The Meet Cute

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The Meet Cute Page 3

by Ellie Milhone

  Double checking to make sure the closed sign was up she considered ignoring it, but truth be told, she really couldn't afford to turn away potential clientele.

  Sighing deeply Quinn put on her best sales lady smile as she walked to the front to open the door, faltering slightly when she saw who it was.

  Trevor Connors! The council member from yesterday who had undressed her with his eyes. What on earth did he want this time of the morning?

  And now it was too late. He had seen her, so she would have to talk to him.

  Quinn unlocked the door and tried to sound as polite as possible.

  "Trevor isn't it? From the town council?"

  "So glad you remember me Ms. Cunningham. I hope I am not intruding but I was just passing by on my way to work and saw someone moving about. I am glad to see that you are also an early bird and that I have not managed to surprise a burglar."

  He was not bad looking when he smiled really, but Quinn could not for the life of her shake the feeling of unease she felt in his presence.

  She smiled back a little stiffly and decided to get rid of him as quickly as possible.

  "It gets a bit busy during the day so I sometimes like to come in early to get a head start on the paperwork. Is there something I can help you with?"

  "Actually, I think it's me that can help you. I was really impressed with your proposal yesterday. May I come in?"

  Quinn was so surprised at this response that she moved aside without thinking. Trevor took this as an invitation and sidled past her to look around her small shop with interest.

  Given the nature of her business it made her a little uncomfortable to have him look at her wares with such apparent enjoyment.

  And why on earth did he not say anything yesterday when she was battling to get her message across to the other council members?

  Very uneasy now Quinn looked at her watch and noticed with relief that is was almost eight o'clock. Sarah said that she would be in early this morning, so Quinn would not have to be alone with Trevor for long, she hoped.

  Trying to put as much space as possible between them, Quinn moved behind the counter and indicated that he should have a seat before continuing.

  “I must say I am surprised to hear you say that Mr. Connors. You did not seem particularly interested in my presentation yesterday."

  "In fact, after the council rejected my proposal, I got the distinct impression that you did not rate my ideas very highly, and that any further attempts on my part to apply for funding would be considered a waste of time.”

  Looking uncomfortable at this, Trevor gave a nervous chuckle and said, “I am sorry if we seemed somewhat disapproving towards your proposal Ms. Cunningham, but you must realize that the er… services you offer here are hardly a necessity and seems a little frivolous compared to some of the other businesses that applied for grants.”

  Quinn could feel an angry flush starting to creep up from her neck and tried to calm herself. What a damn cheek! To sit there looking all pious and apologetic like he was stating a fact, telling her that the business that she has slaved over for the past two years was not good enough to be considered for the grant.

  Breathing deeply before replying, Quinn placed her palms down on the cool surface of the desk and leaned forward.

  “I should hope Mr. Connors, as we live in a democratic country in the twenty first century that the council members would feel obliged to offer the same consideration to every business application and not just the ones they deem worthy.”

  Paling slightly at this, Trevor held up his hands as if to ward off any further attack.

  “Of course Ms. Cunnigham, it is our civic duty to give all the applications received equal time and consideration."

  "What I meant to say was that there are unfortunately some of the older council members that are a bit set in their ways and who do not consider the matter of undergarments as a serious business.”

  When Quinn simply looked at him and folded her arms, Trevor continued nervously.

  “I of course do not agree with this school of thought at all. And that is why I am here, to offer my support."

  "I would be very happy to help you with your proposal and perhaps together we could come up with a way to make it more… appealing to the older generation, get them on board so to speak. Over dinner one evening perhaps? I could even put in a good word for you with the council."

  Quinn was openly gaping at him now. Was this man seriously asking her out on a date? After insulting her livelihood, and on the pretense of helping her “make her business more appealing."

  “Mr. Connors, let me assure you, that if it was my intention to make my business proposal more appealing to the older generation, you would be the last person I would turn to for help."

  "And furthermore, I am appalled that you would use your position to try and solicit dates from applicants."

  Breathing heavily, more angry than she had ever been in her entire life, Quinn paused to glare at Trevor.

  His demeanor had undergone a radical change while she was speaking. Gone was the simpering, ingratiating manner. He looked angry and mildly surprised at her outburst.

  Getting swiftly to his feet, he started moving towards the door while looking pointedly at his watch.

  "I am sorry you feel this way Ms. Cunningham. But my only objective was to assist you with the application process, as I would any business members from the community who wished to apply for a grant."

  "I would hate for there to be any misunderstanding about my intentions. If you will excuse me, I need to get to work."

  In his haste to get away, Trevor did not notice Sarah coming in and nearly knocked her to the ground. Muttering something under his breath, he ignored Sarah's indignant cry and practically ran out through the door into the street, quickly disappearing from view.

  Sarah looked questioningly at Quinn, "What the hell was that about? Who is that guy? Was he robbing you? Do we need to call the cops?!"

  Quinn smiled for the first time since Trevor had walked into her shop. Her best friend had the best timing, as usual.

  "No, he’s not a criminal. Definitely a spineless, slimy, weasel of a man but unfortunately I don't think we could have him arrested for that."

  She slumped down onto the nearest chair, her legs a little shaky after the encounter with Trevor.

  She felt slightly icky, almost as though his bad behavior reflected on her somehow. Sarah’s concerned face hovering over her brought Quinn back to the present.

  “That was the guy I was telling you about yesterday. The one who was undressing me with his eyes the whole time I was doing my presentation.

  “Oh no! Quinn, did he hurt you? Are you ok? Do you want me to phone someone?” Sarah looked ready to hunt Trevor down and take care of him herself. Quinn smiled and shook her head slowly.

  “No, nothing like that. He just caught me off guard, that’s all. He had the audacity to come in here and tell me that my business is not “serious” enough to be considered for a grant and then he offered to put in a “good word” for me with the council if I went out to dinner with him. Can you believe it?”

  “What?! Why that scum swilling toe rag! I have a good mind to march over to his office and have a little chat about appropriate behavior in the workplace, and just generally as well come to think of it!”

  Sarah looked so fierce with her hands balled into fists on her hips, Quinn couldn’t help a giggle of mirth escaping at the picture she presented.

  “Quinn, are you ok? Why are you laughing? Do I need to slap you or fetch some smelling salts?” Sarah looked at her with a relieved smile once she realised that Quinn was ok.

  Giggling hysterically now, Quinn wiped a tear from the corner of one eye and looked at Sarah.

  “Where on earth were you planning on getting the smelling salts from? Sarah, I do believe you have been reading too many regency romance novels.”

  “Well, for your information, you can still buy smelling salts at pharmacies. Al
though I believe these days they are mainly used by boxers and athletes."

  "And never you mind how many romance novels I read. What is a girl to do for a little romance in this town? Pickings are extremely slim I tell you.”

  Sarah glared at Quinn mock seriously and they both burst into a fresh round of giggles.

  “Let’s forget about Mr. Creepy Connors and tell me all about your date with Logan. I have been dying to hear everything! I would have phoned you last night it wasn’t for the fact that I didn’t want to interrupt at an inopportune time. I’ll put the coffee on while you start talking missy.”

  Sarah waggled her eyebrows up and down suggestively before bustling to the back to start the coffee.

  “And don’t leave anything out please! Just remember that those of us with no love life have to live vicariously through you.”

  “I told you it wasn’t a date Sarah! It was a business meeting. And it went very well. Logan is sending through a business proposal later today and I have a ton of stuff to do before then, so I better get to it."

  Moving back behind the desk, Quinn booted up her laptop to get started, nearly jumping out of her seat when Sarah leaned over and snapped the screen shut again with a bang.

  "Oh no you don't! You are not getting off that easy. Spill the beans Red. I am not going anywhere until I get all the gory details!"

  Looking at Sarah's folded arms and stubborn expression, Quinn sighed and resigned herself to the inevitable. If she didn’t tell Sarah at least some of what happened, she won't be able to get any work done today.

  "There isn't much to tell really. It was a nice enough evening, the food was very good. I really liked the restaurant, great vibe and service."

  "I listened to Logan's proposal and agreed to at least consider it and let my lawyer look it over before making a final decision."

  "That reminds me! Do you know any law students that would be willing to have a look at it for me, who won't charge an arm and a leg?"

  Sarah looked at her with narrowed eyes and tapped her foot impatiently.

  "Red, are you seriously telling me that you spent an entire evening with that piece of man candy, who seems to have a bit of a thing for you, and all you did was talk? Pull the other one!"

  Smiling to herself Quinn mused that Sarah reserved her nickname "Red" only for very serious discussions. Oh dear, she was not going to get out of this conversation easily.

  “Honestly Sarah, you know I tell you every little detail about my life and if anything had happened between myself and Logan last night, you would be the first to hear about it.”

  Sarah looked unconvinced, but simply raised one eyebrow as she poured coffee and rummaged in a tin for some chocolate biscuits.

  "Anyway, no time for chit chat. I have to get to work and you have to find me a lawyer. If I don't get some stuff done there will be no business deal and both of us will be out of a job."

  To Quinn’s amusement, Sarah saluted smartly before replying, "Sir yes sir! I am on it. One almost lawyer coming up stat."


  Logan was lost in thought. He was supposed to be getting ready for a meeting, but instead he had been sitting behind his desk, thinking about Quinn for the last half an hour. She was a total revelation, a breath of fresh air. Sweet natured and feisty at the same time.

  He was accustomed to more calculating women, who were only out for what they could get from him.

  Whether it was money or connections, he was always aware of the fact that there was a hidden agenda. And he had been ok with that.

  Up until now that is. He had surprised himself last night by agreeing to Quinn’s wish to keep things on a strictly professional level.

  That had not been his intention going into this, but it seemed important to her and he felt compelled by some unknown force to honor her request.

  The phone on his desk rang, bringing him back to the present with a start.

  “Yes Tracey, what is it?” His reply was a little short and he could hear the hesitation from his secretary as she replied.

  “Sorry to interrupt sir but a courier just delivered some documents for you. They are marked urgent. Shall I bring them through now?”

  Ah! The proposal for Quinn. He had his legal team work through the night to have it ready by today. It was his intention to hand deliver them as soon as this meeting was finished.

  “Yes, thanks Tracey, bring them in and clear the rest of my schedule this afternoon.”

  Smiling to himself at Tracey’s surprised “Certainly sir” he thought that it was past due that he took some time for himself. His schedule was always hectic, with little time for personal pursuits.

  With a sigh he took the documents from Tracey when she brought them in, ignoring her questioning look as he waved her away and told her to hold all his calls and to make sure that everyone was in the boardroom on time, no excuses.

  The quicker he got this meeting out of the way the quicker he could see Quinn again.


  Quinn was busy wringing up a sale when she heard the front door of the shop open yet again.

  It had been a busy morning and though she was grateful for the turnover, she was looking forward to a short lunch break to recharge her batteries.

  With all the walk-ins they were getting, she would have to take turns with Sarah for lunch today. They simply could not afford to miss any sales.

  Smiling as she handed the bright pink shopping bag to the waiting customer, she looked up and froze when she saw who had come through the door. Logan! Here, in her shop.

  Her heart skipped a beat and her stomach did that funny fluttering thing it seemed to do whenever she was around him. What was he doing here? He was carrying a large, thick envelope in one hand, but surely his proposal could not be ready so quickly?

  He looked gorgeous as always. Dressed in a casual, slim fitting, navy blue suit with a vest and no tie, he looked like a model from a men’s catalogue.

  Coupled with his overwhelming air of self-confidence, it was a deadly combination.

  Swallowing hard, Quinn cleared her throat and tried to sound as normal as possible, smiling and holding out her hand as if she received devastatingly handsome moguls in her shop on a regular basis.

  “Logan! This is a pleasant surprise. I did not expect to see you again quite so soon.”

  Smiling warmly at Quinn in return, Logan took her hand and brought it to his lips for a quick kiss instead of just shaking it. OMG. Where was Sarah? Please don’t let her have seen that! Quinn would never hear the end of it.

  “Quinn, lovely to see you as well.” He released her hand reluctantly as Sarah walked in from the storage area at the back of the shop.

  “I apologize for dropping in unexpectedly but I received the documents earlier and wanted to talk them over with you as soon as possible.

  “Over lunch perhaps? I promise not to keep you too long. I realize you must be busy, so maybe somewhere close by?”

  Turning to Sarah who was staring at him with her mouth slightly open. He held out his hand with a friendly smile.

  “And you must be Sarah. Nice to meet you.”

  Smiling from ear to ear, Sarah shook his hand with enthusiasm.

  “Nice to meet you too.” Gathering her wits, Sarah glanced at Quinn before turning back to Logan.

  “Of course you must take Quinn out for lunch. There is a lovely little deli down the street. Great sandwiches. The perfect spot for a lunch meeting.” So she had heard everything from the back of the shop!

  Looking pointedly at Sarah, Quinn smiled tightly before replying.

  “Are you sure you can manage on your own? It has been busy this morning and I would hate to leave you to cope on your own.”

  “Don’t even worry about it. I am sure I will manage just fine. You two go and have a good time.”

  Looking very pleased with herself and making shooing motions, Sarah pulled a face at Quinn when Logan turned to open the door and gestured for Quinn to walk ahead of

  “If you’re sure Sarah. We won’t be long, I have my phone so call if anything comes up ok?”

  Quinn looked pointedly at Sarah, signaling with her eyes that they would have a chat about her best friend throwing her under the bus like this later.

  Completely unperturbed, Sarah just smiled and with a small wave closed the door behind them.

  Logan looked like he was about to burst out laughing, but quickly swallowed it when he saw the expression on Quinn’s face.

  No way was he brave or stupid enough to comment on her friend’s obvious enthusiasm for the two of them to have lunch together or the eager way she shooed them out of the shop like a mother waving her daughter off on her first date.

  At least he got to have Quinn to himself and that was all that mattered. Looking forward to spending some time with her, he grabbed her hand, looking left and right before speaking.

  “So where are we headed? I must confess that I have not had much time to explore since I arrived.”

  “Luckily I think I just found someone to show me around, a very sexy someone I might add.”

  Quinn blushed and looked away quickly to cover the effect his nearness was having on her. Oh boy, so much for keeping things professional and all that. He was making it impossible.

  Tugging at his hand which was still firmly wrapped around hers she turned and started walking in the direction of the deli, speaking over her shoulder as he obediently followed.

  “Not to be a pain, but I need to get back to help Sarah. It’s been a busy day so far and I don’t want to leave her by herself too long.”

  “Whatever you say mam! I am at your disposal.”

  Quinn rolled her eyes and kept walking up the road hoping desperately that she would not be seen holding hands with Logan McKenzie. It was still a small town and news travelled fast.

  The last thing she needed was a bunch of rumours doing the rounds about the two of them.

  “I think that lady on the other side of the road is trying to get your attention, it seems like she knows you. Do you want to go over and say hi?


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