Convergence: Remington Carter Series Book One

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Convergence: Remington Carter Series Book One Page 6

by M. E. Coleman

  “Oh my god, I haven’t been to an autumn festival in years!” I almost knock Eli over hugging him. He catches me and smiles down into my face. He’s so sexy when he smiles. I realize I want this, I want him. I reach up and slowly touch his lips with mine keeping eye contact the whole time. His eyes darken and he clutches at my hip. I feather a couple more kisses over his mouth and set back down on my heels. Grabbing his hand, I pull his slightly stunned self behind me making a beeline for a caramel apple stand. I notice the attention we’re getting with Eli holding my hand in line. He’s getting a lot of eyefucking by women young and old alike. He’s such a hottie. You’d have to be dead not to notice him. We get our apples and walk over to the pumpkin patch.

  “I don’t think we can get a pumpkin on the bike,” I tell Eli a little wistfully and eye the pumpkins.

  “Maybe pick a few smaller ones, we can tuck them in the saddlebags.” I smile brightly at him and start pulling him around the patch in excitement again. He chuckles at my enthusiasm and just follows along. We pick two smaller ones and go pay for them. Eli runs them to the bike while I browse the stalls. There’s a beautiful woven purple scarf I’m admiring when hands go over my eyes. I smile and turn around dislodging the hands. As I look up I lose my smile. Christian is standing there.

  “Fancy meeting you here, gorgeous.” I feel like I have slime coating me as he speaks. This guy is a serious fuck twat. I throw a glare at him.

  “Hello, Christian.” I look around for Eli as unobtrusively as possible and see him almost to us. I’m relieved he’s close, I’d hate to show what I can do if I don’t have to. Better to save that as a surprise if he gets out of hand and catches me alone. He must see where I’m looking and tries to grab my elbow saying, “let go do the corn maze.” Right then Eli reaches us and slides an arm around my waist pulling me back. Almost a repeat of when Adam interfered the other night. The similarity isn’t lost on Christian. His face darkens into a scowl.

  “Collect men everywhere you go don’t you gorgeous?” His voice is low and not pleased with the interference. Nope, not pleased at all. I get goosebumps from the nastiness I feel emanating from him. Guy seriously has a problem.

  “I do believe we were just heading off to the maze, weren’t we darling?”, Eli replies in a careful voice. I can hear the underlying threat. If I don’t get him away from Christian soon there’s going to be a fight. Eli is insanely sweet, but at the moment I’m not sure he would pulverize this guy. His fingers tighten on my hip almost painfully. I don’t think that will go over well for Eli with football or his scholarship. I don’t want him jeopardizing that with this idiot. I begin maneuvering in the other direction with Eli and turn my head to speak as we walk away.

  “Yes, I do believe we were. It was nice seeing you again Christian, have a good evening.”

  We walk away towards the maze. “That was the guy from the party the other night?” Eli has a concerned look on his face now that he’s addressing me. I wiggle my hips a little bumping into his, it gets his attention that his hand is still clamped on mine. “Sorry, babe, I hope I didn’t bruise you.” He starts rubbing little distracting circles on the skin of my hip with his thumb. He’s such a touchy feely guy, I like it.

  “Yes, the one Adam helped with, then spilled my drink later.” Eli’s face hardens again.

  “He’s got a hard on for you. Try to steer clear of him. I’ve heard rumors about him and girls, I didn’t realize at the time that it was him. I’m sure he spiked the punch knowing you wouldn’t take a glass from him. He’s second string on the team and has been in some questionable situations but gotten off. If anything was ever proven he’d be booted immediately.”

  “Let’s not worry about him right now. He’s a creep. I’ll stay away from him. I want to enjoy tonight. You made excellent plans. Let’s do this maze then go get some cider and find a hay bale on that tractor over there.” I peck Eli on the cheek getting pricked a little by his stubble and take of ahead of him. He laughs and chases after me. We take several wrong turns and at each dead end that we find ourselves alone at Eli pulls me to him to kiss. After the third dead end alone I’m getting pretty hot downstairs. To be clear that means my hooch. Just saying. Eli gives me that devious little smile of his as we break apart and I’m panting a little. He knows exactly what he’s doing. Finally, we find our way through the maze and Eli buys us both steaming cups of cider. I did ask for it I suppose, but something cold and better yet alcoholic would have been better right about then The tractor is just coming back around to drop off and pick up new passengers. Eli helps me up and we find a bale big enough for us both with two stacked behind making a place to lean back and enjoy the ride snuggled up together. Eli gently stokes my hair and wraps it around his finger. I sigh and rest my head on his shoulder, perfectly content. I feel Eli’s other hand slip up my shirt then under the waistband of my jeans. His thumb starts rubbing my hip again. I catch my moan on a gasp I hope no one noticed. Eli definitely has talented hands. He barely has to put them on me to get a reaction anymore.

  “Remi,” he pauses a moment then continues on in a whisper, “I want to take you home and strip you down, kiss every inch of you. I want to find all those little spots to make you moan and sigh. I’m going to mark your pretty skin with mouth and my beard. I want to delve between your thighs and worship you with my tongue. Hold you open when you scream my name and not let up.” Holy fuck, I’m going to cream my pants just from that. Where the hell did that come from?!. Well I guess Eli has a naughty mouth, the dirty talk has me really wishing I wasn’t on my period right now. I reach up and clamp my hand over his mouth to stop him.

  “What the hell Eli?” My breathing is out of control and I’m hoping to avoid alerting the others around to what was just going on. “Don’t do that here!” I hiss.

  He shoots me a smoldering look. Uh oh, think someone is done waiting. I gulp. I’m ready for this, I am. I keep repeating that to myself. Just not today, or tomorrow.

  “I said I wanted to take you home first,” he’s deliberately misunderstanding. I glare at him now, or try to. Kind of hard to stay mad when I’m so turned on.

  “Fine, home first, no more talking like that til we’re back. I’ll fall off the bike.” He mimes zipping his lips and locking them. Guess that will have to do.

  We finish our ride and head back to the motorcycle. Eli realizes he still has the cider cups and says he’ll be right back. While he goes to throw them away I get my helmet on. He’s back quickly and gets on the bike. As we pull out I hold him tight with my head resting on his back.

  I drift in thought on the ride home. I realize I’m happy. Like, really happy. I squeeze Eli a little tighter. He briefly covers my hand with his own, warm and comforting. Safe. I haven’t felt safe in a long, long time and now I’m feeling it on the back of a motorcycle. A motorcycle a lot like another I was once on, where I also had that happy, safe feeling. I want to explore the abs I feel under that shirt, but I’m not sure if that would be too much of a distraction. I can’t seem to help myself though. I’m already sealed up to him, chest to his back, making my breasts feel heavy, hips snugged up to him where the vibrations can be felt in the seat reverberating through my thighs. I slowly slip a hand down to the hem of his leather jacket and ease my fingertips under the edge. What’s good for the goose… I feel him suck in a breath, but I’m not sure if it’s from my cold hands, my touch, or a combination of the two. I continue until I can trace defined lines and ridges. Just touching them makes my breath come faster and I have to refrain from rubbing my chest on his back. I splay my fingers across his abdomen and rest it there for the rest of the ride before I cause a distraction that makes us wreck.

  We pull up and into the garage after it opens. I dismount and take my helmet off. Eli has an intense look on his face as he turns to me. He roughly pulls me close, cupping my ass and pulling me tight to him, his groin and chest aligned with mine. He has a pained look on his face and tilts his hips further into mine. I let out a soft groan e
choed by his. He just stares at me for what seems like forever. Then he slowly leans down and barely brushes his lips against mine. A whisper of a kiss really. Then he turns and begins unloading the saddle bags. He leaves the pumpkins on a shelf and takes a bag inside with him telling me to hit the alarm on my way in. Wtf was that? Gets me all hot and he just walks away? Must know I’m on my period. Or he’s playing at something and I think he might win with as needy as I’m feeling right now. And if I have to admit it to myself a little warm spot in my chest. I didn’t want to care about him, but I didn’t think he or my heart was going to give me that choice.

  Chapter 8

  The days pass by quickly. We’ve gotten into a bit of a routine, almost like a real couple, cooking, cleaning up, hanging out watching movies or working on reading assignments companionably. I’m not sure what to think of it all. I know I have to talk to him soon, explain where I’m coming from. This situation won’t last forever, I’ll be going back to the dorms soon and after that to live with Alex. Eli has taken to snuggling while in the living area if we’re just watching a movie and a kiss to the forehead. On top of this I think he’s declared silent warfare.

  Randomly every time I see him he’s half naked. Bedroom doors left cracked so I could catch glimpses of all that skin, lounging around in just shorts, workouts, okay I expect it in workouts, I’ve taken to using the gym myself. It’s one of the two doors that access the fourth floor. I don’t know what’s in the other room, when I asked he said it was for the business. I found the gym after seeing Eli coming downstairs all sweaty and in shorts as I was coming up the stairs to the apartment.. And holy crow that was something to see. Boy has some serious definition. I had to ball my hands into fists and cross my arms to keep from reaching out and touching. The day I decided that he had officially declared a silent war to keep me drooling 24/7 was the day I came home later than usual and heard the shower running. I heard moaning and as I quietly went down the hall I could see the Eli’s bedroom was open and the bathroom door was cracked. I heard the moan again. My heart plummeted into my stomach and my eyes started to burn. He’s screwing someone in there right now. How could he?! I stood there not able to move. Should I confront them now or wait until they come out? I wasn’t going to be a coward. He couldn’t do this. Tell me he wanted me, being patient and barely touching me. I know it’s basically what I asked for, but I didn’t ask him to fuck someone else while he waited. This was over, unacceptable. And that’s what really hurt, why I forced myself to go to push the door open. As I touched the door I heard another moan, this time with a name in it. “Remi”. I could barely see through the fogged over glass of the shower, but what was going on was unmistakable. I’m drooling, I know I am. My pulse is instantly through the roof and lady town is announcing with fireworks that she’s open for business. Eli had one had one hand braced on the wall while the other fisted the length between his legs. And holy cannoli he was packing. I was going to have to plan for that. (Not that I was exactly sure what planning would entail, that’s what google was made for, but that’s a convo for another time). Eli’s hand was moving rapidly and his hips were pumping up to meet it. He started panting between moans. I know as soon as I realized he wasn’t, as the song goes, ‘banging on the bathroom floor, that I should have turned around and given him his privacy. I’m not sure how I would feel if it had been the other way around. Oddly I find I’m more turned on than off at the thought of Eli watching me the way I was watching him. As I continued to stare Eli threw his head back and found his release, a short time later he went back to washing. I turned to go, I couldn’t let him find me here watching like a creeper.

  After that I was walking around almost constantly with a lady boner. I’ve had my fair share of sexy thoughts, but this was getting ridiculous. Maybe I was turning into a guy. That would explain the frequency. I was going to burn up. I don’t think my heart rate was ever going to go back to normal and I constantly felt flush. One evening while we were painting the little pumpkins we had gotten from the pumpkin farm Eli asked if I was feeling alright. I blushed until I’m sure I resembled a tomato. Eventually I’ll stop turning red around him, right? I feel like a ridiculous preteen blushing it up every five minutes.

  “You’ve looked hot all afternoon Remi. Do you have a fever?” He reached over to touch my forehead smoothing away the loose strands of hair that had come out of my messy bun. My breath hitched and Eli smiled, an evil, knowing smile. “Are you having trouble with something Remi? I could help with that.” His voice had dropped into a whisper as his fingers trailed down my cheek, lower to my neck, over the very edge of the swell of one breast. I held my breath as I watched that hand, then he pulled back. “Say the word and I’ll dive between those beautiful thighs in an instant.” I almost choked on my own spit with his blunt remark. His eyes stay locked onto mine the entire time. I want to say yes, I want to beg him not to stop. But I hesitate and he sees that hesitation. He swears and disappears into his room shutting the door. Faintly I hear the sound of the shower running. I grin to myself, at least I’m not the only one in need of a cold shower.

  It's the day before the Halloween and Alex and I are in my room trying on the costumes we picked out earlier in the week.

  “I can’t believe you get to stay here, this place is awesome.” I look around and agree with her. It is pretty fabulous here.

  “Is Eli going to the party too?” Alex asks.

  “I think so. A bunch of the other guys on the team are going to be there from what I’ve heard.”

  “So, what’s going on with you and Eli? I’m guessing it’s a little weird since he’s been chasing after you since school started and now you end up living with him.”

  “It’s actually been really nice. He said he doesn’t feel right pushing a relationship with me staying here so he’s backed off until I say differently. He’ll occasionally say things or we’ll talk or do stuff, but he stops the second I hesitate. I’m not uncomfortable here if that’s what you’re getting at. Actually”, I say blushing, “I kinda wish he’d stop being so tame. Dude is seriously making me frustrated.”

  “What happened? Tell me, tell me!”, Alex squeals jumping up and down like a fangirl at a One Direction concert.

  “Really, Alex?” I say dryly. “I accidentally walked in on him showering…and I didn’t exactly turn around and leave right away.”

  “I want details. A shower encounter, unless you’re naked too, isn’t anything more than an oops. Spill.” Alex is holding up a hairbrush like she’s gonna whack me with it if I don’t give her the gossip.

  “Not a lot to tell. The shower door is frosted,” I look down with a grin on my face, “but I could definitely tell what he was doing.”

  “Shut the fuck up. You watched him do that? You perv.” Alex doesn’t exactly look scandalized, more interested than anything. Do not punch best friend, I repeat Do. Not. Punch. Friend. OMG I’m jealous. I don’t think I’ve ever been jealous of my friend. I shake it off. She wouldn’t do that even if I told her to at this point. Girl code and all.

  “I know and I’m pretty sure he knows I was there too. He teased me about being “hot”. I thought he was in there screwing a girl. I was pissed that he would say he wants me and then go bone someone else the first chance I’m not here.” I get a little cranky thinking about it still.

  “So instead you got an eyeful. You go girl. You should have just opened the door and climbed in. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.” Alex waggles her eyebrows at me as she says this. I cover my eyes with my hand, cuz really I was tempted and l know it.

  “Alex,” I groan.

  “Fine. Alright so let’s see it. Do the twirl.” I spin around in my costume. “Shit girl, that’s hot, and almost slutty. How did you pull that off? I can never get you in anything like this, you’re covered though. Half the chicks there are going to have their ass cheeks hanging out. Including me,” she says with a Cheshire grin. I look down at my costume. A little face paint and some colored hair spray is all I’
ll need to finish off my Harley Quinn outfit. Technically my ass cheeks are hanging out. They’re just covered in these printed leggings.

  “What’s Eli going as?”

  “I’m not sure, he hasn’t said. He’s been pretty busy with football. From what he’s said it sounds like they might get to the playoffs this year.” I change into lounge clothes and as put my costume up.

  Alex and I head out to the kitchen. I get down two cups and fill them with coffee and hand her one. I set out the cream and sugar and we doctor our coffees. Eli comes in from practice along with a gust of air from the door bringing his scent with him. I inhale and sigh. So, so good.

  “I don’t smell dinner,” he says with a smile. He knows I’m checking him out. Guess I am pretty obvious about it. I sigh again.

  Alex turns to him with her mouth hanging open. She rapidly fixes that and blasts him with a glare. ”Excuse me? Did you just imply she should have dinner waiting on you?” Alex looks like she’s ready to smack him.

  “I was just teasing. Remi knows I appreciate her cooking, but she knows she doesn’t have to.” He looks to me for help while Alex glares on.

  I put my hands up. “I’m not getting in the middle of this. It’s too entertaining.”

  “So, ladies,” Eli quickly throws out, “looks like I’m cooking dinner. Pizza or Chinese?”

  “Good save oh so smart one.” Alex looks less murderous now. “I have to finish a paper for tomorrow, but you two have a good time.” Alex winks and is out the door shortly after.

  “Did you want to stay in a watch a movie or play a game? We can order in. My treat.” Eli says.

  “That sounds fantastic. Pizza? We can do half and half. Make mine mushroom, ham, and black olives please. I’m going to go straighten up my room some. Alex brings new meaning to the name dervish.”


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