Bane of Brimstone (The Bill Blackthorne Chronicles Book 1)

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Bane of Brimstone (The Bill Blackthorne Chronicles Book 1) Page 7

by Mike Mannion

  “Charmed,” he said looking directly into her eyes.

  Lord Percy moved back and looked around with curiosity. “Where am I? This is not Brimstone Manor. I was in my study not half an hour ago. But then... I am afraid my memory is fogged.”

  He approached the altar and saw Bill.

  “Who is this?” He noticed with some surprise the tattoo of the writhing salamander on Bill’s arm. “This man has the mark. He is one of the Apostles. Why have you tied him up?”

  Lord Percy leant over to have a good look at Bill, who squirmed and struggled to free himself from the ropes. His eyes were wide with terror, he was sweating and pale.

  Bill could see a halo of shimmering light around Lord Percy’s head, thick curled horns, and intensely strange eyes. The beast was so close to Bill he felt panting breath on his face. It smelt putrid. He could see a dark row of sharp pointed yellow teeth behind black lips. He felt like prey in a trap about to be consumed.

  Yet at the same time he could also see a kindly human face, with a concerned look. It was a face he recognised! Bill was shocked. This was the first face he’d seen that he actually knew. Was his memory starting to come back? Why would he remember this strange creature?

  “Is it you, my friend?” said Lord Percy. “By my word, how very young you look without your whiskers. I will free you at once.”

  “Percy wait!” said Lilith. “I don’t think you want to do that. He’s the virgin we needed.”

  Lord Percy pulled with strong arms and snapped the ropes. Bill rolled off the altar and onto the floor. He curled up into a ball and clutched his bleeding stomach, moaning.

  “He is a great man of letters, a Fellow of the Royal Society.”

  “He’s definitely not,” said Ophelia. “He’s a student.”

  The effort of untying the ropes had left Lord Percy exhausted. He supported himself by leaning on the altar. Then looked up and became very grave.

  “The voice!” he said. “The devil’s own accused voice! It’s coming back.”

  He turned to Bill. “Go, sir, and fetch some of your Vita Dantis. I need it forthwith.”

  Bill stood up with a great deal of difficulty and staggered a few steps towards the door.

  “Go quickly man, before the lusts consume me,” exclaimed Lord Percy.

  Bill turned and gazed at the creature. He couldn’t help but gasp. The beast’s ears had grown long and pointed, his nose was more like a goat’s and his skin was white alabaster with a spider’s web of red veins. His very presence seemed to fill the air with menace. Bill ignored the searing pain in his stomach, turned and ran.

  Outside the church, he staggered around in the darkness, gasping and clutching his bleeding stomach. His head was spinning and he felt like it wouldn’t be long until he fell down unconscious. He kept thinking about the girls, trapped in there with that thing. He wanted to go back and tell them to run, but he was too scared. He couldn’t understand why they looked so unconcerned.

  Bill ambled forward and tripped over a pair of legs, sticking out from behind a bush. He sat up with a groan and found Arthur lying flat on his back, rubbing his head and moaning.

  “Some goon grabbed me, hit me,” said Arthur also sitting up and rubbing his head.

  “Come on,” said Bill. “We’ve got to get out of here.”

  Arthur noticed the deep gash across Bill’s bare stomach. His white shirt was covered in blood.

  “Look at you mate! We need to get you to a hospital.”

  Bill stood up and wobbled on his feet. He grabbed Arthur and tried to pull him up. “One of those beast things I keep telling you about is in there with the girls. It’s horrible.”


  “We’ve got to get out of here – now!”

  Arthur got to his feet and the boys set off through the dark woods, supporting each other as they stumbled over tree roots and stones. Bill was starting to feel very faint – the thrusting branches and glowing moon seemed distant and dreamlike.

  “I don’t think that was a very good party,” said Arthur.


  Lilith was very worried. Bill had left with a big wound across his stomach and was probably going to the police. This meant she was going to get into a lot of trouble. She wondered what her brother had done to Arthur. Stoop didn’t know his own strength and had hurt people in the past. Her parents would never forgive her if they found out. She went over to Stoop.

  “Hey,” she said in a loud voice, “what did you do with the other one?”

  Stoop gave her an uncomprehending look.

  “The one you grabbed. Is he okay?”

  “Thump on head, Sis,” said Stoop, grimacing and miming a blow with his massive fist.

  Lilith turned to Ophelia. “We can’t let the boy go. He’s going to give us away.”

  “That's not what I'm worried about,” said Ophelia. “He might bleed to death.”

  “Sod that! We need to stop him!” said Lilith.

  Stoop had a very concentrated expression on his face. He was listening to Lilith very closely and suddenly had an idea. He clenched his fists and shook them hard. “Pound the boy on the head!” he said with glee, then turned and ran out of the church.

  “Stoop!” said Lilith.

  “Tell him to come back,” said Ophelia.

  “I should, really I should. He's not allowed out on his own. He's caused a lot of trouble in the past. But then again, he might just solve our problem.”

  “What's he going to do?”

  “Who knows? And unfortunately, he doesn't know when to stop.”

  “But...” Ophelia didn't know what to say. She was starting the think that maybe Lilith really was a evil witch.

  Lord Percy was pacing up and down, cupping his dimpled chin in his hand, deep in thought. He looked a little flushed and was breathing heavily.

  “The fog of recollection begins to clear... Ah yes! I was in my study, sitting in my easy chair by the fire. Beech and Mary, helped by some other trusted servants, had just administered my dose of his Vita Dantis...”

  Lord Percy turned and waved his hand with a dramatic flourish.

  “Five of the Apostles came into the room, five of my most loyal and trusted friends, all good and brave men, who’d slain many a foul creature. They each wore the gravest of expressions and said there had been a meeting without my knowledge that very night. The Apostles had decided they couldn’t have a leader who was Arddhu, an abomination against God, even if I filled my veins with foul liquid, they did not trust it. They did not trust my Arddhu wife.”

  “What did they do?” said Lilith.

  “I watched as they blasted a shotgun into my chest!”

  “That’s awful,” said Lilith, resisting the urge to stroke his wavy black hair.

  “The Apostles have vanquished me and now want dear Rowena gone. How I am betrayed at all quarters! That boy is not who I thought he was – he has the mark upon his arm – the Salamander – so is a sworn and loyal member of the Apostles! He will tell them where I am hid. He must be stopped. I must save dear Rowena!”

  Lord Percy looked at Lilith and said, “Give me your dagger.”

  Lilith handed him the silver dagger. He slashed it across the palm of his hand. Dark sticky blood oozed out and tricked onto the floor. The small pool grew lumpy and began to twitch. Within a minute it was a writhing mass of sinew and tissue. Soon it had grown much larger and was supported by four fleshy legs. Thick grey fur sprouted all over it. Then there was a furry tail, a snout with a wet black nose and two dark eyes. A huge Irish wolfhound shook itself and barked loudly, the sound echoing around the church.

  “This is Claude, my pet dog. I also have my horse Beauty inside me. The Apostles must have killed my cursed animals and sealed their ceare in with mine.”

  Lilith and Ophelia backed away, looking at the huge dog’s gaping drooping jaws. Stoop held out a hand to stroke him but the dog bared its teeth and growled menacingly.

  “I will have vengeance for their tre
achery,” exclaimed Lord Percy, flashing his eyes. “Go now Claude, tear out the boy’s throat!”

  Lord Percy pointed melodramatically at the door. Claude lunged forward and bounded out of the church.

  Percy looked triumphant for a second but then clutched his brow and bent forward. “It knows I am awake... I can hear a whispered voice, soft, I must have someone’s blood,” he muttered. “The foul lust is upon me. It demands a new recruit!”

  He looked over at Lilith and Ophelia and noticed their low cut black velvet dresses, saw how they revealed pale shoulders and long slender necks. He gripped the dagger tightly and chanted a strange collection of words, in an old and long forgotten language and began to slowly move towards them.

  The girls gave each other frightened looks but didn’t run. They felt compelled to stay close to Percy.


  Progress through the woods was slow for Bill and Arthur. The torch and the moonlight made it just about possible to see; but branches, bushes and ivy were washed of colour and bathed in deep shadow. They were constantly stumbling over tree roots, rocks and pot holes. Bill felt very strange and weak. He started to groan.

  “Try to hold on mate,” said Arthur, holding Bill up with an arm around his neck, “not far now.”

  “I feel faint,” said Bill, who had lost all colour in his face. “I need to sit down.”

  “I can see the lights of the city through the trees ahead.”

  The boys kept moving forward without speaking. Eventually they could see the dark silhouette of the wall that separated the woods from the road. They passed a wide tree stump and Bill slumped down on it for a rest.

  “I’ve been thinking and thinking but I’m none the wiser,” he said in a slow and groggy voice.

  “About what?”

  “Don't you think thing are getting very weird?”

  “The beasts in the pub? Me being beaten on the head by a bald lunatic? The girls doing something very strange in the church? Weird doesn't being to describe it.”

  “You didn’t see that horrible thing in there. I hope they escaped.”

  “Just our luck, eh? We meet two really cool chicks and they turn out to be psychos.”


  “As in psychopath, nutter, unhinged.”

  “Lilith definitely is. She tried to kill me. But Ophelia, she’s nice.”

  “Oh come on,” said Arthur.

  Suddenly, their conversation was interrupted by a distant yet terrible sound: a long low and plaintive howl from somewhere deep inside the dark woods. It made the boys jump with fright. Their eyes darted through the darkness, trying to pick out any sign of movement.

  “What the hell was that?” said Bill.

  “Whatever it was I don’t like it.”

  There was another long low howl. It made Bill almost convulse with fear and forget all about his wound. He jumped up off the stump and winced with pain.

  The two boys step off, with Arthur supporting Bill and them both trying to move as quickly as possible. The path became wider and they could see it leading down to the entrance gate. Then they heard the howl again, but this time much closer. Whatever creature was making that terrifying sound it was moving towards them very quickly.

  “Faster!” said Bill. His hand was clutching his stomach and he could see dark oozing blood coming between his fingers.

  They went through the gate and closed it behind them. There was heavy panting and the padding of feet from somewhere in the darkness. They crossed over the road, feeling exposed under the harsh street lights, the only people illuminated in a sea of darkness. Easy prey for whatever foul creature was following them.

  “Do you think that gate will hold it?” said Bill.

  “It won’t know how to press down a latch, I hope.”

  The boys stopped and looked back across the road and over the wall. Because of the street lights, it was difficult to see into the dark abyss but, to their horror, they were sure they saw a large furry shape bounding down the path at great speed!

  “Did you see that?” said Arthur.

  “Is it a tiger?”

  Then they saw the most terrifying sight of their lives. A huge wolfhound jumped over the wall with a leap so high it seemed impossible. Its huge fangs were bared and it was growling ferociously. Arthur had never seen a dog so big and vicious, but it was Bill who was most frightened. He could see a shimmering halo around the dog’s head and intense eyes that were glowing fiery yellow. A beast indeed!

  The boys turned and ran. Arthur shot out ahead at first, then came back and grabbed Bill, who was stumbling and clutching his stomach. The dog landed in the middle of the road and started chasing after them. In an instant, it was nipping at their heels, barking madly.


  Stoop was wandering around in the woods, feeling lost and confused. He couldn’t see the two boys anywhere and this made him mad. He always did what his sister wanted as she was the only person who had ever been kind to him. He clenched his massive fists and imagined the blows he was going to rein down on the boys’ heads. He had already hit one on the head and it made his sister happy, so hitting two would made her even more happy.

  He could hear barking off to his right and when he turned his head toward the sound he could see lights in the distance. He began to run, making his way towards the lights. Everywhere else was darkness so that was the only way to go.


  Professor Jareth was in her orange Volkswagen camper van, driving up the road that went around the back of the college and past Wych Elm Wood. She was excited and a little bit nervous. Had the girls done it? Had they performed the Iamia Resurrectionem incantation correctly? Part of her regretted not going with them, of taking the risk of being caught, but she knew that someone like herself, with her condition, wouldn’t survive long in the prison system. But now it had been done and she couldn’t keep away any longer.

  The Professor drove on, past Wych Elm Wood, and took a right-hand turn in the road, which lead down a dark leafy lane to a quiet car park overgrown with weeds. The Professor stopped her van and turned off the engine and lights. She got out, bringing her walking stick and a large black bag from the passenger seat. It contained a pair of men’s grey trousers, underwear, a blue striped shirt and a pair of black brogues. It also contained the strange metal machine she had in her room and the small ebony box, filled with five glass phials.

  It was dark outside but the moonlight allowed her to see the silhouette of the old ruined church through the trees. She set off down the path to the entrance, thinking about her beloved Simon.

  It had been ten years since she’d last seen him, but it seemed like only yesterday. She guessed he’d be very scared, suddenly finding himself naked and in a strange place. She knew the voice, the terrible whispering voice, would not be long in returning to his thoughts, but her Vita Dantis would soon silence it. After an unsteady walk, over unseen brambles and stones, the Professor got to the church entrance. She hoped he’d still find her attractive, despite the ravages done to her body by ten years of Vita Dantis.

  The Professor went into the church, leaning on her stick and panting slightly with the effort of carrying the black bag. Up by the altar she saw the two girls and next to them a figure in a purple velvet jacket. They’d done it! He was back.

  “Simon,” she exclaimed.

  The girls and the figure turned to look at her and she could see at once that Simon was in the grip of Arddhu Og. It was usually only the eyes that were visible in the Arddhu state but his ears, nose and mouth had also taken on a beastly aspect and his skin was white like candle wax and red veined. She had to go and help him! The Professor took a closer look, in an effort to make out his human aspect. She longed to see Simon’s face again but saw that there was no short beard or dark eyebrows. She saw wavy black hair, a dimpled chin and strong jaw line.

  “What have you done?” she said to Lilith and Ophelia angrily. “This isn’t Simon Drew. I gave you very specific instructions. Stupid girl
s! Who is this man?”

  “Don’t worry Professor,” said Lilith. “It’s cool.”

  “It most certainly is not cool. I wanted Simon back, my Simon. What are we going to do with him?”

  “He’s a Victorian toff,” said Ophelia. “Think what he can tell us.”

  “I don’t care what he is, this is very serious. We now have an Arddhu on our hands. Don’t you realise how illegal that is?”

  “He’s very charming and his name’s Percy,” said Ophelia.

  Lord Percy was panting for breath and looking flustered but still managed a polite bow. “Lord Percy Valentine at your service madam. And may I enquire who you might be?”

  “Just look at him,” exclaimed the Professor. “He’s in the grip of Og. You girls had better step back. It’s not safe.”

  The girls looked at Lord Percy and saw a handsome young man, breathing heavily, with a slight flush to his pale cheeks. There was a vulnerable look in his dark eyes. Lilith once again had to resist the urge not to throw her arms around him and smother him in kisses.

  “It is true,” said Lord Percy, “I have no Vita Dantis. The voice demands one of these girls and I cannot resist its command...”

  He grabbed Lilith around the waist and pulled her slowly towards him, holding the dagger up to her neck, muttering a strange incantation. Lilith held her head back and to one side, loving her cool new boyfriend – didn’t he look brilliant in the velvet jacket! How dangerous and exciting he was! A faint smile was playing on her lips as Lord Percy cut a tiny wound in her neck. His mouth, full of yellow teeth, came closer, longing to bring her to Og...

  Chapter Six - Fighting the Hunger

  Amor Lepore only works for that certain kind o’ man.

  You know, he who has no trouble turning a young girl’s head.

  When he’s been cursed by Og, their girlish swoons become fearful obsession.

  They are slaves and would die or kill for a single kiss.

  – A witch’s words on Amor Lepore.

  “In there,” said Arthur, pointing at a red phone box on the corner of the street.


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