Rise to Love [Rise of the Changelings 1] (Siren Publishing Epic Romance, ManLove)

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Rise to Love [Rise of the Changelings 1] (Siren Publishing Epic Romance, ManLove) Page 4

by Lynn Hagen

  And then there was Dorian.

  Rick didn’t know a damn thing about the guy. He was Rick’s employee. That didn’t mean he hung out in the deli section and shot the shit with the man. He had heard Dorian defend nonhumans before. That was a plus for him. But he was human. Rick wasn’t sure he could handle a human mate.

  Changelings were very aggressive, especially when mating. He could unintentionally snap the guy’s bones trying to have sex with him.

  What in the hell had Miguel been thinking?

  “I thought I’d find you here.”

  He glanced down the row of cars to see Sasha Monroe leaning against Rick’s silver Mustang. The alpha of the wereleopard changeling leap smiled knowingly at him. “You aren’t supposed to attend your own candidacy ceremony, Rick.”

  “Why are you here, Sasha?” Rick asked as he neared the leopard.

  Sasha stood, his flowing blond hair spanning out as he took a step back, allowing Rick to open the car door. “Because I have just discovered today that we have something in common.”

  Rick highly doubted that. Sasha was a cat, and he was a wolf. Besides being shifters, they had nothing in common. “And that would be?” Rick stood in the opening of the door, waiting for Sasha to get on with it so he could leave. There was already enough bullshit to deal with without the alpha laying more on him.

  “I know you read today’s paper.” It was a statement.

  Rick nodded. “Every nonhuman keeps an eye on the news.”

  “Then you know what this could mean.”

  “What, employment and the ability to vote? I’ve voted for years, Sasha. Some dumbass law isn’t going to prevent me from exercising my rights.”

  Sasha shook his head, the golden strands waving out around him. “No, that’s not what I was talking about. You obviously didn’t read the entire paper.”

  “Get to the point, cat.”

  Sasha hissed at him. “We are both alphas. Some respect would fucking be appreciated.”

  Rick was not in the mood for this. “Why did you come here, Sasha?” He climbed in, shut the door, but rested his arm on the open window frame. “I have things to do.”

  Sasha narrowed his kelly-green eyes at Rick, letting the leopard be seen behind the irises. It was a trick all changelings were capable of. The meaning was very clear. Don’t fuck with me. Sasha stepped a bit closer. “Three bodies were found down by the waterfront last night. Two belonged to my leap. The other was your nephew, Alexander.” Sasha turned and walked away. “Just thought you would want to know what the humans think of us coming out to the world.”

  Rick sat there stunned and then slipped from his car. “Are you sure?”

  Sasha didn’t bother turning around. “Very. Your nephew liked playing with the cats. One of my men immediately recognized him. If you go claim your nephew’s body, you’ll be outing yourself. Send Nate.”

  Rick stood in the middle of the street, feeling the loss of his nephew profoundly. Alexander had been a good guy. He was in his second year in college, and here on summer break. Rick had known the man liked cats. It was strange, but he hadn’t stopped his nephew from hanging out with Sasha’s leap.

  But now he was dead.

  And for what, being changeling?

  Fisting his hands, Rick climbed back into his car. Tonight was for his pack, a celebration.

  But tomorrow was Rick’s to have for revenge. If he found out it had been changelings or vampires who had killed Alexander, Rick knew he was going for blood.

  But if it was humans, Rick was going to show them exactly how a werewolf sought out his revenge. There would be no jail or court involved. Whoever killed the poor juvenile would only see Rick’s cold, vengeful eyes before they died a brutal death.

  Chapter Four

  Dorian stood behind the deli counter in a daze. It had been two weeks since the “party,” and he wasn’t sure if he had come back to reality yet. He was a nominee to be Mr. Marcelo’s mate.

  How in the fuck had that happened?

  It had been fourteen days since the party, yet Dorian still felt as if he were living in some sort of alternate universe since becoming a candidate.

  “Close your mouth, Dorian. You’re standing there looking like the village idiot,” Jayson said as he sliced through a roll of roasted turkey. “What’s got you looking so wigged out? Did you run into a bloodsucker?”

  Dorian closed his mouth.

  If Jayson only knew what had happened to Dorian, it would probably make front-page news. There was no way he was telling the gossip whore what had taken place at Miguel’s. The man would tear into Dorian, grilling him like some second-rate detective wanting details.

  Details Dorian could never give.

  Jayson laughed. The sound rubbed over Dorian’s skin like sandpaper. The man’s bigotry was grating on Dorian’s nerves today. “A what?”

  Setting the pile of meat aside, Jayson walked the few feet to Dorian, leaning in close. “You know, vampires. People are starting to call them bloodsuckers, and rightly so. They do suck blood after all. Why, are you friendly with a few now?”

  Dorian wanted to slug the guy. “You’re a prejudiced little shit, aren’t you?” He knew he shouldn’t taunt Jayson. The man would spread rumors all over the store that Dorian was a fang addict. But at the moment, Dorian had more pressing problems than Jayson and his hatefulness.

  “I think Dorian found himself a few new friends.” Jayson made the last word as hateful as he could and vaguely obscene. “Nice to know you like hanging out with dead people.”

  “Did I ever say I was with vampires? If you start any damn rumors, Jayson, I’ll let everyone know what you do when you are home alone.” Dorian had rumors of his own to use as missiles. He inwardly cringed at what was said about Jayson. Hell, he didn’t even want to repeat it in his own damn mind let alone imagine it. He was told Jayson liked to prance around in woman’s lingerie. It wasn’t the dressing up in lingerie that bothered Dorian. It was the image of Jayson dressed up that grossed him out. That was not an image Dorian wanted of the man.

  Jayson quickly glanced around before narrowing his eyes at Dorian. “Those rumors aren’t true.”

  “And neither is the one you are threatening me with.”

  Jayson laughed. “I was just messing with you. No harm no foul.”

  Dorian wasn’t too fond of Jayson to begin with. But he tried his best to get along with the people he worked with. Now Jayson was at the bottom of his tolerable people list.

  “What are you two arguing about?” Cherry asked as she stuck her head out of the kitchen door. “I can hear you all the way in here. Any juicy gossip?”

  What the fuck did she have, a gossip radar?

  “Nothing,” Jayson replied as he wrapped the turkey back up in the cellophane and placed it back into the display case. “Dorian was just spacing out.”

  Cherry crinkled her nose. “He run into one of those nonhumans?”

  He was surrounded by idiots.

  Jayson shot him a dirty look. “No, he says he hasn’t.”

  Dorian wasn’t sure what game Jayson was playing at, but he prayed the man would just shut the fuck up.

  “Mr. Marcelo,” Cherry whispered and disappeared behind the kitchen door. Dorian was too terrified to turn around. He didn’t want to see the man. It had been bad enough that the district manager had intimidated him, but now he was downright frightening to Dorian since finding out the truth about who he was and what he wanted.

  “He’s gone,” Jayson said. “You can get that pinched look off of your face.”

  Dorian became paranoid. Had Jayson figured out what was going on? Did he know that Dorian had to sacrifice a week of dating the district manager? Worse, what would Dorian do if Mr. Marcelo chose him?

  “Now you just look constipated.” Jayson chuckled. “What has gotten into you?”

  “Customers,” Dorian pointed out, relieved he could dodge Jayson’s inquisitiveness. There wasn’t any part of what was happening that he c
ould indulge to anyone, and honestly, he didn’t want to. It was just too damn bizarre to begin with.

  Miguel had told Dorian that Mr. Marcelo would get in touch with him when it was Dorian’s turn to be wined and dined. That was one hell of way to put it. More like shotgun wed if he was chosen.

  Dorian just wanted to get the seven days over with and prayed like hell that Mr. Marcelo, aka Mr. Alpha, didn’t pick him.

  Finishing his stint at work, Dorian clocked out, groaning when Miguel was waiting for him outside. Hadn’t the man already made his life a living hell? What now? Was he going to nominate Dorian to be a vampire’s mate next?

  “Hey, Dorian!”

  How in the fuck was he so damn chipper when Dorian’s life was in shambles? He wanted to throttle Miguel—even if the guy was standing there with a big goofy grin on his face. “You heading home?”

  “No, I’m heading to a fang party.”

  Miguel stopped walking, his mouth dropping slightly open. “Seriously? The alpha isn’t going to be too happy about that,” Miguel said low and with feeling.

  Dorian laughed. He couldn’t help it. This situation was just too strange for him not to. “I was kidding, Miguel.”

  The guy didn’t look convinced, but smiled once more. “I wouldn’t kid about that around the alpha. He doesn’t have a sense of humor when it comes to mating.”

  Jeez. Dorian was dreading the whole seven day dating thing even more now that he knew Mr. Marcelo was an uptight prick. Maybe he could catch pneumonia in August and beg off dating the guy.

  “Are there any other rules I need to know about?” Dorian asked. If he was going to go through with this, he should know what to expect and what not to do. He had a feeling he wasn’t going to get out of this so he needed to be prepared. Just from having to become a nominee told him that the changelings lived by a different set of rules. If he wanted to come away from this insanity with his head intact, Dorian needed to make sure he didn’t offend the “alpha.”

  “Just be yourself. The alpha is looking for someone to spend the rest of his life with. If you put up pretenses, and then he later finds out you aren’t who you pretended to be…” Miguel shrugged.

  Dorian rubbed his temples. This was getting more and more complicated. Since when had dating a guy been this nerve-racking? The seven days hadn’t even started, and Dorian’s stomach was twisted into knots.

  “I’m going to be late for my bus.” Dorian began to walk away.

  “The alpha is giving me a ride home. He can give you one, too.”

  When hell freezes over. “No, thanks.”

  “Are you sure? It’s no trouble.”

  Dorian spotted his bus coming down the street and began to jog toward the bus stop. “I can manage. See you later.”

  Miguel waved and then began making his way over to the parking lot. Dorian didn’t even wait to find out what car Mr. Marcelo drove.

  He didn’t care.

  The bus ride seemed longer than normal since all Dorian wanted to do was go home and hide from the world.

  But fate had other plans.

  There was a police car outside his house when Dorian got home. He had no clue what was going on, and his heart was beating wildly by the time he made it inside. Had someone been hurt? Was one of his family members a victim of crime, or worse? The suspense was killing him. If anything happened to his family, Dorian would be devastated.

  “There you are,” his mother said in a strained voice. She glanced at Dorian and then back at the cops, who were standing in the dining room. Both police officers turned to look at him, and Dorian did not have a good feeling about why they were here.

  “Is this your son?” one asked as he waved a hand toward Dorian.

  “Yes, that’s Dorian.”

  “Dorian Campbell, we have a warrant for your arrest for the murder of Alexander Marcelo, Edgar Ecosto, and Thanas Ecosto.”

  “What the hell is going on?” Dorian’s father bellowed. “You said you just wanted to question him. You didn’t say anything about arresting him!”

  “I didn’t kill anyone!” Dorian shouted as his arms were grabbed from behind. “There has been a mistake.”

  “Tell that to the judge,” the cop placing the handcuffs on him said.

  “You deceitful mongrels!” his mother shouted with outrage. “How dare you come in here and lie to us!”

  “Don’t drop the soap,” Ian whispered. “I’ll come visit you.” He knew Ian was scared shitless and was using humor to tell Dorian he loved him. That was Ian’s way, and Dorian loved the guy for that.

  “I’m getting a lawyer, son. Don’t say a damn word to anyone,” his father said as he followed them out to the car. Dorian could see the neighbors coming outside, their heads craning to see what was going on.

  Maybe he’d be the one making front-page news tomorrow. Wouldn’t Jayson and Cherry just love that?

  “Go back inside, you nasty gawkers!” his mother yelled. “This is none of your damn business.”

  Dorian had never heard his mother curse before. He wasn’t even sure if damn was a curse word, but she wielded it proudly and with feeling.

  Go mom!

  Dorian was so screwed.

  He was placed into the back of the police car, nothing spectacular, no blaring sirens or flashing lights as they pulled away. If he was going to embarrass his entire family by getting arrested, they could have at least pulled out the stops and given him a grand departure.

  Dorian’s mind was racing. He knew his family couldn’t afford a lawyer. He didn’t even know the men he was accused of killing. He did however recognize the name Marcelo. Dorian wasn’t sure if Mr. Marcelo was connected to this or if it was pure coincidence that the district manager shared his last name with one of the deceased.

  No, there was no way the names were just a coincidence.

  But they couldn’t be talking about his district manager. Hell, Miguel was getting a ride home from the guy. Mr. Marcelo couldn’t be dead.

  A relative maybe? But why would they accuse Dorian of the crime? He didn’t even know anyone named Alexander. It could be the district manager’s first name since Dorian didn’t know it, but he just wasn’t sure.

  “Confess what you did, and maybe the DA will cut you a deal,” one of the cops up front was saying. “No one will hold it against you that three animals are dead.”

  Dorian curled his lips in. He knew the realization that there were more than humans inhabiting the earth wasn’t comforting to some. He also knew there were hate groups popping up everywhere. But what surprised him was hearing cops talk like that. Weren’t they supposed to be neutral?

  “He’s taking his old man’s advice and shutting up,” the other cop said. “Let him get a lawyer. The guy will tell him the same thing.”

  Dorian wasn’t listening. He had more pressing problems.

  Like how to get out of this mess.

  The car stopped at a red light. Dorian looked at the people walking around freely. How had he been accused of a crime he didn’t commit? It was illogical. The location of where these people were murdered wasn’t disclosed, but Dorian was pretty sure he wasn’t anywhere near the place at the time the three were killed.

  Dorian looked up in time to see the front driver and passenger door open at the same time. He gave a long blink, not believing what he was seeing.

  This couldn’t be happening to him.

  “Come on, get out.” Dorian pulled back when his door was opened and one of the masked men grabbed at him. “We don’t have time to pussyfoot around. Get the fuck out.”

  The man grabbed Dorian’s ankles and pulled him across the backseat until he was pulled up by his arm and shoved into another car. He could see the other two masked men cuffing the cops together and shoving them in the backseat of their patrol car. The police were shouting for help, but no one was around to hear them—no one except Dorian and his kidnappers. For some odd reason, the street seemed to be deserted all of a sudden.

  “What the he
ll are you doing?” he shouted, trying his best to get up, but the cuffs prevented him from making the transition from lying down to sitting up. It just wasn’t possible with his hands cuffed behind his back.

  “Lie still,” one of the masked men said. “Don’t make me knock you out.”

  Dorian wasn’t sure if that wouldn’t be a better option right about now. He was going to panic. He could just feel it. “Why in the hell did you just kidnap me from a cop car?”

  “Knock his ass out.” It was the driver this time.

  “I warned you,” the man in the backseat said as he swung a fist at Dorian.

  Dorian barely dodged it, but he did. The man cursed when his fist slammed into the door.

  “Do I need to pull this car over?” The driver again.

  “There is no fucking way a human is besting me.”

  Human? Shit. Dorian seemed to be ass deep in changelings lately. They weren’t vampires. It was broad daylight out. “Is this Mr. Marcelo’s way of starting our seven days?”

  If it was, the man had some explaining to do. Not only was Dorian being arrested for three murders he didn’t commit, but now he would be charged with being kidnapped from a cop car.

  No, that wasn’t right. They would find a way to blame this escape on him. His day wasn’t going as planned.

  “Mr. Marcelo? Who the fuck is that?” the one trying to knock the shit out of him asked.

  “Never mind.” Dorian wasn’t going to divulge any information that wasn’t necessary. He wasn’t sure what in the hell was going on, but telling them about the changeling alpha didn’t seem like the wisest move.

  “Just shut him up.”

  Dorian was beginning to hate the driver.

  “Look, just sit back and be quiet before you make me really hurt you.”

  Dorian decided that since he couldn’t get away, sitting back and shutting up seemed the right thing to do.

  And from the dent in the door, he really didn’t want the guy to connect his fist with Dorian’s face.

  Chapter Five

  “What do you mean he was arrested for murder?” Rick asked, staring at Miguel like he had two heads. He couldn’t have heard the juvenile correctly. There was no damn way.


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