Loving Ashley

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Loving Ashley Page 7

by Lauren Nicole

  “When did you become so smart?”

  “It’s a gift, bro.”

  I laugh at his comment.

  “Anyway, I have the bar covered today. I’ll go in and do all the ordering and finish on the paperwork. Go and enjoy your two days off.” I slap him on the back and go to my room so I can change and head to work. At least we are closed today, so I will be all alone.

  Chapter Thirteen


  My trip to Tennessee was more eventful than I wanted or expected. I loved seeing my family but it will be a while until I go back again. Seeing John at the bar that night brought back all the insecurities I had. It was just my luck the first night out that I would see him. How he had the nerve to come up and ask me to dance, and to make matters worse, Taylor was on the phone. Needless to say, I hung up on him and he wasn’t happy. After that I got drunk, I wanted to forget the confrontation with John and then Taylor. That’s when I decided I needed more time to myself. I am not ready to date again, even though the thought of not being with Taylor kills me. I really like him but, to be honest, I’m scared. And to make matters worse, I have to work tonight. I am so tempted to call in sick tonight, but I told him I just wanted to be friends. I need to put my big girl panties on and deal with it.

  As I drive to work that night, I have to keep my mind off the past and what John did to me. I know all guys aren’t like him but they definitely know how to fuck with a girl’s emotions. I need to stop thinking about him and what he did. I was doing great until his dumb ass confronted me in the bar. All I want to do is go back to the Bahamas where no one can bother me. I pull into the parking lot at work and glance around for Taylor’s truck. When I don’t see it, I release the breath I didn’t realize I was holding in. I figure it’s safe to go inside and not have it be weird.

  “Hey, Ashley. How were your trips?” Thomas asks from behind the bar.

  “They were good, thank you. Definitely needed the downtime.” Even though I know Taylor isn’t here, I still can’t help but look around for him.

  “You can relax; he won’t be in until later.”

  “Oh, um, I was just looking to see who’s working tonight.” Liar.

  “Right. Anyway, you are upstairs at the VIP bar tonight.”

  I know he didn’t believe me, but oh well. I make my way to the bar upstairs and get my stuff all organized. I still have the view of the downstairs area, so I keep finding myself glancing down there. Two hours into my shift, I still haven’t seen him. The bar is starting to get more packed by the hour, and the three of us working the VIP bar are slammed. There is a bachelor party that rented out the whole area. There are at least forty guys here. I almost feel like a piece of meat the way these guys are staring at us.

  We run out of Crown Royal, so I have to go to the main bar for some bottles. I’m not paying too much attention walking down the stairs when I collide with a body I know well. Oh shit, here goes nothing. I slowly lift my head and my eyes connect with his. The air gets knocked out of my lungs.

  “Hello, Ashley.”

  God, that voice is sexy. I have to hold myself back from kissing the shit outta him.

  “Umm, hi.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “We ran out of Crown, so I needed to get more. I called down there but no one answered. So I figured I would get it myself.”

  “I’ll go get it. You get back up there,” is all he says before he turns around and heads back down. Well shit, that sucked. There were no sexy comments or anything. Just a manager talking to his employee. But technically, that is all I am now. I go back behind the bar and continue to serve the guys, who are now getting rowdy. Taylor brings up the case of bottles, putting them away without saying a word to me, and when he’s done he goes into his office and leaves his door open. When he sits at his desk, he looks up and we lock eyes for a minute or two. He shakes his head slightly before returning his gaze to the paperwork on his desk.

  The guys are all still drinking a crap-ton and keep trying to hit on us as the night progresses. When I look down at the crowd below, I see Taylor with his arm around some lady. I can’t help the frown that takes over my face at that sight. I guess it didn’t take him long to move on, but he got what he wanted from me and that was enough. As if he can feel my eyes on him, he turns his head and we stare at each other. His one hand is still on her, rubbing her arm up and down. It’s like he’s trying to get a reaction out of me. But I’m sure he can see the anger on my face from it.

  “A beautiful woman like you should never have a frown on her face.”

  I turn my head and see a pretty attractive guy standing there. He’s got shaggy blond hair and crystal blue eyes; he emits a surfer boy vibe.

  “Sorry, was lost in thought. What can I get you, sweetie?”

  “I’ll take a rum and Coke.”

  I grab the bottle of rum and pour about three fingers width in while adding Coke at the same time. Out of the corner of my eye I see Taylor is now the one with the pissed-off look. Oh well, two can play this game. I slide him his drink across the bar.

  “Here you go.”

  “Thank you. So what are your plans after you get off?”

  Well jeez, nothing like skipping right to the point here. I guess the ‘how are you’ and ‘where are you from’ questions are gone.

  “Going on to sleep like most people do at that hour.”

  “Well, I say we should meet up.”

  Before I can even answer him, I feel a strong hand on my hip. Fuck, I’d know that hand anywhere.

  “She’s taken, go find someone else.”

  The guys stare back and forth between us.

  “She can speak for herself.”

  Oh shit. His hand tightens on my hip as he speaks.

  “Leave, or I will throw you out of my bar.”

  The guy grabs his drink and heads toward the crowd of men in the corner of the room. I take three deep breaths before I turn around to face him. He removes his hand as I move, I don’t know if I am pissed or happy he did that. But, right now, I feel anger.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  He grabs my hand and leads me to his office at the side of the bar. He shuts the door behind us. We stand there glaring at each other, waiting to see who makes the first move. The longer I stare at him, the more my anger dissolves and turns into lust. I don’t know what it is about him that makes me want to jump his bones twenty-four seven. But right now, I want to know what that pissing contest was about.

  “Are you going to answer my question?”

  “Are you going to tell me why you looked jealous when I was talking to another girl, because after all, you’re the one that said you wanted to be friends.”

  “I’m not jealous.” Lie, lie, lie.

  The smirk that takes over his face makes me want to smack the shit out of him.

  “Really? So, if I go back down there—to her—it won’t bother you?”


  “Not at all.” I have to answer him while looking at the wall, because to be honest, it will. I like him more than what I want to admit, and I know he can see it in my face, he’s trying to get me to admit it. But damn it, I’m scared.

  “Ashley, look at me.”

  When I don’t turn my head, he takes a few steps to stand in front of me. Cupping his palms around my face, he tilts my head, bringing my eyes to meet his. The pull between us is so strong, you can feel it in the air. But the tension is thick. You could cut it with a knife. I vaguely hear him whisper, “Fuck it,” before his mouth collides with mine. The kiss is hot and heavy as his tongue glides over mine. He tastes like whiskey and Taylor. I leave my hands placed on his chest. He slowly ends the kiss, pulling away from my lips.

  “Why are you running from me?”

  “I’m not.” Liar, liar, pants on fire.

  “Yes, you are. Why won’t you just give this a shot?”

  “I’m scared.” Might as well be honest with him.

  “Of what?”

  “You, breaking my heart. Seeing my ex for the first time brought back all of my insecurities. I just don’t know if I can do this.”

  “I’m not him, Ashley. Do you plan to stay single for the rest of your life?”


  “Then let me be there for you. Take the leap, and I will always be there to catch you.”

  I don’t reply right away. I know my head wants this, but I need to guard my heart. Just that week we spent together in the Bahamas already had me falling for him, I can’t imagine what I will feel like in a month. I guess the only way I will find out is to take that leap he is talking about and just pray my heart can take it in the end.


  It comes out more of a whisper, but I can see his breathtaking smile take over his face. Next thing I know, I’m in his arms, surrounded by his scent.

  “You have just made me so happy. We will finish this conversation later, after we close. Go back out there and finish your shift.” With a quick kiss, I make my way to the bar.

  When we go home that night Taylor takes me straight to his bed and spends all night showing me with his body that I am the only woman he wants. Over the next week we spend every minute together when we aren’t at work. Monday and Tuesday night he came to my house for dinner and the rest of the week, he had to close so Thursday night, I went up to the bar for ladies night.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Since Ashley told me she would take a chance on us a week ago, life has been amazing. Never did I think that being with one girl would feel so great, but I know it’s because of her. We have spent almost every night together after I get off work. Tonight, I plan to take her out on a real date. Thomas is watching the bar and then he will be off tomorrow night. He’s got a date but won’t tell me who with, I have my idea of who she might be though. But I won’t pry for information. I’m in my room, laying out my clothes for tonight—black slacks and a blue button-up shirt—when Thomas walks in.

  “So, where are you taking her tonight?”

  “To that new sushi restaurant on the pier. I figured we could eat and watch the sunset or catch a movie.”

  “Wow, never did I think I would see the day where you would be dating.”

  “Look who’s talking, jackass. When will you tell me who she is?”

  “When I figure out if it’s worth telling you.”

  I shake my head and go back to getting my stuff ready for tonight. The weather is supposed to be warm, so I want something light. I hope the rain holds off until after the date. I have about two hours until I need to get her, so I decide to lie down and take a small nap. I worked late into this morning and only got about four hours of sleep. I lay my head on the pillow and the last thoughts on my mind are of her. I can’t escape her, and I don’t want to.

  I awake about an hour later with a smile on my face, and I wonder to myself if it will always be like this with her. Or when I think about her. Throwing off the covers, I head toward the bathroom to get ready for my date. By the time I enter the kitchen, Thomas has already left for work.

  The drive to her place doesn’t take long, and before I know it, I’m knocking on her door. When she opens it, I about swallow my fucking tongue. Holy fuck does she look like a wet dream come true. Her tight black dress hugs her curves perfectly. And those legs look fucking sexy in heels, I can’t wait to feel them wrapped around me later. Shaking my head, I look into her eyes.

  “Hey, gorgeous.”

  “Hey, come in. I’m almost ready.”

  I walk into her apartment and glance around. I’ve been here plenty of times, and every time I come here it feels like home, although I don’t know why. Maybe it’s the soft gray walls or the black suede sectional in her living room. The bookshelves are full of books, some teaching ones and others that look like romance novels. She has pictures of her parents and sister all around. The place just makes you feel relaxed no matter what mood you are in. I take a seat on her couch and wait for her. My phone beeps while waiting. Pulling it out, I see it’s a text from a girl I used to talk to…I guess you could say that.

  Amanda: Hey, baby, have plans tonight?

  I shake my head and reply.

  Me: Yep.

  Amanda: Well, call me sometime.

  Me: Nope, lose my number.

  Amanda: Asshole.

  I chuckle and slide the phone back in my pocket as Ashley walks out.

  “What’s so funny?”

  Oh shit.

  “Nothing, baby. You ready?” She looks at me skeptically but brushes it off.

  “Yes. Do I look okay? I don’t know where we are going.”

  “You look fucking sexy, but you could have a parka on and look just as beautiful.”

  Her cheeks turn a slight pink; after all we have done I can still make her blush. I pull her body to mine and she melts into me. Her tiny figure fits perfectly in my arms. I can feel her heartbeat against my chest, beating hard. Sliding my hand up her back and to the nape of her neck, I slightly tug her head back to look me in the eyes. Fuck me, I can get lost in there. I lean and place a gentle kiss on her lips.

  “Let’s get out of here before I change my find and fuck you on the kitchen counter.”

  She lets out a slight whimper, which has my dick springing to life. I want nothing more than to show her how sexy she is, but I release my hold on her knowing we have to get going. Turning around, she grabs her purse and heads toward the door. I continue to stand there for about two minutes to calm down before I join her.

  “So, where are we going?” she asks once we are on our way.

  “I figured we could go eat at the new sushi place on the pier and maybe walk on the beach after or go see a movie.”

  “Yum, I have been wanting to try there. Nancy and I were going to try and go sometime next week.”

  Perfect, now I get to take her.

  “How is she?”

  “She’s doing quite well. She is supposed to get it off next week, then probably into a walking boot after that. I can’t wait to hit up the beach with her—finally.”

  Talking to her feels so natural, it’s like I have known her all my life, instead of just about a month. We pull up to the pier and I valet my car so we don’t have a far way to walk. Luckily, I made us reservations, because this place is packed for being a Friday night. As the hostess leads us to our table, I keep my hand on the small of her back the whole time. I pull the chair out for her to sit then scoot it in for her. My mom always told me to treat your lady right and when you find your someone special, hold on tight and don’t let go. I am now starting to think that Ashley is my someone special.

  I order us a bottle of white wine to start the night off with. I’m not much of a wine drinker, but I do enjoy it every now and then. Our server brings it to our table and pours us a glass each then sets the bottle in a bucket of ice. We decided on ordering a platter of assorted sushi and appetizers.

  “To us,” I say, raising my glass to meet hers. After we take a sip, she places her glass on the table.

  “So, what did you do today?”

  “I started shopping for my classroom and getting stuff I will need.”

  “When do you go back?”

  “Two weeks, this summer is going by fast. But I am ready for it to start.”

  “Are you still going to work at the bar? You don’t have to, you know.”

  “I know. I might work Saturday nights and depending on how my Fridays go, I might then as well.”

  “Well, don’t feel obligated. If you come in, then you can be an extra or you can come and just hang out. Whichever you like.”

  Our food arrives a short time later and our conversation dies down just a tad as we begin to eat. I must say this place has the best sushi. Some of it just melts in your mouth it’s that good. By the time we have cleared the table, we have also finished off the wine and are full. As we are sitting there, waiting for our check and the food to settle, I see the girl—Amanda—that texted me earlier. O
nce she sees me, she glances over at Ashley and begins to walk our way.

  Oh fuck.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “Wow, that was amazing,” I say to Taylor, but before he can reply I see a very gorgeous redhead make her way over to our table. I know she doesn’t work here by the lack of her clothing. I glance over at Taylor and see a look of panic on his face. Shit, this can’t be good. She stops at our table and looks between us.

  “So, this is why we couldn’t meet tonight?”

  What the fuck is she talking about?

  “What do you want, Amanda? You’re interrupting my date with my girlfriend.”

  My belly does a flip when he calls me that.

  The girl begins to laugh. “Girlfriend? Good luck, honey, he can’t stay faithful. Call me when you’re done with her,” she says before she walks off. I turn my head to look at him and see him rubbing the back of his neck.

  “Care to explain?”

  “Amanda is a girl I used to, um, be with. She wanted more, and I didn’t. But she texted me earlier at your house, and I told her to lose my number. She didn’t like that very much and called me an asshole.” He chuckles at the last part.

  My stomach, all of a sudden, isn’t feeling too well.

  “So, that’s what you were laughing at when I walked out of my room?”

  “Yes.” He turns his phone around and shows me the text message.

  Before I can reply, the check comes and Taylor hands him his card before he even looks at the bill. My good mood has turned bad, and I am sure he can tell. He signs the receipt and grabs my hand to lead me out to the car, in silence. The valet pulls up with his car and he opens the door for me to slide in. I begin to fidget with the hem of my dress as we drive in silence.

  “So, what do you want to do now?”

  “I’m not feeling too well, so take me home, please.” Lie, I feel fine, just pissed about that girl.

  He shakes his head but doesn’t say anything as he drives me to my house. This night was supposed to be fun but that girl ruined it. And he didn’t even really do anything; I just don’t like what she said. It makes me question if this relationship is the right thing to do. How long until he gets bored with me and goes to the next woman? And the wine we drank isn’t helping this situation at all. He pulls into the parking space in front of my building. I step out of the car before he makes it to my side. He laces his fingers through mine as we walk to my door. I know he can tell I am lying, but doesn’t say anything. Opening the door to my place, I turn so he doesn’t come in.


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