Max Stone and the Lost Star of Zirdon

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Max Stone and the Lost Star of Zirdon Page 5

by Declan Clarke

  Boctamus drew his sword and sliced at the first one that attacked. He took its head clean off but it was soon followed by another and then another. They worked as a pack, snapping at the young warrior, advancing and trying to find a weak spot. Another lunged, and again Boctamus swung his sword taking the snapping head off the creature. The screeching in the cave grew as the animals snarled in frustration. They circled again, moving closer and closer, closing in on Boctamus. Max thought he was done for.

  And then Boctamus did something he wasn’t expecting something the Screechers didn’t expect. He charged right into the middle of the screeching reptiles, letting out a chilling battle cry

  ‘AAAAiiiiiii-AAH’, his alien eyes flame-red over his brown pupils, his long blood-red hair swishing behind him. He sliced with his sword, first to his left and then swung with the practiced cut of a warrior to his right. When he reached their outer circle he spun on his heels and charged back slicing through legs, tails, and taking off heads. The surprised and angry creatures scurried away deep into the darkness and in their confusion Boctamus made a lunge for the ledge.

  Reaching out, Max put the box to his side and held the two torches in his left hand. He reached with his right and pulled Boctamus to safety.

  ‘Are you all right?’ he asked, ‘are you hurt?’

  ‘No, Max I am fine.’ He took his torch from Max and held it into the darkness.

  ‘Will they come back?’

  ‘Hard to know Max, the Screechers hunt in packs and will only attack prey they think they can bring down. Perhaps we have sent them a message that we are not for dinner tonight.’

  Max smiled and asked ‘but how did they get in here?’

  ‘I imagine the Kaemon brought them to hunt us out of the caves, knowing they could not follow us in. It is too cold for those cold-blooded reptiles. The Screechers can store heat for longer, they’re from Zirdon, so they are used to the climate. But even they cannot last long outside the warming rays of the sun ’

  Max and Boctamus listened to see if the Screechers planned another attack or if they had decided to leave the cave for safer ground.

  ‘Sounds like they’ve gone?’ Max ventured after a time.

  ‘We wait Max, for the Screechers are sneaky and may lie in wait for us. We must stay a while so we are sure. They cannot stay long shivering in the cold and will soon have to return to the heat of the sun.

  Max felt goose-bumps shiver over his body as they waited and huddled around the flames of the torches.

  ‘Boctamus’, Max asked ‘what happens when we reach Elgonze?’

  ‘We must avoid the Kaemon Klann at all times when we are there, Max. Their numbers are great in Elgonze and they are strong because of the trapped energy of the sun. We must make our way past the Zagger Zee River and then to the Rock of Azul.’

  ‘The Rock of Azul, what’s that?’ asked Max. He had seen it on the map and heard Mar-Hoc-Seia mention it.

  ‘It is a sacred place to us and the rightful home of the Lost Star. I do not yet know how but I pray that Mar-Hoc-Seia is able to send a message to my tribe with the Takuon bird. Once Altusa, our Tribe leader, knows you have returned with the Lost Star he will gather our army. Together with the Swaveb Tribe we will fight these Kaemon dogs.

  ‘Wow’ was all Max could think of saying but he just nodded.

  ‘Right’ said Boctamus, ‘I think we have waited long enough.’ He smiled to Max, ‘if we don’t get moving soon it might be us who will suffer from the cold.’

  They slipped off the ledge and back onto the narrow path. As they moved deeper into the northern caves, the path widened. Soon they were able to walk side by side. Boctamus told Max a little about the caves.

  ‘Look!’ he pointed to the high roof of the cave. Under the flickering of the torch light Max could see the roof sparkle and dance as though it were dressed with a thousand diamonds.

  ‘Kerlang stones’, Boctamus explained. ‘The Swaveb Tribe mined the stones and built the City of Elgonze with them. All on Zirdon are welcome in the City of Elgonze, and during a harsh winter all of our people take shelter there. The Kerlang stones reflect and collect the energy of the sun, even in winter, and for the winter we are safe and warm.’

  ‘It must be amazing’ said Max trying to imagine a whole city built on the sparkling gems.

  ‘Yes it is, you can see it from a great distance and it acts as a symbol of hope to all who seek its protecting heat. This is why the Kaemon Klann have taken it as their own. They do not like our cool climate on Zirdon and crave the heat the city offers.’

  They carried on walking for what seemed like hours when the cave opened up into a giant cavern. The roof of the cave sparkled with millions of Kerlang stones casting a glittering light on the dark waters of an inky-black lake that lay between them and the other side.

  Boctamus crouched low near the water’s edge and urged Max to do the same. He put his finger to his lips to signal Max to be quiet.

  Max wondered how on earth they were going to manage to cross this black lake when Boctamus pointed to a boat which was fixed on a pulley rope to the other side.

  ‘We have to be very quiet, Max’ Boctamus whispered.

  ‘In here lives the Ranguilla’

  ‘Oh no!’ thought Max ‘what’s that?’ he dared to ask.

  ‘The Ranguilla is an ancient beast’ Boctamus explained. ‘They live in these deep dark caverns and need only feed but once every year. Some believe they are daemons with magical powers, others say they are serpents that fell into the cave many centuries ago. Creatures sometimes wander into these caves for shelter from storms or if they are chased by predators. Their noses lead them to the lake’s edges where they can find water to quench their thirst.

  ‘It is then the Ranguilla attack, launching their enormous bodies from the water and snapping at their prey with powerful jaws.’

  ‘If it’s hungry we’re in trouble!!’ said Max, trying to lighten the mood.

  He was sure he saw a ripple in the dark waters. But it must have been his imagination playing tricks on him. He was seeing monsters where there were none.

  Boctamus moved beside the little wooden boat. ‘Come, Max, we must hurry. Hold tightly to the Star’

  Max clutched the box tightly with one arm and placed his torch in the holder on the small wooden boat which looked made for the job. Boctamus anchored his torch at the other end of the boat.

  ‘Come on, Max!’ Max stepped into the small wooden boat and it rocked unsteadily underneath him. He had a really bad feeling about this.

  ‘It’s best we work together Max, we will make it across the lake faster.’

  They pulled on the rope and the boat glided away from the water’s edge.

  Encouraged by their quick progress Boctamus urged them forward. ‘HEAVE’ he shouted.

  Together they hauled on the rope drawing them away from one bank and closer to the other.

  ‘Good, Max, good.’ They pulled again and again and soon they were almost a third of the way into the lake. Perhaps they could make it.

  And then the boat nudged suddenly to the side, rocking in the inky-black waters.

  ‘Max!!’ Boctamus looked back at him, ‘don’t move about like that’

  ‘I .I….I. it wasn’t me.’ Boctamus looked at him, his alien eyes changing from the calm blue to a fiery red as he realised what was going on.

  ‘Pull, Max, pull!’

  They heaved on the old rope faster and faster, the ancient pulley groaning and creaking at the sudden action.

  Max saw movement to his left and a menacing tail fin sliced through the surface waters. Again the boat was nudged from underneath, rocking them dangerously. Max’s heart leapt into his mouth.

  Boctamus’s eyes now flame red, called out ‘it’s testing us Max, trying to see how heavy we are, and measuring us up for a meal.’

  Max really didn’t need to hear that and panic rose inside him. He pulled on the rope with all his might, ignoring the strained groans of the pulley.

  They were getting nearer and nearer to the other side ‘Come on, Max, we can do it.’ They heaved and hauled with all their might.

  Max saw the giant shape of the Ranguilla’s head snake under the surface and head straight towards them, hitting them head on. The little wooden boat rocked wildly. Cold icy water splashed inside the boat as the edge of the boat dipped into the lake, first on one side then the other. Max snatched the box from the wet floor and tossed it onto the seat beside him while he and Boctamus grabbed the rope and hauled as fast as they could.

  ‘HEAVE!’ cried Boctamus, and Max tried to focus on placing one hand after the other, putting all his energy in getting to the other side.


  ‘Whoooa!’ cried Max, as the Ranguilla smashed hard into the boat again. The serpent circled and they could see it build up speed as it came straight at them.

  The Ranguilla struck again, this time broadside, knocking the boat violently, tipping the side of the boat into the water for a few seconds. More water flooded in now, right up to the calves on Max’s leg. This made the boat harder and heavier to pull through the water.


  Again the Ranguilla crashed into the boat and there was a sound of breaking boards where the monster’s gigantic head crashed into the boat.


  Water was now pouring in, in several places.

  ‘Move, Max’. They were nearing the other side.

  The Ranguilla sensed that its meal was escaping and it swam underneath the boat, its tail splashing as it dived out of sight.

  Moments later it rose out of the water, its huge gaping jaws flashing rows and rows of pointed teeth as it launched another attack on them. This close up it was a terror. Its skin was shiny, sleek and black and it had tiny flared nostrils and small beady black eyes.

  ‘BaamM.’ It smacked straight into the side of the boat. They were almost there, just a few feet at most, but the boat nearly capsized. Max and Boctamus just about held on but the box fell open and Lost Star of Zirdon rolled wildly around the bottom of the boat. Max reached out trying to grab it but it rolled out of the boat and into the icy waters

  ‘Oh no!’ cried Max. He looked up to Boctamus for help but he could see that the Star had already taken effect on him. He was holding on, but only just.

  The Lost Star didn’t seem to affect the Ranguilla in any way as it came back for another strike.

  It would feed tonight!!

  Max hauled the leaking little boat the last few feet to the bank of the lake with all his might. The boat hit the soft sandy bank. Max lost no time in grabbing Boctamus under the arms, hauling him from the boat. Max didn’t realise how heavy the young alien warrior was but he had to get him back from the water’s edge and to safety at all costs.

  Max lay his friend down on the lake shore but he was breathing heavily, his eyes were pale and Max knew he had to act, and fast.



  Altusa, head of the Tigral Tribe, awoke feeling better and stronger than he had for a long time.

  He left his tent and moved quietly though the sleeping camp. He and his tribe had taken refuge in the hills since the Star of Zirdon had been lost to his world. Without it, his people grew weak and were unable to fight the lizard dogs that had invaded his planet.

  But today something was different.

  Today Altusa felt a new strength race through his veins. He felt an air of hope in the bright morning sun.

  In the distance he spied a young pterodactyl squawking in the sky as it tried to catch a bright feathered bird. Altusa watched from the distance as the bird ducked and dived. The bird it chased did aerial somersaults that could only mean it must have been the Takuon bird. He caught a flash of brilliant blue and white feathers that marked the Takuon from all others on Zirdon.

  Altusa thought to himself, ‘If a Takuon bird is flying so high in these hills it must be carrying a message.’

  Without hesitation, he drew his bow and set a silver tipped arrow and took aim. He followed the flight of the pterodactyl; its snapping jaws and sharp talons as it tried to snare the Takuon bird. Altusa calmed his breath and took slow steady aim. He let the arrow fly and it whizzed through the air and caught its target clean in the throat.

  With a single strangled cry the surprised young pterodactyl fell to the ground and Altusa ran towards where it had fallen. He would skin it and give it as a present to his Fight-Cat, Srana, later. She would relish the meal.

  ‘Squawk, Squawk’, the Takuon bird circled Altusa and he held his arm out to the bird. With a flap, the bird landed on him and Altusa saw that there was in fact a message carefully fixed to its leg. He calmed the bird, wary of its strong beak.

  The Takuon birds had long been friend to the Swaveb Tribe and were raised from chick to carry messages. They were a large bird with mostly brown feathers but in flight their true beauty could be seen. Their wings and tail opened out to show the blue and white feathers that flashed brilliantly as it flew.

  Carefully, he untied the scroll and the Takuon bird took flight. The scroll had been sealed and marked only for his attention. He opened the scroll and instantly recognised the careful handwriting of his friend, Mar-Hoc-Seia.

  Dear Altusa,

  I send good wishes to you and all of the Tigral Tribe.

  This message bears good news but we must act fast.

  The Lost Star has once more returned to Zirdon. A brave earth boy named, Max, and grandson to Arthur, came with our precious Star and he was saved by Boctamus from the grips of Kraxos of the Kaemon Klann.

  But alas the Kaemon Klan know of its return and launched a savage attack using Bluntnoses and Screechers to reach us. Boctamus fled with the boy to the northern caves while we narrowly escaped through the southern caves.

  As we speak we make our way to the Stone of Azul and hope that this message reaches you in time so that you may join us in retuning the Star to its rightful place

  May peace be once more returned to Zirdon

  Your friend,


  Altusa read the message again and again, hardly daring to believe the good news. If the Star had retuned then there was hope; hope that strength would return to his Tribe, hope that they might rid their planet of the curse of the Kaemon Klann.

  Mar-Hoc-Seia had been careful not to say too much of his plans in the message in case it fell into the wrong hands. But it was clear that Boctamus would approach from the North while the Swaveb Tribe would approach from the south. Already a plan formed in the wise old warrior’s mind.

  He ran back to the camp, pterodactyl under his arm, and called for his son.

  Tomac was already up and standing outside his tent. He was dressed in full battle gear, feeling stronger than he had in many months. He greeted his father warmly.

  ‘Father, what news?’

  ‘Tomac’, said Altusa, ‘I bring good news from our friends of the Swaveb Tribe. The Lost Star has returned to Zirdon, but we must act fast, for the carrier of the Star is in great danger.’

  He showed him the message from Mar-Hoc-Seia and Tomac smiled.

  ‘He is in good hands with Boctamus at his side.’ Boctamus and Tomac had been friends from an early age, learning the old ways of the Tigral Tribe together. They were perhaps the two best hunters in the whole tribe and Tomac had also shown a special skill for tracking.

  ‘If the Kaemon Klann know of his escape through the northern caves they may well lie in waiting for them.’ Tomac said to his father.

  ‘Yes’ said Altusa, ‘I fear you may be right.’

  ‘I will travel to Elgonze, Father, and lend assistance to Boctamus and this earth boy, Max. I will travel with Lothius and perhaps Boctamus’s Fight-Cat, Mannuk, will travel with me. It will make escaping those lizard dogs more easy.’

  ‘Good,’ his father agreed, ‘and I will gather the tribe and meet you at the crossing of the Zagger Zee. There we will meet the Swaveb Tribe and toge
ther we will see the Lost Star returned to its rightful place at the Stone of Azul.’

  Tomac quickly got himself ready for the journey and summoned his Fight-Cat, Lothius.

  Lothius was quick to answer the call, and he bounded down from the high hills, sensing the urgency in Tomac’s call. He sensed a battle might be near.

  Lothius was a most unusual Fight-Cat. While the others had brown and orange fur, often with manes of green and red, Lothius was almost pure white. Tomac had found him as a small cub and the bond between them was strong.

  He packed a small sack of food from the camp and before he left he sent out a low call of summons to Mannuk, Boctamus’s Fight-Cat. While Mannuk would know it was not Boctamus who sent the call, he would recognise the voice of Tomac and know his warrior needed him.

  Altusa was busy waking the warriors of the Tigral Tribe and came to see his son off. Already the camp bustled with more life and energy than they had seen in months. Like Lothius they too sensed a battle.

  ‘Travel well my son, for tomorrow we will stand together in battle. We shall see balance once more restored to our world and bring great honour to the Tigral Tribe’

  Tomac waved to his father as he and Lothius set off in a bounding run towards Elgonze.

  Mannuk followed at a distance behind them, eager to find and help Boctamus.



  Max crouched back from the water’s edge and swallowed hard.

  He had two options, each worse than the other. Boctamus was growing weaker by the minute. Being this close to the Star was taking its toll on him.

  He could try and help Boctamus up to the top of the caves, hoping that as he put distance between them and the Lost Star his friend might recover. But that was crazy! Boctamus was far too heavy for him.

  ‘Besides’ he said to himself ‘to just leave the Lost Star after all this was out of the question.’ The Kaemon Klan might sense its presence and find a way of getting it out of the lake. And then they would all be done for.

  Things got worse. The Lost Star was beginning to glow, sending a pulse of blue light up into the centre of the cavern. The Kerlang stones were already picking up the light, bouncing it around the cave, making the whole place brighter. Soon it would be lit up like a ballroom. If the Kaemon Klann did venture into the caves they would soon be so lit up that they would know straight away where the Star was.


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