Spotsylvania, Battle of, 24, 110, 169, 174, 178, 218, 224, 310
Sprague, Kate Chase.
See Chase, Kate
Sprague, William, 129–130
Springfield, Illinois, 17, 59, 254, 284, 285, 287, 290, 291, 308
Spring Hill, Tennessee, 197
St. John’s Island, 180
St. Louis, Missouri, 59, 63, 80, 190, 233, 287
Stahel, Julius, 128, 151
Stanley, David S., 201
Stanton, Edwin, 121, 122, 125, 134, 148, 176
Star of the West, 10–11, 24
Statistics, 62–64, 122, 164–165, 186–187, 252
Stephens, Alexander H., 9, 17, 21, 40, 41, 194
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 246
Stiles, Robert, 226–227
Stoddard, William, 299
Stokes, Frank, 159
Stoneman, George, 69, 173
Stones River, Battle of, 113–114, 116–120, 198
Stonewall Brigade, 252
Stowe, Frederick, 158
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 158
Stragglers, 75, 152
Stratford Hall, 141
Stratton, Charles Sherwood, 305
Stuart, Flora, 217
Stuart, J. E. B., 36, 77, 94, 144, 166, 208, 216–217, 237, 310
Stuart, John Todd, 286, 289
Submarines, 131
Sudley Springs, Virginia, 51
Suffrage, women’s, 301
Sullivan’s Island, 9
Sumner, Charles, 6
Swift, Delia, 146–147
Switzerland, USS, 127
Taft, Bud, 303
Taft, William Howard, 140, 259
Taliaferro, 236
Taney, Roger B., 26, 153, 296
Taneytown, Maryland, 153
Taylor, Sarah Knox, 238, 267, 268
Taylor, Zachary, 19, 127, 238, 267, 268, 290
Tecumseh, 282
Teel, Travonian, 99
Tennessee, 62
Tennessee campaign, 24
Tennessee River, 73, 80
Terryville, Connecticut, 247
Texas, 63
Texas Brigade, 195
Third Winchester, 205
Thirteenth Amendment, 181
Thomas, George H., 121, 197
Thompson, Franklin, 147–148
Tilden, Samuel J., 222
Todd, Alexander, 239
Todd, Ann, 280
Todd, Betsey Humphreys, 280, 288.
See also Humphreys, Elizabeth
Todd, David, 239
Todd, Eliza, 238, 280
Todd, Elizabeth, 280
Todd, Elodie, 27
Todd, Frances, 280, 284, 285
Todd, George, 239, 279
Todd, John, 280, 282
Todd, Levi, 279, 280, 281, 282
Todd, Robert, 279, 280, 283–284, 289, 291
Todd, Robert Smith, 238, 280, 282
Todd, Sam, 239
Tomb of the Unknowns, 259
Tompkins, Sally, 135
“Tom Thumb,” 305
Toombs, Robert, 29, 30
Torpedoes, 85, 131
Townes, Nathaniel W., 68
Transylvania, 282, 283
Traveller, 201, 254, 255, 256
Tubman, Harriet, 149
Tucker, George, 217, 218
Tullahoma, Battle of, 173
Turchin, John Basil, 151
Turchin, Mrs. John Basil, 151
Turchininoff, Ivan Vasilosvitch, 151
Tyler, John, 17, 27, 158
Tyler, Letitia, 27
“Uncle Jack,” 108–109
“Uncle Jim,” 257–259
“Uncle Jimmy,” 61, 62
Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 183
“Uncle Toney,” 245
University of Virginia, 105–108, 214–216
U.S. Sanitary Commission, 86, 87
Valley City, USS, 133
Valley Forge, 282
Valverde, Battle of, 98–100, 309
Van Lew, Elizabeth, 212
Verdery, Mary, 69
Vermont, 63
Vicksburg, CSA, 126
Vicksburg, Mississippi, 267
Vicksburg, siege of, 24, 114, 120, 121, 125, 126, 157, 169, 180, 190, 214, 250, 306, 309, 310
Vicksburg Wartime Military Park, 192
Villard, Henry, 48, 53
Vincennes, USS, 56, 58
Virginia, 39–42, 62, 252, 260, 261, 290
Virginia, CSA, 85, 125, 309
Virginia Central Railroad, 166
Virginia Convention, 40, 42
Virginia House of Delegates, 94
Virginia Military Institute, 40, 114, 140, 310
Virginia Mourning Her Dead, 140
Volk, Leonard, 263
Von Borcke, Heros, 144, 150
Waite, Morrison R., 223
Walker, Mary Edwards, 149–150
Wallace, Frances, 284, 285
Wallace, Lew, 212
Wallace, William, 73, 284
Warm Springs, Virginia, 166, 167
War of 1812, 282
Warren, Lavinia, 306
Warrenton, Virginia, 180
Warrenton Turnpike, 43, 45, 47
Washington, Booker T., 235–236
Washington, D.C., 49, 50, 52, 66–68, 84, 86, 87, 110, 127, 168, 175, 177, 180, 211, 257, 260, 261, 262, 288, 289, 290, 293, 294, 295, 299, 307
Washington, George, 20, 33, 237, 257, 261, 267, 282
Washington, Martha Custis, 33, 85
Washington College, 256
Washington Monument, 297
Water Witch, USS, 58
Watson, Walter, 227
Watterson, Henry, 26
Weitzel, Godfrey, 224, 226
West Point, 33, 37, 38, 58, 173, 195, 205, 214, 218, 237, 238, 268
West Point, Virginia, 89, 166
West Virginia, 62
West Woods, 196
Wheeling, Ohio, 125
Whig Party, 170, 283, 289
White, Luther, 159
White House, 77, 122, 127, 128, 139, 176, 237, 251, 255, 261, 279, 297–298, 300
White House Landing, 84, 89
White Oak Swamp, Battle of, 39, 88
White’s Station, Virginia, 181
Wilderness, Battle of the, 110, 174, 175, 176, 218, 224, 310
Willard’s Hotel, 26, 87, 128, 240, 241, 242, 243, 295
William P. Clyde, 275
Williams, Catherine, 230, 231, 232
Williams, Mrs. Joseph, 231
Williams, Nancy, 61–62
Williamsburg, Battle of, 169
Willis, Nathaniel, 301
Wilson, James, 173
Wilson’s Creek (Missouri), 213
Winchester, George, 267
Winchester, Virginia, 211, 222, 252
Wing, Harry E., 175–176
Wingate, W. H., 103
Winston County, Alabama, 75–77
Wirz, Henry, 181, 212, 247
Wise, Henry A., 84
Wise, John, 212
Wise, O. Jennings, 212
Wise’s Legion, 213
Withers, A. C., 231–232
Witherspoon, Betsey, 102
Witherspoon, John, 102
Wolf, Victor, 191
Wolford, Daniel, 218
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 284
Women, 146–151, 284
Wooapple, Charles A., 98
Wood, Harriet, 233
Wood, William S., 300
Woolfolk, Pichegru, 122
Wright, David Minton, 104
Wright, Horatio, 177
Wrightsville, Pennsylvania, 157, 158
Wythe, George, 20
Yates, Richard, 59
Yellow Tavern, Virginia, 216, 310
Yorktown, Battle of, 134
T. Michael Knasel
C. BRIAN KELLY, A PRIZE-WINNING JOURNALIST, is first, the editor and
longtime columnist for Military History magazine. He is also a lecturer in newswriting at the University of Virginia. As a reporter for The Washington Star, he was named 1976 Conservation Communicator of the Year by the National Wildlife Federation; he was also cited for his political reporting by the American Political Science Association and for local reporting by the Washington-Baltimore Newspaper Guild.
Ingrid Smyer has been a freelance writer and editor, ballet teacher, and civic and political activist. She is a member of the Charlottesville (Va.) Historical Resources Committee and former member of the board for the Lewis and Clark Exploratory Center of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Best Little Stories from the Civil War: More than 100 true stories Page 46