marry her, to wishing to marry her every hour of the day. Knowing his family had been involved in any way with Armstrong had opened Darcy’s eyes dramatically as to the sort of people who were considered the upper crust of society. He could not imagine Mr Bennet or the other members of Meryton’s

  neighborhood behaving as Lord Matlock and Anthony Fitzwilliam. To think, his own uncle and cousin could condone Armstrong’s behavior because of money, was appalling.

  Realizing the truth, Darcy had tossed all thought from his mind of whether Elizabeth had the

  appropriate connections or dowry. Coming to know the Gardiners, he respected them far more than his uncle. And Lady Matlock could not influence her husband, forcing her to withdraw from her remaining son.

  Since coming to the realization that he could not survive without Elizabeth in his life, Darcy had found a peace and calm that he had never known before. He knew he was in love with her, and the feeling filled him completely.

  In the month since the daring rescue, bringing the inhabitants to Darcy House, Darcy had begun a courtship of sorts. He realized how little Elizabeth knew of him, his sister and Richard had informed him how surprised she was to learn he cared for her. Each day, they would discuss opinions of books, music, philosophy, and more. They challenged each other to chess games, and Darcy would sit in the music room, captivated by the sound of her voice as she sang for him. Darcy was thrilled to be in his private world, secure and protected, with the people about whom he cared the most. But he knew it would not last forever, for Darcy was certain Armstrong was plotting his next course of action.

  Finally, one day, Elizabeth opened her heart enough to trust him with the nightmares and the daytime fears which had continued to course through her. As she spoke, Darcy had a difficult time not leaving the house to track down Armstrong and throttle the man. Only the thought of what would happen to those he loved if he were to behave so kept him from acting upon his impulse. By the end of her explaining all to him, Darcy had wrapped his arm gently about her, holding her to his side as they sat on the sofa together. “On my word as a gentleman, I will do all that is within my power to protect you. And, as a man in love, I promise you that nothing has diminished my love for you. In fact, my love has grown by leaps and bounds.”

  Taking the handkerchief he offered her, Elizabeth dried her tears. Here is a true gentleman, a man of honor and one to be respected. And, he is one deserving of being truly loved.

  ~~ ** ~~ Caroline Bingley had received a letter from a friend of hers, Miss Cartwright. As Miss Cartwright had been in Town, and Caroline was in Scarborough with her sister, the news in the letter was a shock to Miss Bingley.

  Learning her brother was involved in some sort of scandal with a paid companion of Mr Armstrong was horrifying, as Caroline had been desperately trying to find a way to impress Mr Darcy. She was certain she would be the next Mistress of Pemberley, and it would ruin all her plans if Darcy learned of Charles’ activities.

  Making arrangements, Caroline prepared to travel to London to resolve the situation. She had already saved him from making the foolish choice of marrying Jane Bennet, and she would save him from an even worse situation with a servant girl. And, while she was in Town, she would also speak with Darcy, to reassure him and beg him not to abandon Charles.

  Louisa Hurst and her husband, Gilbert, would remain in Scarborough, as Louisa was ill. She had recently learned she was with child, and her morning sickness was extreme. Caroline was pleased to be away from her ailing sister, no matter what the problem in Town was.

  ~~ ** ~~ Lord Matlock was in a stupor when his butler announced someone had requested an audience with him. “I do not wish to see anyone. Tell them to go away.”

  The door was pushed further open, slamming against the wall behind it. “You will see me, Lord Matlock.” Armstrong stormed into the room.

  The butler quickly closed the door and retreated from his employer’s meeting. Lord Matlock was difficult enough to endure since his son’s murder, but Armstrong’s reputation was well known, and he was clearly angry.

  “What do you think you are doing, forcing your way into my home? We have nothing more to discuss, as my son’s debts are paid in blood. I wish no further dealings with the likes of you.”

  “You have another son, who can be made to pay for your failure to aid me.” Armstrong stated as if he were discussing the weather rather than murder. “And your wife could also be held accountable. Would you wish to see further death?”

  “I have disowned my younger son, and cut ties with my nephew and niece. My wife has left for our estate, as she does not wish to reside with me. So, all that is left is me. And if you kill me, it will not matter. I will be with my heir.” Lord Matlock threw back another glass of port, before refilling the glass.

  “You are a fool, Matlock. I have no intention in killing you, though I can ruin you completely. I need you to assist me, as I need access to Darcy House. You know the interior of the house, and can give me details. I need to get my hands on the whore and that trade
sman’s son, and the sooner the better. My wounds are now healed from the last attempt, and I am ready to make those who have thwarted me pay for the pain I have endured.”

  “You were there, at the townhouse? I thought you would have sent your men there, not gone yourself.” Lord Matlock looked at the man before him carefully.

  “Of course I was there. Every army requires a general, and that is what I am to my men. Your younger son’s battle skills would be impressive, if he had not shot me in the shoulder. I lost several good men in the attempt. We must find a way to enter Darcy’s townhouse and achieve our goals.”

  “You should give up your delusions of getting your hands on the trollop. Darcy House is a fortress. My brother in law had improvements made to make it secure, and, after his death, my nephew made it even more so. You will never gain access, no matter what you try. The only way inside is if you are invited, and you will never be invited.”

  “But you would be allowed to enter. Perhaps you can claim a desire to reunite with your family. You could then find a way of allowing the rest of my men to enter. Your younger son and nephew would welcome your attempt at a reconciliation.” Armstrong stated.

  “I have no desire to be involved any further in your plans. I wish to live out the remainder of my days alone. Be off, I do not wish to be bothered any further.” Lord Matlock drained his glass again.

  Armstrong leaned over the desk which was between the two men, placing his hands upon the papers on top of it. “You will do as I say, do you hear me? I am not giving you a choice in the matter. You will comply, and that is all there is to it.”

  “There is nothing you can do to me, Armstrong. I refuse to assist you. I despise you as much as I do Elizabeth Bennet. She is just as responsible for what happened to my son, and I wish you both would go somewhere and die.”

  “Then do as I say and I will put an end to her. Once she is dead, I will leave you to your mourning.” Armstrong attempted to find some reason for Lord Matlock to comply.

  “I will think on your request. But do not expect the answer you wish. I cannot guarantee you will like my answer.”

  ~~ ** ~~ The attic was filled with many trunks and cases, all covered in a thick layer of dust. “Mrs Jarvis said that the trunks we wish to locate should be along the wall, over here.” Darcy motioned his hand to the left side of the room.

  “Mr Darcy, there is no need to disturb your mother’s belongings. I have enough gowns for the time being. Besides, I am still supposed to be in full mourning.”

  “Due to the situation, it would be difficult to have you go to a modiste to have a fitting. You only have three gowns, and they are well worn. You need some other items to wear. As Mrs Jarvis noticed, you are of similar stature as my mother. The gowns in the trunks up here have been languishing, doing no good. My mother was fond of obtaining new gowns, and had quite a selection to choose from. Even if you only find a handful of gowns that would suit your tastes, it will give some life to these gowns rather than leaving them useless. Mrs Jarvis has spoken to Lilly, the house seamstress, and she will make any alterations which are needed.”

  “You are far too kind to me, Mr Darcy.” Elizabeth said, her cheeks brightening. “I will be careful with your mother’s gowns, as I would not wish to mar them.”

  “Have no fear, Miss Elizabeth. They are gowns, not treasured memories.”

  “Forgive me, Mr Darcy, I did not wish to bring up painful memories.”

  Darcy smiled. “You have not, my dear Elizabeth.” Hearing her gasp, Darcy turned his attention towards her. “Forgive me, Miss Elizabeth. I forget myself at times.”

  “I am just unaccustomed to such informality. I…I do…like hearing you…speak my name. It makes me feel as if I am wrapped in warm sunlight on a spring day. Comforting.”

  Darcy was certain she felt the same as he did. Taking hold of her hands in his own, kneeling before her. “Miss Elizabeth Bennet, please allow me to tell you how ardently I love and admire you. I have thought long and hard on this matter, and my heart is captivated by you. Your wit, beauty, charm, all combine into an amazing lady. Would you do me the very great honor of consenting to be my wife?”

  Her heart was captured by the man before her, though her mind warred against such a match. “Mr Darcy, you must know the truth. I am ruined, in the eyes of society. It would not be fitting for you to have such a wife. Mrs Darcy should be a lady of society, with no taint connected. Not only am I ruined, I have no dowry or connections to bring to a marriage.”

  “What do I need of a dowry? I am one of the richest men in England. Your connections to Mr Gardiner are fabulous, as he is a highly intelligent businessman. I am looking forward to doing business with him. As for your being ruined, in my eyes, you are not ruined at all. Anyone who believes you to be ruined is a fool, you were rescued from a vicious attack.”

  “You do not know, cannot know, the extent of his intensions. I am humiliated just thinking of what he wished to do.” Elizabeth attempted to turn, as if to leave the attic, but Darcy would have none of it.

  “I know what his intentions were, dearest Elizabeth. But he did not succeed in his plan. For that, I will be eternally grateful to Bingley. If it were not for his intervention, I would have most certainly had to call out Armstrong. What he did to you, my blood still boils at the thought of what he put you through. And you fought him valiantly. The injuries you endured spoke of how valiantly you fought him, or he would not have lost control of himself as he was beating you.”

  “Mr Darcy, it is not proper to speak of such things. I know you do not care what would be said. But think of what your sister would be forced to endure. Miss Darcy is not even out is society. What are her chances of a good match if she is tainted by having the likes of me as a sister? As it is, my own sisters are most likely to suffer. I must leave them, soon, and never return.”

  “Never, Elizabeth. I will not allow you to leave them forever. If you insist on leaving, I will go wherever you go. Losing you would be the same as cutting out my heart and tossing it into the rubbish. My sister is not fond of society, and she has dreaded her coming out. She is only five and ten. Her coming out can be delayed for three or four years. By then, there will be many more scandals come and go, replacing any gossip which might arise from this mess. And I am certain your sisters would agree that they prefer to have you with them. They have all been so worried for you. Having you returned to them has been a blessing, not a detriment, to them. Did you not see the look on their faces when they were reunited with you? Do you not remember how pleased they were when Mr Johnston determined that your jaw appeared to not have been broken after all? They were so relieved and overjoyed. As were your aunt and uncle. And your cousins dearly love you.”

  Pulling Elizabeth into his embrace, he noted little resistance from her. Finally, she gave in, feeling loved by the man holding her securely in his arms. “Yes.”

  “What did you say?” Darcy smiled, having heard her, yet wishing to hear it repeated.

  “I said yes, Mr Darcy. Yes.” Elizabeth giggled. “Yes, I love you, and yes I will marry you.” “Then there is to be a change. My betrothed is not to refer to me as Mr Darcy, unless she is angry with me. And, at this moment, you had best not be angry with me.” Darcy placed a kiss on the top of her hair. “I love you Elizabeth. And I thank God each and every day for his rescuing you. I know I would not have been able to survive if you had died. We will grow old together, with a house filled with children and grandchildren. You must promise me at least fifty years of marriage, though I pray for many more years than a mere fifty.”

  “I promise you eternity, Mr…William. No matter how long we have here, we will have eternity together after death. It would be wonderful to watch our future children and grandchildren. We need at least ten children.” Elizabeth smiled. “One has to be a son, the image of his father.”

  “Only if there is a daughter who is a miniature of you, my love. I wish to witness your childhood through our daughter.” Darcy leaned his cheek
against her head. “Would they find us if we just stayed here, in the attic? Having you in my arms, feeling your heart beating next to mine, I do not wish to return to the world downstairs.”

  “Unfortunately, I believe Mrs Jarvis would send searchers to find us. But they will not think us missing for a little while.” Elizabeth giggled.

  “Promise me we will marry soon. I can send word to my solicitor to procure a special license, we can marry here, at the townhouse. There is no need for people outside our group to attend.”

  “You wish to marry while we are being pursued by Mr Armstrong? Would it not be better to wait, and have a proper wedding? There would be less gossip.”

  “I care not of the gossips. You are far more important to me, and having you as my wife is the most important thing in my life. Please, do not make me wait. Besides, my marriage to you will protect you, perhaps even giving Armstrong cause to reconsider his desire to harm you.”

  The pleading in his voice was like a child wishing for an extra dessert, causing Elizabeth to laugh. “Very well, William. I will not make you wait.”

  ~~ ** ~~ “Miss Bingley, we were not expecting your arrival.” Mr Fawkes stated as he held the door to Bingley’s townhouse open for his master’s sister.

  “I have urgent business with my brother and came unexpectedly. Is he in his study?” “No, Miss. He has been staying at Darcy House for a while now. We have strict orders to refuse anyone access to this house, as there has been some danger brewing. I am certain your brother would wish for you to return to your sister’s home, as staying in Town is not safe at the moment.”

  “Mr Fawkes, I am not accustomed to the staff telling me where I shall stay. And what is this danger of which you speak? Does it involve my brother’s poor judgment in his dealings with a young lady? I received word that he has been involved with a paid companion, is this danger involving her? Has her father or brothers turned violent?” Miss Bingley bombarded the butler with question after question.


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