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Spring Showers Box-set

Page 60

by Avell Kro

  Hyde. .Doctor Jekyll performs an experiment on himself that separates the evil portion of him into

  a unique entity. This entity is pure evil and also pure energy. It can possess anyone and once

  having done so, become that person. Cause them to do the unthinkable to achieve its evil plans.

  Doctor Jekyll. .a kind, young teacher who has made a horrible miscalculation and created an

  abomination of himself….Hyde! A creature that is pure evil.

  Dracula. .not the Bran Stoker version, but my own. Misunderstood, not eternal and drinking

  human blood when no other choice is possible.

  Conan Doyle…the dead Sir Arthur Conan Doyle brought from our world to the alternate reality

  which he is reborn into, healthy and young once more. Also, an integral part of the great

  detective’s team at times.

  Baker Street Brotherhood. .a team of operatives who, upon occasion, help out Sherlock and

  Watson in their missions. Some of the more notable ones are Lord Graystone (Lord of the Jungle),

  Madame Curie, Dracula, Professor Langston (The Invisible Man), Professor Challenger (also a

  Conan Doyle character), Sir Arthur Conan Doyle himself (reborn from our world to the new one

  without losing awareness of himself), Lady Shareen (our equivalent of Indiana Jones), Jules Verne

  and H.G. Wells.

  Obviously, there are many, many more, but these are the most frequently guested characters in

  my stories and novels.

  Author’s Note

  If you want to keep abreast the latest news, follow me on my author site:

  Connect with me at @johnpirillo

  Friend me at myFacebook page: John Pirillo, Author.

  Join my Baker Street Universe group to get things I don’t usually share with others, and to hash

  over the universe I’ve created with me and fellow authors and readers. I’ll be having very special

  giveaways, advance copies, and autographed work as wel as other surprises to my friends who

  join me there.

  The Baker Street UniverseFacebook group page is: a place to interact with me on a frequent basis.

  Other Works by the Author

  Sherlock Holmes Collections

  The Sherlock Holmes Mammoth Fantasy, Murder and Mystery Tales Volume One

  The Sherlock Holmes Mammoth Fantasy, Murder and Mystery Tales Volume Two

  The Sherlock Holmes Mammoth Fantasy, Murder and Mystery Tales Volume Three

  The Sherlock Holmes Mammoth Fantasy, Murder and Mystery Tales Volume Four

  The Sherlock Holmes Mammoth Fantasy, Murder and Mystery Tales Volume Five

  The Sherlock Holmes Mammoth Fantasy, Murder and Mystery Tales Volume Six

  The Sherlock Holmes Mammoth Fantasy, Murder and Mystery Tales Volume Seven

  The Sherlock Holmes Mammoth Fantasy, Murder and Mystery Tales Volume Eight

  The Sherlock Holmes Mammoth Fantasy, Murder and Mystery Tales Volume Nine

  The Sherlock Holmes Mammoth Fantasy, Murder and Mystery Tales Volume Ten

  The Sherlock Holmes Mammoth Fantasy, Murder and Mystery Tales Volume Eleven

  The Sherlock Holmes Mammoth Fantasy, Murder and Mystery Tales Volume Twelve

  The Sherlock Holmes Mammoth Fantasy, Murder and Mystery Tales Volume Thirteen

  Sherlock Holmes Ten Minute Mystery Stories

  Sherlock Holmes Ten Minute Mystery Stories Volume Two

  Sherlock Holmes: Halloween Scarefest

  Sherlock Holmes Halloween Chillers and Thrillers

  Sherlock Holmes Mystery Team: Phantoms and Monsters

  Double Holmes Plus series

  Double Holmes Plus

  Double Holmes Plus, Volume Two

  Double Holmes Plus, Volume Three

  Double Holmes Plus, Volume Four

  Double Holmes Plus, Volume Five

  Double Holmes Plus, Volume Six

  Gears Worlds Box Set One

  Magic Box Set

  Sherlock Holmes Standalone Stories

  A Strange Thing on a Strange Day

  Ascension (aka The Angel of Death)

  Case of the Face of Death

  Case of the Hall of Darkness

  Baker Street Adventures

  Beast of North York Moors

  Bloodstone of Amandor

  The Hungry Blade Strikes Again

  Case of the Butterfly Princess

  Sheridan Holmes: Curse of the Serpent King

  The Lost Not Found

  Killer of the Pandora Box

  The Angel of Death

  Sheridan Holmes Curse of the Serpent King

  The Face of Death

  The Mad Butcher

  Vampire of the Opera

  Sherlock Holmes, Master Detective

  Sherlock Holmes Death on Lavender

  Case of the Westminster Abbey Ghost

  Case of the Yellow Hand

  Gathering Darkness

  Howling Death

  White Wolf of London

  The Awakening of Evil (novel)

  The Circe Case

  What Lurks in the Dark?

  Case of the Weeping Budhha

  The Big Ben Caper

  The Taste of Mercy

  The Abominable Man

  Case of the Gourmet Werewolf

  The Poisoning of Wooten Gnarl

  Case of the Missing Fang


  The Christmas Rose

  The Forbidding

  Death by Werewolf


  Kodama Audio Book Version


  Shadows of the Shifter

  Wolf Woods

  A Touch of Magic (#1 featuring Harry Houdini, Challenger and Doyle)

  Journey of Magic (#2 featuring Harry Houdini, Challenger and Doyle)

  The Bleak Tree, The Hollow Hand

  Riding the West

  The Hollow Hand

  The Ghastly Night

  Wanted Dead or Alive

  San Francisco Disaster

  Evidence of Dark Deeds

  The Mouth of Horror

  Tempting the Gods

  Shadows of Deceit

  Death in Lavender

  Case of the Gourmet Werewolf

  Death by Werewolf

  The Mouth of Horror

  The Shadow Killer

  Curse of the Blue Fire

  Case of the Dark Master

  Alice in Murder Land

  Night of Terror

  A Case of Mistaken Identity

  Midnight Angel

  The Black Tower of Moriarity

  Lady of the Lake


  Clues of a Dark Path

  Butterfly Princess


  Crystal Deduction

  Blasphemy of the West

  Mystery of the Desert Treasure

  Blasphemy of the West

  Wrath of the Dark Druid

  Calculated Risk

  Deception and Perception

  Door Worlds

  Gears of the Goddess

  Mystery of the Jin (novel containing all Jin stories)

  The Lash of Time

  Steampunk Holmes (Gear Worlds 2)

  Gears of War

  Curse of the Goddess

  Gears of Death

  Death Watch

  Gears of Destiny

  Rise of the Goddess of Gears

  Sherlock Holmes Harry Houdini: Transformations

  Sherlock Holmes Harry Houdini Gift of Magic

  Sherlock Holmes The Werewolf of London

  Mystery of the Gears

  Lord of Gears




  The Third Transformation

  Heroes of Bakerstreet

  Black Orchid

  Cult of the Blood Orchid


  Murder by Death


  The Dark Man

  Goddess of Magic

  The Dark Master Box Set

  Death’s Face


  Dark Mansions


  Monster Hunters


  666 Phantasy Lane

  An Uncanny Event

  Mystery of the Tides


  Clues of a Monster

  Mystery of the Ancient Artifact

  Deadly Ruins

  Werewolf Justice

  Death’s Face


  Death Stalkers

  The Zodiac Murders, Aries

  The Baker Street Team

  Deadly Curse

  A Little Matter of Death

  The Zodiac Murders, Aries

  The Zodiac Murders, Taurus

  The Zodiac Murders Gemini

  The Zodiac Murders Cancer

  The Zodiac Murders Leo

  Orient Express Murders

  Clockwork Murders

  Cat’s Eye Mystery

  The London Terror

  The Wonderland Mystery

  Shadow of Death

  A Tale Less Told


  Clues to a Murder

  Dark Ambitions

  Touch of Terror

  Centaurum Rex

  Dark Whispers

  Clockwork Murders

  Cat’s Eyes Mystery

  The London Terror

  Trail of the Wolf


  Black and White

  Pursuit to Death

  The Yellow Death

  The Fifteen Second Solution


  Curse of the Stone Dragon King


  London Shadows, Curious Deaths

  Baker Street Solutions

  Deadly London

  Innocent Death, Dire Murder

  Gothic Horror

  Ghostly Matters

  Curse of the Snake God

  Occult Wars

  Death Magic


  Terror in the Night


  A Novella

  Light in the Darkness Series

  Yvette Bostic

  Copyright © 2018 by Yvette Bostic

  Al rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any

  manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of

  brief quotations in a book review.


  I hope you enjoy this short novella, a prequel to Light’s Rise.Sign up for my newsletter at my

  website to receive emails for the next release. I have novellas planned for Adalina, Magdelin and of

  course, Robert and Paulette D’Autry.

  The Amboyna Massacre was a real event in 1623, on the Ambon Island in Indonesia. While some

  of the story sticks to the facts, most of it strays into fiction as intended.

  I want to say thank you to the people who have helped me throughout this process. My husband

  has been my encouragement, as well as the perfect sounding board and first-draft proof reader. I

  could not have done it without his positive attitude and patience. Thank you to Aleksandra

  Klepacka (, the very gifted young artist who creates

  my cover art. And finally, thank you to my very gracious beta readers. Your comments and

  opinions about the characters, events and time lines make all the difference!

  Other stories in the Light in the Darkness Series

  Light's Rise-Book 1

  Light's Eyes-Book 2

  Light’s Fall-Book 3 to be released Summer 2018


  The warrior cursed silently as his metal armor scraped against the rough bark. After several

  moments of silence, he peered around the oak and watched the bouncing torches fade up the path

  and into the night.

  “How many?” a soft voice whispered behind him.

  He hadn’t heard his commander approach, despite her own plate armor.

  “Twenty-Five Csökkent,” he replied. “But only one sacrifice.”

  She huffed loudly, her breath ruffling the hair curling around the back of his helm.

  “Any scouts?” she asked.


  “Let’s not stand around wasting time.”

  A soft whistle escaped her lips and two dozen men materialized from the forest. They followed the

  narrow trail as it wound its way through the foothills of the Swiss Alps. The warrior knew the

  Csökkent’s torches would ruin their night vision. Without scouts, the cultists wouldn’t know that

  death fol owed them.

  For another half hour they trailed their quarry, who disappeared into a gaping hole in the rock.

  The glow from their torches silhouetted the outlines of the two guards standing at the entrance.

  The group of warriors stopped behind an outcropping of rock, pulling their weapons from their


  “What is our strategy this time, my lady?”

  A grin spread across her face.

  “Mark, you and Jared take out the guards,” she replied. “The rest of us will follow when your task is


  Mark nodded and motioned towards Jared. The two men silently closed the distance, separating just

  outside the ring of light illuminating their targets. Mark lunged first, driving one of his daggers

  through the cultist’s throat. Jared’s target died a second later in the same fashion. He didn’t wait

  for the rest of the group, knowing they would follow immediately.

  The musty smell of bats and mold assaulted him as soon as he entered but was quickly replaced by

  smoke and the stench of unwashed bodies. Mark hugged the stone wall on the left, while Jared did

  the same on the right. Voices drifted toward him as they inched their way around another bend in

  the passage. The light grew brighter and he knew they were close. The pathended at a stone wall; their only options being left or right. He listened intently. The sound and light emerged equally in

  both directions, confusing him.

  “Both paths lead into the chamber beyond.”

  He turned his head toward the soft voice at his side, trying to keep his expression neutral.

  “Shall we split our forces and enter simultaneously, then?” he asked.

  “That’s why you’re my favorite,” she replied softly, leaning close so that only he could here.

  He raised an eyebrow and tried not to grin.

  “It’s not possible for you to have a favorite, Adalina,” he replied, staring directly into her amber

  colored eyes.

  “You could let me pretend,” she said, returning his stare.

  “Are you two forgetting that we have work to do?” Jared asked in a harsh whisper.

  “Jared, take half the men to the right,” Adalina replied, still staring at Mark. “The other half will go

  with Mark. We attack together.” She finally moved her gaze to the group and Mark smiled. “I don’t

  have to tel you what happens if they start throwing spells.”

  The men automatically split into two groups. Mark enjoyed the precision and unison that came

  from working with the same people year after year. Everyone knew what to do without detailed


  Mark’s group moved through the short passage within a few minutes. He poked his head around

  the corner and his eyes widened in surprise. He quickly counted fifteen prisoners gagged, tied and

  kneeling in front of a stone alter.He had only seen one. When had they brought the rest? The

  Csökkent circled the alter and the people chosen as sacrific
es. They chanted in their strange,

  guttural language. A sudden wind whipped their black robes violently around their bodies, as their

  hands rose above their heads.

  Movement from the other side of the room caught his attention. Adalina leapt through the air from

  the other passage, her mighty dual-bladed ax shining in the fire light before it embedded in the

  skul of the nearest cultist. Mark charged into the room, his group following on his heels.

  The nearest Csökkent died within seconds, but their brethren on the opposite side of the circle

  reacted immediately. A dozen arcs of lightning surged towards the warriors. Mark rolled to his

  side and sprang to his feet, barely avoiding the spel . The warrior next to him was not as quick.

  The blast threw him backwards, leaving scorch marks across the plate armor on his chest and

  shoulder. Mark raced towards the caster, knowing it would take time for him to prepare another

  spel . He reached the Csökkent first, removing his head in one swift strike of his sword, but the

  cultist next him finished his spell just as Mark’s sword reached him. The spell surged from the

  cultist’s hands as Mark’s blade severed them at the wrists. A burst of white light and pain exploded

  in the warrior’s chest. He fell into the wall at his back and darkness took him.

  Chapter 1


  Ambon Island, India - 1623

  Mikel woke to muffled screams and loud thumps against the wall opposite his bed. He sat up

  trying to wipe the sleep from his eyes.

  “What’s going on?” he asked the empty room.

  The framed mirror above his dresser fel to the floor, knocked from its peg by another impact

  against the wall. Shards of reflective glass scattered across the wooden floorboards. Mikel tried to

  tamp down the fear and anger rising in his chest as he quickly pulled on his dark trousers and

  white shirt. An occasional drunk interrupted the night, but never like this. He wrapped a black

  leather belt around his waist and stuffed his feet into his boots.

  His door burst open and a large man, half-dressed, fell into the empty space.

  “What the hell, Harry?” Mikel yelled.

  Harry kicked the door closed with his boot and stood, trying to straighten his rumpled appearance.

  He was a tall man with wide shoulders and dark, curly hair. Thick sideburns framed his face, ending

  at his square jawline. Despite his size, fear radiated from his deep set brown eyes.

  “The Dutch soldiers are swarming the camp, rounding us up like sheep.”

  “Rounding up who?” Mikel asked with confusion. “Why would Dutch soldiers be in the English


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