Dark Desires - Love That's Out of This World (Xcite Bestselling Collections)

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Dark Desires - Love That's Out of This World (Xcite Bestselling Collections) Page 1

by K D Grace


  A collection of twenty erotic stories

  Edited by Miranda Forbes

  Published by Xcite Books Ltd – 2011

  ISBN 9781907761713

  Copyright © Xcite Books Ltd 2011

  The stories contained within this book are works of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the authors’ imaginations and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the publishers: Xcite Books, Suite 11769, 2nd Floor, 145-157 St John Street, London EC1V 4PY

  Winner of Jade Erotic Awards:

  Erotic Fiction Publisher 2010

  "Xcite has delighted its readers with a wealth of superb titles and first class storytelling. Their titles have far outstripped the others for both quality of the product and sensual erotic content."

  Other paranormal titles…


  Animal Attraction Lucy Felthouse

  Familiar Sommer Marsden

  Séance Mary Borsellino

  Come With Us Landon Dixon

  Circle in the Sand Elizabeth Coldwell

  Making Lewis Hard Esmeralda Greene

  Demon Kathryn O'Halloran

  On The Other Side Peter Baltensperger

  Something About Mary J S Black

  Dancer in the Dark Scarlett Blue

  The Call of the Night Tabitha Rayne

  House of Seven Inches Michael Bracken

  Incubus At Your Service Maggie Morton

  Skyggen Giselle Renarde

  Lord Nano's Nemesis Slave Nano

  Ghost With The Most Lynn Lake

  Flaws K D Grace

  Nymph Kyoko Church

  Skin Deep Kat Black

  Airfield James Hornby

  Animal Attraction

  by Lucy Felthouse

  As soon as I saw the sexy naked guy lying on the ground, I knew this was going to be no ordinary day.

  I approached him with caution, just in case he lashed out. After all, who doesn’t feel at their most vulnerable while naked? Certainly in the woods, anyway. And I should know.

  I touched him on the shoulder, which I couldn’t help but notice was broad and muscular. My eyes then just happened to glance lower and catch sight of his rather glorious bottom. Hell, if he hadn’t been in a foetal position, I’d have checked out his crown jewels, too. Come on, could you blame me, the guy was gorgeous!

  And he was just waking up. Obviously having no idea where he was, he turned over, giving me a full-frontal view of aforementioned genitals. I averted my eyes, though not without a struggle.

  The man’s eyes flicked open momentarily, then closed again. He obviously hadn’t been satisfied with what he saw the first time round. Which, looking up I could understand. I didn’t have trees or blue sky on the ceiling of my bedroom, either. Trying again, hot guy opened his eyes. Frowned. He started to sit up, then caught sight of me standing there and opened his mouth to speak. Before he could, though, his brain must have caught on to the fact that he was naked.

  Looking down, he immediately reacted by pulling his knees up to his chest, covering up his bits. Then he tried speaking again,

  ‘OK, what the fuck?’

  I couldn’t help it. I laughed, causing the poor guy to look even more out of sorts. Walking up to him, I said, ‘I’m sorry, I was expecting something a little more traditional to come out of your mouth, like “Where am I?” or “What’s going on?” You just took me by surprise, that’s all. I’m Rayne.’

  I held out a hand. Pulling his legs in tighter, Mr Naked reached up and shook my hand.

  ‘I’m Claude. So, should I ask the more traditional questions now? What’s going on?’

  ‘Well,’ I said, removing my sweater from around my waist to hand to him, ‘I’m not exactly sure. I was just out running. This is my usual route home, but today you were lying starkers by the side of it! I’m as surprised as you are.’

  By now he’d taken my sweater gratefully, though he now seemed to be struggling with the dilemma of what exactly to do with it.

  ‘It’s fine, just tie it around. It’ll wash, it’s an old one anyway.’

  Holding the garment gingerly over his crotch, Claude stood. His face flamed and he obviously didn’t know where to put himself. Suddenly remembering my manners, I turned my back, allowing him to sort himself out.

  Seconds later, he said, ‘Um, OK. I’m kind of decent.’

  Turning to face him again, I had to stifle a grin. As I said before, this guy was broad, so my little sweater didn’t cover much, just the most important bits. He’d tied the sweater on backwards, and I strongly suspected you’d be able to see his bottom in all its glory if you were behind him.

  ‘Do you want to come back to my place and sort yourself out? It’s only a few minutes away and I’m sure I can dig out some sweatpants and a T-shirt for you.’

  ‘Um, are you sure? I mean, thanks, but why are you helping me? I could be anyone. A serial killer, anything.’

  ‘True. If you are a serial killer I have to give you points for your original way of snaring me. But to me you look like a seriously confused guy who needs help. And I’m the only one here. Come on, I’m a big girl, I can look after myself.’

  A little while later, Claude was sitting on my sofa sipping a cup of tea. I’d given him some of my ex-boyfriend’s clothes to wear. I’d always known they’d come in handy.

  ‘Right. Now we’ve got you clothed and watered, let’s start from the beginning.’

  I already had a pretty good idea of what was going on, but wanted to get more information first, in case I was barking up the wrong tree. Blurting out my conclusion would just freak the poor guy out and probably make him think I was a raving loony.

  ‘I don’t know what to tell you. I went to bed last night as normal. When I woke up, I was naked in the woods and you were there. That’s literally all I can tell you.’

  ‘No strange dreams? Anything weird happen to you lately?’

  ‘I don’t normally remember my dreams.’ He paused, and a thoughtful expression crossed his face. ‘Actually, I vaguely remember something about dogs.’

  ‘Dogs?’ Now we were getting somewhere.

  ‘Yeah. I guess it’s my subconscious playing tricks on me, something to do with when I got bit.’


  ‘Bit? By a dog?’

  ‘Yeah. A couple of weeks ago I was on my way home from a night out with the lads and this huge dog started chasing me. I tripped over something and bumped my head. The next thing I knew I was in A&E being patched up and given a tetanus shot. Weird thing is, though, it’s gone.’

  I knew, but I asked anyway, ‘What’s gone?’

  ‘The bite. The beast was massive and it could have really messed me up, killed me even. But it only bit me once, then left me alone. And now the mark has gone. It’s like it never happened.’

  ‘So you were bit by a dog and the mark has now disappeared. You dream about dogs, then wake up in the buff in the woods.’

  ‘I know it sounds mental, but that’s how it happened.’

  ‘It’s not as mental as you think. You see, I have a theory.’

  ‘You do?!’

  ‘Yes. Can I show you something?’

I figured it would be easier to make him believe me if I presented him with evidence. If I just told him straight out, he’d think I was crazy. He might anyway, but I had to take the chance. Claude needed to know the truth.

  Once in the basement, Claude had a little trouble controlling his emotions. I’ll give him his due, he’d remained calm and quiet when we went through the pin-coded door beneath my stairs and headed to this hidden basement. But what he saw now was obviously a step too far. He looked stunned.

  I couldn’t blame him. The place resembled some kind of kinky dungeon. There were heavy duty chains hanging from the walls, the ends threaded through the bars of equally hardcore cages. Handcuffing people whilst they were inside cages? I was surprised he hadn’t bolted.

  He was obviously brighter than I’d given him credit for, though. Walking up to one of the cages, he peered through the bars, studying what was inside.

  ‘These are no ordinary handcuffs.’ Claude said, resting his head against the bars. By now, he must have clocked the scratch marks covering the floor and bars of the cage.


  ‘I think I know what’s going on here.’ He turned, his back against the cold metal of the cage, and slid to the floor. I rushed towards him and knelt down in front of him. I said nothing, just rested a hand on his knee.

  ‘Am I ... a werewolf?’

  He looked at me then, and I thought my heart would break. Claude’s face was awash with feelings. Hurt, confusion, worry. I couldn’t think of anything to say to make him feel better, so I did the only thing I could think of to do – I moved next to him, slid an arm round his shoulders and pulled him to me. He didn’t resist; he snuggled into me like we’d done it a million times before.

  He didn’t cry, rage or scream. He simply lay in my arms silently, his mind no doubt buzzing with thoughts. I don’t know how long we sat there, but eventually he sat up and looked at me.

  ‘How long?’ He didn’t need to finish the question.

  ‘Fifty years.’

  ‘Fifty – but you’re ...’

  I put my fingertips to his lips to shush him.

  ‘Claude, there’s so much you need to know. Don’t worry, I will tell you everything. We’ll get through this, together.’

  ‘But, why are you helping me? What’s in it for you?’

  ‘I’m helping you because there’s no one else. There was nobody to help me. I had to figure it out on my own, and it was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. And as for what’s in it for me, well, that’s up to you.’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘It’s a lonely existence when nobody else knows what you are. You can try to carry on as you did before but soon enough people will notice your disappearing acts and start asking questions. Can you imagine having to tell the people you care about that you’re a werewolf? They’d be on the phone to the men in white coats, first chance they got.’

  ‘I guess so. So what are you saying? I shouldn’t go back home?’

  ‘Only you can decide that. I don’t want to influence you either way. Just know that’s there a home for you here if you want it. I’d be glad of the company.’

  He didn’t say anything then, he just looked me in the eyes. I hadn’t said much, but Claude had obviously read between the lines and seen how desperately lonely I was.

  I looked down. The eye contact was making me feel like he was exposing all my innermost secrets. He reached out a hand and put it beneath my chin, raising my head and forcing me to look at him again.

  He opened his mouth as if to speak, but said nothing. Then he leaned toward me and gave me the most toe-curlingly blissful kiss I’d ever experienced. I was startled at first and didn’t respond. But when I felt him start to pull back, I didn’t want him to. I slipped a hand behind his neck to stop him escaping and pressed my lips to his more forcefully.

  I had no idea what the kiss was about – whether it was passion, comfort or what. And at that point, I didn’t much care. I slipped my tongue into Claude’s mouth and slid it against his. I felt my body start to respond to what was happening; my nipples hardened and I felt a pleasant warmth between my legs.

  The heat was obviously starting to get to Claude too, as he pulled away, breathing hard.

  ‘I’m sorry, Rayne. I never should have ...’

  ‘No, you’ve nothing to be sorry for. We’re both adults here. But there’s one thing you need to know before anything else happens.’

  ‘What’s that?’

  ‘Sex will be ... different, from now on.’

  ‘Different, how?’

  ‘Well, once things start getting hot and heavy, you’ll feel different to how you used to. Sure, you’ll be horny and your body will do all the normal things. But you’ll also feel something else, something inside. Your wolf will awaken.’

  ‘What! Getting horny will turn me into a werewolf?’

  ‘Let me finish,’ I said, giving him a stern look. ‘Your body won’t change, but your wolf, which is normally dormant, will awaken. His consciousness will merge with yours and he’ll also crave what you’re aiming toward; climax. Just be aware that he’ll have an influence and make you more, well, animal.’

  ‘Um, OK. Does it work that way for you, too?’

  ‘Yes. So just be ... aware.’

  Claude seemed lost in thought, probably processing all I’d told him. But I hadn’t had sex in quite some time, so my woman and my wolf were ready. Oooh so ready. I took his hand and slipped it around my waist. We kissed again, and this time there was no going back.

  Soon, things went from hot and heavy to molten lava. Claude had me pressed up against the bars of the cage, kissing me hard. He pulled back, only to tug my T-shirt and bra off. Then he was back, his tongue invading my mouth once more, before trailing his lips down my face and neck and heading for my breasts.

  My nipples were already as hard as pebbles, so when his hot mouth enclosed one of them, I gasped at the sensation. A jolt of arousal zipped to my pussy and I could feel my juices pooling in my panties. Claude worked his mouth over both sensitive buds in turn, time and time again, until I couldn’t take any more teasing. It appeared he couldn’t, either. Soon, he pulled away and ripped off his own T-shirt, tossing it on the floor.

  We hadn’t found him any underwear, so his erection had nothing to hold it in check. It was making quite the tent inside his tracksuit bottoms and I reached out to stroke it, eliciting a growl from him. I had no idea whether it had come from his man or his wolf and I didn’t much care. All I knew is both parts of me wanted to wrench noise after noise from him, until we were both sated.

  I stood, only to undo my trousers, wrench down my panties and yank off my socks. Claude removed the tracksuit bottoms, leaving him entirely naked. Of course, it wasn’t the first time I’d seen him in a state of undress, but this time I had no intention of being polite or averting my eyes. He was a stunning looking man and I wanted my hands all over him, never mind my eyes!

  After a pause, we stepped towards one another once more. Claude, tall as he was, bent down to kiss me, and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me to him. His hard cock pressed into my tummy and I slipped a hand between our bodies to touch it.

  Wrapping my fingers around his shaft, they barely touched around its girth. I could feel my pussy juices coating my thighs, warm and sticky. The thought of that thick cock stretching and pounding me just made me hotter and wetter. I squeezed him in my hand and began stroking up and down as our tongues fucked each other’s mouths. He groaned, and before I had chance to increase the pace to tease him further, he reached down to lift me up.

  Hitching me up so my legs wrapped around his waist, I felt tiny in his arms, like I weighed nothing. He’d obviously been a fit guy before his transformation, but the new genes in him made him stronger and fitter.

  He moved towards one of the cages, and pushed my back against one of them, causing me to squeal as the cold bars touched my heated skin. Claude laughed, and pushed me har
der against the bars, obviously enjoying the way I was writhing and wriggling in his embrace. I dug my nails hard into his biceps, which cast a dark look into his eyes. Most women would have been frightened by that look, but I knew what it was.

  His wolf. Peering out at me through Claude’s eyes. I repeated the action with my nails, and it was a done deal. Claude’s lips crushed mine, kissing me bruisingly hard. I stretched my arms up and behind me to grasp the bars of the cage to give me leverage and lifted myself up a little. Claude took the hint and pulled back a little, just enough to take himself in hand and stroke up and down his rock hard shaft a couple of times. I looked down to see the shiny purple head of his cock seeping precome, and I wanted it. Now.

  Tilting my hips toward him, I growled. Claude – and his wolf – needed no more invitation. Guiding his cock to my slick pout, he lined himself up and plunged into me, deeply and without hesitation. He slid in right to the hilt, I was so wet and ready. Grasping my hips hard, he took advantage of the fact I was using my arms to hang onto the bars of the cage by rocking me forward and back onto his prick.

  He was fast and furious and I loved it. Sliding one hand between our bodies, Claude pinched my clit between thumb and forefinger. I screamed with the pleasure/pain, my pussy grasping tighter around his cock. He continued to manipulate my swollen bud as he fucked me relentlessly, until I felt my climax approaching.

  My head lolled back as I felt the tingling of orgasm grow inside me. I grunted and groaned as he pumped into my pussy, my woman as wild with desire as my wolf. Then another flick of my clit caused my climax to hit, like smashing glass. My cunt spasmed wildly around Claude’s cock and the knuckles of my hands went white as I gripped the bars of the cage so hard it hurt.

  Feeling my vaginal walls clutching around his prick tipped Claude over the edge, too. He slowed his pace and leaned his head against my shoulder. He dug his teeth into my skin as he came; not hard enough to draw blood, but enough to leave a mark. His cock began to twitch and jump, emptying his balls inside me.


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