Their Own Time: A Trio of Time Travel Romance Novelette's

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Their Own Time: A Trio of Time Travel Romance Novelette's Page 2

by Jessica McCrory

“It means you are safe now.”

  The small child in her arms began to cry again, and she immediately tended to her.

  “Come with us, we will help you find your husband.” Garrett offered although the idea of her belonging to another man caused him a surprising amount of jealousy.

  “I don’t have a husband.” She wasn’t sure she should have admitted that, but for some strange reason she believed this man wouldn’t harm them.

  “Was he killed?” Leon asked her, concern filling his voice.

  “No, he just isn’t around. It’s only Gabby and I.”

  “He left you? With his babe to raise on your own?” Both men looked at her shock and anger clear on her face.

  “We have made it just fine so far.” She said proudly, jutting her perfect chin slightly in the air.

  “I meant no insult,” Garrett said and moved back toward his horse. “If you come with us, we will give you food and help you get home.”

  “That’s just is.” She said softly. “We aren’t from here, I-I don’t understand how we got here.” She said as tears filled her eyes. The child began to whimper again and tugged at Garrett’s heart.

  “What do you mean?” The man who introduced himself as Garrett looked at her worriedly. “Were you kidnaped?”

  She shook her head, at least she didn’t think they were.

  “Come with us Miss Carissa, and we shall help you in whatever means necessary.” Garrett extended his hand toward her again, and she watched his face cautiously. He was tall, just over 6 feet she would have guessed, and his body was broad with muscle. He looked as if he were capable of crushing a man with his bare hands if necessary. Carissa regrettably looked down at the bodies of the thieves who had attacked her. It clearly didn’t bother him to dispatch of life if he felt it necessary. She was glad he had, she didn’t know what would have happened had he and the man who introduced himself as Leon hadn’t shown up, but she feared she could imagine.

  She looked up at him, and something made her heart beat faster. He was a handsome man, straight out of the pages of the romance novels she loved to read.

  When Gabby began to cry again, Garrett’s expression softened.

  She gripped his hand and let him lead them over to his horse. The way he had looked at Gabby had calmed her. Any man who would regard a crying baby with such kindness had a good heart.

  “Shhh baby, it’s okay.” She whispered softly in Gabby’s ear. She began to calm down, and then Carissa gripped her tighter as Garrett lifted them both on his horse and then climbed on behind them.

  She felt his arm come around her waist and she looked up to his face. Light stubble coated a strong jaw, and his dark hair was pulled back at the base of his neck. His eyes, a deep blue were kind, and she said a silent prayer that she wasn’t mistaking his character. Their lives depended on it.

  Carissa knew they weren’t in Texas anymore, on some level she knew she was not even in her time anymore, but her brain was rejecting that idea.

  Carissa closed her eyes and pulled Gabby closer. He had found them. She had worked so hard to stay hidden, to make sure Gabby would be able to grow up safely, and he had found them. Anger filled her mind. How dare he show up? Had her landlord not appeared when she had, Carissa knew she wouldn’t have walked away from him this time.

  Gabby snuggled closer to her chest, and Carissa saw that she had fallen asleep. The soft gait of the horse had lulled her into a much-needed nap, and Carissa smiled, she had always loved horses as a child. Like mother like daughter she supposed.

  “Where are we?” She asked Garrett again, this time whispering so she wouldn’t wake Gabby.

  “McKinley land, County Donegal.” He repeated. She could hear the pride in his voice.

  Her skin paled, she knew enough about history, specifically Irish history, since it had always fascinated her, to know where she was.


  “Did you expect to be anywhere else?” Garrett asked, looked down at her confused.

  “No.” She answered quickly. Yes, she said to herself. She had expected to still be in Howe, Texas. Safely tucked into bed while she escaped into her newest Romance novel.

  Chapter Four

  They rode for what felt like hours before they approached the crest of a hill. She looked down at it and couldn’t keep her jaw from dropping. Before her stood a stone castle, much like the ruins she had seen on her one trip overseas to the Country she had always loved. Only this was far from in ruins. People bustled about carrying buckets and bundles, and everyone stopped and bowed lightly to them as they approached the gate.

  The people they passed, looked at her with interest. Surely wondering what this new woman was wearing since it was so different from what they wore in whatever year she was in. What year was she in? She looked around for anything that would give it away and found nothing. Regardless, she knew she couldn’t tell anyone that she was from the future, they would accuse her of witchcraft, and both she and Gabby would be punished.

  She looked down at her sleeping daughter, who was so innocent and unaware of the danger they were in. She had to keep their secret, she didn’t know who she could trust.

  She suddenly became very aware of the man behind her. Her back was pressed against his hard chest and the thick shirt he wore offered her warmth. His strong arm held her close, and his scent filled her lungs. She had always wondered what men of this era had smelled like, and while she knew most probably didn’t practice good hygiene, the man behind her certainly did. He smelled of leather, and fresh soap and her blood began to move faster through her veins. She shook her head, she would not be attracted to this man. There was too much at stake.

  “Is everything alright Miss?” He whispered into her ear causing a delicious shiver to shoot down her spine.

  “Yes.” She said quickly. “And please, just call me Carissa.”

  “As you wish, Carissa.” Her name out of his mouth, with his thick accent, sounded delicious.

  He stopped the horse at the castle doors and after climbing down, reached for her and Gabby. He was cautious as he moved her down, not wanting to wake the little girl. Garrett handed the reins to a man who waited there and spoke to him in a strange language, Carissa guessed it must have been Gaelic, and then turned back to her.

  “Come.” He said simply and turned into the castle.

  If Carissa thought she was shocked before, it was nothing compared to what she felt now. Tapestries hung on tall stone walls, and torches stood in their stands to light the entry way.

  “Oh, my.” She said wide eyed.

  “Do you find it to be impressive?” Garrett asked her smugly.


  “Master McKinley.”

  “He speaks English?” Carissa whispered loudly to Garrett when she was shocked the man didn’t speak Gaelic like the stable hand outside had.

  Garett smiled lightly. “Sean spent some time in England where he learned the language. He then taught it to most of my staff. It makes it easier to host visitors who may not speak Gaelic.”

  “Do you receive visitors from England often?” She wondered, maybe that was why he had welcomed her so easily.

  “At times.” He answered simply and then turned back to Sean. “I would like you to prepare a room for our guest and her daughter. She was attacked by thieves in the forest, and I want to ensure they are well rested.”

  “As you wish.” Sean nodded and hurried up the stairs.

  “Come, Carissa.” Garrett wound through hallways and into a bustling kitchen. It was cleaner than she would have expected, and once she got a good look at the woman running it, she knew why.

  “Alastair, you best not be thinking you are going to leave that tray there!” An older woman, probably in her early fifties yelled out. At her tone, the young boy who was attempting to abandon a dirty tray on her counter grabbed it and turned to the sink. “That’s right, boy.” The woman said, but her voice held a loving tone. She was not mean, just particular.

sp; When she turned to Garrett, her eyes warmed, and she smiled softly. “So glad you have returned, Garrett.”

  Carissa was surprised to hear the woman call him by his first name, everyone else had referred to him as Master McKinley.

  “Edith.” He tipped his head toward her and smiled. “I am glad as well.”

  Suddenly Edith’s eyes turned to Carissa and the now awake Gabby.

  “Who is this lovely lass? Oh and this beautiful babe!” She scrunched her nose in a silly smile at Gabby who giggled at her.

  “This is Carissa,” Garrett said placing his hand gently on her shoulder. She shied away at first, not prepared for his touch but if he noticed he didn’t mention it. “and this is Gabby. Leon and I came across them in the forest. Four thieves attacked them.”

  “Och child. Come and sit. Those damned thieves. You would think they would know better than to be raiding McKinley land.” Edith motioned for a chair and Garett guided them over to it. “Would you like some bread?” She asked as she reached a hand out to pat Gabby’s hair lovingly.

  “That would be wonderful, thank you,” Carissa responded since Gabby hadn’t had anything to eat since dinner last night.

  “And English as well,” Edith said softly as she regarded Carissa’s accent.

  Garett nodded and turned to leave. “I shall return in a little while, I have some things I must attend to. Seth is setting up a room for our guests, would you show them to it after they have had some food?” He asked Edith, and she smiled at him.

  “Of course I will, do you think I would allow them to roam the castle without knowing where to go? Go on with you.” She dismissed him, and Carissa saw the humor in his eyes. Garret loved this woman as he would a mother.

  “Well now.” Edith smiled at Gabby. “Is that bread to your liking then?” She asked laughing as Gabby gnawed on the slice she had been given.

  “Thank you very much Miss- I’m sorry, I don’t know your last name.”

  “Just call me Edith, dear.” As she moved about the kitchen cooking and tasting, Carissa couldn’t help but feel at ease in the woman’s presence.

  “Thank you, Edith.”

  “You are most welcome Carissa. So tell me, have you no husband?”

  The look that crossed over her face had Edith smiling knowingly. “I’m guessing twas no thieves who gave you those.” She said gesturing to the bruises on her face.

  Carissa swallowed hard and nodded. She would never forget the way Parker had looked when he showed up at their door.

  “I am so sorry dear, I hope he is far away. That or in the ground.” She said angrily and patted Carissa’s hand.

  “Thank you, Edith. He is certainly far away.” Not even born yet, she said to herself.

  “Momma,” Gabby said and then giggled.

  “Yes baby, momma’s here.” She hugged her closer. That was the one upside to their situation.

  “She is beautiful,” Edith said, taking a seat in the chair across from them.

  “Thank you.” Carissa smiled. “You are a cutie, aren’t you?”

  Gabby giggled, and Edith sighed.

  “Tis been awhile since we had a wee one here.”

  “Does Garrett not have any children?” Carissa asked. She wasn’t sure why she wanted to know, but she was interested in the man who rescued them.

  “He had a daughter.”

  “Had?” Carissa asked, not missing the sad tone in her voice and choice of words.

  “Garrett had been betrothed, they married, and his wife became pregnant quickly. The pregnancy went well, but his wife and baby daughter died during the birth.”

  “Oh no,” Carissa said softly, covering her mouth with her free hand.

  “Garrett was never the same.”

  “How long ago?”

  “Four years this winter.”

  “That poor man, he seems so kind.”

  “He is the most wonderful man in the world I believe. I have been a maid in this house since he was a boy and twas his father the head of the clan. He will keep you and your daughter safe.” Edith groaned, “I suppose I should begin the preparations for dinner.”

  “Can we stay here a little while longer?” Carissa asked, fear taking root in her. She wasn’t ready to be alone.

  “You most certainly can.” Edith smiled and then went to work.

  Carissa watched as Edith went back to work in the kitchen. Garrett seemed like such a wonderful man, it was such a shame what happened to his wife and daughter. She couldn’t imagine losing Gabby, she was her entire world.

  When Garrett walked in, Carissa’s heart stumbled in her chest. What was she supposed to make of this man who saved her? He was so handsome, she thought to herself. She was ashamed to say she found herself attracted to him. Her vision swayed slightly, and she yawned. She hadn’t realized how tired she was until now.

  Garrett must have noticed because he headed toward them and held his hand out.

  “Come, I will show you to your room. I had them draw a bath as well and lay out some fresh clothing.”

  “Thank you, Garrett.”

  He nodded, and she touched his hand. Electricity seemed to shoot through her, and judging by the look in his eyes, he had felt it too. She blushed and lowered her head.

  “Dankya,” Gabby said in an attempt to copy her mom.

  “You are most welcome, little one.” Garrett smiled brightly at her. Why couldn’t Parker have been like that? Even when they had still been together, he had never regarded Gabby that way. Carissa knew he hated her, but why couldn’t he have treated his daughter better? Her eyes filled.

  “She is lovely,” Garrett said as they ascended the stairs.

  “Thank you.” She blinked back the unshed tears. There was no time for them now.

  “She looks like you.”

  Carissa blushed. “That is something I am grateful for.”

  They walked the rest of the way in silence, and he led her down a long hallway and into a room with a large bed and dresser. Carissa set Gabby on her feet once Garrett shut the door and walked to the other side of the bed.

  Tears filled her eyes again. A handmade crib sat next to the big bed. She ran her fingers over the smooth wood and looked up to Garrett.

  “I had them give you the room with the attached nursery.” He gestured to a doorway off the side of the large room. “I wasn’t sure if you would rather her sleep next to your bed tonight, so I had them bring it out in case. If you prefer it, I can move it back into the nursery for you.” She could see the pain in his eyes. It would have been noticeable to someone even if they didn’t know anything about his past.

  “It’s wonderful Garrett. Thank you so much.”

  Gabby pulled on his leg, and he knelt to her. She wrapped her tiny arms around him to give him a hug. The gesture seemed to surprise Garrett as much as it had surprised Carissa. Gabby had never hugged a man before, always afraid of them after how angry Parker had always been toward them both.

  Carissa walked back toward them and tousled Gabby’s blonde hair.

  Garret stood and studied Carissa’s face. “I am truly sorry this happened on my land.” Garrett gently touched her bruised face. She could see in his eyes the guilt that weighed on him at the thought that she had been injured on his property.

  “This didn’t happen here.” She said softly, looking away.

  “The thieves were not responsible for this?” He asked still cupping her face.

  “No, they had only begun to come after us when you and Leon showed up.”

  “Then who did this to you?” He asked, anger climbing in his voice.

  She didn’t answer, just closed her eyes on the memory. She had honestly believed he was going to kill her.


  She opened her eyes and stared into Garrett’s green ones.

  “My ex, Gabby’s father.”

  Carissa believed that had he not been cupping her face and had Gabby not been in the room, Garrett would have exploded out of anger. He hissed an
d took a step back. It took him a moment, but Carissa was grateful when he began to gain control over his anger.

  “Is that why you are here?” He asked turning towards her. “You ran away? Is he in England?”

  She shook her head. How was she supposed to tell him the truth?

  “Truthfully, I’m not sure why I am here Garrett. I did leave him, and when he found us, I thought we were dead.” She looked down at Gabby who played on the floor with the doll she had brought with them. “Then my landlord showed up, and she sent us here.”

  “Sent you?”

  Carissa could have yelled at herself. She had slipped. “She sent us to this Country so we would be safe.” She recovered.

  Garrett nodded. “I will care for you, Carissa.” He cupped her face affectionately again and then released her.

  Carissa smiled and looked down at Gabby. “Ready for a bath baby?” She asked, and Gabby giggled.

  “Bath time!” She yelled.

  “I shall leave you two to it then.” Garrett turned for the door, but Carissa gently grabbed his arm.

  He turned to her, and she saw the same attraction in his eyes that she knew mirrored her own. How had she already begun to have feelings for this man when she had sworn off relationships a long time ago? No man had ever stirred her the way he managed to, and she barely knew him.

  “Yes, Carissa?”

  “Thank you, Garrett.”

  “You are welcome. Should you need anything at all, you only have to ask. My room is right across the hall should you need me.” He shut the large door gently behind him.

  Carissa let out a breath and smiled at Gabby. “Come on stinky.” She said lovingly and snatched up the giggling toddler.

  Chapter Five

  Two hours later both Gabby and Carissa were bathed, and Gabby was sound asleep in the crib. Carissa wished that Gabby had eaten more, but when the maid brought a tray of food up for dinner, Gabby had eaten two bites and then fell soundly asleep. Truth be told, Carissa was exhausted as well. She looked down at Gabby and smiled. No matter how messed up her own world had become by meeting Parker, she would never regret sleeping with him. She had been given an amazing gift, and that would never cause her to wish she had never been with him.


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