Shadows of Deceit

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Shadows of Deceit Page 4

by Patrick Cotter

Harry continued,

  “So you see I do need a decent source of income for a while, before I decide to go south again. So yes, I’m grateful for your assistance. The suit, shirts etcetera, especially since my digs and most of my clothes have now been cindered.”

  Harry sipped his beer,

  “You also mentioned the Irish connection with regard to your ‘shadow’ jobs, as I’ve just been there I may be able to assist you in making some contacts?”

  Andrew smiled at this suggestion,

  “When the full story is revealed to you you’ll understand that ‘our’ Irish contacts are very influential over there!

  Anyway Harry, I guess you may need some more cash right now, here take this.”

  Andrew pulled some notes from his wallet and handed them over.

  “I can’t deny that I do need a bit of a top up, but only on condition it’s a loan, I will repay you.”

  Harry quickly stuffed the money away without anyone in the club seeing the transaction.

  Andrew leaned forward towards Harry.

  “The next thing is for me to arrange a meeting with Dermot; he has to agree to you joining us. From what you’ve heard are you committed to help us or not?”

  “I don’t have to think too much about it. If you want me in, then yes, I guess I do want to join.”

  They shook hands and as they did Andrew cupped his left hand on top of Harry’s right.

  “Andrew, this signal you’re giving me, is it some part of a Mason’s ritual?”

  Harry smiled, peering down at the continuing handshake.

  “Sorry.” They parted hands, “Just being over- friendly as usual.”

  “Andrew, there is one thing that still concerns me a bit, I need an Identity card. I lost mine in Ireland and don’t want to apply for a replacement in case they track my activities over there. By luck I’ve not been picked up yet but it’s possible the Police could stop me somewhere.”

  “Leave that to me once we’ve had the meeting with Dermot. He has some reliable colleagues that I’m sure can assist you.”

  “There is something else Andrew, I feel that I do need my own place. I guess if you want to continue your lifestyle then you don’t want me around?”

  “I understand perfectly, and I still remember that frightful first night you stayed very clearly!”

  “That was a misunderstanding,” Harry looked up at Andrew’s face, “that I hope you’ll confirm?”

  “Yes; it was.”

  Andrew swiftly changed the subject.

  “Right, I’ve got an idea, which will suit my needs and yours. There’s a small furnished house in Argyle Street; the Tenants haven’t paid up despite me chasing them and they’ve now done a bunk. According to the neighbours they’ve moved across to Aberdeen.”

  “What about rent?”

  “It’s yours rent free. Look it’s not in the best of areas so I’m glad someone will be living there for the time being, just to keep an eye on it. Once in there you’ll have a base to work from and if you want to move on to a better place that you find later then that’s fine with me. How does that suit you?”

  “Thank you boss. I’ll take it.”

  “Splendid. Now take a couple of days off and move in. I’ll give you the details.”

  Chapter 3

  Thursday, the Royal Stuart.

  “Shall we have a drink here Eileen or carry on to another pub, then to follow; the pictures or a dance? You choose.”

  “Let’s go to a different place and then decide.”

  Eileen said, picking up her handbag and coat. Harry helped her put it on. Under it she wore a dark purple dress with short sleeves, high heels and matching handbag. Her hairstyle was completed with a small circular hat. Harry noticed that Eileen wore very little makeup, just some lipstick and eye shadow.

  With the aid of small pencil torches they made their way to a pub that was located under a disused chapel about a half-mile away.

  “You’ve been here before?”

  “Yes, it opened at the beginning of the war and became popular because people could stay drinking when a raid started. It was called ‘Pip & Jay’ first, as a reference to the former Saint’s names of the chapel above but now it’s known by everyone as the Dugout.

  They descended the narrow stairs and went through some heavy curtains into a dimly lit vestibule with a reception desk. A small squat man in his mid sixties was sitting on a stool waiting to receive guests. He was wearing a black dinner jacket and bow tie, which Harry thought, looked a bit incongruous for a dugout.


  “Yes it’s me; I’ve brought a friend along tonight.”

  “I didn’t know you’d planned to come here, you’re very welcome. Can I take your coats?”

  The man stood up and passed a pen for her to sign the visitor book.

  He turned to look at Harry,

  “And you sir, can we have your name?”

  Harry looked across at Eileen who nodded that he should also sign.

  The receptionist glanced at the signatures before eying Harry warily as the couple walked away towards an inner door.

  “This way then Harry.”

  Eileen led him down a narrow corridor towards a black painted door. She opened it to reveal a large basement room with stone barrel vaulting for the ceiling.

  “What is this place?”

  “I thought you would like it.”

  Eileen said squeezing his arm.

  “Follow me.”

  Again Harry followed as she edged her way through a crowd towards the bar. Harry pulled a note from his wallet.

  “You don’t need that, we just order and settle at the desk later.”

  “I’m impressed.”

  They ordered their drinks and Eileen led the way down to a lower level where some tables were free. Harry looked around the room. The bar area was brightly lit with chrome and glass fittings, but the remainder of the upper floor was dark. Large mirrors with chrome surrounds adorned the walls each reflecting back the subdued lighting that came from the table and wall lamps. The lower area had smoky grey veined mirrors in alcoves, the main décor here being purple with dark green carpets and curtains. Except for the dais where musicians were playing, the lighting was low and discreet. The tables had tiny lamp fittings with purple china cones as shades.

  “Well this is all new to me - ” Harry said,

  “ - I guess this is the sort of place the Police would want to keep on raiding?”

  “That rarely happens; the Police own most of it!”

  “Go on?”

  “You’ve heard of the lodges here in Scotland?”

  “The Freemasons?”

  “Yes, well I’m told that many of the Police belong to various city lodges and they have part-funded this place. They use a front organisation, Wemyss and Co., to manage it for them.”

  “And you obviously come here quite often?”

  “Yes, a couple of bar staff from the Royal Stuart left to start here when it first opened.”

  “And you stayed at the Stuart?”

  “Yes I have, I’ve worked there a long time; I know the ropes so it was easier for me to stay there. They pay me well anyway. It’s also nice for me to go out for an evening here, it’s new and different from sitting in the same bar as where I work.”

  “I hadn’t thought of that. Is this place open to the public or just to members?”

  “Officially it’s open to everyone. However, the Steward restricts access to people he knows, or by recommendation, as tonight.”

  “And what happens if strangers turn up?”

  “He just tells them that the room is too full or there’s a private party on. They try and retain a high standard of clientele and by refusing easy access to everyone it created a bit of mystery about the place, something
exclusive. This policy generated a great deal of interest within the moneyed class in town and attracted them as patrons. From there on everything snowballed. The management keep a record of attendance and send out invitations to special functions, parties and dinners. So it’s become an upmarket club and very different from other such venues. The Steward also uses the log book to check that everyone is accounted for if there’s an air raid.”

  Harry looked around the room

  “Well business is certainly booming.”

  He turned back and smiled as he leant forward in his chair, “What about you then Eileen, apart from working at the Stuart what’s your life story so far?”

  “Oh that’s easy and very dull,” she smiled back at him,

  “I was born in Ireland, went to school there, and got a job in a hotel in Dublin. A few years later a girlfriend and I shared a house back in Glasgow and I started working in pubs. How was that, the whole potted history in ten seconds?”

  “I’m impressed again. I must see what I can do to add a bit of sparkle to your ‘dull’ past. But first let me order some more drinks.”

  “No, Harry, it’s my turn.”

  Harry watched as Eileen caught the eye of one of the waiters and arranged a repeat round.

  “That was easy.” He said.

  “I know them all, so they keep looking over to help me out when they can.”

  “But you shouldn’t buy them, that’s my role. I asked you out.”

  ”I insist, at least on our first date please. Now Harry back to your story, its bound to me more exciting than mine?”

  He offered her a cigarette that she declined and then lit his own before responding,

  “Well mine is a bit more complicated, and it would take too long to explain it all now.”

  He moved nearer to her before continuing, knowing he’d better make sure this story matched the one he had already given to Andrew. ‘He regretted this pretence but felt he had little option at this stage,

  “Suffice to say I came up from England a few months ago, met a person called Eileen, whom I like a lot and I am about to start a new part time, temporary job tomorrow. You see I was injured in an air raid in London and came up here to recuperate. My job is a reserved occupation so I can return to it when I’m ready. I’ve been given time off so I plan to be here for another six or eight weeks, then head back down.”

  “Well, kind sir, I thank you for the compliment. So you’re still looking for proper work then, not just a temporary job?”

  Harry reached across and held her hand,

  “Depends what you call proper work, but I’ll keep looking. I would really prefer some full time employment so I’ll keep my eye out. The Union benefits I could receive are too sparse to maintain my lifestyle!”

  He glanced up at the wall clock,

  “Right! Time to move on, what do you want to do this evening, you decide?”

  The waiter returned and carefully placed their drinks in front of them. They remained seated and chatted for almost an hour, enjoying each other’s company and listening to the piano player. His latest rendition being, ‘I Don’t Want To Set The World On Fire.’ After another round of drinks Eileen made a decision.

  “Let’s move on Harry, come on back to my place. That is if you want to?”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely, it’s too late for the cinema now anyway.”

  Whilst Eileen went to the cloakroom to collect her coat, Harry settled his bill at the bar. The Steward was watching for her to return,

  “Your drinks are on the house Eileen. Can I ask -” he whispered, “ - are you sure you’re OK? You know - with this new man?”

  Eileen kissed him on the cheek.

  “Yes, I’m happy, thank you for your concern. I’m really fine, he’s a nice guy.”

  The air outside was much colder now, strong easterly gusts funnelled through the deserted, blacked-out streets. As they turned a corner a salvo of freezing rain and wind hit them full in the face.

  “I’ve got a headscarf in here, it’ll help hold my hat on.”

  Eileen reached into her handbag, “let me just get it on.”

  He led her into a shop doorway as she struggled with the scarf. Harry reached across to tie the knot and stopped, his hands resting on her shoulders. He stroked her hair. Eileen looked up at his face and moved closer and they kissed. Gently at first and then more passionately. She felt his hands move down her back, his strong arms briefly locking her closer to him.

  “Let’s get out of this cold.” He said.

  “No. No, not yet. Just hold me tight Harry. I want to be held.”

  She closed her eyes and nestled her head into his chest. After several minutes she broke away,

  “Thank you. Come on lover boy, we’re not too far away from my place.”

  They moved back out into the chill wind, linked arms and ran the rest of the way.

  Eileen opened the door to a large tenement building and led Harry to her flat which was on the ground floor at the back,

  “This way; through here.”

  Harry closed the door.

  They were inside and alone.

  “Oh good it’s still warm in here, Agnes has left a fire in.”

  Eileen removed her outer clothes and turned back to face Harry.

  They kissed again and then moved into the bedroom.

  “Let me do this, don’t say a word.”

  Eileen pressed her finger to his lips and then began to undress him. First his coat, jacket, tie and shirt.

  “Lie down on the bed and put your hands behind your head.”

  He did as he was told and she continued by taking his shoes and socks off, then very gently and slowly she eased his trousers away.

  “Now close your eyes and don’t move.”

  He was now fully aroused and eager to take her into his arms.

  “Don’t move.”

  She whispered as she tenderly removed and discarded his final garment. Whilst her fingers were making small circular movements she slowly eased her hands up across his abdomen then up to his nipples which were gently caressed and kissed. Her fingers then explored the hairs on his chest before reaching up to stroke the back of his neck. Then the motion was slowly reversed down across his shoulders and arms to his hands.

  “You can open your eyes now.”

  She said as she stood up and slowly removed her clothes by dropping them on top of his on the floor. The light from the hallway was behind her so Harry could only see her in silhouette. When finally undressed she moved across and slowly sank onto the bed next to Harry who was now bursting to move, to touch her, to embrace. Her fingers touched him gently, stroking, teasing him still further until he couldn’t lie still any more. He pulled her across and down onto him and they slowly moved together until the irresistible urge to climax overwhelmed them. They remained still for a few minutes before Harry pulled the eiderdown over them and they lay quietly together like spoons in a drawer and slept undisturbed throughout the night.

  In the morning Harry quickly dressed before kissing Eileen goodbye.

  “I’ve got to leave, my new job starts today. I’ll call into the Royal Stuart in a day or so, once I know what the routine at work is. I also want to show you my new digs.”

  She held his arm and kissed him again.

  “I’ll look forward to that.”

  Eileen moved over to where he had slept. She closed her eyes and fell back to sleep feeling safe in his warmth and aroma that still lingered there.

  Harry rushed up the stairs to Andrew’s flat. It was still only 7a.m. so he would have time for breakfast and to wash and change before sitting down with him to discuss more of his duties. Harry walked to the bathroom and found the door locked, which was odd.

  “Andrew are you in there?”

answered from the bedroom,

  “No, sorry Harry I’ve a friend staying; he’ll be out in a minute.”

  The bathroom door opened and a tall, slim younger man carrying a towel in front of him sheepishly manoeuvred himself around Harry and back into Andrew’s bedroom. They made eye contact but no words were exchanged. Whilst Harry was in the bathroom he heard Andrew saying goodbye to his companion.

  “I’m sorry Andrew, I had no idea he was here,” Harry shouted.

  “It’s OK - just a bit of a shock for him more than you I guess. He called in last evening and stayed on.”

  Andrew went through to the kitchen and prepared some breakfast for the two of them.

  About half an hour later, after Harry had showered and dressed the two were able to sit down and discuss his new responsibilities.

  “Listen Harry, until you are invited into the ‘shadow’ operations these will be your cover duties.”

  Harry sat forward to listen,

  “This is the ledger that has details of all the tenants together with the weekly rental they are to pay to you in cash, no cheques, no barter, you understand?”


  Harry took the black leather bound book and examined some of the pages.

  “There’s a sketch map inside the back cover that will help you find your way about. It should take you a couple of days to get round the lot. The important thing is to collect everything, some tenants will try to delay, and some of the others won’t answer the door initially. You’ve to be persistent; they all know that if they don’t pay then they’ll be evicted. Bring the cash back here and don’t discuss anything with anyone, is that clear?”

  “Yes boss.”

  Harry smiled across, but Andrew still looked stern.

  “I mean it, it’s important Harry, I need to trust you, to look after my business.”

  “I do understand, I won’t let you down.”

  “Do the collections first, and when they are all in I’ll get you involved with the rest of your duties.”

  “Do we issue receipts to the tenants?”

  “No, not normally, just get them to initial the book alongside the cash amount you write in.”

  Later that morning Harry set out with the book and started gathering the rents. The properties were mainly run down, poor quality dwellings that in pre-war conditions would have been condemned. But because of the housing shortage their usable life had been extended.


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