Wild & Inked: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Desert Sons MC) (No Saints in Biker Hell Book 2)

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Wild & Inked: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Desert Sons MC) (No Saints in Biker Hell Book 2) Page 28

by Claire St. Rose

  Jack gave Greg Goremykin’s phone number.

  “Got it. I’ll text it to him right away.”

  “Thanks. Sorry to… interrupt.”

  Greg snorted. “No… we were done. But now that I’m up again…”

  Jack chuckled. “Just do the wire information first.”


  The chirp of his phone pulled Jack out of a deep sleep. He and Tina had tumbled into bed as soon as he finished texting Marshall. They hadn’t gotten enough sleep last night and had dropped off almost as soon as they became still.

  With a groan Jack picked up his phone and looked at the time. It was just minutes after two in the morning. “Jack,” he mumbled.

  “The money has been transferred,” Greg said.

  “Okay, thanks.”

  “You’ve done it, Jack. I wouldn’t have believed it, but you’ve fucking done it.”

  “We did it, Greg… we did it. I couldn’t have done it without everyone’s help.”

  “Whatever. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. And Jack…”


  “Thanks. I mean that.”

  “You’re welcome, Greg.”

  He clicked the phone off and laid it back on the table before he snuggled into Tina’s back… and was asleep again in moments.


  “I’m Pyotr Rodchenko. Mr. Goremykin sends his regards from Maranello,” the man said as he approached, his voice smooth and strong with just a trace of Russian accent. He was dressed in a dark business suit, but he radiated power, competence, and a hint of danger. Jack shook his hand.

  “He’s there to pick up his new Ferraris?” Jack asked.

  “That remains to be seen.”

  “This way, please. I have a car waiting.”

  Jack led Pyotr out, tossing the piece of paper with Pyotr’s name written on it into a trash bin as they walked. They had to wait a moment before Tina, who had been circling, pulled up in the Audi. Jack opened the front door and Pyotr slipped inside.

  “I’m going to blindfold you,” Jack said from the backseat.

  “I understand,” Pyotr said as calmly as if Jack had just told him it was going to rain.

  As they pulled away from the curb Jack slipped a piece of cloth around the man’s eyes and tied it off. Jack didn’t know who Pyotr Rodchenko was, but he was sure he didn’t want to meet the man in a dark alley.

  “We will be making six stops. Is there any order you would like to see the cars?”

  “The GTO first, if you please.”

  “You heard the man,” Jack said to Tina.


  “May we push it out into the sun?” Pyotr asked after the door rolled up to reveal the 1962 Ferrari GTO.

  “Uhhh…” Jack hesitated. The last thing they needed was for someone to see the car. “Babe, go back to the front gate. If anyone drives up, honk the horn, okay?”

  “Got it,” Tina said as she turned to the car.

  Jack and Pyotr pushed the car out of the storage unit into the bright California sunshine. Pyotr said nothing, and asked no questions, as he spent nearly an hour looking over the car as he referenced a small booklet. Finally he flipped the booklet closed and returned it to his jacket pocket. “I’m satisfied. Shall we return the car to the unit?”


  For the next four hours Tina and Jack shuttled Pyotr to each storage unit, Pyotr blindfolding himself after he completed the inspection of each car. While each car received a thorough look-over, none of the other five cars received the same careful inspection that the GTO did.

  “That is all of them, correct?” Pyotr asked as Jack locked the door behind the last of the cars.

  “That’s correct. Have you seen all you need to?”

  “Yes. You can drop me at my hotel, the Ritz-Carlton. I will call and report my findings to Mr. Goremykin.”

  While Pyotr tied his blindfold around his eyes, Jack walked to where Tina could see him and waved her back to them.

  “You can remove your blindfold now,” Jack said after they had driven for ten minutes.

  “Thank you,” Pyotr said as he removed the cloth and handed it to Jack.

  “Is there anything else we can do for you before we drop you off?” Tina asked. When Pyotr first sat in the car, he scared the shit out of her. She was a little better now since he hadn’t killed anyone, but he still made her nervous. He was like Jack when Jack was in his badass mode… but Pyotr was like that all the time.

  “Are you more than Jack’s driver?”

  Tina flushed in embarrassment. “Yes.”

  “Then no.”

  Jack smiled in the back seat. One thing about Pyotr… when he answered a question, you got a straight answer.


  “What do you think?” Tina asked Jack as he slid into the seat beside her while Pyotr walked away.

  “Unless they play games, this should be a done deal. The cars are what they are. We didn’t try to bullshit them or anything.”

  She blew out a puff pf air as tension oozed out of her. “That guy scares the shit out of me.”

  Jack chuckled as she pulled away from the hotel. “I know how you feel. He made me a little nervous too.”


  “Jack! This is Marshall, Greg, and Seth. The money just arrived! The whole twenty-four million! You did it!”

  Jack smiled across the table at Tina. “That’s good news.” He and Tina were sitting in a cozy Italian restaurant enjoying a quiet dinner. “The money arrived,” he explained for her benefit.

  Tina felt a tingle, like an electric current was pouring through her body. They had done it! Jack had done the fucking impossible!

  “You know the drill. Hold the money until the customer takes delivery, but after that, distribute the cash and close down the accounts. We’re officially out of the car business.”

  “You got it boss,” Greg said. Jack could hear his smile all the way from New Mexico.

  “Tomorrow I will drop off the keys, and then Tina and I are disappearing. I can’t thank you—all of you—enough. It has been a real pleasure working with you.”

  “Same here, Jack,” Greg said. “I wish you didn’t have to go, but I can understand your reasoning. You’ll let us know where you end up?”

  “I’ll do it, Greg.”

  “Good luck to you, Jack.”

  “Yes… good luck,” Marshall said quietly.

  He hung up, placed the phone the table, and looked at it with an unreadable expression.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “Yeah. It’s just… those guys have been my family for a long time.”

  “Once we get our new identities, maybe we can go back.”

  “Maybe,” he said, then smiled softly. “Will you go with me?”


  “I don’t know. Wherever we end up.”

  Tina smiled. Like he had to ask. “How about Fuji?”

  Jack barked out a laugh as their food arrived. “How about someplace a little closer to home?”


  After dinner they returned to the motel, then walked to The Cow and Bean, a little shop on the corner from the motel whose name intrigued them. Inside the coffee and ice cream emporium, they browsed and sampled the flavors before making their selection. They were rich beyond the dreams of avarice and in the mood to celebrate.

  Together they walked out of the shop and along the road back to their room, hand-in-hand and giggling, as they chased up drops of the rapidly melting ice cream. When they were at last almost to their room, Jack took Tina’s hand and licked off a trickle of ice cream running over a finger.

  She nearly moaned at the touch of his tongue. It had been two full days since she had felt his passionate touch, a drought that she was ending tonight. As soon as the door shut behind them she handed Jack the remainder of her ice cream and began to unbutton his shirt.

  “What are you doing?” he asked as he held an ice cream in each hand.

  “What’s it l
ook like?”

  “It’s not even nine o’clock yet.”

  “Good. We have some making up to do,” she said as she parted the front of his shirt and raked her nails softly down his chest and stomach to arrive at his pants. In the cooler environment of their room, the rate the ice cream was melting had slowed, but it was still melting. He barely felt the cold drip land on his hand as she pulls his pants down.

  Jack was firming up nicely as she exposed his manhood and subjected him to tender kisses to tantalize him with what was coming. She rose up and took her ice cream from him. She licked the edge of the cone seductively before she kissed him and passed the cold sweetness to him on her tongue. After a moment, she slowly backed off from the kiss and settled to her knees in front of him. She again kissed him gently, teasing the head of his cock with her tongue, and smiled as she noticed the ice cream melting and running over his hand unnoticed. She took a large bite out of her ice cream and held it on her tongue for a moment, wincing as the headache hit. She didn’t mind. She had a way to kill the headache by warming her mouth quickly.

  He gasped, long and hard, as she took him into her mouth. The shock of the cold was an exquisite counterpoint to her heat. He didn’t know what to do with his ice cream, so he pulled her up by her shoulder. She rose and pushed his shirt off the shoulder on his free hand side, then after he switched the ice cream to the other hand, slowly licked his fingers clean before sliding his shirt completely off.

  Jack was nude, standing with his pants bunched around his ankles, but she was fully dressed. That won’t do at all… he thought. “Undress,” he commanded softly.

  “Sit,” she said as she handed him her ice cream again and pushed him gently back until he sat in a chair. She slowly removed his boots, pant, and socks, kissing and licking, watching his eyes as she finished undressing him. Once finished, and still between his knees, she tipped his hand so that she could take the last bite of her ice cream, going immediately to warming her mouth with his hardened member.

  Jack gasped again and lunged upward with his hips. “Fuck…” he hissed through clenched teeth. The hot and cold sensations were like nothing he had experienced before.

  Tina smiled a she bobbed her head a moment, her tongue busy tickling and licking until the cold feeling had faded. She slowly rose to her feet, hips swaying more than necessary, as her hands traveled down the length of her body. That’s right, big boy… I’m going to take good care of you tonight, she thought as she smiled.

  She began to disrobe, moving and swaying to some unheard rhythm, and he watched, mesmerized. She slowly removed her panties, then took the two steps backwards to the bed as she removed her bra. She threw the linens back, kneeled on the bed, and crooked her finger at him, calling him to her as she smiled wickedly.

  Jack stood, dropped her empty cone into the trash, quickly pulled his weapon and cell from the pile of his pants, and placed them on the side table within easy reach. His ice cream still in hand, he joined her on the bed. Tina took his hand and tried to tip his ice cream to her for a bite but he pulled it away, took a small bite, and offered her a kiss instead.

  She moaned softly as he passed the ice cream to her. There was something incredibly erotic about sharing the cold, creamy dessert in such an intimate manner. They kissed, sucking the sweetness off of each other’s tongues, before he pulled back. She chased his lips, wanting more, but he withheld his kiss. I’ll never look at an ice cream cone in the same way again, he mused with a smile.

  “Ahh! Shit! Cold!” she gasped as Jack dumped the remainder of his ice cream on her just below her breasts. But he didn’t stop there. Setting his cone aside he pushed the glob around on her skin, making her hiss at the cool, lewd sensation. He smeared the ice cream over her breasts and stomach, making her squirm as the shocking chill touched each new area. As the last of the ice cream melted away he began to clean her, slowly licking and sucking away any trace of the dessert. As he worked slowly, diligently, her reaction against the cool sensations faded into something more erotic.

  He was propped on his elbows to keep his sticky hands free of the bed. While it was fun to smear Tina with ice cream, he didn’t want to sleep on dirty, sticky sheets and had been careful to not let the dessert drip onto the linens. As he carefully cleaned her with lips and tongue, she took each of his hands and sucked them clean. For nearly an hour he cleaned her, paying special attention to her breasts. It would have been quicker, easier, and better to have used a damp cloth, but not nearly so satisfying… not to mention entertaining.

  Tina was as clean as she was going to get without a shower, but she couldn’t stand his gentle torment any longer. She simply had to have him and she pushed at him until he rolled over onto his back. She followed and kissed him lustily as she covered him with her body and placed a knee to either side of his hips. They kissed slowly, deeply, and she could taste the last of the caramel mocha flavor on his tongue.

  “I want you,” he whispered as he stared deep into her eyes, his hands on her face as he caressed her cheeks with his thumbs.

  “I want you too,” she replied just as softly. No matter how many times he said those three little words, she would never get tired of hearing them. She rose to her knees, positioned him, and lowered herself, sighing softly as he passed into her wetness. She looked into his face and smiled softly. I love you, she mouthed.

  I love you too, he replied silently as he smiled. It was hard to bring himself to say those words just a week ago, but no longer. They came much more easily now, and he was certain it would become easier still in the future. He was falling for her, and he was falling hard. His smiled broadened slightly as she began to pump herself slowly upon him. He was falling… and he didn’t want to stop.

  Tina moved in a steady rhythm. Her eyes drifted partially closed as the intense pleasures of body and soul flowed through her. She thrust her hips slowly as they gazed into each other eyes until she shivered as a small but intense orgasm passed through her. She was just relaxing from its effects when Jack’s phone rang.

  “Leave it,” she whispered as she resumed her thrusting.

  “Stop a moment. It may be important.” When she stopped, he twisted and reached for his phone. “It’s Rodchenko,” he said as he thumbed the phone. “Jack.”

  “Mr. Carter. You have received payment?”

  “Yes we have. Thank you very much.”

  “When can we expect delivery of the automobiles?”

  “Would in the morning be early enough? Or would you like them now?”

  As Jacked worked out the details, Tina smiled and began to thrust her hips again. He was quiet, but she could tell from Jack’s face that he was feeling it.

  “Tomorrow morning will be acceptable. How will the cars be delivered, and to where?”

  Jack tried to focus as Tina squirmed and thrust on him. “We can make the delivery in any manner you like. If you have transportation I will load the cars for you. Or I can deliver the keys and addresses of the units and you can handle it all yourself.”

  Watching Jack struggle to sound normal and conduct business as she rode him was turning her on in a serious way… and she began to thrust harder.

  Jack was desperate to tell Tina to stop, but he didn’t want Rodchenko to know she was fucking his brains out while he was on the phone with him, so he tried to focus and keep his voice level and normal. But it wasn’t easy… it wasn’t easy at all.

  “You must have transport, do you not? You brought the automobiles from New Mexico to California.”

  “That was a one-time deal,” Jack said as Tina kissed him under his neck. “I have no transportation available.” He took her by her hair with his free hand and gently pulled her lips to his for a torrid kiss as Rodchenko spoke.

  “I see. I will speak with Mr. Goremykin and tell him the circumstances. We will meet for lunch at noon in my hotel and make the exchange then.”

  Jack broke the kiss. He needed to wrap this up because he was going to come soon, and he wouldn’t be a
ble to hide that. “I will see you at noon. It has been a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Rodchenko.”

  Pyotr was quiet for a moment. “Yes. So I hear,” he said as he terminated the call.

  Jack realized Rodchenko wasn’t fooled for a moment and he felt himself flush in embarrassment. He dropped his phone on the bed before he rolled over, pinned Tina down, and held her gaze with his eyes. “You think your funny, don’t you?” he growled playfully.


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