Searing Ecstasy

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Searing Ecstasy Page 11

by Setta Jay

  Hands gripped him and power whirled around to keep him from transforming and laying waste to the manor so he could get to Delia. He’d take the whole fucking wing down if it meant he could touch her, ease this.

  He heard Hades’ voice. More arguing and then it stopped, and Hades was gone, but the hands still held him—the power.

  Her throaty moans slowly changed from intense pleasure to pain and he lost it.

  He teleported along with every warrior still holding on to him.


  Delia couldn’t control her mind. She’d been slowly losing her hold for hours and it was more powerful than being taken over by the beast. It was a wild kind of compulsion, each soft touch along the connection made her crave more. The dragon’s constant hold had been a kind of sweet comfort, but it wasn’t enough.

  Sirena was there talking to her in that magical voice, but she couldn’t focus on the healer. Nothing stopped the need, which seemed to have hit some momentous fever pitch. She wanted him so fiercely she was hurting for it. This was completely different from when she’d scented him. This was stronger, starting off blissfully beautiful as her beasts stilled. She could feel a hint of fear from them, but nothing more. No harsh bids for freedom or howling misery as the wolf mourned. It was an odd anticipation that tempered the undercurrents of rage and grief.

  The frantic beautiful whirling of her soul was hypnotizing her with a pleasure pain so deep she’d never relieve the ache.

  She couldn’t control any of it. She tried to tell him, but she couldn’t even speak now if she wanted to.

  “Delia, we’re going to fix this.”

  She eased from the soft soothing cadence only to be hit again with even sharper need. “You can’t.” She gasped, preparing for the next surge of pain.

  “There’s a way.” The healer’s voice was urgent this time.

  She was moaning and curling into herself on the bed. Flames licked at the walls, her own power fighting for freedom. She tried to calm it, call it back, but it was wild. She was so wet she couldn’t stand it as her mind conjured up every fantasy she’d ever had since first scenting Drake. She needed the healer to leave. She telekinetically hit the exhaust system to suck the air and fire away, worried that her desire would carry the same pheromones that her exposed skin had. “Go,” she demanded of Sirena.

  “No. Hades will be here any moment. He says he can fix this for you and Drake.” The healer’s voice was packed with power, but the soothing cadence wasn’t doing much.

  “Can’t.” She couldn’t have the dragon. She’d destroy him.

  “You won’t hurt him.” Sirena was crouched at her side, her hair blowing wildly with the superpowered air filtration. “You have to do this.”

  Delia shook her head. She’d deal with the pain.

  “You are in the frenzy. Both of you are. He will go mad if you don’t do this,” Sirena practically snarled, using the full force of her voice to enhance her words. The seriousness of her tone along with the sheer power slipped into Delia’s mind and festered. Frenzy. Drake was caught with her. She closed her eyes; there wasn’t a way out now. She might destroy the dragon.

  “You won’t but the frenzy could, if you don’t let Hades in.”

  Another God? How was he out?

  She nodded as searing pain hit her. The pain she could deal with, but harming Drake wasn’t anything she could handle.

  She felt the power in the room shift, the spell that secured the space released, and a glance showed the God stalking inside. She stood before him, fighting the pain as she eyed the dark-haired Deity. His massive black wings and intense power filled the room as his long midnight hair whirled with the air currents. Nothing could obscure his glowing sapphire eyes as he assessed her in a way that felt invasive. The room felt too small as she was hit with another harsh pang of pain.

  Without warning, she felt his power slamming inside her body. Her head shot back and she instinctually tried to fight it even though Sirena had said she needed to let him do this. Her fire lit around her as she blasted the God with a telekinetic hit that slammed him into the wall. She heard something crack and she roared, but his power was still inside her.

  Sirena called to her, using power to try to calm the storm. The flames stayed away from the female, but blazed at the God, and she struggled to call it back. She felt something warm inside her chest and then she heard the wolf make a soft noise and then the immense sorrow of the mourning beast was gone. It was taken away so fast it staggered her. Her flames finally flickered away as she experienced such instant relief that she moaned. The wolf wasn’t just eased, it had blinked out, the animal was just… gone. Her eyes latched onto the God; his gaze was intent as his power continued to thrum inside her toward the shadow, who’d stilled, just waiting for something.

  She heard a growl in her link with Drake and her eyes moved from the God to the doorway. Her mate was there with Guardians holding him, and so much power flooded the small space it felt like the ceiling would explode outward.

  I’m okay, she sent into the mental connection. She groaned when another sharp pang hit her stomach, but she lifted a hand up and shook her head at Drake.

  The God was helping her, she tried to make it clear, but words, even telepathic ones, seemed impossible. She closed her eyes to blot out the sight of her angry dragon. He was making it harder to breathe. She felt his bloodlust for the God. Her dragon was jealous. A part of her sighed at the thought, but it was all too much to process.

  A second later the shadow’s fury eased and was lifted away in a soft blink. The God’s warm power slid from her and she reached out to steady herself against the wall before she collapsed with relief so intense her ears were ringing and a part of her held her breath, waiting for it all to snap back. She finally sucked in a deep breath.

  Tell me, Drake demanded in her mind and she tried to send reassurance as Hades snapped, “It’s not finished. You can let them go fuck, but her pheromones will still need to be dealt with.”

  I’m just… it’s good, she finally got out, but another pang hit her stomach. Need. Drake roared, shaking everything in his fury. His woodsy scent was filling her lungs, making her moan.

  Sirena blurted in urgency, “What will the drugs in her do to him?”

  “Likely nothing, though I suggest no blood bonding until we finish this.” The God was rustling his feathers as he growled the last, “I doubt they’re even listening.”

  Drake’s snarling was shaking the ground again and Delia was caught by the perfection of that animalistic sound.

  The second Drake was freed he was on her, lifting her into his thick arms. She gasped and moaned in blissful pleasure when they moved with blinding speed before breaking apart. She let go and allowed him to port her where he would.

  Chapter 12

  Drake’s Home, Tetartos Realm

  Drake reformed growling, his mate’s arms wrapped around his neck with her head thrown back on a deep moan. Teleporting with her was fucking torture on his dick; they’d combined into one being before reforming separately. A brutal side effect of the damned frenzy.

  He taken her the second Hades confirmed that they could mate. Seeing her pained need was too fucking much. He’d deal with the rest later; right now he needed to ease his female.

  He gritted his teeth to get through the wild need as he walked her into the water at the warmest side of the cavern lake. Her greedy moans and questing fingers were driving him crazy. “Hold your breath,” he warned a second before submerging them into the more tepid water to clean the mud from her skin. He also needed to find a way to cool the heat burning his flesh. He growled as his beast demanded he claim her, but she’d been through too much to take her the way he wanted. He’d be gentle with her if it fucking killed him.

  When they came up, she pushed her long hair off her beautiful face and lifted her hands to his neck, pulling him down for a kiss. The minute their mouths touched it was nearly as electric as feeling her in his arms. He set his tongue ag
ainst hers and felt goose bumps rise along her skin and he groaned his approval at her reaction. Her fingers dug into his hair and held him as she devoured his kiss. Urgent cries echoed in his mind and he held her close, allowing her hands to explore him. Her palms moved from his hair to his chest and back as he reveled in the taste of her on his lips, the warmth of finally having her in his arms. The frenzy drove every hard pull and angle of their lips as clothes ripped and tore free. He carried her further into the water, fighting the need of his beast to fuck her hard. To take what was his. Her skin burned nearly as hot as his as she writhed in his arms.

  Pure pleasure slipped through the bond, telling him she loved every second of his touch. Her moans ratcheted the need higher. He felt animalistic need in the link as she turned in his arms and wrapped her thighs around him.

  She broke the kiss, gasping for air as her bright golden eyes captured his. “Now. I need you inside me,” she demanded as steam rose from their bodies and her fingers tunneled in his hair. He groaned when she used telekinetic power to grip his fucking cock. He snarled into another frenzied kiss. He sent his own telekinetic touch to pinch her nipples and then slid to roll over her clit. He wanted her tits in his fucking mouth, but when she started riding his cock through the wet denim of his jeans, he had to force back his own intensity.

  Wild need slipped into his mind as she moaned into his mouth and he fucking loved how greedy she was, but fuck, she was completely wrecking his ability to be easy with her. She was using her power and strength in a way that riled his beast.

  Mine, she growled into the link as her thighs tightened around his hips.

  Fuck yeah, he loved that.

  Then claim your male, temptress, he demanded and within seconds she’d shredded the rest of his wet tee shirt and flung the pieces away as she started biting and sucking at his neck until he was clenching his jaw tight. He tore off the rest of her shirt and soft pants and gripped her hips tight, grinding her into his hard jeans-covered cock. She took one more taste of his skin, running her tongue on the cords of his neck, making his muscles ripple and contract.

  When she lifted up, she gripped his hair to pull him in for another kiss, her hard nipples connecting to his hot chest nearly ignited him on fire. She used a burst of power to tear his jeans off and then his cock was against the silky hot flesh. He growled deep as she rode the length.

  She was claiming him. His beautiful fiery temptress was nipping at his lips and yanking on his hair to get more of him and he fucking loved it.

  She snarled into his mind. Stop holding back. I don’t need you to be careful with me. I need you wild, primal, as out of control as I am. Her body writhed against his as she broke the kiss, giving him a glimpse of the heavy-lidded eyes of a primal female. Her beautiful gaze lit the dark cavern and called to his beast almost as much as her deep breaths. She lifted up to get his cock where she needed it. It was the final confirmation he needed from her. He roared before letting his wings break free of his back to circle around them, around her, before lifting her up and impaling her in one hard thrust. He watched closely as her head fell back in a sharp cry of pure blistering pleasure. His cock jerked inside her, having never felt a more perfect fit. She gripped him with so much heat the water around them warmed.

  His female.

  He groaned in pure animal pleasure at finally being inside her.

  Her fingers caressed the scales of his wings and moved over his neck, digging her nails in as if to mark him. He growled his approval.

  The sight of his female so abandoned was driving him hard. She moaned and reached up for his head, yanking his lips back to hers as she started to push her hips for more. He took over the kiss and gave it to her, slamming her harder on his cock.

  She moaned in the link. More… harder. That urgency set the pace as he hammered her with a force that broke the kiss as she cried out her pleasure to the ceiling. Their frenzied mating sent the entire body of water rocking and splashing in waves around them.

  He gripped her hips and gave her what she needed. Grip me with your pussy.

  She groaned and clamped down hard at his words. His ears were tuned to her mental gasps. Please, more.

  He lifted a hand and fisted the wet strands of her black cherry hair, angling her head to take her moans into his mouth. Another pull tilted her neck back, offering her beautiful throat to his lips and teeth. Bending, he trailed his mouth over the skin there before moving to her ear and nipping. She keened as he rocked her hard and fast on his cock. She gripped him so fucking tight, he’d never felt anything so perfect.

  All he heard was their wild groans and water sloshing against their skin and the rocks at the edge of the lake.

  She tightened around him. Own my dick. Ride it as hard as you want. Show me what you need. He growled, demanding more from her. He could feel her abandoned need to claim him, and heard her desire to mark him as her own. He was just as fucking out of control and possessive, wanting to brand her smooth silky skin just as fucking much.


  Mark me, temptress, he challenged. At his words she growled into his lips and her nails went to his shoulders and chest. He felt the sharp cuts, but he also felt her holding something else back. Do not ever hold back what you want, he snarled in warning. You can have anything.

  Her eyes lit as her pussy gripped his cock hard enough that he snarled in pleasure. That’s it, temptress. Rock rained down around them as the walls shook. It was good that the walls and ceiling were magically reinforced or they’d bring the mountain down.

  Again, he demanded, looking down into her beautiful gold eyes. Next time I’ll take my fucking time. I want your hot pussy all over my lips. I want the taste of your come on my tongue. He growled, circling his hips. Right now I want it all around my cock.

  She was panting with need when he gripped her hips and rammed into her until she was holding tight and clamping down as cries of pleasure tore from her lips. Her lithe body jerked with release. That’s it, give it to me, temptress.

  He took in her sultry gasps as her body shuddered.

  Do it again. I know you have more for me. I fucking want it all, he ordered. Do it and I’ll give you all my come. But he wanted more than just his come all over her, in her, he wanted to fucking own this powerfully wild female.

  She gasped and cried out as her body surged with so much power it rocketed through him and lit the entire cavern as it exploded into the ceiling. He instinctually sent out his own power to harness it. The whole mountain shook and waves crashed around them as white-hot searing pleasure racked his body. He filled her with heated jets of come as he felt the erotic heat pulling from his skin. She was marking him and he growled as that power rolled around them both. He fucking wanted the same damned thing.

  He was growling deep when he wrestled the power back to his female and felt it working. Her head collapsed against his chest, panting and limp.

  He held her head against the heavy beat of his heart and let his wings lift them out of the water. He felt stronger, more powerful, but it was the pure contentment of having her in his arms that sent him reeling. His still-hard cock stayed inside her tight body as they lifted into the air. Rather than port them anywhere and disturb her rest, he landed near a tunnel and he retracted his wings, carrying his female through the passage towards their bed.

  Her cheek snuggled against his chest and then her head shot up and she sucked in a breath as she stared at the mark there. Her gaze sparked so bright her eyes nearly glowed with intensity. Then his female growled in such pure animalistic pleasure it lifted his lips.

  He looked down at the beautiful golden markings on her shoulder and chest and knew they likely matched what she was seeing on his.

  His beast growled in satisfaction when their eyes lifted and locked.

  Chapter 13

  Guardian Manor, Tetartos Realm

  Hades was left in the tiny room with Guardians blocking the door and an angry healer, Sirena, challenging him. He remembered her, this was the
one who’d grown up hidden away in Aphrodite’s palace. And now she was facing off with him, a God? The Guardians were trying his patience in abundance.

  Sirena was powerful, but not enough to go against him. Yet here she was demanding, “Tell me exactly what you did and what we need to do next.”

  He raised an eyebrow as he looked down at her.

  The small blonde could be dust under his foot if he so chose, but he’d always been overly forgiving of females. She obviously knew that weakness.

  He growled, rotating his wings after Draken’s dirty female slammed him into the wall. He was still irritated and shocked at the female’s power. Freeing her beasts had been the safest thing to do all the way around. She was far too powerful to be so split and distracted by the damaged animals. She’d been an explosion waiting to go off… she might still be. He was uneasy with all the power he’d seen.

  The healer was still looking at him with her hands on her hips. He would indulge her attitude to a point. Only because she was worried about his nephew.

  “I freed her beasts,” he answered simply.

  Sirena’s eyes widened and he heard a couple of gasps as she asked, “You killed them?”

  He frowned down at her, aware the other Guardians were crowded into the hallway, listening. Their strength thrummed around him as they waited to learn the fate of their leader. He approved of their loyalty even if it was taking up too much of his time.

  Though he’d been shocked when Drake’s soul had started whirring so violently, it had been to Hades’ benefit. The warriors had been forced to allow him continued freedom in return for fixing the problem.

  “I released them,” he pointed out, since apparently killing the beasts outright had unsettled them.

  “Can you do this to any of us?” It was Brianne who asked; his ex-commander looked vaguely horrified. All of the Guardians had tensed since he admitted what he’d done. He could point out the obvious. He was a God. And the only Deity with an affinity for souls, and since the beasts had been attached to that life force, all he’d had to do was set them loose.


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