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Defender's Blood Alex's Destiny (An Urban Fantasy)

Page 6

by A. K. Michaels

“No, afraid I can’t say that. I phoned one of my friends when you were asleep on the plane and asked him to drop some here for me.” He smirked. “I thought you might need one, what with all that is going on. You need to relax, and I was hoping your favourite drink would do it. Do you want something to eat, or do you want to go straight to bed?” He spoke to her and once more she realized how much she liked his voice.

  Alex raised her eyes and looked at him. “Well, now that’s not something I hear in the first five minutes of being alone with a man.” She half-laughed as she tried to keep a straight face.

  “No, I didn’t mean that!” Zach blustered.

  Alex finally succumbed and started to laugh. “I know you didn’t, Zach. I was just teasing you. I don’t think Amelia would be very happy, and I’m surprised she let you bring me here.”

  “Amelia? What? Do you think Amelia and I are together?” Zach retorted.

  Alex raised an eyebrow at him while answering, “Well, from the way she was acting earlier – yes, I thought you were. She was certainly unhappy when you sat next to me and even unhappier when you put your arm around my shoulders. Don’t tell me you didn’t notice?”

  If he told her that he hadn’t, she would bloody well call him a liar. He had a slight frown on his face as he replied, “Well, yes, but we aren’t together. She has tried to get me to go out before, and yes, some of the guys tease me about her, but I have never had any feelings for her. Not those types anyway. She is a colleague, nothing more.”

  “Are you nuts? She’s gorgeous, why would you not want to go out with her?” Alex was quite surprised. She had been certain there was either an ongoing situation between them or a history.

  “Alexina, I am not nuts. I just don’t see her in that way. I don’t, nor have I ever, desired her. Now on the other hand – you – you intrigue me intensely.”

  Alex spoke without thinking. “Intrigue? Well, that’s not a word a girl hears every day. I would go so far as to say that you, Mr. Vampire, intrigue me, also.”

  What was she saying? This magnificent creature would never be interested in her. She knew she had feelings for him, growing inside of her, but she would have to just damp those down and stop fantasizing, and stop bloody flirting.

  “I would say you intrigue me immensely, however, we will have plenty of time tomorrow to find out about each other. Tonight, you rest. Finish your drink, and I’ll show you to your room.”

  Alex realized that even though she had slept on the jet, she was still tired. Probably the stress of everything that had happened. She sat and drank while watching Zach move around tidying some things away. The house was like a show home...spotless and tidy. I wonder if he has a cleaner, or if he does it all himself.

  Just as she finished her drink, he stopped, smiled at her, and she got those damn butterflies in her stomach again. What in blazes was going on with her tonight?

  “Here, let me take that,” he took the glass from her, their fingers touching briefly, and damn if there wasn’t that tingling again. Zach took the glass into the kitchen and was back in seconds.

  “Follow me, you’re in the room down the hall from me,” he picked up her suitcase as she followed.

  He opened a door half way down the hallway, switched the light on, and she saw his spare room. Dark wooden furniture with a large sleigh bed, soft carpeting, and an en suite.

  “Thanks,” she said quietly, moving into the room, thinking how wonderful it was going to be to lie down and close her eyes.

  “My room is just there, you only need to shout, if you need anything. I’ll see you in the morning. Oh wait, I’ve got something for you.”

  He went back through the door and reappeared with a small bag containing a selection of toiletries. Ones for a woman – shampoo, shower gel, etcetera. She raised an eyebrow and he laughed. “Not what you think, meine Kleine, the friend I asked to get the Jack Daniels – well, he’s bonded and his mate thought you might like these. She put them together.”

  She was touched by the thoughtfulness. “You’ll have to introduce me to them. I would like to say thank you. I totally forgot toiletries. I think I remembered my toothbrush, though.” She opened her suitcase and got her toothbrush out and made her way into the bathroom.

  “Oh, what was that foreign thing you said?” she asked.

  He smiled his answer. “Meine Kleine? It means ‘my little one’ in German. Towels are in the cupboard to the side of the shower,” Zach added as he walked out of the room.

  She didn’t bother with a shower, just brushed her teeth, pulled her hair back into a loose plait, and tugged on an old favourite nightie. She crawled up and into the bed, pulling the comforter over her as her head hit the pillow. She lay thinking on the past few hours, all of it scary as hell.

  She was here in America, staying in a small town full of Vampires, Werewolves, and Witches. She almost laughed at the absurdness of it, such a far cry from her boring life in Glasgow. Again and again, her thoughts returned to Zach, his handsome features the last thing she thought of as she drifted off to sleep.


  Zach let out a sigh, he felt very strange when around this human. His body was reacting like it had never done before...and without his permission. Once again his jeans were tight, due to the hardness contained within. Shaking his head, trying to clear it, he went back into the lounge, poured himself a large single malt, drinking it down in one gulp. What the hell was going on with him and Alexina? He still had no clue, only that his entire being was telling him to protect the same time as he wanted to pull her into his arms and kiss her luscious lips.

  Get a grip on yourself, he berated, angry at his lack of control. He never lost control, however, he felt he may just, if the right circumstances arose with this human. He tried not to think of her lying in the bed alone, when what he really wanted was her to join him in his. Not happening, he shook his head, sitting down in his favourite armchair, stretching his legs out in front of him. He closed his eyes and tried to rest, which was rather difficult with the evidence of his arousal still in his jeans.

  After a while, with no lessening of his hardness, he got up and went to his own room...a long, very cold shower was the only thing he could think of that would help.

  After the shower, which didn't help that much, he got into his bed, naked, closed his eyes and rested. When he awoke, several hours later, he was surprised that he had been having a rather vivid dream...featuring Alexina. He rarely dreamt, so rare was it that he couldn’t actually remember the last time he had. He once again headed for another long, cold shower.

  Dressing casually in jeans and a t-shirt, he made his way to the kitchen, planning on making Alexina some breakfast. She was a human, after all. He had the coffee on, toast ready, was just finishing up some scrambled eggs, when she padded through in a rather long, baggy, t-shirt. Her hair was wild, escaping from a plait that she had tied it back in, rubbing her eyes sleepily as she yawned.

  “Morning,” she smiled over at him, taking a stool at the breakfast bar.

  “Morning, to you, too. Did you sleep okay?” he watched as her face actually blushed. Had she had the same kinds of dreams as he? Of him? He found himself smiling at that thought, maybe it wasn't just him that was feeling this, whatever it was.

  “Uhm, yup, some weird dreams, but that’s all. Something smells good, and is that fresh ground coffee?”

  “It is indeed, help yourself, and I’ve made you some toast and eggs, thought you might be hungry,” he watched as she jumped down and took the mug, which he handed her and poured a large, black coffee.

  “I am kinda hungry, thanks. What’s the plan for today? Do I need to go see anyone, do anything?” she was already back on her stool and digging into the plate of food he placed in front of her.

  “Not today, today we can just get to know each other better, if that’s okay with you?” he reached for her mug, to give her a refill, and their fingers touched - that tingly feeling was there aga
in, and by the way, Alexina jerked her hand back. He guessed she was feeling it, too. Weird.

  “Good, I’d like to get to know you better.”

  Her face flushed again, and he caught a glimpse of it before she lowered her head to stare at the now congealing food on her plate. He could also hear her heart speeding up, clear as anything, as she tried to control her breathing. He smiled, looks like she’s getting some of this weird attraction thing that was happening with him.

  He cleared the dishes, and she disappeared for a shower and to get dressed. He almost had to go for another cold shower, as he envisioned her naked with water and soap suds running down her body. For goodness sake, at this rate he would be spending half the day in the shower!

  When she came back, dressed in jeans and a shirt, they moved to one of his comfy sofas. They sat at each end, as if both were worried what would happen if they sat too close. After a few awkward moments, they started to talk about anything and everything. Alexina was agog at some of the stories he told her, she laughed at many of them, made comments in others, and before they knew it he heard something.

  Her stomach rumbled loudly, “Oh, gosh, guess it’s time for lunch?” she half laughed.

  He looked at the clock on his phone, “I can’t believe it, it’s more like time for dinner, we’ve talked all day, sorry. I’ve been lax in my duties as host. I can cook or order you something?”

  Zach was frowning, how could he forget to feed her? She needed food, a basic need for a human, and he had forgotten. After saying he would look after her, take care of her...he was an idiot.

  “I could really go for something simple, a chicken salad, or some soup. My stomach seems to have a life of its own today, it’s full of butterflies.”

  She looked so adorable as her face reddened slightly, again. He was finding it damn near impossible to stay apart from her. She drew him to her like nothing he had encountered before. If he wasn’t certain she was human, he would think she was a powerful Witch trying to cast some sort of spell on him. That was just stupid thinking, she was human, so he stood up and went into his kitchen.

  He pretended as if he was going to check to see if he had the ingredients of a chicken salad, knowing fine and well he didn’t. He just needed a moment alone, or he was going to kiss her. The feeling to do just that had grown and grown, as the day wore on, and he didn’t think they would get through the evening without him doing so.

  He tried to get his rampaging want under control before going back through, dialling the diner as he did and placing an order for pick up. Alexina was looking at him intently and he wondered again, did she feel the same as he?

  “I’ll go and get your order, if you want a drink or anything, help yourself. I won’t be long.”

  He left as quickly as he could to stop himself just taking her into his arms.

  When he arrived back, she was sitting at the breakfast bar, a drink in front of her, looking as if she was lost in her thoughts. She jerked when he placed the bag of take-out before her and then a small laugh left her lips.

  “Sorry, you gave me a fright.”

  He got her a plate and placed her food onto it, pushing it towards her before handing her a knife and fork. She ate silently, glancing at him frequently as she seemed to enjoy the food.

  “I think we should talk, Alexina. I’m feeling things I'm not entirely sure of at this moment, and I think you are, too. Are you?” he asked and saw her once more blush, nodding her head at the same time.

  He cleared her plate away and motioned towards the lounge. She got off the stool and went through taking her drink with her, she sat on the sofa. Her nervousness was palpable in the room

  He moved to sit beside her on the sofa. She took a very large pull on her drink, Dutch courage, he thought.


  At Zach's words, she realized that the way she had been feeling all day was not one sided. She watched as he came over and sat very close to her, so close their thighs were touching and her heart rate shot up. Oh my God, what was happening? She hardly knew him and she had never, not once, had a ‘one night stand.’ It just wasn’t her.

  Then her mind raced, why am I thinking that? He’s only sitting beside me. He hasn’t given me any reason to think he would even want a one night stand.

  “You seem nervous, Alexina. Do I scare you? I hope not. I thought I told you that you were safe with me?” Zach’s voice all but whispered. Her stomach clenched and a long dead feeling began further down.

  “Uh, no you don’t scare me,” she managed to get out, though her breathing had now started to keep up with her heart.

  “Can I say something?” He turned towards her slightly and was staring into her face. She tried hard not to look away and nodded. “I know, I can sense, that you don’t think much of yourself. Am I right?”

  She again nodded, and this time she slid her eyes from his and looked down into her lap. He put a finger under her chin and made her look once again into his eyes. “You would be very wrong about that. You are the most beautiful woman I have come across in a very, very long life. I am attracted to you, Alexina. In a way I have never been attracted to any female before.”

  She let out a small gasp. This was not the way she had expected the evening to go.

  She felt the same, but it scared her. She just didn’t do this. She was a very private person, and rarely, if ever, let her feelings control her.

  If she was honest with herself though, and she thought this was the time to be honest, she had never felt like this before. She took a large breath in before responding, “I sorta feel the same, but I’ll tell you, Zach, it scares me! I have never felt like this. It’s strange, it’s almost like I’m not in control, and for a control freak like me, that is scary as hell.” She was surprised at what had came from her own lips.

  “Well, Alexina, I can tell you – I feel the same. I have no idea what’s happening between us, but I can hardly keep my hands off you. It has been a struggle, and when I walked into the room on the plane to wake you, and saw you lying there? Well, I just wanted to join you, it took all of my control not to. I don’t want to scare you. I will never hurt you and would never force myself on you. I just thought you should know how I feel,” Zach finished, trying to gauge her reaction.

  She was stunned. She only ever thought of herself as okay-looking and never in a million years would she have called herself beautiful. For someone like Zach to say so, well, she could hardly breathe.

  He leaned forward and kissed her.

  As their lips touched, she felt as if her body had come back to life after being dead. The feeling was so dramatic that her heart nearly beat out of her chest. The feeling of his lips on hers was astonishing, and she didn’t want the feeling to end.

  Zach finally pulled away and his eyes, when she looked, were almost shining. “Your eyes!” Was all she got out before he kissed her again.

  This time it lasted longer and he pulled her closer to him. She still had her drink in her hand and she tried not to spill it. Not a second after she had this thought, Zach pulled away, took her drink, and put it on the end table.

  He then pulled her closer and started to kiss her again. He pulled/picked her up until she was sitting on his lap and his arms were around her holding her close.

  One of her hands was in his hair, holding his head to her. She wanted him closer, all of him. He pulled away for a second, and she noted his eyes were indeed shining. It was very strange.

  “It’s because I am rather aroused.” He smirked with one of his eyebrows raised. “My eyes, they can start to kind of glow, if I am particularly aroused.”

  “Well, blow my socks off,” she said and Zach burst out laughing.

  “Where on earth do you get those from? You are a very fascinating female. I can see you’re going to keep me on my toes, trying to keep up with all these weird and wonderful sayings.” He grinned.

  “Well, it’s not every day a guy’s eyes glow because he’s att
racted to me. Especially such a fine specimen,” she answered.

  “A fine specimen? I take it you don’t find me repulsive then?” he quipped.

  “I don’t think there’s a female alive who would find you repulsive, Zach! You are gorgeous, hot, and the sexiest man I have ever come across. Oh wait, you’re a Vampire,” she giggled.

  “Yes, I am, little one, but first and foremost, I am a man.” She frowned at him using that term. She had exploded at him the first time he had said it. Though this time, she didn’t feel as angry – strange, she thought.

  “Oh yea, you don’t like that do you? Sorry, but I like it, so you may just have to get used to it,” he responded to her frown.

  “Well, maybe. It doesn’t seem like an insult when you say it. I am a little sensitive about being so small.” She was actually opening up to him, this was yet another surprise to her.

  “Well, I think you’re perfect. In each and every way, you are perfect to me.” His voice was now sounding husky and she liked it even more.

  She sighed, no man had ever said anything as nice to her. She was so attracted to this man, Vampire, that she couldn’t put it into words, so she did the next best thing. She kissed him again.

  He returned the kiss with a lot of enthusiasm and reached his hand underneath her shirt, and as soon as he touched her bare skin his arousal jumped up another few notches.

  His arousal was at this minute digging into Alex’s thigh, and as soon as she felt it her excitement escalated. She couldn’t think, could hardly breathe, and just wanted to feel all of him. She placed one of her hands at the base of his shirt and tugged until she could get it underneath and touch him.

  Zach moaned into her mouth as soon as her hand made contact and this upped her arousal even more. She had never done anything like this before and was scared just a little bit, but with each passing moment that fear lessened.

  She pulled away slightly, breathless, and tried to explain herself to him. “Zach, uhm, I don’t know how to say this – I’m not what you could call ‘experienced’ and I have never, ever, had a one night stand. It’s just not me.”


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