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Searing Ecstasy

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by Setta Jay

  Table of Contents

  Searing Ecstasy

  Searing Ecstasy – Book Seven (The Guardians of the Realms)






  Glossary of Terms and Characters:


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31


  Other Titles by Setta Jay:

  About The Author

  Searing Ecstasy

  Setta Jay

  A Guardians of the Realms Novel

  Searing Ecstasy – Book Seven (The Guardians of the Realms)

  Drake, the powerful dragon and leader of the Guardians, has spent his long life protecting all inhabitants of the four Realms, but fails to save the one who matters most. His mate. In the month since finding her feral, he’s been slowly losing control of his beast and soon he fears the dragon will reign free unleashing it’s fury upon the Realms.

  Delia has changed. No longer a carefree young woman, she is now a nightmare in the making. After her abduction and torture she unwillingly houses two beasts and more power than she can ever contain on her own. She can never be released. Nor can she have the male who gives her any semblance of sanity in her new world, the one she craves more than her own freedom.

  With unknown enemies on the horizon and yet another God awakened will they lose themselves in the madness of an impossible mating? Or will they come together in searing ecstasy, bonding them in a way that sets them both free?



  Searing Ecstasy Copyright © 2015 Setta Jay, LLC

  All rights reserved. Federal copyright law prohibits unauthorized reproduction by any means and imposes fines up to $25,000 for violation. toodles


  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental. The characters and places are products of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

  Warning: Sexually explicit content (beds actually get burned down) and alpha males and females with bad language.


  Editor: BookBlinders

  Proofreader: Pauline Nolet


  To my amazing proofreader, Pauline Nolet. Thank you for constantly moving mountains to help me and always going above and beyond. You do so much more than deal with heinous typos and a complete lack of respect for punctuation, you make the team whole.

  *If you see a typo here it’s because Pauline didn’t proof it. ;)*


  As always, a huge thank you to Lindy and Pauline for helping make these books the best they can be.

  Kisses to my husband for just being amazing.

  Thank you to all the Book Bloggers who have given me immeasurable support and guidance. Sending out big hugs to you all!

  I also want to thank those of you in the Setta’s Sexies fan groups on Facebook and Goodreads. You make me smile every day! I love you all! I want to send a special shout out to Lee, Kumiko and Suzanne for being awesome Admins. I was instructed to announce that the name Delia is a typo. ;) Please insert either Kumiko, Suzanne or Marie into your minds while reading. LOL.

  Thank you to all who post, engage or just watch the craziness from the sidelines in all my social media outlets.

  And lastly, a MASSIVE thank you to all of the fans for reading. I wouldn’t be able to do what I love without your support.

  Glossary of Terms and Characters:

  Ailouros – Immortal race of half felines, known as the warrior class, strong and fast

  Akanthodis – Hell creature with spines all over its body and four eyes

  Aletheia – Immortal race with enhanced mental abilities and power within their fluids, can take blood memories, strong telepathy, the race that spawned the vampire myth

  Alex – AKA Alexandra, Demi-Goddess daughter of Athena, sister to Vane and Erik, mate to Uri

  Alyssa – Hippeus (half warhorse), daughter of Adras and Ava, mate to Gregoire

  Aphrodite – Sleeping Goddess, one of the three good Deities, mother to Drake

  Apollo – God who experimented with the Immortal races, adding animal DNA to create the perfect army against his siblings

  Ares – Sleeping God and father of the Tria

  Artemis – Sleeping Goddess and mother of the Tria

  Astrid – Kairos, friend of Ileana’s dead parents, business partner to Rain and Alyssa

  Athena – Sleeping Goddess – One of only three Gods that were good and didn’t feed off dark energies and become mad, mother of Alex, Vane and Erik, mate to Niall

  Bastian – AKA Sebastian, Kairos (teleporter), Guardian of the Realms, diplomat for the Guardians within Tetartos Realm

  Brianne – Geraki (half ancient bird of prey), Guardian of the Realms, hybrid, mated to Vane

  Brigitte – Mageia who managed Natasha and Nastia erotic club in Earth Realm

  Charybdis – Immortal abused by Poseidon and then sold and experimented on in Apollo’s labs, she gave a portion of her life force to create the mating spell, aka mating curse, so that no Immortal could breed with any other than their destined mate.

  Conn – Lykos (half wolf), Guardian of the Realms, mated to Dacia

  Creators – The two almighty beings that birthed the Gods, created the Immortals and planted the seeds of humanity

  Cyril – Demi-God son of Apollo, Siren/healer, dead bad guy

  Dacia – Lykos, mated to Conn

  Deleastis Rod – A spelled artifact that was used by Apollo to lure Immortals to him

  Delia – Powerful female abducted by Cyril and experimented on, Drake’s mate

  Demeter – Sleeping Goddess

  Demi-Gods or Goddesses – Those born to a God or Goddess

  Dorian – Nereid, Guardian of the Realms, mated to Rain

  Drake – AKA Draken, Demi-God dragon, leader of the Guardians of the Realms, son of Aphrodite and her Immortal dragon mate Ladon

  Efcharistisi – City in Tetartos Realm

  Elizabeth – Aletheia – evil female who found a way to free Apollo

  Emfanisi – Yearly, week-long event where Immortals and Mageia of age go to find mates

  Erik – Demi-God son of Athena, Ailouros (half-lion), Vane’s twin, Alex’s younger brother, mated to Sam

  Geraki – Immortal race of half bird of prey, power with air

  Gregoire – Hippeus (half warhorse), Guardian of the Realms, mate to Alyssa

  Guardians – Twelve warriors of different Immortal races chosen by the Creators to watch over the four Realms of the world.

  Hades – Sleeping God – One of the three good Gods, father to P (Pothos)

  Hagen – Lykos, Dacia’s eldest brother

  Havoc – Uri and Alex’s pet hellhound that was rescued as a pup and bonded to Uri

  Healers – AKA Sirens, Immortal race, power over the body, ability
with their voices

  Hellhounds – Black hounds blood bonded to the Tria in Hell Realm

  Hephaistos – Sleeping God

  Hera – Sleeping Goddess

  Hermes – Sleeping God and Apollo’s partner in the experimentation and breeding of Immortals for their army

  Hippeus – Immortal race of half warhorses, power over earth

  Ileana – Ailouros (liger), Jax’s mate

  Jax – AKA Ajax, Ailouros (half tiger), Guardian of the Realms

  Kairos – Immortal race whose primary power is teleportation

  Ladon – Immortal dragon, mate to Aphrodite, father of Drake, friend of Jax

  Limni – City in Tetartos Realm

  Lofodes – City in Tetartos Realm

  Lykos – Immortal half wolf with the power of telekinesis

  Mageia – Evolved humans, mortals compatible to be an Immortal’s mate, have abilities with one of the four elements; air, fire, water, or earth.

  Mates – Each Immortal has a rare and destined mate, their powers meld and they become stronger pairs that are able to procreate, usually after a decade.

  Mating Curse – A spell cast in Apollo’s Immortal breeding labs that ensured the God wouldn’t be able to use them to continue creating his army. Charybdis cast the spell using a portion of her life force and now Immortals can only procreate with their destined mates.

  Mating Frenzy – Starts when an Immortal comes into contact with their destined mate, a sexual frenzy that continues through to the bonding/mating ceremonies.

  Mia – Dacia’s sister, Lykos

  Nastia – AKA Chaos, Immortal created by Apollo, twin to Natasha

  Natasha – AKA Tasha and Nemesis, Immortal created by Apollo, Nastia’s twin

  Nereid – Immortal race of mercreatures, power over water

  Ofioeidis – Huge serpent hell beasts, hardest to kill out of all the hell creatures

  Ophiotaurus – Hell beast with the head of a bull and tail of a snake

  Ouranos – City in Tetartos Realm

  P – AKA Pothos, Guardian of the Realms, Son of Hades, second to Drake

  Phoenix – Immortal race with ability over fire

  Poseidon – Sleeping God

  Rain – Mageia, destined mate to Dorian, best friend of Alyssa

  Realms – Four Realms of Earth; Earth - where humanity exists, Heaven - where good and neutral souls go to be reincarnated, Hell - where the Tria were banished and evil souls are sent, Tetartos – Realm of beasts – where the Immortals were exiled by the Creators

  Sacha – Kairos (teleporter), Guardian of the Realms, diplomat for the Guardians within Tetartos Realm, Bastian’s mother

  Sam – AKA Samantha Palmer, mated to Erik, power over metal, Mageia/Ailouros

  Sander – Phoenix, Guardian of the Realms

  Sirena – Siren (healer), Guardian of the Realms, primarily works to find mates for Immortals in Tetartos

  Tetartos Realm – The Immortal exile Realm, once known as the Realm of Beasts

  Thalassa – City in Tetartos Realm, where the Lykos clans live

  Tria – Evil Triplets spawned from incestuous coupling of Ares and Artemis; Deimos, Phobos and Than

  Tsouximo – Hell beast resembling a giant scorpion

  Uri – AKA Urian, Aletheia, interrogator, Guardian of the Realms, mate to Alex

  Vane – Demi-God son of Athena, Ailouros (half-lion), Erik’s twin, Alex’s younger brother, Brianne’s mate

  Zeus – Sleeping God


  Cyril’s Hidden Lab, Tetartos Realm

  Delia had become a thing of nightmares. Chills slid down her spine and burrowed into her darkening soul. What he’d made her was wrong and horrible, something she’d never escape.

  Two beasts were battling for control inside her mind and body. She felt like she was being torn apart by their unending need for blood and dominance, but it was impossible to fight them. Shivers ran over her exposed skin as the roar in her head nearly split her skull. Tears tracked down her dirty cheeks. She was alone in the dark, left where no one could hear her crying out into the dank cell and cave tunnels beyond.

  Cyril, her captor, had left her naked, violated and riding waves of pain and madness. The drug he’d pumped into her system had already changed her and now the beasts forged from the unnatural matings were fighting for what was left. The winner would take control; she was too weak to withstand much more, her mind already too fractured.

  A true mating to an Immortal would have given her one single animal to match that of her male, but what Cyril had done to her was a twisted version. He’d destroyed her. She still heard his self-satisfied voice taunting her with his genius at circumventing the mating curse. A spell created thousands upon thousands of years ago in order to stop Apollo from breeding Immortals like animals to create a perfect army against the other Gods.

  His son, Cyril, now continued that work, and what he’d done was a warped experiment that was turning her into something less than mortal.

  Another harsh cry ripped from her throat as her naked back slammed against the cold metal bars of her prison. The delicate flesh of her wrists split open anew from the iron shackles holding her. Tingles slid under the broken skin as her flesh healed all over again. Cyril had loved every minute he’d spent hurting her. She’d almost severed her wrists fighting as he destroyed everything she’d once been.

  The Demi-God had taken everything from her the moment he’d had her abducted.

  Her mind echoed with the howling of the wolf who fought the shadow beast inside her mind, but it didn’t distract her from the memories of what he’d said to her as he’d taken her. “I’ve made you perfect. You have so much fight, my delicious Delia. You’ll never escape me.” His too warm breath against her ear would forever haunt her. The memory twisted her stomach violently. “The pheromones I added to the serum were magnificently strong. You would attract any Immortal that came within a mile if I allowed it. They’ll want to claim you, my beautiful Delia. They’ll endure anything to have you. I could barely wait for you to successfully mate the Lykos before taking you myself.”

  She panted through the need to vomit as she remembered his delight in telling her just how much he’d destroyed her life. How she belonged to him and would never see the light of day again. That she would forever be a slave to him.

  Even worse, he planned to do it again. He wanted more power, and Immortal matings equaled strength and added abilities. She was nothing but a tool, one who was making a sick bastard an even scarier force in the world.

  She had sisters. They were young now, but they’d never be safe from the threat of the monster destroying their innocence as he had hers.

  The shadow beast slammed the wolf into the far recesses of her mind, wrenching another cry from her lips. Her screams rang into the cave system as the animals chipped away at her sanity.

  Her back collapsed back to the cell after she heard one last anguished howl from the wolf. Over. It was finally over. She sucked in great gulps of air, feeling as if her heart were breaking at the animal’s pain. The shadow beast had won the battle and now it would try to take its prize. She had to fight it. The animal was filled with so much fury and rage that she feared what would happen when it finally took her over.

  Tears were slowly drying on her dirt-covered face, but she couldn’t wipe them away, not with the metal chains holding her pinned against the bars.

  The silence of the beasts gave her some reprieve from the madness, but left her feeling desperate as a flood of information filled her mind. A moan ripped from her throat as she attempted to comprehend everything. All she could grasp with certainty was Cyril’s plan had to be stopped. He couldn’t be allowed to have more power, to destroy more lives. She felt that knowledge with a clarity that nearly stilled her heart.

  The metallic scent of her blood slid into her lungs with every deep pant, fueling the beast’s rage. Her vision flickered to red. The shadow demanded Cyril’s life in payment. She looked dow
n at her dirty blood-coated skin, she was still a person, the beast wasn’t contorting her bones into something else, but it was definitely taking over, pushing her out.

  She wasn’t herself anymore.

  Was this madness?

  Moments later her neck arched back and bright lucidity hit, lighting up images and plans in her mind.

  She stilled with intense unequivocal knowledge. The hammering of her heart was drowned out by the certainty of what she had to do. She sucked in a deep breath. She’d only get one chance because she wouldn’t be able to hold the animal off for long. She would eventually lose her sense of self and she was too scared of what her beast was capable of when that happened.

  The forced mating to Cyril had filled her with too much power. Power he had to be feeling as well. Maybe more, since he’d started out as a Demi-God not a mere mortal as she’d been only days ago. It was almost as if she could actually feel her cells changing and pulling under her skin. She wanted to scratch it away.

  Urgency filled her. If she didn’t act soon, she wouldn’t have enough of herself left to stop what was happening.

  She couldn’t let the beast out. It would kill Cyril, but then what?

  She needed him to think her weak. If he was worried that his prized experiment was failing, he wouldn’t be prepared for what he found. She’d only have one chance to end this. They were both gaining power with every second that ticked away, and if he was becoming anything like her, no one would be able to destroy him. Only she could.

  Her sisters’ eyes shone in her mind. She would do what she needed to make sure he couldn’t harm them or any other female. Her life was lost forever, but theirs wouldn’t be destroyed.

  She forced the animal down with a strength born of fear and desperation.

  She cried out when another blast hit her with so much power that it felt as if it was pushing something vital outside of her skin. Her.

  She closed her eyes, needing her mind to last just a few more minutes.


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