Loving Ashley

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Loving Ashley Page 5

by Lauren Nicole

  Deciding she is three sheets to the wind, I pay our tab and make our way to the hotel next door. She leans on me the whole way there. Once back in the room, I walk her to her room and place her on the bed. She passes out immediately. Shit, she can’t sleep in these clothes.

  “Ash, baby. Come on, sit up for me so I can get you out of this dress.”

  I help her sit up and she lifts her arms. Grabbing the bottom of her dress, I slowly peel it off her body. Once it’s off she falls back on the bed, fast asleep. And what a sight she is, lying there in a pink bra and panties that matched her outfit. Not wanting to be a perv and stare at her passed out, I place the sheet around her and head to the kitchen for some Advil and a bottle of water. I place it on her nightstand and head toward my room. I need a very cold shower after that.

  Chapter Nine


  We have been in the Bahamas for three days now and it’s getting very hard to resist him. The last couple of days we have snorkeled, swam with the dolphins, and did some exploring in town. I can honestly say that I am having the time of my life, and the scary part is that I am falling for him. I can’t let that happen, I will not depend on another guy. Especially a player like him. I have to keep my guard up, but I will give into temptation just once.

  I walk out into the main room and find him sitting on the balcony like I do every morning since we have been here. I stand out of his sight for just a minute and stare at him. His hair is blowing with the wind and he looks gorgeous. He looks completely relaxed in this moment, without a care in the world. As if he can feel my eyes on him, he turns around. I step outside to join him.

  “Hey.” Suddenly feeling shy for getting caught staring at him.

  “Morning, beautiful.”

  Gosh, I love it when he calls me that.

  “So, what are the plans for today?”

  “I say we just go get some food, hang out by the pool, and relax since it’s our last full day here.”

  “Sounds great.”

  We make our way to one of the local restaurants on the water for breakfast. I order an orange juice and he gets a coffee.

  “So, when are you planning on going home?”

  “I plan on leaving early Saturday morning and returning home late Tuesday or early Wednesday, I’m not too sure yet.”

  “You’re driving?” He sounds shocked.

  “Yes, it’s only eight hours. I can handle it; I have done it plenty of times.”

  “Do you plan on seeing your ex?”

  Okay, that’s an odd question. Something quickly passes in his eyes that I quite can’t put my finger on.

  “Well no, but it is a small town. So there is a chance I could run into him.”

  Luckily, our food arrives so I can drop that subject. Not that it’s any of his business. It’s not like we are dating or anything. Even though we can see whoever we want, the idea of him with someone else makes me sick to my stomach. After we devour our food, we head over to the pool and lie out.

  We spend the next couple of hours drinking, swimming, and getting some sun. It is the perfect last day I could ask for. Around five, we head back to the room to shower and get ready for dinner.

  When we enter the room, Taylor speaks up, “Dress casual, I have a surprise for you.” He winks at me and heads toward his bedroom.

  I get in the shower and my mind wanders to the surprise. I take my time shaving and making sure I am all clean for tonight. Exiting the shower, I pick out my sexiest pair of undergarments. I blow dry my hair and pin it up with a couple of bobby pins. I leave loose tendrils hanging around my face. I step into my strapless black dress that stops just about mid-thigh, then slip on my black sandals so I don’t look too dressy. I keep my makeup to a minimum.

  When I come out of the room I don’t see him, I assume he is still in the room getting ready. I make my way to the kitchen and pour myself a glass of wine. As I take my sip I can feel his eyes on me. I turn around and almost drop the wine glass. He has on a pair of dark denim jeans and a white button-up shirt. His eyes leave mine and slowly travel down the length of my body and back up. I hardly hear him say ‘fuck’ under his breath. I pour him a glass and hand it to him.

  “You look absolutely amazing.”

  “Thank you, you don’t look too bad yourself.”

  I raise my glass to toast with his.

  “To our last night here,” I say.

  He smiles as we take our drink.

  “Ready?” he asks.

  I place my now empty glass in the sink, grab my clutch, and head for the door. We exit the elevator and he steers me to the right instead of the left where all the restaurants are.

  “Um, why are we headed this way?” This way leads us to the beach.

  “You’ll see,” is all he says.

  Okay, I guess I will just go with the flow and follow him.

  Once we hit the sand, I stop and strip off my sandals, carrying them by the straps with my fingers. We walk about a hundred yards when he places his hands over my eyes.

  “Err, what are you doing?”

  “Just keep walking, I got you.”

  Yeah, that’s reassuring.

  After walking a short distance, he brings me to a stop. He slowly removes his hands from my eyes and what I see makes me gasps. There is a white tent in the middle of the sand with a table for two in the center. A single lit candle sits in the middle with the flame slightly blowing from the wind. There are rose petals spread on the sand around our table. Oh, he is so getting laid tonight, I think to myself.

  “Wow,” I whisper breathlessly.

  “Do you like it?”

  “I love it, this is amazing. How did you do this?” Looking over at him, I see a slight blush on his cheeks.

  Shrugging his shoulders, he says, “I made a couple calls.”

  He leads me over to the table and we take a seat. There is a bottle of white wine sitting in the ice chest next to our table. Grabbing the bottle, he pours us both a glass then raises his.

  “Ashley, thank you for bringing me. This has been the best trip I have had in a long time. So here’s to us.”

  We clink our glasses and I take a small sip. Noticing movement to my right, I see a gentleman carrying a plate over to us. He sets it down and removes the lid. Inside is what looks like buffalo shrimp.

  “Thank you,” I tell the waiter. He nods his head and moves away. To where, I’m not exactly sure. Taylor picks up a shrimp and holds it out to me. I move my head closer and gently bite it from his fingers. I keep my eyes on him the whole time, and when my lips touch his skin I see his eyes darken.


  “Delicious,” I say, as I pick one up and feed him. We continue to feed each other until all twelve are gone. The waiter magically appears and takes the plate, replacing it with our meal. I have a filet mignon, roasted potatoes, and vegetables.

  “Wow, this looks yummy.” He chuckles at my response.

  “So, what are your plans when we return home?”

  “Well, my first stop is the bar. I know Thomas can handle it on his own, but I want to make sure everything is okay. Then I plan to give him the weekend off since he’s been doing it alone this week.”

  The thought of him at the bar alone with all those willing women doesn’t sit well with me. I don’t even know why, it’s not like we are dating or anything. Maybe going to my parents’ house will give me a clear head. We eat in a comfortable silence until there is nothing left on our plates. You can hear the waves crashing into the sand in the background, the faint sound of the people on the dock at the pub. But yet when he looks at me, it still feels like we are the only two out here.

  “Would you like to take a walk?” he says, pulling me back to the moment.


  Quickly rolling up his jeans, he stands and reaches his hand out. Placing my hand in his, we lace our fingers and walk along the shore with our feet in the water.

  “So, have you ever had a girlfriend?” As soon as the quest
ion leaves my mouth, I want to hide.

  He looks over at me skeptically but doesn’t answer. I don’t think he’s going to answer me but he starts to talk.

  “I have once, yes. We dated in high school and through college. I was going to propose after graduation with all our families there. I purchased the ring six months before but for some reason never got the nerve to ask her. Anyway, one night I went out with my boys to celebrate finally finishing college. We went to a bar a town over, one we’d never gone to before. After we got in and got our drinks, we settled down at a table. I looked around and my eyes spotted her in the corner, wrapped around some guy. I didn’t want to believe that it was her, just thought maybe it was someone who looked like her. But low and behold it was her, and the worst part is, the guy is my cousin. To say they were surprised to see me was an understatement. I broke it off and haven’t seen her since, and haven’t spoken to him either.”

  Holy shit.

  “Wow,” is all I can honestly say.

  “Yep, so the next day I returned the ring. Luckily, I knew the owners of the store so I was able to.”

  “So, that’s why you play the field?” Shit, my mouth is going to get me in trouble.

  He chuckles at my question.

  “I guess, yes, I don’t want to commit to anyone and get my heart broken again. Once in a lifetime is enough. But the ladies know what they get themselves into—I don’t promise them anything but sex. I don’t spend the night, and I never bring them to my house. If I did that then they’d think they’d be able to change me.”

  “Don’t you want to get married and have kids one day?”

  “If the right woman came along then maybe, but I have yet to meet her.”

  Ouch, that stung like a bitch. But what more did I expect? I know a tiger can’t change his stripes, but sometimes you just wish it could happen. This week with him has shown me what it would be like to be married to him or be his girlfriend. He will make one hell of a husband one day, but I keep that thought to myself. We continue to walk down the beach in silence. My mind running a mile a minute. What happens if I sleep with him and get attached? I don’t want to get attached. I’ve been with guys like him, and the outcome is always the same—a broken heart. A girl can only take so much pain in their lives. I know without a doubt one night would rock my world, but just how much is what scares me. He’s been nothing but sweet and forthcoming on this trip, he let me inside and showed me who he can really be and not the playboy. But for how long can he continue this act? Until he gets me in bed? Finally gets his one night? Even with the information confirmed, I still want to give him one night. If I end up with a broken heart, then that’s my fault. After all, this is vacation, right? What happens here stays here.

  “What are you thinking about?’ he asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

  “You,” is all I say, stopping to look out at the water.

  “What about me?”

  “What it would be like to have you for one night.”

  I can see him out of the corner of my eye, looking at me.

  “Well, let me show you. After all, we are in paradise.”

  He comes to stand in front of me and places his fingers under my chin, lifting my head to him.

  “Okay,” is all I get out before his lips meet mine. His tongue demanding entrance to my mouth, I open and our tongues move against each other. He pulls me closer to him, and I can feel his erection against my stomach. He slows the kiss and drags me back to the hotel behind us.

  Chapter Ten


  It’s taking all I have to not devour her here on the beach. I practically drag her back to our room. As soon as we enter our room, I spin us and pin her against the door. Grabbing both her hands, I hold them above her head. My mouth latches onto her and I kiss her hard and demanding, taking what is mine for tonight. Tearing my mouth away, I trail my lips up her jaw and suck on her ear.

  “You want me, baby?” I say.

  She answers with a nod of her head and a moan. That won’t do, I need to hear her say it.

  “Answer me, Ashley.”

  “Yes,” she says, her voice filled with desperation.

  I let go of her hands and grip the bottom of her thighs, lifting her against me. She laces her legs around my waist, and fuck me if that doesn’t feel amazing. Stalking toward her room, I reach the edge of her bed and place her down with me still hovering over her. I run my hand up her thigh and meet the lace of her thong.

  “Fuck, baby, you’re so wet.”

  She arches her hips up to meet my hand. Deciding she has on too many clothes, I pull her up and in one swift move her dress is on the floor somewhere behind me. Fuck, she looks like a goddess lying on the bed in her bra and thong. I begin to kiss the swell of her cleavage, pulling her bra down. I latch onto her nipple and suck it. She hardens against my tongue as I swirl it around the tight bud.

  “Taylor,” she moans out.

  I kiss over to the other side and repeat the same process. Once they’ve both had the same attention, I slowly make my way down her toned stomach. I grab the material of her thong, and with one tug I have it ripped from her body. Draping her legs over my shoulders, I run my tongue up her slit. Shit, I could taste this pussy for days.

  “Oh fuck,” she yells.

  Continuing to lick her up and down, I spread her lips and insert a finger, causing her to buck against my hand. I suck her clit and bite down lightly. As she moves faster, I add another finger and can feel her tightening around them. I know she is close. Removing my mouth just a tad, I say, “Come for me, baby.” I suck her clit one more time as she falls over the edge, screaming my name. When her body relaxes from the orgasm, I kiss back up her body and mold my lips to hers. I stand up and shred my clothes in no time, grabbing a condom from my pocket before my jeans hit the floor. Tearing the wrapper off, I roll it on. “Move up on the bed.”

  She doesn’t hesitate at my request. I crawl over like a predator on attack. My body aligns with hers and fuck if she doesn’t fit perfectly. My arms cage her in, but I keep my weight off her. She roams her hands up and down my back, lifting her hips, trying to get me where she wants me.

  “What do you want, Ash?”

  “You, inside me now.”

  With that, I reach up and align myself then slowly slide in. Once I’m in all the way, I stop to let her adjust and for me not to come like a fifteen-year-old boy.

  “Fuck, you feel so good. So tight and hot.”

  Slowly, I begin to thrust my hips. We move as one. Wrapping her legs around me, I slide out and slam back in, causing her to moan loudly. I could get used to that sound. I’ve been so worked up; I know I won’t last much longer.

  “I want you to come with me. Open your eyes, baby.”

  I place my fingers on her clit and press down, causing her to squeeze my dick hard.

  “Oh fuck, Taylor, I’m coming,” she says, looking me in the eye. I thrust in a couple more times before I allow myself the release.

  “Fuck,” I murmur. She is looking at me like she can see straight through me and that scares the shit out me. But part of me likes it. I lean down and kiss her gently. When she untangles her legs, I get up and remove the condom, throwing it away in the trash. Sliding back into bed, I pull her over to me. Her head rests on my chest and her legs intertwine with mine. My fingers lightly run up and down her back.

  “That was amazing,” she whispers.

  “Yes, it was.” Just how amazing she will never know. That was life altering. I’ve had a lot of sex with different women, but this right here just took the cake. This was the best sex of my life. I feel her breathing even out, knowing she has fallen asleep. I should get up and leave, this goes against everything I stand for, but for some reason I’m stuck and don’t want to move. My last thoughts before I drift off to sleep is, she’s the game changer, once will never be enough. I am completely fucked.

  Morning light shines through the crack in the curtains, causing me to wake. To an empty be
d. Okay, that’s not how I pictured the morning would start out. As I lie here, my mind drifts back to last night. To think when this first started all I wanted was just one time—a wham, bam, thank you, ma’am. But I don’t think I can give her up now. My fantasy was nothing compared to the real thing. I sit up and swing my legs to the side as I stand. When I exit the room, I see her sitting on the balcony. I quietly make my way to my room and throw on some basketball shorts, not bothering with a shirt.

  “Hey,” I say, making my way to the seat next her. She looks up at me, smiling. And shit, if that smile doesn’t bring me to my knees.

  “Hey, I woke up early and couldn’t go back to sleep. So I came out here so I wouldn’t wake you.”

  “I was wondering what happened to you.”

  She just smiles and goes back to staring at the ocean. I would give anything to be able to read her mind. Is it just as blown as mine? Because fuck if I can think about anything but last night. My world has been flipped upside down. I don’t know what to do about that. I am not the boyfriend type of guy, but shit if she doesn’t make me want to try. I need to figure out what I want without scaring her. At this point I don’t want to go home, I want to stay here in paradise with her by my side. But I know that can’t happen, we have lives and jobs to get home to. Our flight leaves in seven hours, so that means we have four hours left of this trip. Now the question is, do I drag her back to bed or something else.

  “So, what do you want to do?” I ask.

  “I don’t care, but I am hungry. I know we don’t have much time left.”

  As much as I wish she would have had a different answer, it’s probably for the best. Sex would just make this more complicated, even though I would drop it all to be with her now. In the back of my mind, I know she isn’t on the same page as me, and fuck if that doesn’t piss me off. I know that she is mine, whether she knows it or not. One day, when the time is right, I will tell her, but so help me God if I see another man with her. Fuck! What is she doing to my thoughts?


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