Escape to Earth-Living Legends

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Escape to Earth-Living Legends Page 5

by Saxon Andrew

  “On my way.”

  Michael shook a young Admiral’s hand and said, “I know you’re going to do a great job with our fleet. Congratulations on your promotion, you deserved it.” Talel walked up and Michael said, “Excuse me just a moment.” He turned from the gathering and walked toward the balcony. Talel followed him and Michael said, “Let’s do this telepathically.”

  “By all means, Commander.”

  “Why did you stay after everyone left?”

  Talel smiled, “If you had to guess, tell me what you would say?”

  Michael smiled, “It’s good to have someone that’s not intimidated by me.”

  “Your father saved me and my mother. I look at that as being almost related. I will show you the respect your position deserves but I will speak openly and honest with you.”

  “You were planning something.”

  Talel shook his head, “How did you arrive at that decision?”

  “I suspect I would have done the same thing. You were going to do something to that Legend.”

  Talel smiled, “That’s why I couldn’t be angry at what the Sentinel did. The heavy sent with my fleet didn’t get a clear shot so it still had its DM Round. I intended to fire it on the Legends’ Residence after everyone had left. The Sentinel beat me to the punch.”

  “Do you think the round would have penetrated the Residence’s force field?”

  “I honestly don’t know. That’s why I wanted to do it.”

  “That would be good information to have.” Talel nodded. “What do you think about what I said in the meeting?”

  “Do you mean about the selected Legend?” Michael nodded. “I believe you’re pretty accurate in your view of what could possibly happen.”

  “What about finding where they’re building their new ships?”

  “That’s troubling.”

  “How so?”

  Talel smiled, “You know why.”

  “Yes, but I’d like to hear you say it.”

  “If they’re going to build those ships, they’re going to need the materials to do it. Where will they get them?”

  Michael nodded, “If they have to take them from the galaxies we know, we just have to have enough scouts out to follow the materials to where they’re delivered.”

  “I’m surprised no one pointed that out.”

  “I suspect Laney will arrive at that realization and contact me after the meeting. She probably realized I didn’t want that piece of information brought out.”

  “I could see it in your expression.”

  “That’s surprising. However, my concern is what if materials are not being sent from the galaxies in that cluster?”

  “Then the Legends are more extensive than we’ve thought.”

  “And if this chosen one goes to another Legends’ location…”

  “He won’t have the freedom to do as he chooses. He’ll have to build them the way he was ordered.”


  “The distant Legends will have the diagrams to continue building those ships after he completes his mission.”

  “That is what I believe is actually happening.”

  Talel shrugged, “The Legends know themselves well enough to never allow one of them to acquire that much power. Why did you propose another view?”

  “Because we are going to have to build the ships to confront those ships. This view makes the danger more immediate.”

  “Good luck.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Have you really taken a good look at the heavies?”

  “I’ve looked at their building diagrams. What problem do you see?”

  “You should go out with one of them in your fleet. There’s a reason they’re loaded in open space. A really hard shove might ignite that round taking out everything around it.”

  “I thought that once the round was loaded in the containment barrel it was safe from exploding?”

  “Have you looked at the simulator program on how to pilot a heavy?”

  “No, I haven’t.”

  “You should. The pilots are trained to line up their target and move directly toward it without major course changes.”

  Michael stared at him and after a moment, he frowned, “The developers haven’t been completely honest with us.”

  “I don’t know if you can accuse them of that. They have given very specific instructions on how they are to be flown. I’m sure if their pilots follow those instructions, they are safe.”

  “But I’m looking at using them in a space battle.”

  “I’d be very reluctant to try that with a heavy.”

  “We’ve got to have another weapon.”

  “That’s how I see it.” Michael looked out from the balcony toward the distant spaceport and thought about the issue. Talel said, “You’ve thought of something?”

  “It’s only a wild theory.”

  “But the barrier has provided evidence you’re on the right track.”

  “Do you see what I’m thinking?”

  “I do but it makes no sense to me. How can space not exist?”

  “There have been those that have proof it doesn’t. The barrier is the first real evidence to support their conclusions.”

  Talel smiled, “I actually considered that I should be in your position instead of you. I think my pride and arrogance is totally misplaced.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “This is the first real view I’ve had of your mind. Something has made you different from everyone else I’ve ever encountered. I’m serious when I say I see your thoughts and they are beyond my understanding. If there’s anything I can do to support you, just let me know.”

  “Thanks, Talel. I may just take you up on that.”

  “Whatever and whenever, I’ll do what you need. Thanks for sharing this moment with me.”

  “Thank you, but I really don’t see myself as all that special.”

  “I needed to see that to rein in my arrogance. Being from a telepathic species tends to give us a superiority complex. I can see now that it’s entirely misplaced. You’ve made me a better person for allowing me to see myself in comparison.”

  Michael nodded and extended his hand. Talel shook it and went back in to the conference room. Michael shook his head. What did he see? He stared out at the spaceport again and then looked up at the stars. Could it be there was no separation from them and where he was standing?

  He finally stopped worrying about the concepts that troubled him and went back inside. He was surprised that Katy Greenwall had left. Now that was a pleasant surprise. He stayed and socialized with the attendees much longer than he would have normally done. Perhaps the woman was finally growing up.

  Chapter Four

  “Hey, Bartolo! You’re wanted in the front conference room!”

  “Who wants me?”

  “An Admiral so you better shut your yap and get moving!”

  Josey looked at Jan, “I wonder what this is about. I’ll catch you later.”

  Joey reached for her tray and Jan said, “I’ll get it; you get moving.”

  “Thanks, Jan.” Josey left the cafeteria running. She caught the elevator to the fifth floor of Eighth Fleets’ Headquarters Building and slowed as she arrived at the conference room. She took a breath, squared her shoulders, and pressed the chime. The speaker beside the door said, ‘Enter’.

  She walked in the room and saw a young woman dressed in an Admiral’s uniform. She went to attention and saluted as the Admiral continued to stare out of the conference room’s window at the thousands of Battle Pods parked on the giant runway. Josey remained at attention for five minutes and the Admiral ignored her. What was going on?

  Finally the Admiral turned around and Josey saw her name above her right pocket: Greenwall. The Admiral stared at her for a long moment before returning her salute. Josey lowered her arm and remained at attention. Had she done something wrong? The Admiral stared at her with malice on her face and Josey was starting to go back
and forth between fear and anger. What was going on?

  The Admiral sat down and continued to stare at her in silence. She didn’t tell Josey she could stand at ease so she remained at attention. After four more minutes, Josey was no longer afraid, she was angry. The Admiral said, “You are going to be awarded a medal for your actions during the battle to take out the Legend Warship. I am here to instruct you on proper behavior when you receive that award.”

  “I’m not aware…”

  “Did I tell you to speak!?” Josey closed her mouth and stared at the Admiral. She smiled and said, “Lieutenant, the First Commander will be presenting the award and you will stare straight ahead, salute him, and say ‘Thank you, Sir,’ when he hangs it around your neck. He will step back and you’ll salute him again and keep your eyes to the front! You got that!” Joey stared at her in silence and Katy said, “I asked you a question!”

  “You haven’t given me permission to speak.”

  “Answer me!”

  “I understand your instructions.”

  “They’re not instructions, they’re orders.”

  “And I will gladly follow them when my commanding officer issues them. Is Admiral Rickman not capable of instructing those under his command, Sir?”

  Katy was up in an instant and put her nose an inch from Josey’s, “You are making a mistake with your smart mouth, Lieutenant. You will do as I order or you’ll be cleaning latrines for the rest of your career!” Josey’s eyes narrowed and Katy smiled, “I have a very long reach. You’re dismissed.”

  Josey saluted her and Katy continued to smile as she returned it. Josey did an about face and walked out of the conference room. Katy watched her go and knew she was doing the right thing. This Lieutenant was breathtakingly beautiful. She couldn’t allow her to smile at Michael. No, that just wouldn’t do.

  The next day Katy received a call from Admiral Rickman, “Sir, why did you come and meet with one of my sailors?”

  “I wanted to personally thank her for saving my warriors in the battle we just concluded.”

  Jerry stared at her and started to challenge her on what happened in the meeting but then he would have to put Bartolo’s words over an Admiral’s. “In the future, I want a heads up if you intend to meet with any member of my command.”

  “Certainly, Admiral. I didn’t see offering congratulations would be such an issue.”

  Jerry stared at her and ended the call. Katy smiled and was thankful she was senior to Jerry. He wouldn’t push her. If he did, he’d pay for it. Katy smiled and thought about Michael.

  • • •

  Josey stood outside the public arena on Eden and stood still while Jan straightened her collar, “You are always a mess, Josey.”

  “Yeah, but you’re there to keep me straight.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  Josey pretended to fan herself with an imaginary fan, “Whatever do you mean?”

  “I know you! You’re up to something.”

  “That twit kept me standing at attention for thirty minutes. If she had simply said she wanted to help me understand the etiquette of receiving a medal and congratulated me on it, I would have done exactly what she said.”


  “She didn’t.”

  “Josey, she’s an Admiral.”

  Josey smiled, “But she’s not my Admiral. I’m not only doing this for me.”

  “Doing what?”

  Josey winked at Jan, “Just keep an eye on the monitor. I’ll see you after the ceremony.” Jan sighed and shook her head as Josey walked toward the huge arena.

  • • •

  Josey reported to Admiral Jekins and he escorted her up to the stage. There were four other pilots receiving awards and they were going to be recognized first. No one had told her what award she was receiving and she wondered how her attack on the four battleships had been seen. In the mayhem of all the combat happening around her, she wasn’t able to see anything but enemy warships. She looked around the edge of the curtain and saw the arena was standing room only and she began thinking she might need to forget what she was planning; but then she saw the Admiral’s smug smile and her anger rekindled.

  Finally, it was her turn and she marched across the stage and came to attention on the large X painted in the middle of the stage. She went to attention and listened as Admiral Jekins read what she had done during the battle. The huge monitor over her head came on and she wished she could turn around and watch it, she hadn’t seen anything on what had happened. She stared out at the reporters and attendees and saw them go silent. What were they seeing? Then the First Commander was standing in front of her and he said, “It is with a profoundly grateful heart that I award Josephine Bartolo the Alliance’s highest medal for bravery. Her actions are what allowed us to win this battle and she deserves the Alliance Crescent.” The room exploded into cheers as Michael took the Medal and placed it around Josey’s neck. He stuck out his hand and said, “Congratulations, Lieutenant. The Alliance is proud of you!”

  Josey took his hand, shook it, released it, and then reached up and put both hands on his cheeks and kissed him on the mouth. Michael was stunned and stood there a moment before Josey broke the kiss and went to attention. She saluted him and he returned the salute with a smile. He looked out at the assembly who were all laughing out loud and said, “Well, let’s hear it for enthusiasm.” The crowd roared and Michael said, “I present to you the brave warriors who fought with courage and determination.” He started clapping and the room joined him. He glanced at Josey standing next to him and said quietly out of the corner of his mouth, “What was that about?”

  Josey smiled and waved at the assembly and said without moving her lips, “Just a message.”

  Michael looked out at the arena as he waved and said, “It wasn’t being sent to an Admiral, was it?” Josey’s head came around and Michael saw her surprise. “You know she is probably really ticked off at you right now?”

  Josey looked back out at the crowd waving as the applause grew and said out of the corner of her mouth, “She’s not my Admiral, Sir.”

  Michael lowered his hand and looked at the award recipients and said, “She is absolutely the most tenacious person I’ve ever seen. Be careful!” Josey’s smile slowly disappeared and she said, “Do I have anything to worry about?”

  Michael walked over beside her and put his arm around her shoulder and gave her a hug. Josey’s eyes narrowed as he smiled and said, “That’s a message from me telling her to stay out of places she doesn’t belong.”

  “Do you think she’ll listen?”

  “She never has in the past but, just like you, I enjoyed sending it.”

  Michael left the stage and the reporters flooded around the medal recipients. Josey began answering questions but had a nagging fear she should have listened to Jan.

  • • •


  “Yes Sir.”

  “I want a watch put on Lt. Bartolo’s personnel file. If anything changes in it, I want to be notified immediately.”

  “Greenwall, Sir?”

  “Count on it. She’s probably banging her head against the wall right now but she will try something. I want to know what it is.”

  “Yes Sir.” Averel didn’t bother with putting a watch on Josey’s personnel folder, she simply looked at Katy’s mind and watched what she was planning. That Admiral was cunning beyond belief.

  • • •

  Katy stopped pounding her head on the wall after she saw stars. She was past rage as she tore off her clothes and put on a workout uniform. She arrived in the gym and yelled, “EVERYBODY OUT!!” The gym emptied faster than a wino’s bottle. She put on the sparring gloves and began hitting the heavy bag. It swung back six feet and she stopped it with her left hand. An hour later, exhausted, her mind was clear enough for her to think clearly. She hung on the bag and after twenty minutes, she smiled.

  • • •

  Admiral Rickman saw Admiral Greenwall on hi
s monitor, “What can I do for you, Admiral?”

  “I must say that your pilot that was awarded the Crescent has really impressed me.”

  “She’s impressed all of us.”

  “I was wondering if I might be able to work a transfer to move her to my fleet.”

  Rickman smiled, “Do I look that stupid? I can use her to train my new recruits. Forget it!”

  “But you haven’t asked what you would get in return.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Why would you want to use her to train your new pilots? She’s never placed in the top eight hundred pilots in fleet maneuvers.” Rickman’s eyes narrowed and Katy said, “I’m willing to trade Johnson and Benning for her.” Rickman was shocked by the offer. What was going on here? “As you well know, they placed third in the last competition and would be much better at training new pilots.”

  “Why do you want Lt. Bartolo so much?”

  “That’s not something you should concern yourself with. Do you want to make a trade or not?” Rickman knew he shouldn’t do it but he was getting the best of this deal. Katy smiled and said, “I do ask that you send her best friend with her to make the transfer less traumatic. They can support each other.”

  Rickman thought about it and decided that the Admiral must not have bad intentions or she wouldn’t have asked for Jan to go with Josey. He was going to get Johnson and Benning out of this deal, who should have won the competition this year. They lost by a freak accident. They would help bring him to the attention of the Senior Admirals. “I will not trade them back!”

  “I don’t expect you to do that, Admiral. Do we have a deal?”

  “Send me the forms.”

  Katy tried not to smile as she said, “I’m sending them to you now. I’ve already signed them and if you’ll sign and send them to Fleet Personnel, I’ll send Johnson and Benning right over.”

  Rickman forgot about Josey and Jan and rushed to the printer to retrieve the forms. He signed them and sent them out immediately.

  • • •

  Josey and Jan arrived back at her unit’s quarters and was surrounded by her fellow pilots congratulating her. She smiled and insisted she didn’t deserve it until Captain Coronado came in the door and yelled, “Bartolo, Keller, pack your bags!”


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