The Meet Cute

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The Meet Cute Page 5

by Ellie Milhone

  She cleared her throat and looked at him expectantly. Sheesh, he realized that had been staring at her like a love struck teenager. Smiling, he leaned in to kiss her cheek, inhaling her wonderful flowery scent.

  "You look beautiful."


  Quinn looked him up and down appreciatively. He was wearing a casual dark blue suit with a crisp white shirt and open collar.

  “So where are we going? I hope I am dressed ok?” She looked down nervously at the amount of cleavage revealed by the dress. Normally she liked dressing a little more conservatively. Why did she let Sarah convince her to wear this!?

  Logan took her hand, waiting patiently as she pulled the door closed behind her and made sure the lock was engaged.

  “For where we are going you look perfect!”

  Hurrying her along to his car, he opened the passenger door and helped her slide into the slow slung seat of his sports car. The tight skirt of her dress made it difficult for her to get in without flashing a whole lot of leg and he smiled appreciatively as Quinn blushed furiously and tried to pull the material back down over her exposed thighs.

  Chuckling to himself, Logan made sure she was buckled in securely before closing the door and going around to the driver’s side.

  Ten minutes later, Quinn was surprised to note that they were heading towards the opposite side of town. Most of the restaurants were located near the center. Maybe a new restaurant had opened and she had just not heard about it. It was totally possible because she had been rather preoccupied with the shop recently.

  When they pulled up to a modern, high rise building on the outskirts of town, Quinn looked at Logan curiously as he guided the car into an underground parking garage.

  A friendly security guard lifted the boom, nodding to Logan as they drove through and parked close to a sleek, glass paneled elevator towards the back of the garage.

  Logan came around again to help her get out of the car, placing his large hand on the small of her back as they waited for the lift. Quinn shivered and moved closer to him instinctively.

  He looked down at her with concern, rubbing her back briskly for a second before taking off his jacket and placing it over her shoulders.

  Surprised by the gesture she looked up at him and smiled. Not for all the money in the world would she tell him that the shiver was not because she was cold but because of his touch.

  As the doors opened, he guided her inside and turned to enter a code into the control panel. The doors closed and Quinn felt her stomach do a small flip as the elevator swiftly accelerated, she had never been a big fan of lifts.

  Thirty seconds later the doors opened again and Quinn caught her breath as she looked at the sight that greeted them.

  There was a beautiful rooftop garden, lit by discreet recessed panels and what must be dozens of candles. In the center stood a table with two chairs, laid out with elegant glasses, silverware and napkins.

  A formally dressed waiter was hovering nearby to pull out her chair and pour some wine the moment they sat down.

  Quinn looked around in wonder at the magical, almost ethereal setting. Did Logan do all this just for her?

  Well, obviously the garden was here already, but the decor and the dinner and the waiter? She looked back to find him studying her carefully, almost like he wanted to make sure that she was happy with everything.

  As if there could be any doubt?! He must have gone through a lot of trouble to organise this for her and she felt special and cherished at the thought.

  “Thank you for doing this.” She gestured around them.

  “It’s beautiful and I appreciate the trouble you must have gone through. No one has ever done anything like this for me before.”

  He shrugged dismissively before replying, “I am glad you like it. I was worried that you might be disappointed that I did not take you somewhere more… extravagant.”

  “More extravagant than this?” Quinn laughed and gestured around her again. “I don’t think that is even possible.”

  Logan laughed but shook his head. “In my experience, the expectations of a woman dating a wealthy man are quite high. I blame it all on the movie “Pretty Woman”."

  "Richard Gere has a lot to answer for. It seems every time a woman goes on a date with me she expects to swept off in my private jet for an elaborate night at the opera complete with expensive jewellery and designer gowns. Unfortunately for them though, I happen to hate the opera.”

  Quinn burst out laughing at this last admission. He looked so charmingly rueful, she almost felt sorry for him. But then she remembered that he was after all a millionaire - possible billionaire according to Sarah - and a big boy who could look after himself very well.

  She could not imagine anyone forcing Logan into doing anything that he did not want to do.

  I'm fact, he had a ruthless air about him that reminded her of a caged tiger waiting to be sprung on an unsuspecting victim. She supposed it was all part of being successful in an often unforgiving business world.

  She shivered again, thinking to herself that she would do her best to stay on his good side. She definitely never wanted to be on the receiving end of that part of his personality.

  Quinn looked up as Logan touched her hand, concern in his voice as he said, “You are cold. Jeffrey, please can you fetch one of the rugs for Ms. Cunningham?”

  The waiter returned almost immediately with the rug and Logan took it from him and settled it over Quinn’s legs himself before sitting back down.

  She smiled her thanks and took a big sip of wine, determined to enjoy this evening with Logan. It was not often that she went on dates at all, never mind one this amazing.

  Tilting her head and looking at him inquiringly she asked, “Other than the fact that you are a very successful, extremely wealthy businessman, who has been on many elaborate dates, I don’t know much about you. What do you do for fun?

  Picking up her hand and placing a soft kiss on her wrist Logan smiled before answering, “I won’t deny the fact that I have been on quite a few “elaborate dates” as you say, but I can say with certainty that none of them even came close to comparing to this evening with you.”

  Quinn blushed and looked away from the serious expression in his beautiful blue eyes. She was convinced that they had the power to hypnotise a woman into doing anything that he wanted her to do.

  Case and point her serious lapse in behaviour the other day, letting him kiss her in the middle of a busy street.

  Clearing her throat, she looked around for something to help break the spell he seemed to have cast around her.

  Her eyes landed on a small buffet, set up beside a tasteful, pebble and stone water feature. She looked back at him, keeping her tone of voice deliberately light.

  “So tell me. On these dates, do you actually ever eat any food or do you just spend the whole night staring into each other’s eyes? Not that I object to a bit of romance, but I must admit that it might go down better if you feed a girl first.”

  Laughing at this, Logan gestured for Jeffrey to start filling two plates for them while he topped up their wine himself from the bottle in the stand next to the table.

  Once the almost overflowing plates had been set down in front of them, Logan dismissed the waiter saying that they would serve themselves dessert.

  He didn’t like the way Jeffrey kept staring at Quinn, it was making him feel very possessive and overprotective.

  And besides, he wanted to be alone with her. That was the whole reason for setting up their date on top of a roof after all.

  Strange to think that a few days ago he had not even known her and now she has become such a big part of his life.

  It was a little unnerving to think of it that way, but he was not about to let such a precious gift slip through his fingers, because what they had was too rare.

  Smiling fondly at Quinn as she dug into her food with enthusiasm, he decided that he enjoyed having a meal with a women who appreciated good food.
r />   Some of the models he had dated in the past were usually on such strict diets that most of what he ordered remained uneaten. It had become tedious after a while.

  In the midst of popping a divine garlic baby potato into her mouth, Quinn looked up to find him staring at her and smiled sheepishly. "Sorry but I am starving and the food is amazing."

  Logan grinned at her before digging into his own food and said, "Actually, I was just thinking how nice it is to share a meal with someone who appreciates the food as much as I do."

  "I enjoy cooking, though sadly I don't have much time for it these days."

  Quinn looked at him in surprise. He smiled and took a bite of the lamb before responding.

  "I travel a lot and eating almost every meal at a restaurant gets old pretty fast. So I learned how to cook, and when I get homesick I like to make food that reminds me of home."

  Oddly touched at the thought of this confident, independant man making his own meals because he was homesick, Quinn felt her heart melting.

  The strong, powerful business man craving the comforts of home cooking betrayed a softer more sensitive side that she had not really associated with Logan up till now.

  She couldn't resist teasing him a little. "Looks AND cooking skills! What a deadly combination. Please go easy on my heart Mr. McKenzie."

  "I make no promises. All's fair in love and war." Topping up their glasses as he spoke he winked at her again with a devilish grin.

  "Besides, the way you look in that dress tonight, I should be the one asking you to go easy on my heart Ms. Cunningham!"

  Blushing furiously, Quinn took a big gulp of wine, unable to fully meet Logan's intense gaze.

  Trying to diffuse the sudden tension, She looked around with interest at the rest of the roof garden.

  Now that she was not so ravenous anymore and the wine had taken the edge off her nerves, she wanted to have a look around. Who knew when she would get the chance to come up here again?

  "This is really pretty. I would never have imagined that such a beautiful garden existed on top of an apartment building!" There were inviting love seats with soft looking pillows where you could sit and enjoy the twinkling lights of Faircliff down below and there was even a telescope in one corner of the roof, the lens pointing up to the stars as if it had been recently used.

  Grabbing a bottle of champagne resting in an ice bucket near the table, Logan held out his hand for Quinn to take. "If you have had enough to eat, let's have a seat on one of the benches, the view is much better from there."

  Getting to her feet a little unsteadily, she almost stumbled. Logan took her arm and steadied her as she tried to find her balance. She was not used to walking in heels - even small ones - and with the added influence of wine they were turning out to be quite the challenge.

  "Why don't you take your shoes off? It will be more comfortable for you. Have a seat first though, I don't want you to hurt yourself."

  Quinn sank down gratefully onto the bench and sighed in relief as she removed the offending items.

  With a chuckle Logan popped the cork on the champagne, filling and handing a glass to Quinn before grabbing her ankles and swinging her feet onto his lap.

  She would have protested but he started rubbing them and she could hardly contain a groan of pure pleasure as he gently massaged the aches away.

  Sipping her champagne, a blissful expression on her face, she contented herself by staring at Logan's gorgeous profile while he worked some kind of black magic on her tired feet.

  "I think you've done this before. Admit it. This is how you seduce vulnerable women with sore feet into your bed. You are nothing but a philandering foot fiend."

  Logan laughed at this but shook his head before holding up his hands in mock surrender.

  "I swear, I use my powers only for good. Not evil. The only other woman I have ever given a foot rub to is my mother."

  "Awww, that's rather sweet. Now I feel bad for calling you a philandering foot fiend."

  Still chuckling, Logan looked at Quinn before leaning in and placing a soft kiss on her surprised lips. Pulling back slightly, his blue eyes more serious now, he gently tucked an escaped lock of hair behind her ear.

  "I don't mind what you call me, but I promise that I would never intentionally hurt you Quinn. You are very special to me and I look after what's mine."

  Stunned at this admission and the possessive tone of his voice, Quinn looked away and closed her eyes for a few seconds, her head spinning a little from the wine and champagne. When she opened them again he was looking at her with concern.

  "Are you alright? Would you like a glass of water?"

  "I'm fine." Waving her hand absently at him she explained. "I just didn't have much to eat today and the wine has gone straight to my head."

  Frowning at this, Logan gave her a stern look. "I never would have started feeding you wine if I had known that you haven't eaten all day."

  "I did have breakfast this morning." Feeling defensive now, Quinn looked at him defiantly.

  Cursing softly under his breath he stood and gently scooped her up into his arms as if she weighed nothing at all and started walking towards the elevator.

  Sucking in a surprised breath, Quinn pushed against his shoulders with both hands.

  "Please, I can walk by myself. I just felt a little dizzy for a moment." He smelled so good and being this close to him made her head start spinning again.

  Alarmed at her reaction and the fact that he seemed to have no intention of putting her down she asked in slightly panicky voice," Where are you taking me?"

  Punching in a security code again, Logan waited for the doors to open and carried her inside before pressing a number on the panel just inside the door.

  He looked down at her before answering, "I am taking you to my apartment. You need some aspirin and water and then you need to rest."

  He kissed the top of her head, which suddenly felt heavy on her shoulders. She presses her cheek into the soft material of his jacket and closed her eyes again.

  To tell the truth, it felt kind of nice and floaty to be carried by Logan like this and she relaxed, snuggling into him as the lift descended quickly before opening straight into what looked like a living room.

  She looked around in awe at the lush modern decor of his apartment.

  The walls and furnishings were soft, muted blues and grays. Comfortable couches and chairs were placed strategically around the living room, creating a cozy, relaxing environment.

  Heading straight for the hall and main bedroom, Logan settled her gently on the bed before walking back towards the large open plan kitchen.

  He returned two minutes later with an ice cold glass of water and two tablets. Placing the tablets and water in her hand he gently covered her with a soft cashmere throw from the bottom of the bed.

  "Drink this, and finish the entire glass of water."

  His concerned gaze following her every movement, Quinn quickly swallowed the tablets before draining the water. Looking up at him questioningly she put the empty glass on the nightstand next to her.

  Kissing her softly on the cheek, Logan gently pressed her down on the bed and covered her with another blanket.

  "Now sleep. I promise you will feel better in the morning."

  Feeling tired and oddly soothed by his comforting presence, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.


  Quinn balanced a cup of coffee carefully on two boxes in her left arm, juggling her bag and keys as she unlocked the front door of the shop on Monday morning.

  She was glad to see that Sarah hadn't arrived yet.

  She needed a few minutes to collect her thoughts and figure out how much to tell her friend about the weekend.

  She had spoken to Sarah briefly after Logan had dropped her off at home yesterday, but she had not gone into much detail.

  Saying that she was tired and that she would see Sarah in the morning for full disclosure, she had fallen into bed early and
slept like the dead until six am.

  Closing the door behind her and setting everything down on the counter she took a reverent sip of coffee. Just thinking about Logan made her smile.

  She had woken up wrapped securely in his arms with only a slight headache thanks to his insistence that she take some tablets and water.

  Feeling horribly embarrassed after she pretty much passed out on his bed, she had desperately tried to detangle herself from his arms to sneak into the bathroom for some much needed repairs.

  He had simply tightened his arms around her, halting her headlong rush for the bathroom and kissed her cheek, asking how she was feeling.

  After reassuring him that she felt fine, he had told her to help herself to a spare toothbrush and some toiletries.

  And as if this wasn't enough, when she finally walked into the kitchen, feeling overdressed in her turquoise mini and still barefoot, because no way was she wearing those heels ever again, he had made coffee and breakfast.

  She could definitely get used to being waited on hand and foot by a sexy hunk who seemed to worship the ground she walked on!

  As if he was reading her mind from

  across town, her phone vibrated with a text notification. "Hey beautiful, hope you are feeling ok. Lunch later? I would love to see you."

  Typing a quick reply, Quinn smiled again and thought about how surreal it was to feel so close to someone she had just met. Sometimes the truth really was stranger than fiction.

  The front door opened and Quinn looked up to see Sarah making a beeline for her, clearly ready to drag every sordid detail out of her.

  "And? Tell me everything!" Where did you go? What happened? For the love of Pete! I need details! I'm putting the coffee on."

  Quinn laughed at her friend and said," Well good morning to you too! I am very well, thanks for asking. How was your weekend?"

  Sarah just looked at her in exasperation before replying.

  "Cut the crap Red. Spill. The. Beans. All of them. You know very well that my weekend was boring as hell because I was studying for exams. Quit stalling!"


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