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Jaxson 4_Blood Covenant_Black Devils MC

Page 12

by K. J. Dahlen

  I shook my head. “Thunder is arguing for you.”

  Bella rolled her eyes as her body started to shake. “He’s not in charge here, so it doesn’t matter, does it?” She looked around in panic. “Fuck! What am I gonna do?”


  Her gaze swung over to me. “What?”

  “We are going to get out of here.”

  She let out a cold laugh. “This place is on lockdown.”

  I bit at my lip. “Look, when I was searching the place this morning for more clothes, I found one of the rooms that must be for… well, for sweetbutts as you put it earlier today, to stay in. There were all kinds of clothes and wigs.”

  She narrowed her gaze at me.

  “We could dress up, well slutty.” I rolled my eyes. “Cause that was the kind of clothes I found there. Then we could slip out the window there.”

  Bella let out a breath. “We won’t make it.”

  I stepped up close to her. “We gotta try.”

  “What’s your man gonna say about this?”

  I shrugged. “He wouldn’t let me if he knew. Come on! We gotta hurry on this.”

  She looked panicked. “Why would you do this for me? You don’t even know me.”

  “I have my reasons and when we get clear, I’ll tell you why. But we gotta hurry now, before Jax comes looking for me.” I went up to the door and opened it to peek out. No one around. “Okay.” I motioned for her to follow. Now if we could only get to the next hall without—


  Fuck, it was Jaxson.

  I steeled myself and turned around.

  He came over and looked at me then at Bella. “What’s going on?”

  I shrugged. “We were just heading to the kitchen.” I hoped he wouldn’t look at me too closely. I lied like shit.

  “Yeah. I needed something to drink.” Bella added.

  Jaxson’s cool blue eyes took her in then he looked at me. “I’ll go with you.”

  Dammit, he knew something was up.


  We all turned to see Spider coming down the hall.

  I gave a little shiver. The man always made me feel…well, I didn’t know exactly but I never liked him.

  “Bruno wants you,” Spider stated as his gaze slid over to Bella. His eyes took her in but not the same way as Jaxson’s had. He was looking at her like she was meat, like he wanted to eat her up whole.

  Again, I shivered. Fucker.

  Jaxson sighed and pushed his fingers through his hair. “Okay.” He gazed back at me. “You two stay inside and be careful. And babe, go straight back to our room, okay?

  I nodded.

  He paused to look at me.

  Shit, shit, shit. He knows I’m lying about something. Damn the man.

  “Ok, Chloe. Let’s go.” Bella turned to head down the hall.

  I smiled at my man. Damn, this may be the last time I see him for a while. I didn’t let anything show on my face though.

  His cerulean gaze pierced me.

  I almost couldn’t move.

  He then nodded his head and turned to walk away with Spider.

  “Shit…” Bella swore. “Your man is some kind of smart. He knew something was up.”

  I nodded. “Like I said before, I never lie and I know he thought I was. If he hadn’t got called by Bruno, we woulda been busted.” I led her down another hall. I bit at my lip as I hoped I wasn’t lost. Then I saw the doors. “Yeah this is it!” I pulled her over, opened the door and went into the room.

  Shutting the door behind her, she smirked. “I knew they had women here.”

  I shrugged. “I will get pissed at Jax about that later.” I opened a closet.

  She stepped closer to look in. “Holy fuck!”

  I nodded.

  There were outfits, shoes, makeup bags, and like I said, wigs.

  She looked through the clothes. “Fuck, I ditched this kind of thing months ago.”

  I stared at her as I grabbed a skirt and a bustier off a hanger. “Really?”

  She nodded and grabbed her an outfit. “I turned them in for blouses and skirts. Respectability and look where that got me.”

  I didn’t know what she meant but there was no time to ask.

  We both removed our tee shirts and jeans. Then literally shoved ourselves into the tight clothes. Then we searched for shoes that would fit.

  “Dammit, they’re all heels.” I stared at the stilettos in every color.

  “Yeah, you gotta walk the walk,” she quipped as she sat on a stool and put a pair on.”

  I rolled my eyes. I never thought I would be dressing like a hooker while planning to escape my fiancé’s club. I must be insane. It was the shooting, it had done something to me. I knew this but refused to stop and think about it.

  We found the makeup and helped each other with the lashes, blush, eyeliner and shadow. “Okay…Wigs.” I nodded to the top shelf in the closet.

  She took down a black one. “I will be a brunette and here, you will be a blonde. You are already but not like this.” She handed me a bleached blonde wig.

  I grabbed it and scowled.

  She chuckled. “Yeah, we are gonna look real respectable now.”

  My eyes rounded at her calm demeanor. Thunder had chosen a girl like none other I’d ever met.

  “Come on. Put it on. I’ll straighten yours and you do mine.”

  We both got close and helped each other to adjust the wigs.

  Then after several tugs and tucks, she seemed satisfied with it. Bella grabbed two lipsticks. “We need to look official, they love this cause they want it smeared on their cocks.”

  I gasped as I paused. Lipstick and blow jobs?

  Bella smiled at my shocked look. “Damn you are an innocent.” She shook her head and looked into the mirror above the dresser as she applied the lipstick like a pro.

  I never wore much makeup and I sure as hell didn’t know how to apply lipstick that fast and neat.

  “I’ll do yours,” Bella said and opened the other one. It was extremely bright pink. “It’ll go with the blonde hair.” She smirked as she applied it to my lips. “Okay, smack your lips like this.” She rolled her lips with a smacking.

  I copied her.

  “Oh wow. Very pretty Chloe. You are a natural.”

  A natural what? Did I even want to know? “Okay,” I panted as we were rushing but we had to hurry. I took a step and tilted on my feet a little.

  She caught me. “Whoa there Sally. You almost fell.”

  I huffed. “How can you wear these and not break your neck?”

  She shrugged. “Practice. Okay, are we ready?”

  I shook my head. “Not quite.” Then I wobbled to the bed still off balance on the heels. I pulled open the drawer and handed her a gun. “Why they had them here, I don’t know. They’re loaded too and I don’t know where we will stash em dressed like this!”

  She giggled then stared at me as I checked the clip on mine. “You know how to use these?”

  I sighed. “Yeah, I do now.”

  She bit at her lip and checked her clip. “At Border Patrol they’d stashed guns everywhere, so if they got raided or stormed suddenly, there would be weapons handy in every room.”

  I stared down at the gun. “Yeah, I guess that makes sense.”

  “We gotta make sure they’re on safety or we could blow off a tit.”

  I gasped and stared at her.

  Bella was grinning at me.

  This woman had guts but then again, from what I heard before, she’d been through a lot. I looked down at my gun and pushed the little lever till the red showed. “Yeah.”

  “Okay, so… I’m not sure if you have a plan already?”

  I stopped and adjusted the damn tight bustier as I replied, “Um, no. beyond this. No.”

  “Well, I got one, so just follow my lead okay?”

  I nodded. This was all new to me but she sure looked comfortable in those heels and get up, so I would follow, as I knew shit about be
ing a biker bunny for real.

  Bella looked around. “Okay, there are some purse bags. We stash our guns in those and whatever we might need.”

  I walked over to the dresser and grabbed them. Then I picked up our jeans and stopped. “We can’t wear Black Devil tee shirts later, Bella. It’d be like a target on our chests.”

  She went into the closet and grabbed some sexy sheer blouses. “Here.” She tossed them at me.

  I nodded as I took them off the hangars and shoved them, my boots and her sandals in the bag.

  She handed me her gun. “Then here.” She set the makeup bag on the dresser top.

  “Why would we need that?” I asked.

  “Damn, Chloe. A slut without makeup is as bad as biker without his piece.”

  I paused. Slut? I shrugged and put the bag in with her clothes then grabbed mine from the dresser top and set it in my bag.

  “Hurry,” she called from the window as she shoved it up. Looking out, she sighed. “Okay, we have to wait till these guys head around the corner.”

  I nodded. My heart was racing a million miles an hour. I was second guessing this whole idea. I suddenly was scared shitless. What the hell was I thinking?

  “Okay, we go!” She climbed out of the window in her hiked up skirt and heels.

  I followed her and stopped to shut the window quietly.

  “Okay now, we get caught,” she stated in a whisper.

  My eyes widened as I tried to balance on the 5 inch heels that was sure to lead to my demise of a broken neck. “What?”

  Bella shushed me. Then shimmied along the building wall and whispered again, “Now act high and slutty.” She then stepped right out in the open.

  I followed her as my eyes widened. WHAT?

  Then we were spotted. “Hey!” one of the bikers yelled.

  Oh, god. My stomach lurched. We were not going to get away with this.



  I had a feeling in my gut that I couldn’t shake. I didn’t like the way Chloe looked just now. I’d known her since she was little girl. She was lying to me. I knew it. But what for? It made no sense. She’d never lied, as she didn’t even know how to really. Maybe she didn’t think I would like her hanging out with this Bella who’d come out of nowhere. It didn’t make sense though.

  I hurried to Bruno’s office. What shit had hit the fan now? I hoped it wouldn’t take long because I needed to make sure Chloe was in our room, safe and sound. I went in and Thunder looked like his name. He was enraged. Looking like he might just hurt someone. What the fuck?

  “I will go in her place,” Thunder stated quietly.

  “The fuck you will, Dino!” Bruno yelled.

  “What’s happening?” I asked.

  “Oh good, Jax.” Bruno nodded at me. “You need to talk some sense into your VC.”

  I looked over at Thunder. I’d never seen him like this. Usually, he was cool as could be. He allowed nothing much to rattle him. It had to be the girl. “Tell me what’s going on.”

  Thunder had his hands as fists at his sides. “Bella told me something and Marco found this.” He turned a laptop toward me.

  I leaned over and took a look. “One million dollars bounty on…Rose Bianchi?” I looked up. “What the fuck for?”

  “It’s a long story.” Thunder stared at me.

  “She fucking castrated this Mario mafia head,” Bruno supplied with a grin.

  I turned to stare at him. Why the fuck was he smiling? “What?”

  “Her family gave her over to him.” Thunder still looked enraged. “He is a twisted fuck. He abused her and she laid him out cold then…” He didn’t finish.

  “SNIP!” Bruno laughed as he made scissors with his fingers and did a snipping motion.

  “It isn’t funny, Bruno,” Marco scowled. He was probably the only one who could get away with talking to Bruno like this.

  “It’s fucking hilarious,” Bruno retorted. “I met the man last year. What a fucking pig. He deserved it.” His eyes glittered.

  “Well, if he did, why are you going to hand her over to him?” Thunder asked.

  I swung my gaze to Bruno. “You are?” My gut clenched. Something bad was happening here.

  “I never said that.” Bruno frowned now. “I mean she’s Charlie’s kid. I’d have to put thought into it.” He swung his gaze over to Dino. “But why would you give yourself over to be tortured in her place?” His eyes narrowed at him.

  Dino took a deep breath. “I… shit!” He stood up and paced the room.

  “He has it bad for her Bruno,” Marco piped in.

  Thunder halted and looked over at Bruno’s cousin.

  Marco shrugged. “He had me check her out 4 months back.

  Bruno glared at him. “You fucked her?” He stood up pushing his chair back.

  “No!” Thunder shouted.

  I knew this was going to get ugly if I didn’t step in quick. “Look. We need to figure out a way to appease these fuckers that doesn’t involve fucking torture to either of them, Bruno.”

  He swung his glare to me and his expression softened a bit. “Like what? If we do not appease them, there is gonna be blood running in the fucking streets. Black Devil’s blood, Jaxson.”

  “Yeah, the hit on you was just for starters, Jax,” Marco added.

  I sighed. Then my breath caught as apprehension filled me. “How long you guys been in here?”

  Marco looked perplexed. “About forty minutes or so.”

  “Fuck!” I looked over at Dino. “Go check on your girl.”

  He furrowed his brows.

  “I ran into Bella and Chloe by your door. Chloe was acting funny. Dammit! I knew something was up with her!” I rushed out of the room.

  Thunder followed me. “You don’t think they would—“

  “I don’t fucking know!” I felt true fear now. “It’s wild. Chloe wouldn’t know how to—”

  “But Bella would!” Dino sounded scared now.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Bruno yelled after us.

  We ignored him and went down separate halls.

  I couldn’t breathe. Dammit, she’d been acting odd ever since the shooting. I hoped like hell I was wrong. I burst through the door and looked around. “Chloe?” I called as I rushed over to the bathroom. I looked in and no Chloe. Maybe they were still in the main room, but my gut told me they weren’t.

  “No Bella,” Thunder bellowed from my doorway.

  “Fuck.” I went out and literally ran down the hall. My leg protested as the stitches stung and my limp was ignored.

  Thunder was right beside me as we got to the main room. We both looked around.

  Just a few men as most were out around the compound.

  “Anyone seen my woman?” I called out.

  Spider looked up. “Not since earlier.” He glanced around at the other two men.

  Reaper and Miggs. They both shook their heads.

  “Dammit!” Thunder swore.

  I headed outside with Thunder right on my heels.

  I spotted the guards at the gate.

  They were laughing and having a smoke. Nothing going on really.

  Bruno and Marco came out.

  “You need to get back in. Both of you fucks! They got snipers on their payroll!” Bruno yelled.

  Marco ducked his head and halted. “Fuck! That’s right.”

  Thunder followed me as I rushed all the way across the lot to the gate. “You guys seen anything?”

  The two brothers dropped their cigarettes hurriedly butting them out with their boots and stood up straighter.

  “No, Prez. Not really,” one of them answered.

  “What does not really mean?” Thunder growled.

  They both looked nervous.

  “Speak the fuck up!” I yelled.

  One of them shrugged. “We caught a couple of whores on the lot?”

  The other one nodded. “Don’t know how they fucking got in though.”

  My stomach roiled.
No, no, no! “You caught a couple of women here?”

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Thunder swore.

  The men both looked scared now. The President and the VC were breathing down on them.

  “They were just like streetwalkers, Prez. I mean—”

  Thunder lunged up on the one speaking. “What the fuck happened?”

  The man looked like he was going to piss himself. “They were all in makeup, cute little skirts. I mean we knew we couldn’t let em go in when we’re on lock down!”

  I let out a shaky breath. “So you let them out?” I asked quietly.

  They nodded.

  “SHIT!” Thunder yelled.

  Chloe and Bella had sneaked out on their own in broad daylight, right out the front gate! How the fuck?

  “What’s going on?” Bruno stepped up.

  The two brothers on gate duty looked white now. They couldn’t figure out just how they’d fucked up but they knew that had somehow.

  “Bella and Chloe are gone,” I hissed at him. “I think they overheard you guys talking about handing Bella over.”

  Bruno looked troubled. “What? How?”

  “They dressed up like hookers and these two let them out!” Thunder hissed as well.

  Bruno looked over at them. “This true boys?”

  They were visibly shaking now. “W-we thought…”

  Bruno shook his head. “You shoulda brought them to me.”


  He looked over at Marco. “No, shithead. Not for pickin’ dammit, but for questioning.” He rolled his eyes “Shit Marco, get your brain outta the gutter.”

  Marco shook his head.

  “Fuck!” I turned in a circle as a white hot panic crowded up inside me. “We gotta go.”

  Bruno stepped in front of me. “Oh, hell no.”

  I glared at him. I was about to lose it. “Get out of my way dad.”

  His eyes rounded at me. “Listen Jaxson. I can’t lose you.” He looked over at Thunder. “Neither of you.”

  I clenched my fists. “And I can’t lose Chloe.”

  He looked sympathetic. “I get it. I do, but we do this right. I will send out crews. Marco will get his guys on the grid. We will find them. Plus, if they are dressed like hookers, they got good camouflage. Gotta hand it to them.”

  I glared at him. My girl going around as dammed hooker? How could he think this was a god dammed good thing? I headed back to the clubhouse. “Thunder, get the weapons, vests and ammunition.”


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