Unfinished Business

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Unfinished Business Page 3

by Savannah Maris

  “Eight,” she breathily said. He backed away before his fingers reached where she wanted them most. She wanted him to come back, but this was the game they were playing.

  “Take off your shoes and meet me in the shower,” he said.

  Evan washed her body as she washed her hair. With her hands in her hair they were out of his way, and he took full advantage. His hands followed her body, and she loved how he slowly washed every curve. When she opened her eyes, he was on his knees in front of her. He pushed her against the wall and propped one of her feet on the bench to open her up. Before she could say anything, his mouth was on her core and the strokes of his tongue caused her knee to give, but he held her up as he continued his oral exploration. When she didn’t think she could take much more, she stuttered, “Nnii-ine.” He looked up at her with a smile so mischievous she could scream. Too bad she couldn’t find her voice.

  He sat her on the bench while he washed his hair and most of his body. When he’d finished, he brought her the soap to wash his cock. She held his gaze while she slowly lathered and stroked him until she felt him thicken in her hand. “Mmm. That’s enough,” he moaned as his eyes still held hers. He stepped under the water before he took her hand as he guided her out of the shower. When he’d dried her body, he tilted her head so he could look at her face. “Your eyes are dilated. Get in the bed, on your back. I’ll be there in a minute.”

  She walked to the bed with thoughts of what he’d do to her. What did she want him to do? Anything he wanted.

  When he walked into the room, all he had was a condom. They hadn’t discussed not using them, but after today she didn’t want any barriers, but he may. His words came back to her, “I’ll gladly pick up the pieces and make you whole again.”

  He stopped at the foot of the bed and rose to his knees between her legs. The condom dangled between his finger and thumb. “We’ve been using these and never discussed it. I’ve always used them, always, but I want you bareback.”

  She shook her head but he said, “I need you to tell me. I need to hear what you want.”

  “I don’t want anything between us.”

  He stroked her legs as he said, “I hope tonight you experience things you never have before. You may have sensations, but they won’t be what you think. You’ve been good and played along with me, so you can come as many times as you can.”

  “I’ve never come more than twice and that was with you last week,” she said.

  “Let’s hope for more than that tonight.” He kissed his way up her legs, stopping at the apex where he continued the oral exploration he started in the shower. It didn’t take long for her inner most muscles to tighten since she’d been close several times during the day. She grabbed his hair, as he sucked her clit to the point of explosion. When she screamed his name, her juices coated his tongue, but he didn’t let her orgasm wane before he went to work with his fingers. She’d barely caught her breath before she was coming again, but this time she swore she was floating and his cock hadn’t even entered her yet. “Ah!” She couldn’t focus because the feeling was too much.

  “Darlin’, turn over. Face and chest on the bed, ass in the air.”


  He turned her over, threw the pillows out of the way, and guided her cheek to the bed while he entered her from behind. They’d done that before, but with the build-up of the day and what he’d done to her so far, this felt different somehow. He found a good rhythm, and she her abdomen tightened once again. That’s when it hit her. “I have to pee! Evan, I’m sorry, but I need to pee!”

  “No, you don’t. It’s one of those sensations. Let it go, darlin’. I promise it isn’t pee.” She turned her head so she could see him. His smile was cocky and the twinkle in his eye told her he knew something she didn’t. He bent as he continued to stroke her and softly said, “Let go.”

  He straightened and increased his pace as she screamed when she the gush left her body. His thrusts became vigorous then he stilled before his body draped over hers. Her legs slid flat, and he followed her down with their bodies panting for breath. “Wow. I don’t think I can move,” she said between breaths.

  He kissed her from one shoulder to the other. She knew he was trying not to laugh, but his abs were contracting. When he moved she begged, “Please don’t leave me yet. I still want you inside me.”

  “Oh, my sweet girl. I’m getting us cleaned up so I can hold you before you fall asleep.”

  By the time he rejoined her, it was all she could do to hold her eyes open as she snuggled to him but didn’t think she could get close enough. Before she drifted off he said, “I take it you’ve never ejaculated before.”

  “What? Women don’t do that.”

  “Gin, that’s why you felt the urge to pee. Not all women can, some may not even know they can. It’s stronger than an orgasm, but that’s what it was. It felt fantastic for me.”

  “No. I’ve never done that before, but I may need a nap before dinner. Can I ask you something?”


  “After my second orgasm, I felt like I was flying. I don’t know, like I was watching us from above, if that makes sense. It was almost like I was intoxicated. Is that normal? I’ve never done that either.”

  He rubbed her back and smiled. “So my girl can fly. Yes, it’s normal. Some people call it subspace others call it flying. Not everyone experiences that either. If you do, enjoy it. I’m glad you do and glad you experienced those for the first time with me. It was amazing just watching you.”

  “Will it happen every time?”

  “Probably not, but when we have days like today, it could. Thank you for today by the way.”

  “I loved it,” she said as sleep over took her.


  After tucking Ginger in for a nap, he slipped on a pair of jeans, grabbed his phone, and walked toward the office, dialing Marcus as he went. Since Marcus was an hour behind him, they’d have plenty of time to talk.

  “Marcus, what do you have?”

  “Man, the email was sent from a public access computer in Riverton Crossing.”

  “So who sent it?”

  “The Riverton Crossing Public Library.”


  “I can tell you where it came from, but I can’t tell you who. Anyone could’ve used that computer. They could’ve set it up weeks ago to send automatically at a specific time if they knew what they were doing. The library should have security cameras, maybe you can look through the feed.”

  “Was this picture ever released?”

  “Yeah, for a short period of time. Apparently, someone thought they were all removed, but unfortunately once something is on the internet, it’s never truly gone. A few publications ran the picture, but pulled it after a couple of days. Looks like someone with Cowboy Heaven has some leverage.”


  “The band, dude. You didn’t know she dated David Whitehouse? He’s their lead singer.”

  “I know who he is. I just didn’t know that was him. Dammit. Okay, anything else?”

  “No, but I’m on this weekend if you need anything.”

  “Thanks, man.” Evan disconnected the call and stared at the picture. Now he knew the fuckhead that screwed with Ginger’s head and heart. Even though Evan would take great pleasure in beating his ass, it would be sad because Cowboy Heaven was one of his favorite bands. The longer he stared at the picture the more he focused on David. Was he the guy across the river today? Could be the same height, but not the same build unless David had put on weight. Evan searched for a current picture of him and was looking at the picture of David with Ginger along with the new one of David when he heard a gasp behind him.

  Evan turned to see Ginger staring at the computer screen so he walked toward her. “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I spoke with Marcus, darlin’. The picture was sent from the local library. I needed to see if David had gained weight because the man we saw today had a bigger build than the man in
the picture. David hasn’t changed much, so I don’t think he was the man we saw. Unless he’s in town, I don’t think he sent it.” Evan wrapped her in his arms and kissed her head.

  “Who else would’ve known about it?”

  “I don’t know, but he’s issued me a challenge to keep you safe. And I will,” he said as he rubbed her back. “Nobody’s getting to you. Let me turn off the computer and we’ll go find dinner.”

  “I don’t want to go out.”

  “Good, because we’re staying in.”

  As they made their way to the kitchen, Evan could tell her mind wasn’t in a good place. The only way he knew to redirect it was physically. He knew they had so much to talk about, but also wanted them to have one night to themselves. “Hey, Gin, why don’t you go put on that short dress thing you had over your bikini this morning?”

  “From the pool?”


  “It’s see through.”

  His devilish smile spread across his face. “That’s why it’s perfect.”

  She furrowed her brows. “I’ve never done that.”


  “Walk around basically naked.”

  “This is the weekend for firsts, darlin’.”

  “What about you?”

  “What about me? I don’t have a shirt on at all,” he said with a chuckle.

  “But I can’t see you.” Her gaze dropped to his crotch.

  “No, but I’ll make sure you feel me.” He wiggled his brows up and down.

  “I thought earlier would’ve calmed your raging libido.”

  “Not when you’re around, dressed or not. Seriously, you’re beautiful. I wanna look at you. I want you comfortable with me looking. The only way for that to happen is to do it. Remember, open and honest? No secrets.”

  “I think you’re taking this a little far,” she said with a giggle. She shook her head. “I can’t believe I’m letting you talk me into this.”

  While she went to dress, he turned on a playlist he’d used before. He opened a bottle of wine as they cooked dinner and made sure to touch her every time he was in the same room. It may have only been a brush of her ass, a graze of her breast, or a kiss on her neck. It didn’t matter what he did, with Marvin Gaye in the background he was sucking her into his vortex, and she was coming willingly. He had her intoxicated on lust with an undercurrent of what he hoped was love, and by the time dinner was ready she was so high on him he wasn’t sure if she could eat.

  “So tell me about this article you wrote today.”

  “It’s about you taking me riding.”

  He cocked an eyebrow in question.

  “I’m not telling them about the steer,” she said. “It’s more about learning to ride as an adult. I never thought I would since I didn’t grow up on a horse, you know?”

  “You’re not that old. What, twenty-four? Twenty-five?”

  “Twenty-four. I’m a year younger than Kayla.”

  “That’s not too old to learn how to ride a horse. You did great. Did you enjoy it?”

  “I did. Anyway, I’m going to send it to an equestrian magazine as well as a lifestyle blog I’ve worked with before. The magazine will pay more, though.”

  “It’ll get picked up. You know what you’re doing.”

  She was staring out the window and looked to be deep in thought with a smile on her face when he pressed against her back and braced his arms against the counter on either side of her. “What are you thinking?”

  “That I’m doing mundane things basically naked, and that I’d do them for you as much as you want until Mitchell and Kayla come home.”

  He snaked his arms around her while one hand headed north to her breasts and the other south toward her pussy as he kissed her neck. “This is what I enjoy. I wanna drive you crazy with need.”

  She slowly rubbed her ass against his cock and moaned, and he groaned as his phoned pinged with an incoming text. He kissed her shoulder. “Hold that thought, darlin’. This should be Roger telling me who’s coming tomorrow.”

  “I didn’t think the guys worked on the weekends.”

  “Normally they don’t, but I want extra eyes around here until Mitchell and Kayla get back,” he said as he pulled out his phone and responded to the text. “Daniel Brown will be here. Have you met him?”

  “Doesn’t he work after school?”

  “Yes, he’s the bigger one.”

  “I haven’t, but I know who he is.”

  Evan stuffed his phone back into his pocket and said as he turned her, “Now, I do believe your ass was about right here.” He blew out a heavy breath when she wiggled it against him.

  He moved her hair to expose her neck as he moved in closer. “Your hands weren’t on the counter earlier,” she softly said.

  “No, darlin’, they were right here.” He replaced his hands where they were before. “You wanna finish this here or move it to the bedroom?”


  Ginger turned and Evan lifted her as she wrapped her legs around him. He loved the feel of her breasts pressed against his chest as he walked them to their room. He laid her on the bed and lowered his zipper. When she went to scoot back, he grabbed her hip. “Stay right there.” She was open to him as he stood on the side of the bed and pulled her to him as he slid in to the hilt. Her moan was louder than ever. “That’s right, darlin’. I wanna hear you.” With every moan, his thrusts increased and her breasts jiggled more. It wasn’t long before she was calling his name and he was whispering hers.

  “Aw hell, darlin’. That felt good. I love watching your skin flush.” He cupped her breasts and massaged as he said, “And these are perfect.”

  “I’m glad you think so.”

  They made their way to the bathroom to wash up and get ready for bed. When Ginger emerged from the bathroom, her step faltered as her eyes fell on the gun Evan had placed on the table next to his side of the bed. Guns didn’t bother her. Hell, she could even shoot, but what changed? “Why do you have that out?”

  “We’re here by ourselves. I told you no one would get to you.”

  “Do you think someone could break in?”

  “No, but I’m not taking any chances.”


  “This is what I do for a living, Gin. You’re safe.”

  “I know.”

  “Then come on to bed.”

  She climbed in the bed and kissed him. “Thank you.” A playful smile spread across her face. “You know I’ve noticed you’ve been calling me Gin. Don’t get me wrong, I like it. I’m just wondering why.”

  A corner of his mouth tilted up. “The night in the hotel room I remembered Mitchell said he wanted Kayla to have a nickname specific to him, and Gin almost slipped out. I knew what I was feeling, but wasn’t sure we were on the same page yet. So I decided that night if it ever just came out, I wouldn’t stop it again. Today, it just felt natural.”

  With a sweet smile on her face she admitted, “I really like it.”


  The following morning Ginger woke before Evan. Since she didn’t know what time Daniel would show up, she slipped on one of Evan’s black T-shirts. She had just sat down with a cup of coffee on the back porch when she heard the door open. She turned and Evan greeted her with a sleepy grin and gravelly voice, “Good morning, darlin’.” He sat beside her and kissed her cheek.

  “Good morning. I hope I didn’t wake you.”

  “Not really. I just know when you’re no longer in bed. I thought you wouldn’t wake up until noon after last night.” His mouth tilted in a cocky grin.

  “I fell asleep quickly and slept quite well, thank you.”

  “My pleasure. I’d be more than happy to help you sleep well every night,” he said as he wiggled his eyebrows.

  “I like the sound of that. What time is Daniel getting here?”

  “Around eight, I guess.”

  “What’s he going to do today? Can he take the herd out alone?”

  “No, he’s g
onna ride the perimeter of the property.”

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I need to look at more of the reports Mitchell left. Why?”

  “I’m going to work on more of my article. Want to work together? I can curl up on the sofa in the office with my laptop. That way you’re right there if I have any questions.”

  Evan looked at Ginger with a curious eye. “You don’t wanna write by the pool?”

  “I may have gotten too much sun yesterday so I thought I’d stay in today.”

  Evan sat his mug on the table next to the loveseat and turned toward her. “Darlin’, I’d love that, but I need to make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons. You know you’re safe here, right?”

  “I know,” she said with a shrug. “I guess part of me is nervous about being alone, even here.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tight. As he kissed the top of her head he said, “I’ve got you. Even though having you in the office will make it harder to concentrate, I’d love for you to be in there with me.”

  They finished their coffees and went inside for breakfast and another cup before they went to the office. Just as they were cleaning their plates, they heard a knock on the back door. Evan looked up to see Daniel standing there. He opened the door and Daniel said, “There’s no coffee in the barn, I was hopin’ for some here.”


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