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Hellish Page 3

by Tina Glasneck

  She whistled and her hellish wolfhound, Garmr, came running to her side. Again, with a snap of her fingers, she changed his appearance to that of a Doberman and straightened the bright diamond collar around the dog’s neck.

  “Siegfried, maybe he will be the one, my dear, to grant us freedom.” She stroked her pet’s black fur and pushed back thoughts of anything else. “Maybe he will be the lover I seek.”

  Now, all she could do was wait.

  Chapter 6


  Harley had gone all day thinking about his options. What did he have to lose by entering into this contract with Helena? “Your soul will be polluted,” he could almost imagine his deceased grandmother saying. She'd been super religious, and had hoped her children and grandchildren would follow in her ways—but they hadn’t. Each had set off on his or her own path, and none of those’d had to do with a deity.

  But was this to be a come-to-Hel moment? Here she was in the flesh, offering him everything he needed, was willing to provide it for him. But what was the catch? That is what he couldn't figure out.

  It was like being invited to a bacon festival after you’d told everyone you were a vegetarian. It made no sense. Helena had to be getting something out of this, too, right?

  “You seem awfully occupied with your thoughts today, Harley,” Graham commented. They'd been roommates since freshman year and were as tight as brothers. Surely, if anyone knew something was off balance with him, it would be Graham.

  “What gave it away?” he asked.

  “Well, for one, you tossed and turned all night muttering something about Hel. Two, your knuckles are all bruised up, so I guess we should be happy that no one called the campus police last night; and three, you’re late for work and don't seem to give a damn.”

  Harley still refused to sit up. “Just got a lot on my mind.”

  “Don't worry about what happens after graduation. You'll get a job.”

  How often had heard that?

  “Not too many people are hiring historians.”

  “Now you sound like your old man.”

  “Yeah, he wanted me to go into the family landscaping business.”

  “Yeah, so your creative soul could wither and die.”

  “Ha, says the business major.”

  “Well, my dad wouldn't pay for me to go to film school, so I could only minor in it and hope he wouldn’t snoop at my report card when they send it home.”

  “Yeah, nothing says independent adult like your report card being sent to your parents.”

  “Don't look down on it. I mean, I still get five dollars for every A.”

  Harley laughed.

  “So, are you going to tell me what's bothering you?”

  “Just trying to figure out a way to make a good impression,” Harley said.

  “Uh-oh, are we getting into serendipity now, and that woman—how it was meant to be that you went to the house and met ‘the one’?” Graham reached into his billfold and tossed Harley a business card.

  “What’s this?” Harley asked, grabbing the card.

  “Nothing says “we’re meant to be” like flowers. Order her some. And they deliver."

  He stared at the card for Gregory’s Florist. When it came to Helena, all he wanted to do was hold and protect her. He’d never been one to go all-in so quickly, but right now, nothing could stop him.

  “I don’t understand, though,” Graham continued at Harley’s silence. “I mean, you only have a couple of days until finals and graduation. You can't get your head caught up in some woman. They are a dime a dozen.”

  “But not her.”

  Where was that coming from? Harley wondered. Was there something about her that made him want to defend her?

  “That's what they all say. No woman worth her weight is going to be interested in a man without a car, a house, a healthy bank account and, or a job. You're the topic of songs about how women should avoid dating men like you.”

  “I'm not a player.”

  “That's true,” Graham agreed.

  “And there is more to someone than the material things they have.”

  “Says the historian,” Graham countered. “I'm sure all of those people who died with only a tin cup in their possession would agree with you.”

  Harley rubbed his face.

  “No matter what you do, just be smart about it,” Graham continued. “The old Laufeyjarson place always gives me the creeps, and I think—no, I know—that nothing good can be there for you.” Graham stood up, grabbed his books and headed to the door. “I'm late for class. I have to go. You need to get out of here, too.”

  “Yeah.” That was all Harley could say because the more everyone was telling him to beware, the more he wanted to rain down protection on this mighty woman, to be her shield.

  He picked himself up, grabbed a small duffle bag and packed a couple of items inside.

  It was time to meet his destiny.

  Chapter 7


  When the moon started to rise and he still hadn't arrived, red hot anger assaulted Helena’s senses. With one scream, the fireplaces throughout the house came to life and began to roar. The walls trembled and dishes clattered against each other, all cowering from her fury.

  “Even dressed like this he turned me down,” she sulked.

  “It is possible, madam, that he is a different sort of fellow, more different than anyone who has ever ventured across that fence?” Siegfried asked.

  “But that is nonsense. Everyone wants someone to do something for them. It's all about using somebody.”

  “And do you believe that to be the case in the relationship between your son, Erich, and his beloved, Jasmine?”

  “Why are we discussing this? I told you never to mention her name! It is her fault that I am in this predicament.”

  Siegfried cleared his throat. “You know you cannot force people to do your will.”

  “I have before, and things have not turned out any worse.”

  “But that was before. That was when you had your powers. Now you are not as powerful as when you were Lady Hel, the goddess. You are Helena, the woman trapped on this estate until the curse is broken.”

  She sighed and plopped down onto a large and garish black leather chair. She cut her gaze around the room—where everything was decorated with black leather.

  “You think this young man is different, truly?”

  “Well, he is the first who didn't try to mount you at first sight. Why not wait and see what might happen? He will show up, but you will not be able to manipulate him as you would like.”

  “He is not stronger than me.”

  “Strength is not only in the muscles of the body but also in the mind.”

  She waved her hand and dismissed Siegfried. He was the only servant who'd she'd discuss any of this with. Surely, much of that had to do with his understanding of what lay on the line for her if things didn't fall into place. To go from ruling a kingdom, to barely managing a household, left one quite upset, to say the least.

  A loud knock on the front door, followed by Siegfried's deep voice, caused her to perk up. In walked the young man from last night.

  In this light, she could more easily assess him—tall, well-built, in a lean athletic sort of way, but surely, if he held a sword, he'd fall over. Behind his hazel eyes rested intelligence, and on his handsome face was more than curiosity.

  “You're late,” she said.

  “The moon has not yet fully risen,” he said.

  With the flick of her wrist, she dismissed Siegfried. “What you must understand is, for our deal to work, you must agree to certain things.”

  “I understand that.”

  She got up and started to pace.

  “First, you are to move in here, and be at my beck and call.” She stopped pacing for a moment to gauge his reaction.

  “That won't be a problem after my schooling is done, of course.”


  "Yes, college.
I'll be finished in two weeks.”

  “Then you get a two week trial period to see if this is something you'd like to do.”

  “I don't need a trial period.”

  “This is not for the weak, you see.”

  He arched his eyebrow. “Weak?” A slow smile slid across his face. “I'm from a place of manners, and where we are well behaved. It is a mistake to regard my kindness as weakness.”

  “That matters not. The terms are this: you are to wear European-style boxers, no Y-fronts or tighty-whities, no loose boxer shorts. You are to eat what I determine—to keep your strength up; you must train to prepare for our trip—this will include proper fencing lessons; and, you will not engage in coitus with anyone else, or be involved romantically while you are in this contractual relationship with me. Furthermore, you will serve me when I wish to be served. I will be your master and you my servant.”

  Again, he did that slow smile and licked his lips. She had a strange feeling that she'd underestimated him by the fluttering of her heart. He bowed his head and looked at her with a hooded gaze. “I've never been one to take commands very well.”

  “There is a time to learn something new,” she said.

  “Is this going to be one of those kinky relationships? I mean, if you want to tie me up and all, well, we're going to have to get to know each other a little bit better for that to work. There has to be a little bit of trust.”

  “Isn't the promise of pleasure and fortune enough?”

  She expected him to say yes, but instead, he shook his head and said, “Nope. You see, if I am going to be here in this contractual relationship with you, then there are terms that I will also need to be included.”

  She laughed an unfriendly laugh. “And what terms would you wish to include? Maybe date nights? Or better yet, romantic strolls on the beach?” She stopped pacing and stood before him.

  She watched him size her up, his gaze moving slowly up her body in a silent caress.

  “No, but I see it like this. If we are going to be in this together, then we need to know each other. I don't know how things were before me, but I need to trust that you also have my best at heart, as I will yours.”

  He moved closer to her, to where only a couple of inches separated them.

  With a snap of her fingers, the contract appeared in midair, as well as a feather-plumed pen.

  “Then if all is to your liking, you can sign this and we can get started.”

  “There is one thing I wish to add,” he said.

  “Another addendum? And what would that be?”

  “We must also be able to leave this place, do things together. If I am to be contractually bound to you, then we must experience life with each other, not only in your bedroom.”

  “Who said anything about a bedroom?” She flicked her tongue. “Will that get you to sign the contract?”

  “And one last thing.”

  “My patience is waning.”

  “Good, but my needs must also be met. I can still have my life, my friends, and my world. This will not cut me off from all that I care about in order to be here with you.”

  “Yes, yes, yes. Just sign the paperwork, please, and we can begin this adventure.”

  Before the ink could dry, the paper fluttered away.

  “Now that that is settled, we should get to know each other a little better,” Harley added.

  “And how do you plan for us to do that?”

  “Why, on a trip to Walmart, of course. You can learn everything you need to know about a person based on the things they buy.”


  “It’s a super shopping center.”

  “And this will make you more agreeable to me and my terms?”

  “Of course.” He smiled and reached for her hand. She pulled away.

  “I am not usually one for displays of affection.”

  “Affection?” he asked.

  “Is that not what you call it?”

  “I call it being friendly.”

  She reluctantly allowed him to continue to hold her hand, and tried to erase any inkling of what it felt like for someone’s hand to so easily touch her own; one that hadn’t been held since her beloved’s passing.

  “You hold all of your friends’ hands?” she asked.

  “Only those that dress in black latex and tell me they want me to sign sex contracts.”

  Chapter 8


  “Harley?” Graham came up to him in Walmart and slapped him on the back. “Who’s the Mail Order Bride?”

  “That’s not funny. This is my friend, Helena. Helena, please excuse my sexist roommate, Graham, here. He’s forgotten how to behave in the presence of a lady.”

  “Oh, so you’re the woman who’s stepped right out of my friend’s dreams, huh? Now, I know why.”

  Harley didn’t like the way Graham ogled Helena. He elbowed his friend in the side.

  “Sorry, just wow. When you told me about her, I didn’t expect this.”

  “Don’t you have something you need to do, or someplace to go?”

  “I do, but for the life of me I can’t remember what.” Again his gaze fixed on Helena.

  Harley turned around and noticed that everyone was staring at them. It wasn’t his imagination. She was like bait and the people were the fish.

  “Let’s buy what we have to and get going.”

  Harley raced through the super store’s aisles to get the items they needed, hurriedly used the self-checkout, and the entire time, with every movement they made, people stared. They watched her, obsessed over her, and came ever closer.

  “If I could, I’d put you in the cart and get us out of here quicker,” Harley said.

  “Does this bother you?” she asked with a sly smile.

  He wasn’t sure if that was supposed to be a joke or if she truly didn’t understand that she was causing confusion. Since Virginia allowed open carry of handguns, someone might soon want to take a shot at him to possess her.

  “Is this why you never leave the estate?”

  “It is safe to say that even regular men can tell when something better is among them.”

  In the parking lot, before they could get back in the car, Graham called Harley over.

  “I’ll be right back,” he told Helena and headed over to Graham.

  “Are you sure about this?” Graham asked, unlocking his vehicle.

  “Everything is going to be okay.”

  “Is there something you’re not telling me?”

  “Like what?” Harley asked.

  “Are you in some type of trouble, hurting for something? Why are you moving in with her?”

  “You don’t like her?” Harley asked.

  “She just doesn’t seem like the good girls who are normally your type.”

  “Yeah, I know.” A broad smile lit up Harley’s face while excitement pumped through his veins. “Don’t you go worrying. If I need anything, I know your number.”

  “If I don’t hear from you, or if something happens, I’m going to go to the police.”

  “For what?”

  “There is a whole lot of strange going on.”

  Harley bounded back towards Helena’s side. He refused to slow down as she stood there watching him. Even from a distance, he could see the cool look on her face.

  “No, no, no,” she said, as he picked her up and spun her around as fast as he could. “Put me down,” she laughed. “Put me down.”

  The song of her laughter could have made the most beautiful bird envious. Something within him swelled.

  “Well, honey, I’m home,” he said.

  She kicked and squealed and leaned her head back.

  That was what he’d wanted to do. Instead, he opened her car door for her to get in.

  Finally seated behind her car’s steering wheel, Harley looked at her face, while he felt her scan his own.

  “Just to let you know, I am not from Russia.” She crossed her arms and turned towards the passenger side w

  “Yeah, I sort of figured that. You know, I’m thinking you’re from further up north.” He winked at her.

  “What is this winking thing you keep doing?”

  “It’s my move. Totally charming and disarming, right?”

  “More like you have something in your eye.”

  “I’m sure if you pucker and blow, it will make it all just right.”

  Again, she cracked that smile and he put the car in drive to take them home.

  The thought came from nowhere. They’d made their first out-of-the-house appearance, and during that, they’d shared plastic bags that were filled with products for both of them: her creamy hand lotion to go with his extra whitening toothpaste. Her orange juice next to his bagels. Yeah, he could definitely get used to her being at his side.

  After pulling through the iron gates and up to the brightly-lit house, he parked the car and waited.

  “So, many people here tonight?”

  “No, but Siegfried is sometimes scared of the dark. He’s claustrophobic, too, but don’t tell him I told you that.”

  “I’d never betray your confidence.” Again, Harley took her left hand and placed a kiss on her knuckles. She didn’t pull away.

  “Please, come in, and I will show you to your room.” Her words were dipped in honey, an invitation that he felt ready to accept.

  “Tonight, we will wine and dine.”

  “Yes, on the great bounty procured from the produce section of Walmart,” she chuckled.

  Harley exited the car, and rounded the passenger side to open the door for her to get out of the vehicle. He offered her his hand and when she accepted, he assisted, and leaned in closer. “And what will we do between then and now?”

  “I will give you a tour so that you can know your way around here.” She let go and began to walk away. He could tell that she wanted him to watch her leave, for her hips switched from side to side. “And don’t be afraid of Garmr. He won’t bite unless I tell him to.”


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