The Eye of Winter's Fury

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The Eye of Winter's Fury Page 46

by Michael J. Ward

You hope, with the death of the corrupted Titan, the explorers and Caul are now finally at peace. After giving the frozen trapper a final nod of farewell, you head into the glacial tunnels – following them back to the surface. (Return to the quest map to continue your adventure.)


  Skoll crouches down, then begins to draw lines in the snow. ‘There were nine. Old Gods from the time before time.’ He makes nine strokes with his finger. ‘They taught the dwarves the magic. The same magic they gave to my people.’ He starts to draw a circle around each line, one after the other. ‘The Titans grew old and frail, so they made new bodies out of stone. Then they put their spirits inside, making them immortal.’

  Skoll leans back, looking down at the nine circles. ‘Then came the cataclysm, when the earth shook. A great demon from the underworld had awakened – Jormungdar. The serpent’s coils tore through the land. It would have destroyed everything, but the Titans and the Dwarves built a prison. They used their magic to trap Jormungdar inside, deep within the ground. But to make something so large, so strong, came with a cost. The magic ripped a hole in our realm, a door to the shroud. The Well of Urd. To stop the demons coming through, eight of the Titans sacrificed themselves.’ Skoll crosses out eight of the circles. ‘They hold the demons back to this very day, giants of stone that can never move or break from their task.’

  ‘And the ninth?’ you ask, noting the final uncrossed circle.

  ‘If all the Titans had sacrificed themselves, the well might have been closed forever. But Fafnir did not help his kin. He desired life, to remain ever-living.’ Skoll breathes a sigh as he brushes away the marks. ‘My people sing ballads of his deeds, fighting side-by-side with the Dwarves against the evil that came from the underworld. They are good songs, but I do not know the truth of them. I fear the choice that Fafnir made, to betray the other Titans, may have doomed us all.’

  Return to 602 to ask another question or turn to 326 to end the conversation.


  ‘Every tribe has a chieftain – and the chieftain wears the halstek, the symbol of our ancestors.’ Sura’s gaze drifts to one of the staffs lying amongst the blankets. Its ivory top-piece has been carved to resemble a bear’s head, its jaws stretched wide in a vicious snarl. ‘Desnar has challenged you for the halstek. Without it, he cannot truly lead us.’

  ‘Then he can have it,’ you raise your hands in submission. ‘I don’t want to lead. Who would follow me? Desnar is a Skard. He should have it.’

  Sura is silent, regarding you thoughtfully as she tongues her gums. Then she speaks. ‘You are a dull blade, southlander. No good to anyone. But we can sharpen you, yes.’ She nods, her eyes continuing to appraise you. ‘Desnar is not a man to respect. He is hard. He is cunning. But he does not have what you have . . .’ The woman leans close, her eyes lifting to meet your own. ‘Nanuk.’

  Will you:

  Ask about the shaman’s magic? 688

  Ask what ‘vela styker’ means? 587

  End the conversation? 575


  If you know the password, then assign a number to each letter based on its position in the alphabet (a=1, b=2, c=3 and so on). Total the individual numbers and turn to the relevant entry number. If you are successful, read on. Otherwise, you have given the wrong password. You can either try and bluff your way through (turn to 451) or leave and return later (turn to 426).


  A few metres from Bullet’s corpse, you find a selection of traps and knives scattered across the ice. A quick inspection confirms that they are still serviceable. Evidently these must have been the trapper’s tools – and with their previous owner now deceased, there is nothing stopping you from laying claim to these grisly items.

  If you wish, you may now learn the trapper career. The trapper has the following special abilities:

  Best laid plans (pa): Before a combat starts, decide which type of trap you will lay (you can only lay one trap per combat). Roll a die to give you a trigger number:

  * Snap jack: Your trigger number is the number of rounds your trap will take to snap closed. (If you roll a then your trap will activate at the start of the fifth combat round.) When it does, a single opponent of your choosing automatically takes 10 damage, ignoring armour.

  * Cluster mine: Your trigger number is the number of rounds your trap will take to go off and the maximum number of opponents affected. (If you roll a then your trap will set off on the third round and affect three opponents.) Each affected opponent of your choosing takes 1 damage die ignoring armour, and their armour is then reduced by 1 for the remainder of the combat.

  Vital artery (co + pa): Instead of rolling for a damage score after winning a round, you can use vital artery. This inflicts 1 damage die to a single opponent, ignoring armour, and does a further 1 point of damage at the end of each combat round for the duration of the combat. You can only use this ability once per combat.

  As a trapper you also receive a bonus of +5 gold crowns when selling hides (you will be reminded of this bonus at the appropriate times). When you have made your decision, return to the map to continue your adventure.


  Fragments of armour swirl up off the dusty floor, whipped along on bright currents of magic. They spin and twirl toward the centre of the room, where the ghost of a man stands, arms and legs extended – squirming and struggling as the armour snaps into place around his body, suiting him in plates of black iron.

  ‘No . . . Zabarach! I will not serve you!’

  A helm slides over his face, muffling his words. Then a sword settles into the palm of his hand, its blade igniting with dark flames.

  You glance at Anise, then back at the knight – wondering if you should stay or run. Suddenly the door behind you slams closed, the force of its movement almost rattling it off its hinges.

  ‘You are mine!’

  A spectral figure rises over the knight’s shoulder, clad in billowing robes. Long locks of white hair flow back from the man’s scalp, stirring back and forth as if submerged beneath water. ‘Mott, you serve me.’ He points to you with a gnarly finger. ‘Now go, my servant – and slay the brother who betrays us!’

  The knight obeys, striding purposefully towards you, red orbs of hatred burning between the visor of his helm.

  ‘They’re ghosts, trapped in the past,’ cries Anise, tugging on the door, trying desperately to open it. ‘Remember Harris’s story – Mott and Rinehart were brothers. Rinehart had to slay his brother!’

  Evil laughter fills the room as the undead knight continues to advance, his magic sword sputtering flames of cold shadow. It is time to fight:

  Speed Magic Armour Health

  Mott 3 2 1 25

  Special abilities

  In dark service: Once Mott is reduced to zero health, roll a die. On a result of or more, he rises from the dead, regaining 10 health. If he is defeated a second time, this ability no longer applies.

  If you manage to overcome this accursed knight, turn to 227. If you lose the combat, remember to record your defeat on your hero sheet. You may then attempt the combat again or return to the map.


  ‘I’m the sixth clerk they sent ’ere. First two only stuck it for one week, the third went a bit crazy. As for the others . . . well, no one knows exactly what happened to the others. Think there was some . . . altercation with the Skards.’

  ‘So you’ve taken to barricading yourself in?’ You wave a hand over the iron-panelled wall. ‘Is trading really that dangerous?’

  ‘You ever met a Skard?’ Jackson shakes his muskets, his eye looming large against the glass peep hole. ‘I got weapons back ’ere, food, equipment, gold. The trappers are fine; they’re civilised – well, as civilised as anyone gets out ’ere. But the Skards . . . They ain’t ones for small talk. They don’t wanna trade, they just wanna take – like the world owes ’em something. I ask you, do I look like I’m handin’ out charity?’ He pauses, as if expecting an answer – then continues regardless. ‘Last tra
ding post was stripped down – everything gone. Them Skards will steal anything that ain’t nailed down. But Jackson don’t go running, snivelling like some goblin runt. I’m sticking it out – ain’t no one taking this trading post from me.’

  Will you:

  Attempt to break in? 740

  Discuss something else? 685

  Leave? Return to the map


  You brush the girl’s eyelids with your fingertips – closing them for the last time. Despite everything she has endured, there is a comforting look of peace about her. ‘I wish I could be with you.’ Leaning close, you kiss her forehead, a web of frost sparkling across her skin. Then you rise and walk away.

  You have gained the title The Mourner and the following special ability:

  Tormented soul (mo): You may sacrifice 4 health to instantly restore a speed or combat ability that you have already used. This ability can only be used once per combat.

  You may now return to the map or advance to the final boss monster encounter by turning to 717.


  Quest: Angels and demons

  Light radiates through the translucent walls of ice, casting a sparkling sheen across the frozen floe-channels and tumbled-down slabs; the light a reminder of a world that exists outside these caves. It is a torment rather than a comfort.

  Since ascending the ancient stairway that led into the North Face, the caves and tunnels have been unending. Skoll was sure you would encounter goblins and other dark creatures on your journey, but so far you have discovered nothing – save for a growing sense of unease, heightened by solitude.

  Tempers are frayed and starting to show.

  With little else to occupy your thoughts, you have found yourself resenting your physical bulk more and more. Every movement is now a sluggish effort, as if your brain – your spirit energy – is struggling to drive the body that you are forced to inhabit. Your dead limbs feel heavier than usual. Many times you stagger on the slippery ice, bumping arms and shoulders against the tight walls. Sometimes you wish for a stab of pain – a sign of life. Instead, there is only the dull numbness. It is an effort not to draw your spirit away and leave your body behind; return to the Norr. You desperately crave its freedom – to be back with Nanuk.

  Skoll and Anise have grown closer. You can see it in their furtive looks, the way they huddle close at night, sharing their bodies’ warmth. They are still human – they share that bond. You wonder what Anise sees when she looks upon you. Unlike them, you are numb to the cold and have no defence against its bite. They quickly feel the pain and know to warm themselves, or huddle deeper into their furs. You have no such warning. The ice constantly eats away at you, turning more of your pale flesh to a charcoal black.

  You watch them.

  Sometimes the jealousy is too much to bear. Listening to them. Talking. Laughing. Whispering.

  On a few occasions, when Anise has noticed your pensive glares, she has reluctantly moved to join you – an uncomfortable silence ensuing. Once you tried to lighten the mood by asking for some lessons in Skard, believing it would bridge the divide. But you’ve never had a tongue for languages, and picking up the guttural words proved difficult for you. Frustration quickly led to anger – and the lesson ended with the two of you arguing. Skoll has been respectful enough to keep his distance, but there is often challenge in his eyes. And a wariness.

  Deeper and deeper you go.

  On day four, you find the bodies.

  They are human, dressed in foul-stinking furs. You count nine, arranged in a rough circle, surrounded by their few motley belongings. Amongst the packs and rolls you spot several picks and hammers. Several of the men have a red cloth-band tied around an upper arm.

  Two creatures are crouched next to a body, trying to tug a belt loose to get at a pouch. At first you mistake them for goblins, but their skin is as translucent as the ice, their big round eyes pale and milky.

  ‘Svardkin!’ hisses Skoll. He drops his pack, tugging an axe free. ‘Get away from them, thieves!’

  The two creatures startle, then make a dash for the safety of a nearby tunnel. You notice one of them is clutching a cloth bundle to its chest. Evidently, they have pilfered something from the miners.

  Will you:

  Stay and examine the bodies? 66

  Chase aft er the svardkin? 778


  A woman is walking around the pens, feeding the dogs from a bucket of fatty entrails. You call her over, nodding to the larger hounds tethered next to the kennels. ‘Are these for sale?’

  The woman tips her bucket, emptying the last of the sloppy remains next to one of the hounds. It pounces on the gristly meat, its sharp canines ripping at it hungrily.

  ‘Sure, if you’ve got a sled – I have a few good alphas that’ll lead your dog-team.’ The woman raises her gloved mitts, splattered with grease and blood. ‘My name’s Leeta. I would shake your hand, but . . .’

  You nod with an understanding grimace. ‘What else do you have for sale?’

  ‘The races are tough,’ she sighs, blowing out her cheeks. ‘The riders run their dogs ragged, some don’t make it to the end. It’s a fine line, getting the most of out of ’em – but I can help you there. I got whips and collars, whole load of dog toys to keep your team ahead of the pack.’

  Will you:

  Purchase a lead dog? (requirement: sled) 502

  View the dog equipment? 477

  Explore the rest of the compound? 106


  For defeating the rift demon, you may now help yourself to one of the following rewards:

  Bristle backbone Crackdown Dusk needles

  (chest) (head) (cloak)

  +1 speed +1 armour +2 brawn +1 speed +1 brawn

  Ability: thorn armour Ability: charge Ability: impale

  When you have updated your hero sheet, turn to 503.


  The rush of cold is sudden and fierce, punching through your chest, freezing your heart and stealing your very last breath. It fills you, numbs you, a coldness so intense that it burns the stone beneath your feet, cracking it to frozen splinters.

  If you wish, you may now learn the soul thief career. The soul thief has the following special abilities:

  Mind flay (co): Instead of rolling for a damage score, you can cast mind flay. Roll 1 damage die and apply the result to each of your opponents, ignoring their armour. For each opponent that takes damage, you may restore 2 health to your hero. This ability can only be used once per combat.

  Heart steal (pa): Whenever you use piercing or deep wound in combat, you may automatically roll an extra die for damage.

  When you have made your decision, turn to 677.


  The hooded ghost opens its fist and lets the stones roll onto the table. They all land face up, displaying a perfect house and a crown. ‘Royal Hoard,’ whispers a voice from beneath the cowl.

  The guard looks at the symbols with a sly grin, then places his own stones, one by one, onto the table. As each stone is displayed the hooded ghost leans a little closer to the table, bony fingers gripping the table-edge. ‘No, it can’t be.’

  The guard displays a matching Royal Hoard, but his hand beats his opponent’s, with a higher house and the two of crowns.

  ‘You cheated! You cheated!’ The hooded figure stands, his dark form seeming to stretch and grow larger. Bony hands reach for the guard, the cowl finally falling back to reveal a grinning skull.

  Undaunted by his foe, the guard raises an arm – summoning a magical sword to his hand. Leaning away from the grasping fingers, he drives the shimmering blade through the mottled robes, eliciting an ear-piercing shriek from the ghoulish skeleton.

  ‘I win!’ He grins, withdrawing the blade and watching in triumph as the robes slide empty to the floor. ‘Game over.’

  He turns to you, then points past your shoulder with the tip of his sword. You follow the line of the blade to a cobwebbed corner of the room. Suddenly, a pair of stones sta
rt to lift out from one of the walls, flipping outwards to reveal a secret alcove. ‘Your reward,’ he replies. ‘For Valeron. For Glory.’ Then he tilts back his head, eyes focusing on something unseen – and vanishes from sight.

  ‘Treasure! Look!’ Anise is already crossing the room to the alcove. ‘There’s potions here!’

  You hurry to join her, eager to discover what rewards the guard has left behind. As well as 40 gold crowns, you may also take any/all of the following items:

  Pot of healing (2 uses) Four of stars Pot of speed (2 uses)

  (backpack) (ring) (backpack)

  Use any time in combat

  to restore 4 health +1 brawn +1 magic

  Ability: charm Use any time in combat

  to raise your speed by 2

  for one combat round

  You may now search the room, if you haven’t already (turn to 310) or leave through the open doorway (turn to 188).


  Legendary monster: Naglfar the Corpse Ship

  Birds rise up out of the gully; ragged-looking vultures with barely a scrap of meat on their bones. They wheel overhead in wide circles, their hoarse cries announcing the approach of the Naglfar.

  You are crouched on a narrow tongue of rock, overlooking the canyon. A dry wind beats about your face, driving more stinging ash and dust into your eyes. You rub at them angrily, only making the discomfort worse. Blinking, you try and refocus.

  The bow of the ghost ship swings round the gully, moving into plain sight. Green mould and barnacles cling to its massive bulk – itself a horrific creation, fashioned from the nails of the dead, or so Skoll believes. Swirling tides of magic surge beneath its prow, making the craft appear to hover above the ashen ground.

  The ghost ship shimmers like a desert mirage: something caught between worlds, sailing the thin divide that separates life from death. Thirteen night-black sails bunch in the wind, each one displaying thirteen skulls. Thirteen, the number of the curved beaks carved into its lofty crow’s nest, each spitting spectral flames into the hellish sky.


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