Wings of Love

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Wings of Love Page 7

by Jeanette Skutinik

  “What smells so good,” Adam wrinkled his nose and opened his eyes as he stretched his arms then rolled over to wrap them around Amy as he gave her a kiss.

  “I made us omelets and hash browns.” Amy handed him his plate. “Bob made the toast.”

  Bob could be heard as his heavy steps came down the stairs. He grabbed his keys off the hall table and jingled them. “I’ll catch you guys later. I have hockey practice. Thanks again Amy for dinner.”

  Amy turned the television on while they ate their dinner. When they were finished she took their dishes and left them in the sink to do later. She went back into the living room and sat on the floor next to Adam.

  “I finally get you all to myself,” she lay her face on the couch and put her arm around Adam. He pulled her up next to him and kissed her head that lay on his chest. Amy felt the warmth of his body. “I sure missed cuddling with you.”

  “You and me both,” Adam flirted with her.

  Amy stared into his hungry eyes tasting him as their lips met, a fire burning deep inside of her. She couldn’t wait until his knee was healed so they could finally make love. Amy rolled off the couch biting her lip as she gazed up at Adam with a devious grin upon her face. She disappeared under the covers as she took great delight in bringing Adam to the point of no return.


  “That was a lot easier today than last week,” said Adam as he hobbled to the car. He waited as Amy opened the door for him, then handed her his crutches as he sat down in the front seat.

  Amy placed them in the back seat and walked around to the driver’s side. She climbed in the car and reached for the ignition to start the car. “Are you nervous?”

  “No, I just want to get the stitches out so I can get started with my physical therapy on the machines today.” Adam looked forward to moving on with his progress. “Maybe after therapy we can go get my assignments? I called yesterday and they said I could pick them up anytime today.”

  “Ready to hit the books again?” Amy questioned him as she raised her eyebrows.

  “Yeah, I bored of just watching TV all day and doing crossword puzzles.” Adam laughed.

  Amy parked the car in the closest spot at Dr. Perry’s office. She held the door for Adam as he walked into the building. She signed in for him as he sat down in the waiting room.

  Adam was just about to lose his patience after they waited over forty-five minutes when the nurse finally called his name. He followed the nurse down the hallway with Amy right behind him. They took a new x-ray of his knee then placed him in a small room to wait for the doctor.

  Adam lifted himself upon the table, the white paper rustled as his weight sat down on it. Amy walked over to him and stood between his legs that dangled over the edge. She wrapped her arms around him and could feel his heart racing. “Don’t worry everything will be okay, I promise.”

  “Good morning.” Dr. Perry quickly came into the room. “Your x-rays look good.” Dr. Perry rolled up his pant leg and examined his incision then he removed the twelve staples. “You can start your outpatient physical therapy today. I’ll see you in a couple months.” He exited as fast as he had come in.

  “Off to therapy now.” Adam smiled as he got down from the table.

  Adam’s physical therapy was right across the parking lot from Dr. Perry’s office. He had to ride the bicycle for ten minutes to stretch his ligaments. The therapist also had him do many exercises to strengthen his muscle as well as some weight lifting. By the time he was finished he was exhausted.

  Amy was reading a magazine when he came back out into the waiting room. “Ready to go?” She looked up at him and noticed he looked wiped out.

  “Yeah, we’ll stop at the school and then get home. I was going to take you out to lunch but maybe we can pick something up instead.”

  Amy drove to the Sanilac County Community center. She put the car in park and shut it off. “Why don’t I run in and pick your stuff up? I’m sure it will only take a minute.”

  Adam watched Amy as she strolled into the building. She was one in a million that was for sure. As he looked at her he could not help but smile. His emotions for Amy ranged from admirable to zealous and everything in between. He honestly could say there wasn’t one thing that annoyed him about her. He watched her come out of the building as she carried his books. He only hoped someday he could repay her for all she had done for him.

  “What do you want for lunch?” Adam asked as he smiled at her with appreciation. “We can go anywhere you want. My treat.”

  As Amy pulled into the Burger King drive thru window Adam shook his head and smiled. Leave it to Amy to pick an inexpensive fast food joint when she could have chosen any restaurant in town.

  “This has sure been a boring vacation for you, huh?” Adam took a bite of his Whopper. “Why don’t you go out tonight with the gang or something?”

  “There is no place I’d rather be than here with you,” Amy rested her hand on his. “After you recuperate we can make up for lost time.”

  “I’ll take you on a mini vacation.” Adam shared his idea that he had been kicking around in his head for while. “We can go visit Janet in New York and hang out at all the hot spots.”

  “That is a great idea,” Amy’s smile beamed up at him. “I haven’t seen Janet in awhile.”

  Adam worked on his homework as Amy did a few loads of laundry. He paid attention to her folding his clothes with her gentle hands. She smoothed the wrinkles out carefully before placing his shirts and jeans on hangers. She dropped a sock and bent over to pick it up unaware that he was checking her out. Damn. How am I supposed to study? She even makes doing laundry sexy. He could not wait until his knee was stronger so he could show her exactly how much he loved her.


  Amy watched the $20,000 Pyramid while Adam was taking a shower. He had his three month check up with Dr. Perry this morning. Adam had worked diligently at his physical therapy. If his therapist asked him to do sets of exercises three times a day he did it five. If he told him to use a machine fifteen minutes he did thirty. All his hard work and efforts had paid off. Dr. Perry gave Adam permission to return to all his normal activities. He could even skate to build up his endurance and speed again. Dr. Perry even said the words Adam had been waiting to hear, he could return to his hockey team in three months!

  Amy got up from the couch as Adam came down the stairs with only his sweats on drying his curly hair with a towel.

  “Come hither,” Amy grasped the towel that hung around his neck and pulled him close to her. She leaned against his warm chest still damp from the shower and the smell of Irish spring still lingering.

  Adam smiled at her as he grabbed the towel and snapped it lightly on her tush.

  “Adam!” She shrieked trying to wrestle the towel from him. “I call roughing!” Amy laughed as she wrapped her arms around his waist hugging him close then pinched him on the ass.

  Adam picked her up as she pretended to try to get away from him and carried her up the stairs. “Holding!” Amy laughed so hard her sides ached.

  Adam opened the door to his room and gently tossed her on the bed. He held his body above hers with his muscular arms. He kissed her throat with such passion that Amy’s laughter quickly turned to desire. Adam lay on his side and unbuttoned her blouse lingering with a kiss at each one. He opened the clasp of her bra exposing the beauty of her breasts.

  Amy gazed at him with eagerness in her eyes. She felt the passion for him build as he fondled and caressed her nipples. He cupped her breasts in his hands and devoured them as they rose and fell from her heavy breathing. Adam unzipped her pants and slid them off of her. She tingled with anticipation as his hands proceeded back up her leg, sensuously massaging them. “You are so damn beautiful Amy.”

  Amy burned with desire as she felt the softness of his lips, yearning for his body to be hers. She slipped his sweatpants and boxers off of him tossing them on the floor. She crawled back toward him like a temptress feeling the heat of his
body under hers. Adam softly murmured her name as she left a trail of wet kisses from his torso to his neck. Her lips gently nibble his earlobe as he rolled over with her in his arms. She felt the warmth of his breath as he whispered. “I want you babe.”

  Amy moaned as Adam slowly began to make love to her experiencing for the first time the need to have him. The intensity built slowly and steadily increased until finally they both closed their eyes and felt their bodies become one. Adam collapsed holding onto Amy as she pressed every inch of their bodies together.

  “I love you Amy.” Adam said as he stroked her hair with his fingertips and looked at her in wonderment.

  “I love you Adam,” she whispered still in a state of bliss. “with all of my being.”

  Adam woke up with Amy still nestled in his arms. He watched her breathe as she slept. Her beauty was unmistakable as she lay here next to him with her hair tousled on his chest and pillow. Amy looked like an angel. Adam smiled to himself as he thought of last night. She may look like an angel but she sure was a seductress in bed. He kissed her lightly on the nose and drifted back off to sleep.

  Chapter 9

  “American Airlines Flight 187 to New York is now boarding at Gate 26,” the intercom announced through the terminal.

  Amy clung to Adam’s hand as they boarded their flight. He guided her down the aisle towards their seats.

  “Would you like the window?” Adam inquired as he gently squeezed her hand.

  “You can have it,” she said quietly.

  Adam placed their jackets in the storage unit above them then sat down next to the window. He softly massaged Amy’s back trying to relax her for their flight. With his other hand he reached into his pocket and took a roll of lifesavers out. “Here,” he offered her one. “I heard that it will keep your ears from popping.” He took a cherry one and placed the rest back in his pocket.

  “That was so thoughtful of you,” she eyed him appreciatively.

  The plane taxied as the stewardess informed them of all the emergency procedures. Amy gripped Adam’s hand feeling safer having him next to her. The captain announced that the flight would take approximately one hour and fifteen minutes to arrive at JFK airport.

  Amy peeked shyly out the window as the plane started to go faster down the runway. Before she knew it they were up in the air. She clutched his hand tighter as she felt a little uneasy. Then the airplane flew smoothly, the only sound she heard was the hum of the engines. She released her death grip on Adam and relaxed, exhaling deeply.

  “You okay?” He asked with concern.

  “Really, I’m fine.” Her smile convinced him.

  “Wow, it looks like we are floating on the clouds,” Adam said as they looked out the window.

  “It’s beautiful,” Amy said in awe. She leaned over to look out the window, her cheek brushing his as they shared this first time experience together.

  “You excited about handing in your application and hockey resume today?” She relaxed back in her seat. “I am so proud of you.” She kissed him on his chin where the scar still lingered as a subtle reminder of all he had gone through.

  “Thanks.” Adam turned and looked into her eyes. “After we check in at the hotel we can relax, and maybe get some room service. Then we’ll take a taxi over to the college. And don’t forget tomorrow is the big game.”

  Amy was excited to see the hockey game as well as spending time with Janet. “Joey and Bob are flying in tomorrow morning. Janet is even going to sit with us instead of with all the hockey wives and girlfriends from the Rangers.”

  “I’m looking forward to seeing a good hockey game. I hope Joey and Bob don’t pulverize Peter in front of Janet.” Adam teased. Amy smacked him on the arm. “I’m just joking!”

  Amy felt a short jolt when the plane touched down on the runway. She grasped his hand once more and heard the engine idle as it slowed down immediately. The plane taxied to their gate bringing them safely to their destination at JFK airport.

  The taxi pulled up in front of the St. Regis Hotel on East 55th Street. Amy looked around with surprise, never had she seen so many tall buildings in her life. “Adam, this is unbelievable.”

  “It is more than I ever imagined,” he handed the cab driver his fare plus a tip.

  Adam helped Amy out of the taxi onto the streets of Manhattan. A baggage porter immediately was by their side to assist them with their luggage.

  “Follow me sir,” he bowed slightly then placed their suitcases on a cart and led them into the luxurious hotel lobby.

  The desk clerk greeted them courteously as she confirmed their reservations and handed Adam their room key. “Our St. Regis Butlers can take care of any of your requests at any hour. Thank you for choosing us for your stay in New York.”

  The baggage porter assisted them to their room and placed their luggage on the storage racks. Adam thanked the attendant and gave him a substantial tip.

  Amy walked into the superior guestroom speechless as she viewed the elegance of it. She took her shoes off so she could feel the soft, woven, beige carpet underneath her feet. The walls were cocoa with white crown moldings framing them. Beige draperies hung from the windows with white sheers underneath. The king size bed had a custom made padded headboard that matched the draperies. The luxurious white comforter and linens brought elegant sensuality into the bedroom. On each side of the bed sat a nightstand with a vase of peach roses upon them. Beige silk linens draped down from the vaulted ceiling surrounding the bed in secrecy.

  “Adam this too much,” she gasped at the thought at what this must have set him back. She ran her finger along a large desk which held a fruit basket on it. She picked up an apple and shined it on her shirt.

  “Amy you deserve it,” he walked over to her and pulled her close. “You used your vacation for me and didn’t get to go anywhere or do anything special.”

  She pulled him closer and looked deep into his eyes. “I’m just a little ole country girl Adam. You didn’t have to do all this,” she tilted her head upwards and looked around the room. “But I do love you for it.” She smiled seductively at him as she took a bite of the apple. “How about we take a shower?” She took his hand with delight as she led him toward the bathroom.

  Adam clutched the apple from her hand, placing it in his mouth as he seized her up in his arms. Her laughter filled his heart with pure joy as he carried Amy the rest of the way enjoying yet another new experience with her.


  “Can you believe that is marble in the bathroom?” Amy came out with a plush white robe and sat on the bed next to Adam. She gave him a kiss on his cheek. “Did you order dinner?”

  “Yup, it should be here any minute.” He folded the sports section in half and tossed it on the nightstand. Adam sat up behind Amy and wrapped his arms around her. “I wish we didn’t have to hurry off.” He grinned then kissed the nape of her neck.

  Amy giggled as she jumped off the bed. “I know, but I better get dressed quick so we can leave when we’re done eating.” She grabbed her outfit and hustled back into the bathroom. “Or we will never get there on time.”

  She eyed the reflection of herself, almost not recognizing the person standing there. She saw a woman who was so happy in love it made her glow from the inside enough to shine through to the outside. Adam brought to light her sexuality and she loved every moment of it. He made her feel like a million bucks in her dime store world.

  “Dinner is here.” Adam stood in the doorway admiring her. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her as they looked in the mirror at their images. “My sexy lady.” He kissed her on the back of her head. “Let’s go eat before it gets cold.”


  Adam hailed a taxi as they stood on the curb of 55th Street. After about the third attempt one stopped and they quickly jumped in. He handed the taxi driver a slip of paper with the address of their destination.

  “You have the application and resume?” asked Amy.

  Adam tapped the bre
ast pocket of his jacket. “They’re right here.” He let out a deep breath as he held her hand. “You know I can always stay closer to home and go to Ferris?”

  Amy placed her finger on his lips. “You’ll do just fine.” She stared into his eyes with genuine faith. “I know you will.”

  They drove through New York for what seemed like an eternity to go such a short distance. Just the Way You Are by Billy Joel played softly on the radio as they sat in the traffic. Adam squeezed Amy’s hand knowing he would always have someone he could talk to. Finally, the cab pulled up in front of The New York College where he hoped to attend.

  Adam paid the cab fare then took Amy’s hand to walk with her up the long sidewalk to The Office of Admissions. They followed the signs that led them to the Campus Tour and entered the crowded room. After finding a seat, both listened to a presentation that showed all the college had to offer academically, as well as athletically. Adam’s leg bounced up and down as he heard them talk about the hockey team, hoping that in the near future he would be a part of that.

  After the tour of the campus Adam filled out a quick survey that he handed in with his application to the admissions office. Across the hall was the athletic department where he turned in his hockey resume.

  “This is impressive. Your goals scored and number of games played are well above average. I noticed your references are very creditable too. If this information is accurate on here I’m sure you will be hearing from us.” The coach from the men’s hockey team shook his hand as he went on to help the next student.

  “Did you hear that Adam?” Amy looked up at him with pride as they walked outside. “He said you were impressive!”

  Adam smiled back at her loving face. “Thank you Amy.”

  “For what?” She looked puzzled.

  “For believing in me even when I didn’t believe in myself.” He lifted her up in his arms and hugged her.


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