Dominating Cassidy [Long Mead 2]

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Dominating Cassidy [Long Mead 2] Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  They moved faster together. Their release was imminent. Michael moved closer, and then she felt his touch on her clit. She came apart for all of them. Scott and Gary moaned as they filled her body with their cream.

  All six of them collapsed onto the pillows. She was sandwiched between all of them. Their heat and love radiated out of them like a magical aura. They touched her body, making her feel precious. Her eyes began to droop as sleep pulled her in. The darkness swamped her, pulling her down into the abyss.

  * * * *

  Michael stared down at Cassidy. She lay asleep like a sex goddess. Roy and Jesse were running a bath for her upstairs. Scott was making some sandwiches and drinks. Gary lay by her, running his fingers through her hair.

  “She’s so perfect in every way. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before,” Gary said. He understood the other man. When he bumped into Cassidy for the first time, she’d opened up his heart, and he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her since. She was everything he wanted in a woman.

  “Neither have I. I will do everything I can to make this right,” Michael said to him.

  “Sharing her with my brothers meant everything to me. We had more than one dad, and we saw how happy our mother was. We wanted the same. I know it doesn’t make much sense. Four brothers falling for the same woman. Jesse invited her home one day for lunch. It was only half a day and all the ranch hands had gone home. I fired up the grill, and he came round with this young woman on his arm. I remember seeing the red of her hair first and then the blue of her eyes. I was a goner.”

  Michael listened to Gary explain his brothers’ relationship. He may have lived in the city, but multiple relationships were not that uncommon. The only difference between Long Mead and the rest of the world, they were open about the people they loved. Their openness had been one of the reasons he’d agreed to come to Long Mead as their sheriff. He grew bored and tired of the hectic life in the city. At forty years of age, he knew he was getting ready to settle down and have a family. He never thought he’d be finding it in the arms of a woman and four other men.

  “When her parents died, we knew she would be part of our lives. We didn’t want to rush her and moved her into the house at the back and employed her as a cook. We always hoped she would come to us, but as time passed nothing happened. Then I got a little heavy-handed and pushed her into your arms.”

  “Cassidy is full of spirit and fire. I’d never like to see that flame go out. I love her for the woman she is,” Michael said.

  “I know. I think this can work. All of us together. I like knowing she would never be without a man. I trust my brothers and you with her.”

  Michael nodded. He was a man, and opening up about his feelings was difficult. Hearing Gary giving his consent to their relationship meant a great deal to him.

  “Let’s go and bathe her and then put her to bed. I think tomorrow she’s going to be exhausted.”

  Michael and Gary carried her up the flight of stairs leading to her room. Roy and Jesse were coming out of the bathroom as they walked in. Scott walked up the rear with a tray filled with food.

  They all moved toward the bathroom. The tub was big enough for three. Gary and Michael climbed in with Cassidy between them. The other three helped to wash her, stood around the tub. She moaned and opened her eyes.

  “That was amazing,” she said. Her voice was groggy, and she still weighed heavily on Gary and Michael.

  “We know, baby. We’re taking care of you,” Michael said.

  She smiled.

  “I love all of you. Everyone. I love you so much.”

  All the men tensed and smiled. Their happiness would be felt miles away.

  “We love you, too, honey,” Gary said

  “I’m so lucky.”

  Her eyes closed, and she lay down, trusting them to care for her.

  When she was cleaned, they carried her out of the tub, toweling her body before moving her to her bedroom.

  They all took turns feeding her some food.

  “Don’t leave me. Stay and sleep next to me,” she said.

  Michael smiled, kissed her head, and settled behind her. The others collapsed on the large bed.

  He tucked her red hair off her face. She was a beautiful sight to look at.

  “I love you,” he whispered.

  * * * *

  Scott walked down into the kitchen to find Gary sat at the table nursing a beer.

  “Isn’t it a bit late to be drinking?” he asked. The hatred he once had, had disappeared the moment he shared Cassidy with Gary. Scott didn’t understand why his anger had left so damn quickly. For most of his life, he’d felt nothing but anger toward his older brother.

  “I needed a drink. I never thought it would be so amazing to have her between us,” Gary said.

  “Cassidy is a special woman.” Scott filled a glass with some water.

  “Why did you hate me so much?” Gary asked after some time had passed.

  He turned to stare at his older brother. In all the time he’d been fighting with Gary, his brother had never asked him why. “You had everything. The women loved you. Our parents thought you were perfect. There was nothing I could do to get their attention,” Scott said.

  “Are you for real?” Gary began laughing. “I’ve hated being the oldest. I was the one who had to deal with everything when our parents bloody died. Those women were so fucking fake. They wanted a Walker, not me. Ever since I’ve been born, I’d been told what my responsibility was. It has not been fun being me.”

  He didn’t know what to say. Scott never looked at his brother as struggling to cope with situations. Gary always looked so together and in control. After all this time, he was finally seeing a different side to all his anger.

  “Most of those women, did you sleep with them?”

  “No. I’m not a fond person of having women throw themselves at me after admitting they’d been to you. I love you, Scott. I would never hurt you by doing that.”

  He tipped the remaining but of his water down the sink. The desire to drink was no longer with him. “I’ve been an asshole.”

  “Yes, you have,” Gary said in agreement.

  “Can we agree to try and start again?” Scott asked. “Not just for Cassidy and the others but for us.”

  “I want that, Scott. You’re my little brother.”

  They shook hands before heading up to bed. Scott lay down thinking about the future. The anger inside him had slowly begun to evaporate. The love of a good woman could truly help him.

  Chapter Twelve

  Cassidy woke up surrounded by warmth. Her body ached in places she had forgotten existed, but she felt good. She opened her eyes and stretched. Roy and Scott lay on either side of her with cheeky grins on their faces.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Nothing,” they both said.

  She laughed, settling back on the pillows and staring at each of them in turn.

  “Where are the others?” she asked.

  “Michael was called into town. Gary and Jesse decided to do the ranch work while we made sure you woke up safely with all your needs attended to,” Roy said.

  “I could get used to this.”

  She moaned as Scott fingered her pussy. The ache turned into burning heat in a matter of seconds. “You’re all going to keep me burning for you.”

  “That’s the plan, angel.” Roy took her hand, wrapping it around his shaft. He was rock hard with his cum leaking out the tip.

  “I can’t believe I want you again already,” she said. She went to her knees, Roy and Scott doing the same. She wrapped her arms around Roy, kissing him while Scott played with her nipples. Her body was burning up.

  She fisted Roy’s cock, kissing down his neck and chest. She nibbled on his nipples before going down his tummy, kissing the head of his cock.

  “Fuck, that is gorgeous.” Cassidy turned her head to see Scott staring at her splayed pussy.

  “If you want it, take it, Scott Walker.”
She felt like a wanton hussy.

  Roy pressed the head of his cock to her lips, and she accepted him. Licking the bead of cum, taking him all the way to the back of her throat.

  Scott fingered her pussy, opening her lips. She felt the hard press of his length as he pushed all the way inside her aching cunt.

  His grip on her hips tightened, and she pushed back for him to go as deep as he could inside her.

  “Fuck me,” she said, pulling away from Roy. He took her hair and pulled her back onto his cock. She took him between her lips, sucking him to the back of her throat. Scott slammed inside her. She moaned with her mouth full of cock.

  “Suck me, baby,” Roy said. He pumped his hips and held on to her hair to keep her steady. Her pussy wept with the dominance Roy was displaying.

  Scott pulled out of her, only to thrust back inside her, harder than ever. She moaned, sucked, and fucked back. The immense bliss she was feeling made her want to weep with the love she felt for the men in her arms. They surrounded her with their love and passion. There was no way she didn’t feel the same.

  “Fuck. I’m not going to last,” Roy said. A growl erupted from him as his semen splashed the back of her throat. Cassidy swallowed him down, accepting everything he was offering.

  She felt Scott’s grip on her hips tighten, and the jolt of his cock as he spilled himself inside her.

  “That was the best wake-up call ever,” Cassidy said.

  Roy and Scott smiled at her. She felt their touches deep down inside to the very core of her soul. Never had she been part of something so important.

  * * * *

  The weeks went by without a hitch. Michael became a part of her world, and she was part of the brothers.

  Cassidy had never felt so loved or cherished in all of her life. She rarely saw Lou but she knew Mr. Smith in his strange kind of way was looking after her sister. There were no physical signs on Lou that he was doing anything other. She didn’t have to like him to know that. All of her men consumed her time. They wanted tiny little pieces of her for themselves. They also liked seeing her with all of the men at one time. The sitting room wasn’t used for watching television anymore. Whenever her men got her to a flat surface, they were on or inside her within a heartbeat.

  She couldn’t complain. Most of her days were spent in a state of rapture. Her men came in and stole kisses, touches, and each time they did, they filled her heart with love and hope.

  Her men got into a routine where they each had a day with her. Gary took her out on a picnic down by the lake. He even let her wear a bikini, but he made sure no one else could see her. Roy took her dancing and taught her how to play pool. And Scott was her date to the fair in the town across from them. He bought her cotton candy and won her a big bear which now took the window seat in her bedroom. Michael and Jesse always kept her in suspense.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jesse had her all to himself. His brothers had gone into town, and Michael was working nights for the week. He put the flame to the last candle as he heard the door open. She’d spent the day with Claire and Stephanie. He’d asked the girls to make sure she rested for the day.

  “Hello, is anyone home?” she called.

  Closing his eyes, he straightened his shirt. It was uncomfortable tucked into his jeans, but he wanted to show her the effort he had put in. He went out to greet her. She was putting her purchases on one of the chairs when she saw him.


  “They’ve gone out. Scott, Gary, and Roy. They’ve gone out, and Michael is working nights this week. We’ve got the whole house to ourselves.”

  He took her by the hand.

  “Jesse Walker, do you have something planned?” she asked. He covered her eyes and escorted her through to the kitchen.

  “I wanted to do something special and surprise you.” He removed his hands and heard her gasp.

  “You made dinner?”

  “One of my mother’s recipes. Spiced chicken and coconut rice. I know it’s not restaurant food, but it’ll taste good.”

  She spun in his arms and placed a finger against his lips. “It’s perfect. I’ve never liked restaurant grub anyway.” She placed her hand in his.

  He pulled out the seat for her. She sat down and he tucked her under. Jesse kissed her on the head.

  “I have to say, you’re turning into a man of many qualities,” she said.

  “You’ve got to taste it first. You might not like it.” He picked up the serving spoon and placed some chicken and rice onto her plate before going to his own place at the table.

  “You’re so far away,” she said.

  He’d forgotten how long the table was. Cursing himself, he grabbed his plate, ready to move, but she took the seat next to him before he had a chance to change.

  “A problem that is easily fixed. This smells so good.”

  “Dig in.”

  He watched her cut a piece of chicken. It had taken him forever to make sure it was juicy. He spent an hour watching it in the oven to make sure it didn’t dry out. She lifted the meat to her lips, and in it went. He stared at her juicy red lips. His cock throbbed, remembering them wrapped around his cock.

  “That tastes so good.” She cut herself another piece and placed it against his lips.

  “It’s your chicken,” he said.

  “I want to share. Taste how good it is.”

  Jesse took the chicken and moaned at the explosion of flavor that hit his tongue.


  “Damn good.”

  She smiled. Jesse took some rice onto the spoon and fed her from his plate as she did the same with her own. The sensuality of feeding each other was making him ache with need for her. Unable to stop himself, he pulled the strap of her dress down her shoulders. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and her tit popped free.

  Cassidy moaned, and he dipped his head, taking the firm nipple between his teeth.

  He pulled the other strap down until her dress fell to her waist, exposing her breasts to his gaze. Their food was forgotten as he took her hand and pulled her up from her seat.

  * * * *

  She followed behind him when he walked up the stairs. They passed the other guys’ rooms, coming the one near the end of hall.

  “This is my room,” he said.

  He opened the door and welcomed her inside. She gave a quick glance around, seeing a part of Jesse she’d never known before. There were several pictures of her around the room. Tears filled her eyes at the warmth she got from the man in front of her.

  “I love you,” he said. Jesse cupped her face and kissed her. Cassidy melted against him. She’d never known how amazing it would feel to be loved by five men. Jesse was so much a part of her she couldn’t imagine a life without him in.

  Her dress fell to the floor, followed by his clothes. They were naked and on the bed within minutes.

  Cassidy kissed him while Jesse touched every inch of her body. Her weight issues fell away under the loving of his hands. He cupped her breasts, tweaking her nipples which made her cry out from the heat of his touch. He ran his touch down her body, over her stomach toward her pussy. She cried out when he opened her lips, fingering her slit. Cassidy knew she was soaking wet.

  She watched in fascination as he brought his fingers to his lips and sucked the cream she saw glistening from his digits.

  “You taste fucking great,” he said. He moved his attentions back between her thighs. She cried out when he flicked her clit. The explosion of pleasure was unlike anything she’d ever imagined.

  “I’ve dreamt of having you here, in my bed.”

  “It’s a comfy bed,” she said.

  Jesse pressed two fingers inside her dripping cunt. He turned and rubbed her G-spot, making her scream out. The sound of her screams echoed off the walls. His thumb pressed on her clit, and she flew apart. Her cum was leaking out of her pussy and down the crack of her ass. He moved her up the bed, laying her amongst the mountain of pillows.

  “I’ve wanted t
o do this for so long.” She watched him spread her thighs. His cock jutted out, long, thick with his cum leaking out of the tip.

  He moved his cock to her pussy and inch by glorious inch pressed himself inside her. She felt every pulse as she stretched to accommodate his girth. He plunged in the last few inches, making her cry out in pleasure only to whimper seconds later as he pulled out.

  Jesse tortured her for what felt like hours, bringing her body to immeasurable pleasure, only to hold her back from the peak. She screamed, clawed, and begged him for the release that he refused to give her.

  Cassidy moaned with each thrust of his cock. Her pleasure was building and the need to come never ceased.

  “I love you, Cassidy. I’ll love you forever.”

  “I love you, too.”

  He brought her over the edge and into oblivion. Her climax was hard and startled her in its velocity.

  She fell asleep in his arms, surrounded by his heat and warmth.

  Chapter Fourteen

  She felt close to everyone. Each man demanded something different from her. Most of the time Jesse wanted to spend time in his room, cuddling and kissing. She loved making out with him. Gary liked taking her out to eat. He didn’t like her cooking all the time. Scott was really active and sometimes she sat and watched him work out with popcorn and soda to keep her company. Roy was cheeky and took her out to the bar where they’d dance the night away. Michael, however, was an enigma.

  The control he held over her scared and excited her at the same time. She spent most of her time waiting for him to order her around, but he never did. He had the night off, and she’d gone to the bakery to pick him up some cream buns which she knew he liked.


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