“Why is the sky blue?” Asked Tina jokingly.
The woman responded in a serious monotone “The light from the Sun looks white. But it is really made up of all the colors of the rainbow. When white light shines through a prism, the light is separated into all its colors. Like energy passing through the ocean, light energy travels in waves, too. Some light travels in short, "choppy" waves. Sunlight reaches Earth's atmosphere and is scattered in all directions by all the gases and particles in the air. Blue light is scattered in all directions by the tiny molecules of air in Earth's atmosphere. Blue is scattered more than other colors because it travels as shorter, smaller waves. This is why we see a blue sky most of the time.”
Jose’s eyes lit up in joy at the site of the marvel before him. He remained speechless.
“Okay” Tina replied.
“That was a waste of a question” said Mercedes sarcastically.
“I don’t think there is a waste” said Drax.
“We could ask anything” said Tina curiously.
“Anything about the beasts, the time stone, etc., etc., etc.?” Tina continued.
“The beasts: omnivorous beings of mammalian, reptilian, and arboreal form. Various cultures vilified same as creatures of power and chaos while attributing them divine powers and signs of deism.” She continued in a monotone form. “Many beliefs span cultures across the globe indicating the presence of magna intelligence amongst many of the beasts of old lore and belief in superior qualities.”
“OK” said Tina, “enough… just tell us about the time stone for real!”
“The time stone for real…” said Celia.
Tina rolled her eyes.
“The legendary relic of countless stories and beliefs reduced itself to the existence of a myth. The belief that a powerful union of beings known as the pregivers created a relic of immense ability and power, not just the ability to harness energy in space but also time. The story continues that the relic was coveted by forces of light and darkness. It was also known as the ‘eye of the Gods” in ancient Egyptian mythology. As a result of many struggles and a mysterious group stole it, the device was taken away and buried. It would later be discovered by the scientist Howard Kowalski and used by the great hero Jack Smack, Detective extraordinaire.”
“That’s it?” Asked Tina angrily.
“There is nothing more on this subject.” Said Celia.
“What is the Union Core Network?” Asked Drax.
“The Union Core Network is an alliance of 74 nations that joined under one banner and one charter in the year 2032 Common Era - C.E. and created the first self-sustaining interplanetary biosphere. Men, beasts, and dozens of extraterrestrial worlds allied under a single banner became a force to be reckoned with in only a short number of years but ultimately ceased to exist. The UCN met its demise on Friday, October 13, 2055 Common Era – C.E. when a sudden denotation in the central headquarters causes a 150 megaton thermonuclear device to explode.”
“The vision I had” said James under his breath. Drax and the others turned to him.
“That’s what started this whole thing… the great conflict. Celia, what is the great conflict?” Asked Drax.
“In the beginning there was chaos when the gangs and sects of the countries of the old world order were at constant odds with each other.” She spoke in a hoarse and melancholy demeanor as the air seemed to permeate in darkness around them.
“I am happy to find this writing” said Jose.
“There were times of great tribulation where death, war, famine, and anarchy reigned supreme. The UCN was the answer and the cure for a peaceful and tolerant society but it did not last long. The central headquarters were destroyed by a large-scale nuclear weapon. After that there was violence again and the elites maintained control in the central citadels of the various nation states and cities while those on the outside fended for themselves and were sought out in hordes to be slaughtered if they posed any risk. The lord of the elites was rumored to be a beast from another world but it is only conjecture.” “This philosophy and ideology be wild indeed” said Cutlass turning about.
“Who caused the explosion?” Asked James.
“That information is not available.” Said Celia. Celia’s eyes widened as the holographic form she embodied fizzled slightly.
“You are the one.” She said looking at James.
“Excuse me” he replied.
“Your face and form are programmed in this archive as a memory recall component. The original progenitor of this program was especially interested in you, James Timewalker the holder of stones. Every few millennial, one arises claiming to be the champion gifted one but only one is the true one. Born of amazing powers and an innate sense of justice in its pure form, the holder is historically descended from the pregivers might and destined to once again rejoin with them at the hour of this world’s most dire needs.”
“You were saying James is some kind of chosen one?” Asked Tina.
“He is some kind of emissary for the pregivers.” Said Drax.
“That explains his powers and his curiosity” said Mercedes.
“There is more to James Timewalker, the holder of stones. The person emulated by this form held a more profound reaction, one of love, a message of peace and tranquility.” Said Celia.
“What does that mean?” Asked James.
“I am sure we might find out” said Drax.
“So much she wanted her form to be remembered so one day you should find it.” Said Celia. “She loved you.”
“Really?” Asked James rhetorically. He approached and touched the holographic face of a woman he never met but apparently touched in some form. “All things are possible in time.” He muttered as his hand passed through her holographic form. For a brief moment he thought of nothing but pleasant things as his mind and consciousness inverted inside and formed a vision of castles and open fields, artisan tapestries adorning a gilded and ruby red throne room inside, a beautiful woman resembling the holographic image before him walking in the garden, a small baby nearby, several monuments devoted to the ‘hero of time’. “Oh wow” he said to the dismay of his colleagues. He felt joy, peace, serenity, and love. Then suddenly the room lit up with a bright red strobe and a loud siren began to flood the room.
“Alright” yelled the hoarse-voiced pirate Cutlass “the blasted noise be damning.”
“Where is it coming from?” Yelled Tina.
They all covered their ears from the loud sound. Celia vanished into the archives where she originated. A doorway slid upward making a loud sound. Drax led the way into the arched entry.
“Come on.” The six ran into the entry the door sealing tightly behind them. They stood in silence and darkness.
“Intruder alert “yelled an automaton voice breaking the silence. A pair of red eyes emerged from the darkness and suddenly the lights came on in a room of almost identical design to the last but slightly larger with more equipment and computer consoles scattered about.
“What is that?” Yelled James as the form of a large robotic-being emerged, about seven feet tall with a thin cylindrical head and torso, thin flanking arms and legs and giant feet stomping the metal boards on the ground with each step. The cylindrical head had two bulbs like projectiles sticking out of both sides and bright large eyes covering almost the entire head with small slits where a nose and mouth would be.
The face lit up with a yellow glow as it appeared to speak “intruder alert, intruder alert.” It walked forward with a lurching stride as it moved its limbs in various forms. Drax moved back with his arms out over the others holding his elfin glove on his right hand. Cutlass drew his sword. James waved his hands and tried to push it back.
“What the hell is that?” Screamed Tina.
“Artificial beings, Androids” said Drax.
“An Android!” yelled James shocked waving his hands at the immense creation. “My powers won’t work. There must be some life components to that thing.” He said.
r /> “I will strike it” said Cutlass moving towards it with his sword and striking it in the shoulder causing an electrical surge to flow along the weapon striking Cutlass. “Great” he uttered sarcastically as he fell back releasing his sword that fell to the ground. Drax fired his elfin glove but an orange shielding protected the robot and the energy from the glove dissipated into the fizzling orange energy surrounding the robot.
“We should get out of here “yelled Tina.
“Don’t have to tell me twice” said Mercedes. The six ran back towards the door but realized they were without egress.
“We’re trapped” said Tina.
“Like rats” James added. The robot continued forward when suddenly a large form emerged from the back and ran towards the robot tackling it to the floor. The six stood in shock as they saw another robot similar in design to the one that threatened them fighting with its counterpart in a twirling battle as their energy shields of bright orange light lit up with each blow. The two wrestled with one another on the ground until the victor prevailed as one struck a heavy blow with its limp right arm growing to a large fist with a swirl of a mechanical attachment and dropping it and striking the other in the eyes causing its lights to fade. The victorious robot stood and faced the five wanderers. They stood on guard not knowing what to expect.
“Greetings” said the robot with an illuminatingly positive stance. “I am Robotic Omicron Base Protector Number 345,561. Welcome to the Base!” The response of the wanderers to the sudden warm welcome was pleasing and they stood more at ease as they approached.
“What was that?” Asked Tina.
“There is a security precaution designed to protect this perimeter. Some are more gung ho than others.” He said in a humorous tone. “What brings you here?”
“I brought them from the main world below.” Said Jose.
“That is not possible because the bridge has been sealed for many centuries.” Replied ROBP 345,561.
“There must have been an opening” said Drax.
“Intriguing. The odds of there being a simultaneous leak in the energy bridge between this installation and the main world below are astronomically complex in calculation.”
“We are looking for something referred to as the ‘dark star’.” Said James.
“Yeah” added Mercedes “it is supposed to be some kind of weapon capable of neutralizing certain forms of energy.
“That reference is unknown to me but there is a power that may qualify. Celia access historical legend database for pre-great conflict era weapon Project Zeus!”
“Accessing…” said Celia as her voice emanated from the entire structure as if omnipresent. “Project Zeus… the theoretical surmising and creation of an antimatter energy weapon of mass destruction that was built with the hopes that it would never have to be used by a team of specially sanctioned UCN engineers and scientists led by the scientist Howard Kowolski whose theories that an advanced race of aliens called the pregivers found a way to turn energy into solid form and vice versa in the space-time continuum grid. The device was believed to be the most powerful weapon ever existing and only exists on the operation of waves of energy that permeate all reality. The weapon is theorized to transmute this energy to overcome any barrier or form whether energy based or corporeal. Nothing can withstand it.”
“Wow” said Tina “a true doomsday machine!”
“The weapon was built by funds funneled for an experiment by a shadowy conspiracy controlling the world’s economic and political arenas from behind the scenes” Celia continued.
Drax’s eyebrows rose.
“They were known as the machination rumored to exist but no evidence of their existence was conclusively found to exist. This is only a dramatization of theoretical and legendary events and not fact.” Celia said.
“Well,” said Drax humbly, “we know this is mostly true.”
“Yes you’re former comrades may be responsible for all this as you previously surmised,” added James.
“There was an experiment and a slip in the surgery of the practical realization of things.” Said Drax.
“What went wrong?” Asked Mercedes.
“It was a temporal shift within two universes happened and intelligent and sophisticated beasts, both good and evil, were allowed to crossover and escape into our universe in all of time.” Said Drax.
“That is what is responsible for all the stuff we saw?” Asked Tina.
“Strong possibility” intimated Drax.
“I don’t understand… beasts, other universes” said Cutlass.
“There are stranger things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophies” said the ROBP.
“Shakespeare” said Jose smiling.
“Impressive” said Mercedes.
“This is interesting” said Drax looking at the metal wall and etched writing similar to that on the caves they saw prior. “This is similar to the pregivers’ writing. It seems this was their base of operations or ship. It says ‘the home of the distant travelers, quest for truth, wisdom, and justice. It’s about a group called the Garnicones. The Garnicones were a proud race from a star system that destroyed itself.’ This is kind of like a storybook. ‘The Garnicones were seeking a companion race to carry on their legacy. They searched the galaxy far and wide. They landed on a small isolated and uninhabited system, Tierra.’”
“Tierra means Earth.” Said Tina.
“So the pregivers or sky watchers of legend are these Garnicones.” Said Mercedes. “What happened to them?”
“The text is unclear but it finishes…’death from above… history and destiny… future is forsaken’.” Said Drax.
“Some type of weapon.” Said James.
“A time paradox” said Tina.
“Where is this weapon supposed to be?” Asked James.
“I do not have that information. There is reference to a Great Weapon but there is no locational data in my system.” Said the ROBP.
“Then we are back to square one” said Drax.
“Whoa” James jumped back as he felt a sharp feeling in his head.
“What is it?” Asked Tina.
“It’s another spike like I felt in the desert. Another vision coming…” he held his head in pure agonizing pain as he fell to the floor. Drax and Mercedes leaned downward to help him. “I see…” said James as his mind’s eye formed a starry sky and under it a metal domed shape obelisk similar to the one they were in. The structure lifted itself off of the ground and into the night sky like a rocket ship but hovering on an empty sheet of clear air particles. He then saw an image of the interior and two men in a room similar to the one they stood in exchanging handshakes over a box the size of a watermelon with cryptic writing etched on it. The box had an image of two hands embraced in a handshake like symbol with arches and whirls. “Whoa” he snapped out of it and explained what he saw to his comrades.
“That is quite interesting” said the ROBP as he chuckled with an emotional laugh. “There is something that fits that resemblance based on the marking you described.” He points them to a small door under one of the consoles near where he stood.
“Blessed be” said Cutlass. ROBP pressed a button and the small door opened revealing a small compartment that partially extended to the ground they stood on. They stood in shock as they saw a box similar to the one James described in his vision. Drax leaned in and tried to lift it but it was too heavy. James and the others helped but it would not budge.
“What’s it made out of, super iron?” Said Tina.
“I can do it” said ROBP as he reached his frail looking limbs into the floor and pulled out the box lifting it up and walking it over to them holding it leveled with no effort at all.
“You are strong there” said James.
“Thanks. I work out” said ROBP jokingly. James opened the box by lifting the lid upward. They felt a strong energy attract to them.
“It feels tingly all over” said Mercedes.
“I don
’t get it… it feels warm.” Said Tina.
“Tis like a sun ray on the eve of summer’s day” said Cutlass.
“It’s joyous” said Jose.
“It’s marvelous” said Drax.
“Quite a deep dark feeling” said James.
“I don’t feel anything” said ROBP. The interior of the box was glowing white and spiking large amounts of light energy. James reached in and pulled out an item that filled the room with light nearly blinding them all as they shielded their eyes. The light soon faded and they saw James holding a twirled rod shaped item, black, curved on either end in opposite directions, and pointed with sharp ends.
“Is this the dark star?” Asked Tina curiously.
“It’s about time!” Said Mercedes.
“We got it” said Drax.
“I guess these pregivers had more than one type of artifact” said Mercedes.
“This was their spaceship…we couldn’t even begin to imagine how it functions” said James. There was a suddenly lost presence in the room.
“Where is Jose?” Asked Mercedes looking around.
“Good question.” Said Drax as they all saw he was now absent from their group.
“The small lad is gone.” Said Cutlass. “I wonder where he went.”
“I recall no such presence” said ROBP. “Who are you people and how did you get in here?” He said to the perplexing bewilderment of the group who felt the sudden urge to leave as several other ROBPs entered the room from several parts of the room emerging from the shadows and they began to surround the five from all ends.
“Let’s get out of here” yelled Drax. James waved his hands and the doorway from where they initially came in slid upward and they ran through it to the spot they stood when they arrived and in an instant were engulfed in the white light once more.
They appeared in the land below previously identified to them as the forbidden zone. They walked back along the grassy fields and saw the various children of differing ages trying to comfort one another, keeping their distance, and bewildered by the uncertain elements of their predicament.
The Time Stone Page 33