Dominating Cassidy [Long Mead 2]

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Dominating Cassidy [Long Mead 2] Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  This was the true test for all the brothers. With Gary, Scott, Roy, and Jesse, she’d come to love them with the time she spent in their home and as part of their lives. Michael was different. He hadn’t known her for long, but the feelings inside her scared the crap out of her.

  He was the oldest, and the knowledge inside him made her aware of the fact she was only twenty-five. Her sex life was pathetic and her experience minuscule compared to him.

  Michael didn’t ask permission as he opened her thighs wider and moved her to the very edge of the desk. He pushed her dress up to her thighs. His touch created a path of fire as he did.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, licking her lips. Her heart threatened to break from her chest as it pounded rapidly.

  “Taking what’s mine.” She gasped at the way he said the words. No one else had ever claimed her, apart from the Walkers, and even then, they’d never staked their claim. “There are four of them and only one of me. I’ve got to make sure you remember me.” His grip tightened on the top part of her thigh. Michael didn’t hurt her but his presence couldn’t be denied. He held her attention by being himself. There was no competition for him. Michael knew the power he held and whenever she was with him, Cassidy felt his presence deep down inside her. The need to do as he said shocked her.

  How could she ever forget him?

  He pushed her back on the desk, spreading her open.

  “This is not a competition,” she said.

  “I’m not competing, Cassidy. I’m showing you who I am and what I want.”

  “What do you want?” she asked.

  “Your complete submission.” He slammed his lips down on hers and thrust his hand between her legs at the same time. She cried out, gripping his shirt, holding on to his body as the intense sensation from his hand and lips pulled her to him. Molten heat spilled from her cunt as the pressure of his hand ignited the flames inside her body. The panties she wore did nothing to protect her pussy from his touch. It was too easy for him to slide his finger beneath the elastic and tease her slit. She broke the kiss as he continued touching her cheek and neck.

  “You look like you need release,” he said in a whisper against her ear. She bit her lip and moaned as his fingers grazed her clit. The intoxication of his voice drove her arousal higher. She moaned and thrust her hips against his hand.

  “Yes. God, yes please.”

  Cassidy closed her eyes as Michael nibbled on her neck, teasing her beyond anything she ever thought she could feel. His thumb pressed her button, and she felt him insert two fingers inside her.

  She cried out from the heat and thickness of his digits. Luke was the only man she had been with, and that had been years ago.

  “Give it to me, sweetheart. I want to hear you cry out my name.” She held on to his arm as her climax crashed through her.

  “Michael!” She screamed his name into the room. He teased her clit, making her release last as long as possible.

  He bought her down from her high with ease. His expert ministrations making her quiver when he let her go. Michael helped her sit up.

  “That was amazing.”

  Cassidy smiled at him, watching as he joined the other men. Jesse was the only one left.

  Tucking her hair behind her ear, she watched the first Walker man she fell in love with. They had never kissed. The time they spent together meant so much to her. Her heart pounded, and her mouth went dry.

  * * * *

  Jesse couldn’t believe how hot it was watching Michael fingering Cassidy. Her complete submission was amazing to witness. His cock was so hard. He felt like it would tear the fabric of his jeans trying to get to her.

  Seeing her kiss Gary had been hot, but her with Michael had been hotter than hell. He brushed her red curls aside. Sweat dotted her brow, and her pale skin was flushed red with her arousal. He’d never seen this side of Cassidy, and he liked what he saw. She gazed up at him with her eyes dilated and her mouth slightly parted. Her lips were wet from her tongue. She looked good enough to eat.

  “Hi,” he said.

  “Hi,” she whispered back. Everyone faded into the background. Jesse didn’t care about what his brothers saw. Cassidy had been a part of him for so long he couldn’t imagine living in a world without her presence.

  “That was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

  “What?” she asked. He cupped her cheek, feeling the heat of her touch. Her skin was soft to the touch, and he knew her body would be as soft as silk when he finally got his hands on her.

  “Watching you come apart in Michael’s arms. Did you like him fingering your pussy?”

  She bit her lip, and he felt her move to look away. He caught her chin in his hand and forced her to stare back at him. “Don’t ever look away from me. You’ve got nothing to be afraid of with me, Cassidy. I love you the way you are.”

  “You love me?”

  “With my whole heart.” Tears filled her eyes as she stared at him. She reached up and cupped his face in her hands.

  “I never knew.”

  “I never wanted to tell you. I couldn’t spoil what we had together.” His brothers didn’t know the truth about their time together, but he no longer cared. If he was sharing her, then they would accept the friendship they’d shared before any of them wanted her.

  “Kiss me, Jesse.”

  He lowered his head and touched her lips, gasping for breath. He went in for more. She tasted sweet and loving, everything he imagined she would be. Jesse took her off the desk and held her against his body. He wanted her close to him where he could feel every part of her.

  Cupping her cheek, he turned her head to get closer. He licked her lips before plunging inside, tasting her with his tongue. She moaned and held him within her grasp. Her tits pressed against his shirt, and he felt the hard nubs of her nipples poking him. Jesse wanted to rid her of the pretty summer dress and see every inch of her naked. There was so much he wished to do to her body, but he knew everything would come with time. They would never force her into being with them unless she was truly ready.

  Cassidy met him stroke for stroke. The heat was scorching between them. Jesse loved her with every fiber of his soul. Finally having her in his arms felt so right. He smelt the muskiness of her release and he wanted to taste her.

  Slowly, time stood still for him. He heard the sound of his brothers coughing, and he knew it was time to let go. Kissing her one last time, he pulled away. Her eyes were closed, her lips bruised from the kisses she’d received. She never looked more beautiful than in that moment.

  “Wow,” she said, a slight smile lifting her lips.

  “I’ve been wanting to do that for years.”

  “I wish you had.”

  She opened her eyes, and he was sucker punched by the intense blue of her depths. It was like with her arousal, her eyes got darker.

  He turned back to the other men, surprised to see a smile on all of their faces. Jesse took her hand and led her back into the sitting room. They still had much to discuss.

  Chapter Five

  Michael grabbed some of the boxes he’d loaded into his truck. He didn’t have a clue how the meeting with Cassidy would go, but he’d packed some things in hope of it going well. Jesse and Scott joined him outside and took some of his cases in, making it a one-time trip. If everything went the way he thought it might, he would have to cancel the lease on the house he’d been renting in town.

  Cassidy was in the kitchen cooking up a storm. The last four hours had been with them all talking trying to make sense of how they were going to make this relationship work. Being the oldest in the group he’d tried to take charge. Cassidy wasn’t going to be ordered around.

  Organization was the key to success as far as he was concerned. She’d turned round and said, “Organization is the key to failure. You can train a dog, organize a business, and keep appointments but you can’t organize a relationship.”

  He moved through the house, scenting the aroma of the chic
ken and baked potatoes coming from the kitchen. He’d not had a home-cooked meal by a woman in so long. His mouth watered thinking about her serving him. Michael followed Scott and Jesse up the stairs. His mind went back to the afternoon with her underneath him. She felt so damn good. Her pussy had clutched his fingers like a fucking vise. She smelt great as well. Michael couldn’t wait to suck on her pussy. From fingering her, he’d learnt she didn’t wax. He wondered if he would be able to get her to go bare. Her hot little pussy exposed for every touch. Either way, he loved her.

  Scott opened the door at the end of the hall. “You’ve got an en-suite bathroom so you don’t need to go wandering around the house naked. Our fathers liked to make sure mom was given a life of luxury. She never wanted for anything.”

  He nodded and landed his bags on the bed.

  “You may as well get settled in. She’ll call when dinner is ready,” Scott said.

  Michael watched the two men head for the door. “Wait.” They stood and waited. “Do you really think this is going to work?”

  Entering the house had filled him with doubts. They were all too stubborn and strong willed for this to work. He couldn’t help but wonder if something was going to go wrong.

  “This was your idea, Sheriff. It worked for our parents. Why can’t it work for us?” Scott asked and left without waiting for an answer. Jesse followed close behind him. There was so much at stake, and Michael feared pushing her too far.

  Shaking his head, he grabbed the first case and began unloading his clothes. Long Mead was a strange town. He hadn’t been living there long before he met Cassidy. He’d been grabbing a coffee from the local diner that was also a bakery. She’d bumped into him, spilling the entire coffee down his uniform…

  “Shit, I’m so sorry. I’m such a klutz. Edith, I need some help,” the redheaded girl had called behind her. One of the waitresses had come running with towels.

  “What have you done this time, Cassidy? Scalding the new sheriff.” Michael had eyes only for the redhead. Edith was a blonde and helped to clean up the mess the redhead had made.

  “I’m sorry. I was grabbing the guys’ pastry order. You know how much the Walkers love their cream buns from here,” the redhead said.

  “Yeah. That’s not the only thing they want,” Edith said back.

  “I’m fine, ladies. Not even a burn on me.” Michael captured both of their attentions.

  “I’m so sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was going. Can I replace your coffee?” the redhead had asked.

  “That would be nice but only if you could sit and drink a coffee with me.” His suggestion had shocked him. She looked young and innocent. Two combinations he avoided at all costs. His taste in women went to the more adventurous, experienced, and willing of women.

  “Sure. Why not? The guys can wait for their desserts. It’s not like they deserve them. Edith, would you bring two coffees to the usual table?”

  The blonde nodded with a big smile on her face. “Coming right up.”

  Cassidy took his hand and led him to a table at the back of the busy diner.

  “So, you’re the new sheriff of Long Mead, huh? How are you finding it so far?” she asked, taking the seat opposite him.

  Michael stared at her for several minutes, feeling the change of power. She submitted to him. He saw it across the table. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and looked down at the table. Her entire presence spoke of submission.

  “Long Mead is interesting. Not anything like I’d thought it would be. What’s your name?” he asked. Her hands were clasped in front of her. He had the desire to reach out and touch her.

  “Cassidy Jocks. I’ve lived here my whole life.” She smiled and blushed.

  “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “What’s your name?”

  “Michael Hall.” Edith brought their coffees to their table, smiling as she did.

  They drank coffee and talked about the town in general.

  “Where do you live?” he asked. Michael thought about calling on her and going out dancing some time.

  “I live at the back of the Walkers’ ranch.”

  “Walkers’ ranch?”

  “Four brothers who own and run a ranch. My folks passed, and they’ve leased their spare house at the back. It’s nice.” She looked behind his shoulder, and he saw her tense. “I can’t go anywhere.”

  Michael looked behind him to see four large muscular men walking toward their table. He easily noted their scrutiny and the way they stared at Cassidy. A man would have to be stupid or foolish to not see them marking their territory. It had been one thing he’d picked up on in his short stay at Long Mead. The multiple couples living in the area.

  “Cassidy, you took too long, and we were worried,” the largest of all four said.

  “You drove away from the ranch to come sniffing around. I can’t deal with this, Gary. I’ve got your damn pastries.” She turned to Michael. “I’m so sorry. It was lovely to meet you.”

  Michael watched her get up and leave the diner. Gary and the other three looked after her.

  “I know you’re the new sheriff, but I’m warning you, Cassidy is our woman,” Gary told him.

  “I think I’ll leave that to Cassidy to decide.”

  He grabbed his coffee and left.

  Michael pulled out of the memory with a smile. She’d been submissive in his company, but when provoked, she could spit like the rest of the cowboys. He put the last of his things away and went downstairs.

  * * * *

  Cassidy pulled the roast chicken out of the oven and checked to make sure it was thoroughly cooked. She placed it on a board to cool, using the juices in the roast pan to make some gravy. Even though she was making salad, she knew Scott loved gravy with his chicken. She put a little flour in the pan and began to pour boiling water, whisking away as she did. Cooking helped her to relax, and it was something her mother taught her to do. She came from a family of bigger women who loved to eat. When it was right, she added some stock and tasted the gravy. Satisfied with the seasoning, she placed it in a jug. She was aware of Jesse and Roy watching her in the kitchen. They always watched her cooking.

  “You know you could go and watch the football if you wanted,” she said.

  “Why? Watching you bend over and the dress ride up close to your ass is more entertaining than watching a bunch of men running up and down a pitch,” Roy told her.

  Wow, what a compliment. She was more entertaining than football. Not many women could put that in their repertoire.

  “Are you sure Scott and Gary should be alone together?”

  “It’s the only time they get along. I’d leave them to it.” Roy sipped his beer, and Jesse remained quiet as usual.

  She tossed the dressing over the salad, carved some meat off the chicken, and put the potatoes into a bowl. Cassidy finished off the seasoning and serving the gravy.

  “Something smells fucking good,” Michael said as he entered the kitchen. She put the gravy jug on the table and yelped as Michael spun her around in his arms. “And you’re one of the things that smells good. Your pussy will taste delicious when I get my mouth on you.”

  She felt the pull deep inside her cunt. The thought of Michael and his wicked tongue sent shooting sensations through her body.

  “I want to take you dancing. How about we go on next Friday? I’m off work and would love the chance to see you move again.”

  “We could all take her,” Gary said, entering the kitchen behind Scott.

  “Dinner’s served,” she said.

  They took their seats around the table. Scott said grace, and they all dived in. Jesse waited for her to serve him. She sat next to him like most days.

  “I’d love to dance, but I promised Lou I’d visit her this Friday. I don’t always get the chance to see my sister, and I’d hate to miss this weekend.” Lou was so busy being a nanny to Mr. Smith, Cassidy had to take the small amount of time with her as a blessing. There were times she really didn’t l
ike her sister’s boss. He was too domineering with his powerful presence. He made her nervous. No guy in the world should look like a giant.

  “I thought your sister lived in town?” Michael asked.

  “She does, but Mr. Smith keeps her attention constantly. I only see her once or twice a month. We have busy schedules, and she loves his kid and wouldn’t leave him without proper child care.”

  “No problem. I can wait.”

  “I do think Michael has a point. We would love to date you. Sometimes we’d like to be all together and at others, individually,” Scott said.

  “I’m taking Cassidy to the movies on Wednesday night. We’d already agreed to see a movie,” Jesse said.

  “And I wouldn’t miss it.” She bumped his shoulder and giggled.

  They all ate in silence for several moments. She watched their faces as they devoured her food. Michael moaned once or twice eating her chicken.

  “Do you like it?”

  “Like it? I love it. I’ve never tasted juicy chicken. Mine comes out looking dry and rock hard.”

  Cassidy burst out laughing.

  “You think I’m kidding. This is delicious. Where did you learn to cook?”

  She stopped laughing, thinking about her mother. “My mom taught me and Lou everything we know.” She put her fork down as memories invaded her. Thinking about her mother always hurt.

  Fisting her hand on the table, she tried to swallow down the tears. She’d spent so much time crying over her parents she thought she’d drown.

  Jesse placed his hand over hers and stared at her. She kept his gaze feeling the calm inside her. He always knew how to help her.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “Your mother would be proud of you, Cassidy.” He gave her hand a squeeze and let go.


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