Defender's Blood Alex's Destiny (An Urban Fantasy)

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Defender's Blood Alex's Destiny (An Urban Fantasy) Page 13

by A. K. Michaels

  Thadius had a look akin to worry as he replied, “Well, most of it is done, so we are hoping to get it over with soon. However, Amelia has gone AWOL. She hasn’t been to work since that little confrontation in the diner. So Tatiana has been working with the other Witches. To be honest, we are a little concerned regarding Amelia. She was very riled up the other day, and I hope she is not up to any more nonsense.”

  Zach was also worried. Alex was no match for a Witch as strong as Amelia. At that, he got up and headed towards the ladies’ room. He was just about to open the door and go in when Alex walked out. “What are you doing, Zach? This is the ladies’ room!”

  He pulled her into his arms and snuggled his face into the top of her head. “I was missing you, that’s all.” He didn’t want to worry her about Amelia.

  So long as Alex was right beside him, Zach was fine, but when she left to either dance with Irina (and boy could she dance) or go to the bathroom he got very anxious. He was trying hard not to show it, but she kept giving him funny looks. Maybe he would need to try harder.

  He loved seeing her here with his people, she looked happy and fit right in. He was feeling the happiest he had ever been in his life.

  Alex ran off the dance floor and collapsed onto Zach’s knee, which surprised him. She didn’t usually do the touchy-feely stuff in public. Although he thought that maybe the large glasses of wine she had been guzzling were in part to blame.

  “Zach, I’m having a great time!” she gasped, out of breath from the dancing. Zach was holding her so she didn’t slip off his lap. Wait a minute...he felt something underneath Alex’s dress...was that what he thought? As he felt around with his hand he heard Alex giggle, like a naughty schoolgirl, and he looked up into her eyes.

  “Yup, Mr Vampire, I have stockings and a suspender belt on with matching thong and bra. I have been spending your money.” She laughed with her head thrown back a bit, giving him a view of her throat.

  His response was visceral and she gave a gasp when she felt him hardening underneath her. “Oh!” she gulped.

  “Oh, indeed, Alexina. I think it’s time we left. That is unless you want me to ravish you here on the table?” He quirked his eyebrow and she shot to her feet.

  “No, that’s okay, I’m ready to leave.” She was babbling, grabbed her bag, and took his hand to pull him to his feet. They left quickly without saying goodbye to anyone. The dance was in full swing and looked like it would go on for hours. However, they wanted to be alone.


  In the jeep, Alex asked Zach if he should be driving. He had had as many drinks as her and she was more than a little drunk. “Darling, alcohol doesn’t affect us the same. I would need a lot more just to be tipsy.”

  “That’s a bloody good trick.” She half-hiccupped.

  The alcohol in her system was making her bold, and she laid her hand on his thigh, working her way up. She heard him take a sharp intake of breath and let it out slowly. It made her bolder. She took hold of him through his trousers and started to rub.

  “I’m glad I live so close, because if you do that much longer, I’m going to pull this vehicle to the side of the road, woman!” She smiled up at him with a very cheeky grin on her face. “So you are playful tonight, little one? Think you are ready for some advanced lessons?” he asked and she nodded and didn’t even blush.

  As soon as they were through the door he grabbed her from behind and brought her to him. Her back against his front. He caressed her breasts from behind through her dress and she was inflamed already. His touch was like magic.

  One of his hands undid the zipper at the side and he slid the dress down. He took a step back and looked at her new stockings and underwear. She went to turn around and he spoke quickly, stilling her movement. “No, stay still, I want to look at you.” He very slowly walked around her, looking at her from every angle. If it hadn’t been for the alcohol in her system, she was sure she would be blushing to the tips of her toes.

  Zach was looking at her with pure lust and his voice was low as he spoke, “My, my, you have no idea what those stockings are doing to me! I’m going to take my time with you tonight and those stay on!” She wasn’t sure what he had in mind, but she was sure she was going to enjoy it.

  He took her hand and led her to their room, taking his clothes off on the way. “Do you trust me?” he asked her.

  She thought this was a strange question at this moment, but answered anyway. “Of course.”

  Zach’s voice was husky as he spoke, “Good, I am going to make you feel like you never have before!” He laid her right in the middle of the large bed and kissed her until she felt weak in her stomach. She realized he had removed her thong, how did he do that? Then he got up and turned her over, pulled her up onto her knees, and positioned himself at her rear.

  She could feel him throbbing against her behind. “Are you ready?” He spoke in a very quiet voice.

  “Yes,” she gasped out.

  “Now, do you want it soft and slow or hard and fast?”

  Oh dear Lord, her heart lurched, what was her answer? What did she want? “The second one,” she moaned.

  “What? You need to tell me, Alexina,” Zach said quietly.

  “Hard and fast,” she managed to say, the next second he entered her – hard and fast.

  She was gasping for breath, oh dear God, her body was in ecstasy. In a very short time she was nearing her climax, and just as she was nearly there, Zach pulled out and flipped her over. He reached over to his side table and pulled the drawer open. He pulled out a black silk tie and moved back over her. He took her hands and tied them together – all the while staring into her eyes.

  She had never done anything like this before, and she was full of anticipation and a little fear. He placed them above her head and used the ends to secure her to the headboard.

  Zach then nipped her bottom lip, drawing blood, he lapped at it, and then moved to her neck, again a little nip and a couple of laps of blood. Then her shoulder, then moved to her breasts, he bit just above the nipple on both and when he bit into her flesh there she just about came. He looked up and laughed, he could feel her desperately trying to hold on.

  He continued down and nipped at her belly button, then farther down to her hips, farther still and he nipped near the top of each of her thighs, just above her stockings. She was breathing hard and didn’t think she could hold out much longer. “Please,” she whimpered.

  “What was that?” he asked.

  “Please, Zach, I can’t hold on much longer, please, I need you – now!”

  He laughed as he answered her plea. “Always ready to please,” and positioned himself above her.

  Just as he was about to enter, she tried to move her hands. He groaned his response, “No – they’re staying there. I love the way your breasts are with your hands up there.”

  Zach entered her holding himself up on his arms, so that he was above and not lying directly on top of her. He was watching her breasts as they moved with each thrust. He dropped his head and once again nipped one. The intense pleasure that shot through Alex was beyond words. He nipped the other one and again that pleasure ripped through her. She was gasping for air and pushing her hips up to meet his.

  Finally he pulled her head to the side and bit into her neck, more forcefully than ever before and pulled on the blood flowing there. She screamed in total abandon and her body responded to him in a way she didn’t know it could. She was totally lost in the feelings running through her. She opened her eyes, just as he pulled away and reared back with one final thrust as his seed erupted into her and roared in release.

  He collapsed on top of her and then moved so he was at her side. He released her hands from the headboard then untied them.

  “Now that was the most amazing sex I have ever had,” he mumbled.

  “Yup,” was all Alex could get past her lips.

  They slept in the next morning and Alex was feeling a little hung
-over when she awoke. She was a little embarrassed to note that she still had her stockings on.

  Zach pulled her close and told her, “You should wear those more often!” He was leaning in for a kiss when his mobile rang. He got out of bed and retrieved it from the pocket of the trousers he had on the night before. It was Thadius, they were to go to the HO for a meeting in an hour.

  With not a lot of time they went straight to the shower and then got dressed. Alex managed a quick coffee and a bit of toast, which she was direly in need of, and then off to the meeting.

  Alex was feeling nervous. She wasn’t sure she had it in her to pull this off. Zach looked over. “You’ll be fine, you are stronger than you think, Alex. I can see it in you.”

  She thought for a moment before replying. “I hope so, Zach, I hope so.” They rode in silence for the rest of the way.

  Chapter 11

  When they arrived at Thadius’s office, there were more people there than they expected. There was Thadius of course, and Tatiana, but Vlad was there with another man. He looked very tough and seemed a bit scary to Alex.

  Also present were two women, she hadn’t met them, so didn’t have a clue who they were. Zach said hello to them, as if he knew them.

  Thadius made the introductions. “Alexina, you know Vlad, but this is his second in command Dmitri and these two lovely ladies are Rhianna, who was Amelia’s second, and Brianna, who is Rhianna’s sister and has flown in from Canada. It was Brianna who first alerted us to the fact that you were in danger. If not for her vision, then you would surely be dead. I don’t want to sound overly dramatic, Alexina, but that’s the truth of the matter. She has been a great help regarding the deciphering of the journal, and we now think we have all the information required. I won’t lie, this is going to be dangerous, but we don’t have any other option open to us. This ritual must be performed, and you are the only one who can do it.” He looked on her fondly and calmly. Alex’s guts knotted in apprehension.

  “I will let Tatiana give all the details of what is going to happen.” He waved a hand at her to come forward.

  “I think we should all sit down, come, there are chairs set up.” Tatiana said, and she led everyone to the coffee table. There was the sofa and two armchairs opposite and some other chairs had been added so they could all sit comfortably in a circle.

  “Alex, honey, I know you are scared, and that’s good, it means you will be focused. We now know where the ritual must take place. It is in a cave, in the Highlands, and the opening is warded, so that it seems invisible to the naked eye. We have the coordinates that will take you to it, and Rhianna and Brianna are going with you. They will be able to make the door appear and cancel any wards so that you all may enter. It is usually only the Defender alone that enters, but we feel it prudent that you do not attempt this yourself. Zach, Vlad, and Dmitri will also be going with you. They will be the ‘muscle’ so to speak. Their job, and only job, is to protect you.” Tatiana stopped to take a mouthful of her herbal tea then continued.

  “Now, Rhianna and Brianna know what the spell is that must be spoken as you firstly place your mother’s amulet, her necklace, into a stone altar that is in the cave. When you have placed the necklace, you must then speak the words, in the ancient tongue, and cut your hand for your blood to flow over the altar, where your amulet will be. Only when the spell is complete will the doors to Hell be safe for another generation – approximately thirty-five to forty-five years. I know this is daunting, Alexina, but you can do this.”

  “What if I can’t?” Alex whispered, so low that if most of the people in the room didn’t have very acute hearing, they wouldn’t have heard her.

  Zach was at his usual place, perched on the arm of the chair she was in. “Darling, I know you can, we will all be with you. We won’t let anything happen to you.” He tried to calm her. He could feel the self-doubt coursing through her.

  “You promise me, Vampire?” She looked into his eyes.

  “I promise, meine Kleine,” and she buried her head into him.

  Vlad took over, “Now for the logistics, we will all fly together to Prestwick. Duncan has organized two SUVs capable of off-roading on rough terrain. We will go to his place first and rest. Once Alex especially has had a good rest and she is confident with the words she has to say, Rhianna and Brianna will coach her on the plane, we will make our way to the cave. Duncan said he is coming, too. His words were something along the lines of, ‘if that lassie needs help then yer no gonnae stop me fae goin’ – I think that means he’s going no matter what we say.” Vlad chuckled and Alex brightened a little bit. Duncan had made her feel safe and he was a man-mountain. She would definitely feel safer with yet another large male there to watch over her.

  In her world before all this started she had been very independent. She didn’t need a man in her life, she could do it all herself. Since this all started, she realized that in fact, she did need a man, Zach, and she didn’t want to do it herself.

  She wanted to be looked after and cherished and make him smile and laugh. And in this world, her world now, at this moment, it was dangerous. There was no way in hell she could do it alone.

  She looked around the people sitting and realized they were all there to help her. “Thank you, everyone, thank you, I couldn’t do this alone. I must admit, I am scared, but I will do this with all of you there to help me, how could I not?” She realized she had tears in her eyes and she lowered her head, so they couldn’t see. Zach knew, and cuddled her closer to him.

  “When do we leave?” Zach asked.

  Vlad was the one to answer. “Tomorrow, we need a little more time to prepare. Rhianna has some spells she wants to tweak, in case we run into trouble, so you two can go and spend some alone time!”

  As Zach got up and pulled Alex with him to leave, Tatiana stopped them. “Alex, a minute please, do you have your mother’s necklace with you?”

  Alex pulled it from underneath her top and showed it to Tatiana.

  “Good, come over here in the corner, lass, I want to add some of my magic, it won’t affect the amulet’s powers. It’s something I have cooked up to protect you while you wear it.” Tatiana took Alex, with Zach close by, into the corner of the large room while the others filed out.

  Tatiana held the amulet in her hands and started chanting in her native tongue, which not one of them could understand. After a few minutes, she stopped and placed the amulet once more under Alex’s top. “Try to keep this on at all times, at least until you are in the cave and just about to do the ritual. I have strengthened it to protect you, nothing magical or Demonic should be able to harm you while you wear it.”


  Zach frowned – magical? Why was Tatiana protecting her from magic?

  Amelia! It hit him in the guts. Tatiana was scared Amelia would try to hurt Alex. He was sure of it.

  He looked Tatiana in the eyes and gave a slight nod of his head, to let her know he knew why she had done that. The fairy smiled back at him and Zach knew Tatiana was aware that he would protect Alex until his last breath. His powers were vast, and if Amelia decided to take him on, it would be a huge mistake on her part. He would end the Witch quickly, decisively, and with no compunction whatsoever!

  Zach took Alex home. He realized that’s what it was – their home. He was resolute in the fact that Alex would be returning from this mission with him. He would ensure that she did, no matter what it took.


  Alex was jittery and couldn’t sit still for more than a few minutes. “Can you play something to relax me, Zach?” she asked. When she had heard Zach playing the piano for the first time, well, she was astounded.

  He was very good and could play a host of different genres, from classical to rock, from melodic and soothing to fast and uplifting. She needed to be soothed. “Of course, come, sit beside me.” They moved into the room with the piano and Zach started to play. Alex leaned into him and let the music wash over her. She love
d to both hear him play and watch his fingers flying over the keys.

  He played for a while, but Alex was still uptight. Zach was clearly trying to think of something to distract her from the following day, and just as he was coming up with zilch, his phone rang.

  It was Irina. Vlad had told her about the mission, and she knew that Alex would be on tenterhooks. She had an idea to take her mind off it and told Zach what she had in mind. Zach was astounded at how intuitive young Irina was and her idea was amazing.

  He shouted for Alex and took her back out to the jeep. “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “It’s a secret,” he smiled. She sat back and tried to enjoy the scenery, but her mind was mush. She kept thinking about the Demon that had tried to kill her in the woods at the beginning of all this, and then again in Thadius’s office.

  She realized they were heading in the direction of where they had their picnic and thought maybe sitting beside the waterside may calm her. After they parked and walked through the trees to the water, she realized they weren’t alone. Irina was there with Vlad. Of course, Vlad would never be far from Irina, she smiled.

  Irina started talking before they had reached them. “Hi, Alex, Vlad has told me about tomorrow and I know you must be jumpy about it, so I thought I would try to take your mind off it. Would you like to meet my Wolf?”

  Alex wasn’t sure she had heard right – Wolf? Did Irina just say meet her Wolf? “Uhm, yeah sure, but it’s not dark and I’m pretty sure it’s not a full moon?”

  “Don’t be silly, that’s the rubbish in films, Alex, we don’t just turn into murderous Wolves on a full moon! We can turn when we want, and we aren’t murderous either. Well, mostly not,” Irina chuckled.

  “Okay, so you can do it whenever you want?” Alex asked.

  “Yup, mostly I can, sometimes if I am really upset, I find it difficult to change, but I am getting better at controlling it. So do you want to meet it?” Irina looked with puppy dog eyes at Alex and Alex nodded.


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