Trapping Drake 01 - Trapping Drake

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Trapping Drake 01 - Trapping Drake Page 5

by Lee Brazil

  Jay saw the glint of fire in Drake’s eyes, the tightening of his lips, and shrugged the hand off his shoulder quickly. “I am. I have to leave soon.” He cast pleading eyes at Jesse. Usually Jesse laughed off Emilio’s blatant flirtation and declarations of love. What else could he do? In public they were brothers. It wouldn’t do to appear too possessive or jealous, but Jesse was as aware of Drake’s mounting tension and clenching fingers as Jay.

  Drake heard the desperation in his voice and threw a bill on the table. Against state law, he swiped the bottle from the table and glared Emilio’s protests into submission. “Let’s go. I assume you two arrived together? I’ll follow you to your place.”

  Jay leaped to his feet. He needed to talk to Jesse, make sure they were still on the same track, still wanted the same thing. More than talk, he needed physical contact to be reassured that Jesse still wanted him. Seeing Jesse with Drake, the protective touch, the blatant desire that flared between them, he had to be sure. The two of them just looked so right together.

  He shoved his hands in his pockets and walked behind Drake and Jesse as Drake clung tightly to Jesse’s hand on the way to the car. He kept his gaze on that hand clasp. Jesse’s fingers looked small and more delicate and artistic than ever clenched inside Drake’s sturdy grasp. Was Drake staking a claim? Letting it be known that he had made a choice? Jay looked up to meet Jesse’s apologetic, pleading glance over his shoulder.

  He nodded as reassuringly as he could. He could see quite clearly from the white-knuckled grip that Drake wasn’t giving Jesse a choice about the hand holding.

  “It’s okay,” he mouthed. He slowed his pace, observing the man with his brother. Drake was talking urgently, his expression intent.

  Jay approached his jeep in time to hear Drake address Jesse. “I think you should ride with me.” His protective stance partially blocked Jay’s view of Jesse.

  “No, I’ll be fine.” Jesse patted Drake’s shoulder gently. He tugged his hand, wincing slightly, but Drake didn’t let go.

  Jay waited patiently for the other two to notice him. Drake turned his head to glare. “I’ll be right behind you.” The warning wasn’t necessary. Jay was fully convinced the man would murder him with the least provocation.

  He scowled fiercely at Jay, but finally released Jesse’s hand and opened the passenger door of the jeep for him. Jay couldn’t look away, and Drake maintained eye contact as he deliberately lowered his mouth to Jesse’s. Jay sucked in a deep breath. He wouldn’t. He would. Jay’s heart beat swiftly and blood rushed in his ears as Drake thoroughly kissed Jesse, who seemed helpless to protest for long minutes. The sheer eroticism of the kiss drew his gaze, but Jay felt that it was the power of Drake’s will that forced him to watch.

  Jay didn’t know what Drake hoped to prove with the kiss, what he wanted to provoke, but it was the hottest fucking thing he’d ever seen and his body responded accordingly. He licked his own suddenly dry lips and nodded jerkily. Drake’s eyes narrowed on him, missing nothing. “I’ll be right behind you, sweetheart.” He turned back to Jesse, pressing a finger to his dazed brother’s lips. “We’ll sort this all out. You won’t be alone with him for long.”

  Just that quickly, the arousal faded. Jay felt sick. Nausea cramped his stomach as he slid behind the wheel of the jeep, staring straight ahead while Drake fussily fastened Jesse’s seat belt. He could feel the hot anger of Drake’s gaze burned into him, but he ignored it. Drake had understood part of the implication of his arrival at that time. He just didn’t understand it all. How could he?


  Drake didn’t bother knocking on the door of the house where he’d dropped Jesse off just a week ago. He figured they knew he was coming. He stepped into the dim foyer, noted Jesse’s boots under a bench to the side, and Jay’s skate shoes haphazardly next to them. He bent and pulled off his own running shoes, leaving them by Jesse’s boots. No shoes in the house was a common enough rule in Southern California households. And he wouldn’t be leaving in a hurry anyway. There was a lot to be settled here, about Jesse, Jay, and that damned touchy-feely waiter.

  In his socks, he moved silently down the hall toward a cozy glow of lamplight. He stood in the doorway of a large airy family room, much nicer than what he’d glimpsed of the rest of the house. Jay sat on a comfortable-looking sofa, his knees drawn up to his chest, arms wrapped around them while his usually defiant chin rested atop the faded denim that covered his knees. His bare feet poked out below, giving him a vulnerable and youthful air that he hadn’t had before. The resemblance to Jesse was even more pronounced in this attitude. Jesse hovered over his brother, looking anxious and uncertain. He petted Jay’s hair, whispered words that Drake couldn’t hear.

  Something was wrong with this picture. Jesse didn’t have the look of a man being abused. He looked worried, concerned for his brother. I know I didn’t misunderstand. Jesse said his boyfriend wanted to meet me. Then Jay answered the why. The implication had been clear. Jay was both the brother and the boyfriend.

  Strange as the thought had been, Drake hadn’t been able to dwell too long on the idea. The waiter’s proprietary attitude toward Jay had seriously pissed him off, and that had confused him as well. He supposed that maybe it shouldn’t have. When he’d seen how tired Jay looked Saturday, he’d just wanted to put the man to bed and soothe him to sleep. Of course, at the time he’d thought it was Jesse.

  Some noise must have given his presence away. Jesse looked at him with pleading eyes. “Drake, please. It’s not like you think. You hurt him. Tell him you don’t believe that about him.”

  Drake looked more closely at Jay. The shiny track of a single tear held his attention. Swearing softly, without thinking he strode across the room, sliding onto the sofa and pulling Jay into his arms. “I’m sorry I hurt you. Babe, please. It was just the shock.” He gave in to impulse, and the burning desire that had overtaken him at the bar, to find out how identical Jay and Jesse were. He pressed his lips to Jay’s, coaxing, tenderly, begging him with lips and tongue to forgive his hasty words. Eventually, the trembling man in his arms relaxed and opened up. Drake sighed in relief. The similarities were there, it was true, but he would always be able to tell Jay’s kiss from Jesse’s. Equally sweet and hot, Jay’s kiss was tinged with the acrid flavor of smoke. More than that, the brother he had assumed to be the dominant partner in the relationship seemed to need wooing. Whether a product of the events of the night or the norm, Jay was less aggressive.

  Slowly, sensing Jay calm and feeling Jesse’s approval in the gentle caress of his hands, he acknowledged the thought that had crossed his mind: The reason he had been furious at the waiter was that Jay belonged to him, just as Jesse did. From the moment he’d looked up and seen two Jesses, he’d fought off images of what he wanted to do with them. It wasn’t anything he’d ever imagined before, but he couldn’t shake the vision of the three of them, naked and entwined, kissing, caressing. Realizing that Jay was Jesse’s boyfriend, his visions had taken a dangerously seductive turn as he imagined himself watching the two of them please each other and then joining in to take his own pleasures. He’d shocked himself.

  Jay hadn’t deserved to bear the brunt of his self-loathing. Sighing, he turned on the couch and pulled Jesse closer, kissing him lightly on the forehead. “Okay. Before I jump to any more faulty conclusions, one of you explain this to me.” Jay tried to pull away, but Drake tightened his grip. “No. You stay here. I need to hold you.” And Jay needed to be held. Jesse beamed at him in approval, so he must have done something right. God knew what.

  “Jesse, you tell him.” Jay’s voice was raw from crying, and Drake pressed a sympathetic kiss to his head.

  “Okay. Drake, Jay and I, we...well, we’re very close.” Drake arched a brow. “We’re in love. We love each other, more than some people think is right. We both tried for a long time to fight how we felt. It made us miserable. Then we worked it out. Until I met you.”

  Unsure what that meant but determined not to spea
k until he’d processed everything this time, not wanting to hurt anyone, Drake just nodded. He ran a soothing hand through Jay’s hair, tugging the band that held it in a ponytail out as he did so. Jesse, he noted, wore his hair down already. He smiled encouragingly at Jesse, shifting slightly as the weight of Jay’s body snuggled against him began to affect his focus. He reacted to Jay’s proximity exactly as he had to Jesse’s in the car. The same overwhelming desire and the same need to protect filled him.

  “We moved here, where no one knew us, and we’ve been very discreet about ourselves, Drake. No one knows but you.” Now Jesse sounded anxious.

  “Your secret is safe with me,” he assured them, pulling Jesse close to place a tender kiss on his trembling mouth. “As far as I know, there’s no law against consenting adults doing what they want.”

  Jesse’s eyes shone with relief. “We hoped you’d feel that way. Because, well...I met you. And when Jay found out about you, he met you. And we both feel the same way.”

  Bewildered, Drake looked from one to other. “I’m doing my best not to leap to conclusions here, but...could you be a little clearer?”

  Jay pushed Jesse out of Drake’s arms, grabbed his head and pulled him down, taking his mouth in a heated kiss. Then he drew back and Jesse was there, repeating the maneuver.

  Jesse drew back and looked at Jay, and then the two of them kissed, right in front of Drake’s eyes. His semihard cock jolted to full arousal instantly. His field of vision filled with pale skin, ashy hair swinging freely, and identical rosy red mouths locked in hunger. Clear enough. That kind of feeling he understood.

  He leaned forward and slowly, tentatively, feeling his way in this new venture, brought his mouth into the game. He traced kisses over one pale cheek to where the two mouths met and probed with his tongue, tasting the heat of the kiss. In a second the twins had made room for him, and the three-way kiss began again. It was deliciously wet, hot, messy, and incredible.

  He fell back against the sofa, pulling the two with him. Jay straddled his lap, and Jesse knelt on the floor at his side as the kiss went on and on.

  “This clear enough?” Jay’s voice broke through the haze of desire, the rush of blood in Drake’s ears.

  “Oh yeah. That’s pretty clear. And...” He paused to breathe deeply, hoping he wasn’t going to regret this. “I feel the same.” Not exactly, but he could handle it. The twins might well be sexually attracted to him, but he’d hoped he had found someone he could learn to love, who could love him. He could settle for being part of a caring relationship. These two loved each other, and neither of them would risk bringing a third into such a precarious relationship casually, without feeling something. Maybe they wouldn’t ever love him as they did one another, but it was worth taking the chance. If he suspected that he was already well on the way to falling in love with Jay and Jesse, he’d keep it to himself.

  He could do his damnedest to make the relationship last as long as he could. And when they got tired of sharing one another with him, well, he’d have memories to keep him company.


  Jesse grabbed Jay and Drake both by a hand and tugged as he rose awkwardly to his feet. “Bed. There’s no room here.”

  The other two moved with more alacrity than grace, and Jesse smiled in amusement as he watched them struggle to their feet. Though the bedroom was only a few feet away, getting there seemed to take forever as Drake and Jay were constantly stopping the forward motion of their small group to share kisses and caresses or strip off garments. The bonus to that was that they were all naked by the time they reached the bedroom.

  Jesse paused on the threshold, watching Drake take in the surroundings as Jay kissed him. Drake strolled over to the bed, and Jesse’s eyelids drifted down as Jay stole his breath with another kiss.

  He heard the creak of the bedsprings and muffled thump of pillows being fluffed. “Show me.” Drake’s voice was a hoarse whisper. “How it is between the two of you.”

  Together he and Jay moved across to the bed, climbing onto the mussed sheets on either side of Drake. They faced each other, knees pressed tight to Drake’s muscular thighs. Embracing, they leaned into one another, kissing, caressing, loving.

  “Beautiful,” Drake murmured in encouragement. Jesse peeked at Drake from the corner of his eye, seeing the enthralled look on his lean, square-cut face, the molten heat of passion in his gray eyes. Drake’s rough hands came up to tentatively touch. Jesse shifted into the touch, loving the heat of it on his thigh. Perfect. This was perfect. Jay’s hot mouth devoured his own; the familiar gentle touches of his twin inflamed his desire as much as the newness of Drake’s touch did.

  Unable to wait longer, he reached down to clasp Jay’s throbbing erection in his palm. He shuddered as Jay moved at the same time to return the touch. Drake’s rumbled “Yes,” mingled with his and Jay’s. Trembling with building pleasure, he felt Drake’s hand explore his body, roaming to all the places it could reach. A tiny whimper escaped, and he bit down on his lip to stifle the sounds of pleasure.

  Jay’s free hand curled about his nape and pulled him closer, sealing his mouth with his own. Jesse moaned freely into the kiss. He barely heard Drake’s curse over the rush of blood in his ears as the tension began at the base of his spine and spread throughout his lower body. His balls drew up tight, and it was his turn to swallow Jay’s cries. They both surrendered to the welling orgasm at the same moment. Hot spurts of cum slicked his hand as he firmly jerked Jay’s cock, milking it of every last drop.

  At last they stilled, breathing heavily, resting against one another. Jesse opened his eyes to see Drake run a single finger through the sticky liquid, the mingled essence of his and Jay’s orgasms. Jay’s gasp told him his brother watched as well. Drake brought his finger to his mouth and flicked it with his tongue, moaning a little at the taste. His big body shuddered beneath them.

  Swiftly, Jay and Jesse dropped to their sides, cuddling up close and leaning in to kiss Drake softly. “Was that what you wanted to see?” Jesse asked. He knew Drake had enjoyed the show. He could tell by the man’s heaving chest, his glassy eyes, and the rock-hard erection that leaked steadily against his belly.

  “That and more.”

  Jesse met Jay’s gaze, and the two began a purposeful journey of exploration. Their mouths met at Drake’s mouth for a heated kiss, and then each explored at will, roaming down the clean-shaven cheeks to the sensitive hollows behind his ears and down his neck. Jesse wanted to know Drake as thoroughly as he knew Jay. He wanted to know where and how to touch to bring the older man to pleasure.

  Jay made his own explorations, traveling a similar path, but Jesse knew his brother’s kisses were different. Would Drake appreciate the differences between them in and out of bed? He threaded his fingers through the dark hair on Drake’s chest and tugged gently as he kissed along his collarbone to the hollow of Drake’s throat. He resisted the urge to linger there, to suck and mark the man as theirs. Instead he moved on down to a nipple and laved it with his tongue before gently nibbling it with his teeth.

  Drake’s groans and sighs of pleasure spurred him on. Jay’s chuckle as Drake jerked and swore made his heart sing. Jay was prone to nipping sharply with his fine white teeth, and Drake must have liked it because his hands came up to cradle Jay’s head to his chest and his hoarse demand for more sent shivers down Jesse’s spine. Some day he’d sit back and just watch, but for now, he couldn’t get enough of touching.

  He kissed his way wetly down taut muscles, dipping his tongue into hollows and licking and sucking at whatever flesh offered itself to him. When he arrived at his destination, he reached for Jay, tugging his twin down.

  Together they licked and lapped at the sensitive flesh of Drake’s balls, soft tender caresses followed by firm rough strokes of their tongues. As one they moved up his cock, licking and sucking until their mouths met at the tip, where they took turns rubbing the throbbing head with their tongues and poking at the leaking slit, sucking the salty prec
um from it. He was so absorbed in his task, Drake’s hand fisting in Jesse’s hair startled a cry from him.

  Drake’s cock glided into Jesse’s open mouth and he sucked firmly, rolling his tongue around the head. A few short thrusts, and the thick vein pulsed against his tongue as Drake began to come. Jesse pulled away, ignoring Drake’s urgent tug at his hair, and Jay moved in to take over, sucking and licking Drake.

  Jay pulled back and they were both there again, tongues swiping over the pulsing head, hands stroking the throbbing length, kissing each other and Drake’s cock as he finally relaxed back onto the bed.


  Drake slowly drifted back to awareness. Opening his eyes, he looked up into Jesse’s shining blue eyes.

  “I love—”

  Fearing the rest of the words that Jesse might speak, Drake hurriedly pressed a finger to his swollen red mouth, still damp from sucking his cock. “Don’t say anything. This is new; let’s give it time and see how it turns out, hmm?” He knew already how it would turn out for him. In time he would fall in love with the vulnerable Jesse. How he’d come to feel about Jay, he wasn’t sure, but he sensed that the same potential was there. And they loved each other.

  Drake had vague memories of Jay leaving the bed earlier and wondered if Jay regretted what they had done. “Jay?” he asked quizzically, lifting a brow.

  Jesse chuckled. “I love...” He caught himself, then rushed on. “That.”

  Bewildered, Drake asked cautiously, “What?”

  “The eyebrow thing.” Jesse’s attempt to emulate the raising of one brow was comical. “It’s so Spock. Intellectual and all, you know, sexy.”

  “Spock? As in emotionless and logical?” Was that how he appeared? Damn. He hiked himself further up the bed, stuffing the pillows behind his back. “Where’s Jay?”

  “Showering. He has to go to work in a bit. And I didn’t mean emotionless. I meant sexy, and strong, and okay, maybe a bit alien. And intelligent.” Drake pulled Jesse down and kissed him gently.


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