Max Stone and the Lost Star of Zirdon

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Max Stone and the Lost Star of Zirdon Page 8

by Declan Clarke

  Not all Tigral and Swaveb warriors fared so well. The Lizards were a fearsome foe, and where they lacked in skill or finesse they made up in sheer strength and brutality. They used everything they had as a weapon, their heavy crude swords, their long fat reptilian tails and their jaws. Any Swaveb or Tigral Warrior that fell from its Fight-Cat and found themselves in the way of a Kaemon, soon realised that one sweep of their tail was enough to end their part in the battle.

  The Kaemon were also fearless as if driven by some unseen force, some daemon that drove them on and on.

  They hurled themselves at Fight-Cats and as the giant tigers rose to meet them in mid-air, they took every opportunity to sink their rows and rows of teeth through the thick tiger fur to find warm flesh. They kept biting, even as the mighty jaws of the Fight-Cats sank through the thick, scaly, reptilian hide.

  STRÄÄLUS himself was the most fearless of them all. He lunged at any Fight-Cat that attacked one of his soldiers, swinging his first blade at the Tigral warrior and the second at the chest of the Fight-Cat. He sneered at the terrified little furry aliens sitting behind them, his snarl enough to frighten them. He had been appointed General of the Army, replacing DRÄÄGNOS, and would see a glorious victory over these wretched creatures from Zirdon. He would bring triumph to his leader and make him proud.

  STRÄÄLUS felt the battle swing in his favour, as they pressed the enemy hard and brought down many of their numbers. From the corner of his eye, however, he could see a small pocket of foe advancing, seeking to drive a wedge down the centre of his forces. He knew that it would not be good to have the enemy separate his numbers and he instantly recognised their leader as the one who led the charge.

  STRÄÄLUS rushed forward to meet him, his jagged blades drawn and ready for action.

  ‘Watch out!’ Altusa called to Srana and Mar-Hoc-Seia ‘this one means business’ as he spotted the charging figure of STRÄÄLUS rush towards them. With a leap and a snarl STRÄÄLUS leapt into the air, his forked tongue flickering in the heat of the battle, swinging both blades at once, meaning to deliver a single killer blow. Altusa defended with his blade and with all his might held off the attack. The ring of steel echoed with the sounds of the ferocious clash and all around them on the battle field knew their leaders were locked in a deadly battle.

  STRÄÄLUS drew back as Altusa defended while Srana swept her claw across his stomach, drawing thin lines of his thick yellow viscous blood. He hissed in anger at his attacker and lunged in for another bout. This time he caught Srana with one blow and faked a dummy blow to upset Altusa’s balance. He drew back again, and then lunged at Altusa with both blades, meaning to knock him off the back of his tiger with sheer force. As one, he swung his swords to Altusa’s side while Altusa protected his line with his lighter blade. It became a battle of strength and will as STRÄÄLUS pushed with all his might. He was just out of Srana’s reach and STRÄÄLUS thought he had him. If this one fell, soon his whole army would crumple around him.

  And then Mar-Hoc-Seia rose high on the back of Srana and smashed his club into the elbow of the Lizard General.

  ‘AGGHH?’ he cried in surprise. He had not even looked at this pathetic little creature, but felt a sickening CRAAAKK as his elbow shattered and his blade fell from his hand.

  But Mar-Hoc-Seia had reached too far and he fell off Srana’s back. The Fight-Cat stepped protectively over the Swaveb leader and Altusa took the opportunity to deflect STRÄÄLUS’s single remaining blade and swept a cut deep into his side.

  STRÄÄLUS was furious as the pain of Altusa’s blade bit home and he screamed in agony. He spotted the little alien creature under the Fight-Cat and lunged at him in revenge, ready to drive his blade into the body of the fallen Swaveb leader.

  This was the opening that Altusa needed. He leapt from the back of Srana onto the thick scaly neck of STRÄÄLUS, who screeched in surprise and tried to shake the Tigral leader from him. Altusa pulled his bow from his back and jammed the wood between the powerful jaws of the reptile, riding him like a crazed wild animal. Srana stood protectively over Mar-Hoc-Seia, as the lizard thrashed and swung his heavy tail around and desperately tried to shake Altusa free from his neck. He tried to throw his blade behind his back to stab Altusa but the skilled warrior easily dodged the strikes. Altusa kept the pressure up, heaving the neck back with all his strength until the lizard lost his balance and toppled over. There was a sickening crrruunch as the heavy reptile’s skull met the ground.

  Altusa leapt back onto the back of Srana and helped Mar-Hoc-Seia up behind him

  ‘Are you alright, old friend?’

  ‘Yes Altusa, thank you, you just saved my life.’

  ‘As you did for me, old friend, that was a very brave thing you did. Are you hurt badly?’

  ‘No, no, but I do not think I shall be able to swing the club again today, so you had best keep out of trouble.’

  Altusa smiled at him and nodded, scanning the battle field with his trained eye. All around, Tigral Warriors saluted him for his victory over STRÄÄLUS. The growls and roars of the Fight-Cats rumbled in unison at Srana’s bravery and all the Swaveb Tribe members drew strength from the courage of their own leader.

  Altusa once more leapt off the back of Srana, this time to claim the blade of the fallen general. He called to his warriors, punching the air with the alien sword held high over his head as a trophy. His long white hair was dishevelled, his eyes flamed fire red and he was a true inspiration.

  ‘FOR ZIRDON!!’ he called at the top of his voice.

  The Lizard Warriors looked around in disarray; their general had fallen and they seemed less confident somehow.

  Altusa pressed forward into the middle of them swinging the heavy blade, as Srana snarled at everything in front of her. She was now in true battle mode, her every animal instinct honed and sharpened. She snapped at the Lizard soldiers in front of her as Altusa delivered the wrath of Zirdon with the trophy blade he had won from STRÄÄLUS.

  KRÄÄXOR watched from high up on the Stone of Azul as more and more of his warriors fell at the hands of the Zirdon Army. He saw STRÄÄLUS fall at the hand of their leader, but this did not concern him. He could get more warriors and a new leader. Even though he could feel the battle slipping away, he sought another prize - a prize that would see him off this wretched planet and on to greater glory. He scanned the battle scene carefully, and then off to his left he spotted them. His forked tongue flickered excitedly as his beady eyes watched two lone Fight-Cats circling the Stone. They were seeking an entry to the Stone of Azul and that could only mean one thing.

  They must have the Star.

  It was hard to tell from this height but he was sure that behind the Tigral warriors sat one of the furry little aliens but on the other he was sure sat the earth boy. Where the earth boy went, he thought to himself, so too did the Star of Zirdon. He squinted his eyes against the afternoon sun and was more certain than ever.

  He motioned to DRÄÄGNOS.

  ‘There, there they are’ he called in his deep raspy voice.

  They climbed down from their high perch and took up a covered spot to lie in ambush, their faces fixed in a snarl and their blades drawn.

  ‘I think I see it’ cried Boctamus to Max over the noise of the battle behind them. ‘I think this might be a way in.’

  Just then Tomac called out a warning, ‘Watch out Boctamus’, but it was too late. KRÄÄXOR leapt from behind the cover of a rocky outcrop and slammed Boctamus clean off the back of Mannuk.

  Max and the precious box tumbled to the ground.

  Boctamus recovered quickly and took up a defensive position, drawing his blade to face the giant lizard leader. Mannuk ran to his side as KRÄÄXOR swung his blade in his direction. Tomac was quick to act and he, Yan-Ho and Lothius leapt at KRÄÄXOR.

  The blur of the white Fight-Cat’s savage teeth and claws deflected KRÄÄXOR from Boctamus and Max for a moment. But then DRÄÄGNOS jumped in from the side and smacked Lothius across his mighty jaw with th
e handle of his blade. DRÄÄGNOS was quick, and swung his blade and cut deep into the flesh of the white tiger’s chest. A thin line of blood trickled down, staining his pure white fur while Lothius stumbled and collapsed on the ground, sending Tomac and Yan-Ho into a tumble.

  Yan-Ho was first to recover and stood to face the terrifying sight of the lizard warrior, his axe in his hand

  ‘Ha!’ cried DRÄÄGNOS in glee at facing such a puny foe. ‘Is this the best you have sent to face me DRÄÄGNOS of the Kaemon Klann?’ He hissed, as his forked tongue flickered in an out and he lifted his blade for the killer strike.

  Lothius was down but Tomac rose and with a single sweep he drew his sword down hard upon the reptile hand of DRÄÄGNOS. The Lizard soldier dropped his blade and cursed at Tomac. As he reached down to retrieve his jagged sword he swung his mighty lizard tail, sweeping Yan-Ho to the ground. Tomac had an extra second to see it coming and just barely dodged the swipe, but now DRÄÄGNOS was once again armed and dangerous.

  Lothius was still down and Tomac moved towards him, to see if he could help revive his Fight-Cat. DRÄÄGNOS took the opportunity and, as Tomac turned to check on Lothius, DRÄÄGNOS swung his tail sending Tomac to the ground, his head banging painfully on a rock, dazing him.

  ‘Go, Max!’ shouted Boctamus as he stood to bravely face the evil leader of the Kaemon Klann. ‘Go!’

  Max was torn between staying to help his friends and trying to replace the Lost Star.

  He knew he had no choice; he just had to leave them. He sprinted to the base of the Stone of Azul and there he spied a small hole in the ground, barely covered by leaves and branches. Something inside sparkled and he knew it must be it. He ran towards it, his feet teetering on the edge, but he lost his footing and fell down the hole at the bottom of the Stone of Azul. It was shaped like a tunnel and Max whizzed down the slide at a terrific speed, not knowing where he was going or what lay ahead of him.

  KRÄÄXOR saw the boy flee and snarled at DRÄÄGNOS ‘keep this lot busy!’

  DRÄÄGNOS swept his blade at Mannuk, driving him back. He thrust his sword at Boctamus and swung his tail at Yan-Ho while KRÄÄXOR set off in pursuit of the earth boy and his precious cargo.

  Max landed heavily, knocking his shoulder painfully off the ground. When he came-to he marvelled at the inside of the sparkling cave. He felt as if he had just fallen into the very heart of a diamond. Everything sparkled and shone, the walls and the ground were all made of Kerlang Stones and countless other gems of blues, purples and gold. These were different than the stones he had seen in the northern caves; they were harder and sharper and they glittered, sending a rainbow of colour around the cavern. Max looked around the cave knowing he wouldn’t have much time. He desperately needed to find where the Lost Star should go. He thought he spied a small round opening in the far wall and moved to explore it but the ground was slippy and he lost his footing, tumbling to the hard floor. The box fell from his hand and the Lost Star rolled out.

  Just then he heard a terrifying shriek as KRÄÄXOR came hurtling down the slide and into the cave after him.

  ‘Oh, no’ cried Max as the Lizard came crashing to a halt beside the fallen stone.

  ‘The Star!! I don’t believe it earth boy, after all this you simply throw me the Star! Well do not think that I will take mercy upon you, I shall still eat you for brreeeakfast’.

  KRÄÄXOR held the Lost Star high above his head and cried out triumphantly ‘The Lost Star of Zirdon!!’ He began to scream with the prize finally in his grip.

  Max was terrified. If he destroyed the Lost Star, they were all done for and the Kaemon would be free. That would be it, the end, and no more life on Zirdon.

  ‘Give it here’ Max commanded the giant lizard, trying to hide the tremble in his voice.

  ‘Ha, earth boy, your show of bravery comes too late. I shall crush this puny stone and all of your precious friends shall die because of your stupidity’

  ‘NOOOOO’ cried Max and with all his might he thrust out his left hand and summoned the stone to him. The pattern on his hand throbbed and burned painfully as it called the Lost Star to him.

  The Lost Star pulsed blue in KRÄÄXOR’s hand and he looked at Max in surprise. The Star beamed brightly sending deep blue bursts of colour around the cave, each wave becoming stronger until the entire cavern radiated with the blue light of the stone.

  ‘What trickery is this earth boy?’ KRÄÄXOR was less sure of himself and getting mad as hell. ‘Your tricks will not save you now!’

  KRÄÄXOR hated the way the Star vibrated and pulsed in his hand, he gripped it tighter trying to crush it but it resisted. It felt like the Star had a life of its own.

  Max seized his chance and thrust his left hand at the Star, the pattern in his palm pulsating wildly. The stone hummed and vibrated in return.

  Again KRÄÄXOR gripped the Star tightly in his hand meaning to crush it with his brute strength. ‘GRHHH’ he grunted as he closed his fist tightly around it.

  But the Star trembled in his hand, shaking madly to get free. Suddenly it shot from KRÄÄXOR’s grip and flew into Max’s hand.

  ‘No! No! No!’ cried the enraged Kaemon Leader ‘you will not deny me this.’ He rushed at Max, drawing his jagged blade and swung it at Max.

  Max dodged the blow, rolling on the floor, just getting out of the way as the blade clanged loudly onto the ground of Kerlang stones, sending sparks flying. Pain shot through his wounded shoulder.

  Frantically he looked around the cavern, slightly dazed, searching for some clue.

  And then Max spotted it, the small opening in the wall just ahead of him. ‘This must be it’ he thought, ‘this must be where it belongs.’

  KRÄÄXOR came at him again, his blade swinging wildly, his huge spiked lizard tail thrashing and his face snarling in anger.

  ‘I shall enjoy my brrrrreakfast of earth boy’ he ranted in fury. ‘Give me that Star.’

  ‘Never!’ cried Max bravely.

  KRÄÄXOR swung again and Max barely dodged the blow, feeling the blade slice the air just over his left ear. He was closer to the opening now and he made a dash for it.

  KRÄÄXOR stood looking menacingly at him, his beady black eyes full of hatred and malice.

  Max had to reach the small opening in the wall of Kerlang stones, he just knew that was where he had to put it. ‘But how? The questioned burned in his mind.

  By now KRÄÄXOR had worked out what Max was trying to do and he stood between him and the wall, his blades drawn, his forked tongue flickering like mad.

  And then Max had an idea! The picture of the Ranguilla filled his mind. ‘That’s it’ he said out loud to the confused KRÄÄXOR ‘That’s it’

  He stood and held the Star out in front of him. He summoned all his energy into the Star and he felt it heat up in his hand.

  At first KRÄÄXOR thought the cowardly earthling was just handing it to him, until he realised what was happening.

  The Star burned a bright in Max’s hand, casting a blue glow on his face and lighting up the whole diamond cavern. The gems in the roof and walls sparkled and shone magnificently.

  And then it happened!

  A bolt of blue lightening shot from the heart of the Star and hit KRÄÄXOR clean in the chest, knocking the wind out of him.

  Max’s hand got hotter and hotter as though he held a coal from the fire but he kept on pushing and pushing. More and more blue energy channelled through the Star, slamming a very surprised KRÄÄXOR to the ground.

  Max took his chance and ran to the small opening and shoved the burning Star inside.

  Suddenly the whole cave of Kerlang stones came alive. The entire place cracked and splintered, great splits ripping through the walls, roof and floor.

  ‘Oh no. What now?’ thought Max

  He felt the ground beneath him literally melt as the cave turned into a molten river of diamond lava. The Star sent out great beams of light that were almost blinding.

  Max had to act fast.

  The floor was now a river of molten Kerlang Stones and already it began to fuse and reform.

  He had to get out of here or he would forever become part of Zirdon.

  KRÄÄXOR screamed in anger at Max. He could see the Star fuse into the wall of hard stone and he knew his chance would be lost. He waded through the flowing diamond river to the Star and plunged his hand deep into the wall, desperately trying to retrieve it.

  Max saw what he was trying to do and shouted at him ‘No KRÄÄXOR, don’t. It’s going to set hard and you’ll be stuck here.’

  KRÄÄXOR turned to face Max and sneered ‘Nice try earthling, your pitiful cries won’t help you now.’

  Max didn’t waste any more time.

  He scrambled back to the slippy tunnel he had fallen down, and launched himself onto the ledge and out of the flow of the fast-setting Kerlang stones.

  KRÄÄXOR reached deep into the opening of the wall and looked in horror as the flowing Kerlang stones changed from molten diamond to rock-solid crystals around his reptile claw. The Star was so close but tiny blue crystals began to form around his fingers, fixing them hard. He couldn’t move his arm, and he screamed in horror as the crystals formed up along his arm, fixing him fast to the wall.

  Max marvelled at the change. It was like a new planet was forming inside the cave. Great waves of energy and light pulsed and vibrated. The Kerlang stones flowed like a fast river, the glittering gems seemed alive with energy.

  He could see what was happening to KRÄÄXOR as the level of the Kerlang stones began to rise, and it began to harden around him. The crazed Lizard Leader thrashed about wildly, but already the level was up over his waist and rising fast.

  Max took one last look and scrambled his way back up the slippy slope.



  Outside, the tide of the raging war had changed.

  On the battle field, Altusa and his army felt the beating heart of Zirdon pulse strongly.


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